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<aaabbb> this is a very basic question but if i have a 1080p h264 source video that is yuv420p(tv, bt709), and i'm downscaling it to hevc 720p, should i do anything special to keep the bt709?
<aaabbb> or does it not matter what it is tagged as because it's going to 720p anyway?
<galad> ffmpeg will preserve the bt709
<aaabbb> galad: so no need to retag it even though ffprobe on the output lacks the bt709 tag?
<galad> which version of ffmpeg?
<aaabbb> 4.3.6-0+deb11u1 (it's debian...)
<galad> oh that's old
<aaabbb> yup
<galad> probably you want to use a more recent version
<aaabbb> i do, but i have to go with what debian stable has (for now)
<galad> ffmpeg 4.3 didn't automatically preserve the color tag
<aaabbb> does 4.3.6 not preserve bt709?
<aaabbb> ah
<aaabbb> is it just the tag that is lacking? don't decoders automatically assume bt709 if the source width is 720p?
<galad> not every decoder
<aaabbb> so i should manually have it add that tag right?
<galad> yes
<aaabbb> ok
<galad> or compile a more recent ffmpeg version, to avoid working around years old bugs
<galad> 4.3 is more than 3 years old
<aaabbb> is it as simple as adding colorprim=1:transfer=1:colormatrix=1 to x265-params?
<galad> that will add it to the video bitstream
<galad> which is good enough I guess
<aaabbb> what would the alternative be?
<galad> adding it to the container too
<galad> but I have zero knowledge of ffmpeg cli, I can't remember how
<aaabbb> if the original says "yuv420p(tv, bt709)" then does that mean the original does not have it set on the container?
<aaabbb> that's what the output file shows when downscaled with colorprim=1:transfer=1:colormatrix=1, so the ffprobe of both the original and output are the same in that respect
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<aaabbb> the ffmpeg -show_streams is identical for downscaling with "-colorspace:v 1 -color_primaries:v 1 -color_trc:v 1" as with "colorprim=1:transfer=1:colormatrix=1"
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<furq> aaabbb: -color_trc etc set it in the bitstream
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<furq> that's just the generic way to do the same thing as those x265 params
<aaabbb> oh ok
<JEEB> after FFmpeg 4.4 I plugged in the input color metadata to the output
<JEEB> so if the information is in the input, it should get passed
<JEEB> (4.4 was late 2020 so if you are using at all any recent enough FFmpeg it should work)
<aaabbb> furq: is anything extra needed to set it in the container?
<furq> that's not really a thing
<JEEB> if it's set in the codec context it then gets set on the codec parameters for the stream in ffmpeg cli
<JEEB> and if the muxer supports writing that information, it will get written out
<aaabbb> oh, galad said i should add it to the container but i couldn't find out how to do that
<JEEB> (mp4, matroska support it at least with modern versions of FFmpeg)
<JEEB> > < aaabbb> 4.3.6-0+deb11u1 (it's debian...)
<JEEB> ok, lol
<JEEB> just get a static build from Buliarous
<JEEB> ugh, sorry
<JEEB> BtbN:
<JEEB> pick the master, linux64, gpl and without "shared"
<JEEB> extract to your homedir, then use full path instead of just "ffmpeg"
<JEEB> and voila
<JEEB> you should have an up-to-date FFmpeg
<furq> or just put ~/bin at the front of your $PATH
<aaabbb> i'll probably add it to an apt repo to make updates easier
<furq> which i think is default on debian
<JEEB> no idea, and I don't expect people to know to add things to PATH manually with #ffmpeg xD
<JEEB> people of such different levels pop up here
<furq> it's there on all my boxes but i actually use ~/bin so i don't remember if i did it or not
<JEEB> aaabbb: main thing is to not touch the directories where you have the normal distro stuff installed; you don't really want to override anything provided by distro file-wise
<JEEB> you just get a static set of "ffmpeg" and "ffprobe", which are the main bits for command line users
<furq> yeah installing ffmpeg from other repos is just going to break everything
<furq> unless you meant somehow wiring those static builds up to apt which seems very unnecessary
<aaabbb> easy enough to just replace them,, i don't have anything that relies on ffmpeg like chrome
<furq> what does `apt rdepends libavcodec58` return
<furq> apt rdepends --installed libavcodec58
<aaabbb> only stuff related to ffmpeg, like libavformat58 and libavfilter7
<aaabbb> also audacity, which i forgot i even had installed and don't use
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<aaabbb> i guess it's easier just to get the static builds
<aaabbb> so i don't have to edit system files
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<sirmangler> Hi! Hoping someone might know about an issue im having with libav/ffmpeg but not gstreamer using the video4linux2 driver. When I run ffplay my usb camera output is locked to 5fps and has a large latency, but gst seems to capture the proper framerate. This only seems to happen with this capture card, so maybe there's some extra setup for the driver im missing? Thanks.
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<sirmangler> Interestingly if i try run ffmpeg using the -framerate option to try force it, I get this output "[video4linux2,v4l2 @ 0x562adeabebc0] The driver changed the time per frame from 1/60 to 1/5
<sirmangler> "
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<another|> sirmangler: raw video vs mjpeg?
<sirmangler> another|: I tried via ffplay -vcodec mjpeg, but was getting "no jpeg data found in image"
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<another|> Not how it works
<sirmangler> do you mean for me to convert it from rawvideo into mjpeg?
<sirmangler> Thanks, -input_format mjpeg seems to produce the proper framerate. Now all I need to do is apply this in code.
<sirmangler> don't suppose you might know why im gettting "Could not find codec parameters for stream 0 (Video: mjpeg, none(bt470bg/unknown/unknown)): unspecified size" when running avformat_find_stream_info after giving av_format_open_input an mjpeg input format
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<another|> Nope
<sirmangler> ah nevermind, the "input_format" argument in av_format_open_input isnt the same as the "input_format" option you can supply to the same function lol
<sirmangler> thanks for your help
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<FilipSz> Hey! Quick question from a ffmpeg newbie. I am outputing a hls stream, with segment type of mpegts. The output is set to pipe ( - ). What I am trying to do is find a way to get playlist (m3u8) and segment data seperated. The output results in segment and playlist bytes joined, I can see the playlist after the segment's bytes. Is there some reliable
<FilipSz> way of seperating those two, without saving them to disc, which is what I am trying to avoid? One possible solution now is to scan through the byte output and find where the playlist starts (e.g. searching for #EXTM3U) and slicing the byte array. That seems hacky though. Any ideas?
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<JasonSilver> I imagine this question has been asked a million times, and everyone is tired of hearing it, but recently my ffmpeg install broken on Ubuntu 22, and I cannot get it to run at all.
<JasonSilver> > ffmpeg: error while loading shared libraries: libfdk-aac.so.1: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory
<JasonSilver> I've tried installing it in a myriad different ways, without success. Would love any help you can provide! :)
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<another|> pretty sure canonical does not ship ffmpeg linked against libfdk
<JEEB> yup
<JasonSilver> another|: is there a workaround? I don't understand why it suddenly stopped, -- I must have upgraded something accidentally
<JasonSilver> JEEB: I'm sorry - what does this mean?
<JEEB> that whatever FFmpeg you have is not from the standard 22.04 (jammy) repositories
<JEEB> so if you just install the one that actually is distributed with your distro it should fix the issue
<BtbN> you bypassed the package manager, and stuff broke
<JEEB> or well, reinstall in most cases
<JEEB> since you overrode something and the package itself is probably still installed
<JasonSilver> Thanks. I did uninstall and reinstall, without success. I'll try again.
<JEEB> this lists the packages that are built out of the ffmpeg source package in ubuntu https://packages.ubuntu.com/source/jammy-updates/ffmpeg
<JasonSilver> It is also uninstalling ardour-video-timeline and pencil2d - not sure I care about those t ho
<BtbN> you probably manually installed it, bypassing the package manager. So uninstalling it via the package manager does nothing now
<JEEB> libavcodec, ffmpeg are the primary ones to care about
<BtbN> you need to manually reverse what you did
<JasonSilver> Should I run autoremove now? I'll lose
<JasonSilver> libavformat57 libavresample3 libdvdread4 libimlib2 libmagickcore-6.q16-3
<JasonSilver> libmagickwand-6.q16-3 libpostproc54 libquicktime2 mencoder transcode
<JasonSilver> transcode-doc twolame xjadeo
<JasonSilver> wondering how it will affect Davinci Resolve, Ardour, etc?
<another|> where did you get that ffmpeg from?
<JasonSilver> As far as I know, I just sudo apt install'ed it
<JasonSilver> years ago, probably?
<BtbN> if it came from your package manager, it would not be linked against fdk, so that can't be true.
<JasonSilver> it's been long enough that this machine has been running that i don't remember
<JasonSilver> yeah, true. I see that, but just saying that's my normal approach, and can't remember.
<another|> BtbN: false. package managers can install from a variety of repos
<BtbN> It would pull in fdk then though
<BtbN> this is probably some manual "sudo make install", and now it's sitting around there, half broken
<another|> true. good pint
<another|> type -a ffmpeg
<JasonSilver> ok
<JasonSilver> ffmpeg is /home/jasonsilver/bin/ffmpeg
<JasonSilver> ffmpeg is /snap/bin/ffmpeg
<JasonSilver> ffmpeg is /snap/bin/ffmpeg
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<JasonSilver> (this is after uninstalling using package manager
<JasonSilver> do I just delete these folders now?
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<another|> no
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<another|> figure out what this ~/bin/ffmpeg is and where it came from
<another|> snaps... it's an ubuntu thing, dunno
<JasonSilver> another|: how do I do that?
<another|> do what?
<JasonSilver> another|: "figure out what this..."
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<another|> well, is it a symlink? is it an executable? who or what put it there? do you still need it in any way?
<JasonSilver> Since nothing's working with mmpeg anyway, I'm just going to delete it and hope for the best.
<JasonSilver> I'm also "snap remove ffmpeg" to see what happens.
<JasonSilver> That worked! Thanks everyone!
<JasonSilver> Truly generous to help me, and I appreciate it. Have a great day.
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