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<andrewrk> I updated https://github.com/andrewrk/ffmpeg to n6.1 today
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<indigo-oce> How can I sanitize ffprobe output for latter parsing... I'm reading descriptions and ocr output and those often include newlines, which (I think) makes the parsing impossible (since the next lines could look just like metadata)
<indigo-oce> specifically using `-show_entries frame_tags=lavfi.ocr.text`, is there an option that replaces newlines with \n or something else?
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<indigo-oce> oh... I found the -print_format option, this should fix it
<JEEB> yes, actually requesting a formatted output instead of ad-hoc is much better
<JEEB> something like json
<JEEB> (the output is in stdout so it will also be separate from the logging that goes into stderr)
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<Kobaz> so i converted a .mkv with embedded mp4 into a straight mp4 via: ffmpeg -i $FILE -codec copy $FILE.mp4
<Kobaz> the weird thing now... the mkv was seekable in <video> in chrome, but the mp4 is not seekable in chrome
<furq> probably -movflags faststart
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<cristian_c> hi
<Kobaz> thanks
<Kobaz> i did do some google-fu and someone did mention faststart
<Kobaz> didn't know how to turn it on
<cristian_c> I've found that minimal playback is working, so, I've to try recording and so I use avconv/ffmpeg to achieve that. There is a script to do that, I've just changed from avconv to ffpmeg command, and set pal in place of ntsc
<cristian_c> now the script is the following one: https://pastebin.com/SkYsQSBC while the original version is at: https://github.com/stephenlacy/EasyCap/blob/master/documentation/usage.md
<Kobaz> furq: hmm, would you happen to have any other ideas? adding this didn't fix it :(
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<cristian_c> unfortunately, recording fails: https://pastebin.com/K0qxVG5a and https://pastebin.com/ztqAHy3g
<cristian_c> yesterday, I've tried several changes to ffmpeg command but I failed every time
<cristian_c> Any ideas?
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<Kobaz> so weird
<Kobaz> so i converted the file... ffmpeg -i $FILE -vcodec libx264 $FILE.mp4
<Kobaz> now i can seek in firefox but not in chrome
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<another|> cristian_c: pastebins are expired
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<cristian_c> another|, ouch... some hours ago they were online
<cristian_c> I think I've to repeat the tests again
<cristian_c> (I've not saved the results
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