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<iconoclast_hero> for i in Lost\ Chance\ in\ China\ --\ Part\ 0?.txt; do cat "$i"|piper --model /lib/piper-voices/en/en_US/libritts/high/en_US-libritts-high.onnx --speaker 8 --output-raw | ffmpeg -f s16le -ar 22050 -i pipe: -c:a libopus -b:a 17k -ar 24000 -n -f opus - >> "${i/.txt/.opus}"; done
<iconoclast_hero> will the -n prevent overwriting existing files with that | to ffmpeg?
<iconoclast_hero> (there are 4 text files, Lost Chance in China -- Part {01..04}.txt
<iconoclast_hero> (there are 5 text files, Lost Chance in China -- Part {00..04}.txt)*
<iconoclast_hero> i think it's moot since piper seems to be using all my cores so running in paralllel isn't going to offer any benefits, just curious
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<iconoclast_hero> it looks like it's appending the existing file instead of deleting and overwriting??
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<znf> Any plans for HTTP/3 support in ffmpeg?
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<furq> does it even do http2 yet
<vampirefrog> still waiting for HTTP/69
<cristian_c> hello
<cristian_c> I've found that minimal playback is working, so, I've to try recording and so I use avconv/ffmpeg to achieve that. There is a script to do that, I've just changed from avconv to ffpmeg command, and set pal in place of ntsc
<cristian_c> now the script is the following one: while the original version is at:
<cristian_c> unfortunately, recording fails: and
<JEEB> znf: due to both HTTP/2 and 3 going further and further away from just plain "simple" TCP things, I think the most realistic way of getting those is to have a libcurl based HTTP avio protocol
<JEEB> as an API client one can already do that with a custom AVIO context, but if one wants it within avformat it would have to be added there
<cristian_c> a few days ago, I've tried several changes to ffmpeg command but I failed every time
<cristian_c> any ideas?
<znf> furq, no, but there's no "real" advantage to http/2 for video streaming, IMO
<znf> while http/3 is done over QUIC, hence UDP
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<LimeOn> Hello. Does the filter 'drawtext' has suffered some kind of change in last version? i am having problems with distro build, since it says " No such filter: 'drawtext' ". A few weeks ago it worked properly. I have tried the 'static builds' with no luck either
<LimeOn> static build info says: 'libharfbuzz' and 'libfreetype' are present
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<LimeOn> well, it seems that 'libharfbuzz' was missing. I downgraded to 6.0.13 and the filter worked OK
<LimeOn> the john van sickle builds seems to also have the problem
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