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<Marth64> Hi good evening. I have a weird issue that I noticed in 6.1 and latest master, but not in 6.0. Summary: When stream copying to MKV and setting colorspace metadata (e.g. -color_primaries, and so on), ffmpeg gives a warning that the metadata is not used for any stream. Yet, the metadata is still applied and the warning didn't appear in 6.0 versions. Did the arguments usage change? Command & context: https://paste.debian.net/1298534/
<Marth64> (I only expect the metadata to be applied to the container, and it is, but strange the warning is appearing when it hadn't before)
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<aaabbb> is there any downside to "-vsync cfr -vf setpts=N/FR/TB" as a way to get rid of non-monotonous dts timestamps in output files when transcoding vfr inputs? (it's vfr but the framerate doesn't vary much at all from 30fps)
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<furq> not other than the obvious one
<aaabbb> furq: what's the obvious one?
<furq> that you'll lose audio sync if the average framerate isn't almost exactly 30
<aaabbb> isn't FR the average framerate?
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<aaabbb> furq: is there a better way to get rid of the non-monotonous dts? -vsync passthrough and -vsync vfr do not work
<furq> FR is undefined for vfr
<furq> at least according to the docs
<aaabbb> it seems to use be using tbr
<furq> that's one of those errors that nobody ever replies to in here because it can have a million different causes and solutions
<furq> you can try -fflags +igndts
<aaabbb> i don't know the cause, because the source video comes from a cell phone recording or something, it's just the way i got the videos
<furq> i take it the output video actually has issues that need to be fixed
<aaabbb> it does. it has non-monotonous timestamps that some players are having a hard time with
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<aaabbb> when i add +igndts, with -vsync passthrough, it's passing the non-monotonous timestamps ("Non-monotonous DTS in output stream"), when i do -vsync vfr there are a large number of "Past duration 0.682823 too large" warnings
<aaabbb> which is the same as when i don't have +ignts
<aaabbb> duplicate timestamps eg "previous: 6144, current: 6144; changing to 6145". the resulting file skips on some players, and ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -f null - has many lines like "Application provided invalid, non monotonically increasing dts to muxer in stream 0: 14 >= 14"
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<aaabbb> furq: how do i find more information about the problem so that i can troubleshoot more effectively?
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<aaabbb> or alternately, is there a "proper" way to get average framerate so i can manually put it in the setpts?
<aaabbb> would the value "avg_frame_rate" in -show_streams be correct for that use?
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<aaabbb> doing setpts using avg_frame_rate makes sure it is exactly the same length, but the "Past duration too large" warnings continue, and several frames are dropped
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<aaabbb> whereas doing it using r_frame_rate (which i think is what FR is) and setting cfr causes the video duration to change slightly so i assume that results in audio going out of sync like you mentioned, but it also causes there to be no dropped frames, or warnings
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<aaabbb> furq: i might have solved it. instead of using setpts, taking the average framerate and setting that with "-vf fps=", and using "-vsync vfr" creates a file that has an identical duration, and i don't notice any problems with it
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<aaabbb> i think it would basically be cfr, but the -vsync vfr prevents it from duplciating 2 frames at the beginning, and instead setting the start pts to 2
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<aaabbb> doing "-fflags +genpts -r $avg_frame_rate" also seems to work
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<MisterMinister> Greetings! Is there an option to add blank SCTE-35 data PID type 0x86 please, similar to what specified in tsduck?
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<aaabbb> furq: haha, remuxing it to mkv with stream copy before doing transcoding with -vfr passthrough solves the issue!
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<aaabbb> noob question: other than making it harder on players to seek, being harder to edit without much generation loss, and being more vulnerable to corruption like when streaming, is there any downside to keyint=-1 (infinite gop) for x265?
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<aaabbb> with scenecut detection on of course
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<aaabbb> (for short videos, <5 min each)
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<kepstin> aaabbb: that "harder to seek" think is a pretty big deal, but it you really don't need seeking... it's not like there's a quality cost, you don't even need scenecut detection, the codec can mix in intra blocks into predicted frames as needed.
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<kepstin> scenecut detection is mostly a bitrate optimization for when you have periodic keyframes enabled - it makes it so you don't have a scene change (encoded mostly as intra blocks) and a keyframe (all intra blocks) right beside each-other, using a lot of bits.
<kepstin> if it detects a scene change, it decides (weighted based on how far away it is from the next keyframe and potentially other things) whether or not to make the gop shorter by move the next keyframe to the spot of the scene change.
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<boxrick> Hello folks! Maybe this isn't the one for here, but I am looking to re-encode a HDR bluray rip into some semi usable size ( think 15-30gb from the current 80gb ). I wish to retain the original audio and re-encode it to a good standard without it taking longer than say 24 hours on a modern 8 core CPU.
<boxrick> Would the following settings be sensible?
<boxrick> ffmpeg -i file.mkv -c:a copy -c:v libx265 -preset medium -crf 21 file-output.mkv
<boxrick> Additionally some settings I read somewhere say add: -aq-mode 3 -pix_fmt yuv420p10le, will these be necessary or even desired?
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<Guest56> Hello, i have issues converting h264 to av1, it either freeze or extremely slow
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<Guest56> [vost#0:0/libaom-av1 @ 0x55f682c19fc0] Overriding packet duration by frame rate, this should not happen
<Guest56> with -c:v libaom-av1 -crf 23
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<BtbN> encoding av1 is extremely slow, yes
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<BtbN> That message looks unrelated to that, and probably means your input is somewhat broken
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<Marth64> Hi, any thoughts on this one? >> When stream copying to MKV and setting colorspace metadata (e.g. -color_primaries, and so on), ffmpeg 6.1/latest master gives a warning that the metadata is not used for any stream. Yet, the metadata is still applied and the warning didn't appear in 6.0 versions. Did the arguments usage change? Command & context: https://paste.debian.net/1298534/
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<BtbN> I don't think muxers care about that info? So without any encoding happening, i'd expect it to do nothing
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<Marth64> Thanks BtbN. I initially thought the same but I did check. But the muxer is reacting to the flags, i.e. visibly changing the metadata on the stream to the values I provide (after I review in mkvtoolnix). So it's doing something but logging a seemingly innocent warning that wasn't there in 6.0. Not a huge issue just seems strange.
<Marth64> I'll try to trace it back to a commit or change, it's definitely a behavior difference
<Marth64> Just wanted to make sure I didn't screw up the command e.g. new usage. :D
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