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<goldsoft> Is there any way to directly save IPC video streams to cloud storage as files? Can the uploading be done through webdav for streaming transmission?
<goldsoft> Send emails to the official, but did not receive a response.
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<goldsoft> I have an IPC with an RTSP stream and I want to implement cloud recording. I want to save the real-time stream onto the cloud disk as a file. The cloud disk supports WebDAV. I tried using the `-method PUT` parameter but it failed. Is it because ffmpeg doesn't support it or did I make a mistake? Is there a proper command for this?
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<Guest6862> I'm trying to play a hls+clearkey encrypted DRM m3u8 using mpv, but I'm getting "[ffmpeg/demuxer] hls: Filename extension of 'data:text/plain;base64,AAAA=' is not a common multimedia extension, blocked for security reasons.
<Guest6862> I already got the key, and verified the key is right because I'm able to play on shaka player.
<Guest6862> Just wonder how I can play this kind of content using ffmpeg based players.
<Guest6862> Here's the command I used
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<Guest6862> mpv --demuxer-lavf-o=allowed_extensions=ALL --demuxer-lavf-o=decryption_key=key http://url/1.m3u8
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<JEEB> Guest6862: pretty sure it's because the data URL isn't handled correctly in the module :P
<JEEB> if you have a need for that, then you will have to check it against the spec and implement it
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<Hopeful5155> Hello, I think I messed the chat
<Hopeful5155> When splitting a file with embedded subtitles using hls, the generated webvtt subs don't match its duration with its correspondent `.ts` files. How can I get them in sync?
<Hopeful5155> `ffmpeg.exe -y -hide_banner -ss 00:15:00.000 -i http://file.mkv -copyts -t 60 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -map 0:s:0 -codec:v:0 copy -codec:a:0 copy -codec:s:0 webvtt -f hls -hls_time 2.0 -force_key_frames expr:gte(t,n_forced*2) -hls_playlist_type event -start_number 0 -hls_segment_filename out_%01d.ts  out_.m3u8`
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<vcxza> Hello. I'm trying to extract subtitles from myfile.mkv. Here's the subtitles info: . I tried: ffmpeg -i myfile.mkv -map 0:4 subtitles.sup but obtained: "Automatic encoder selection failed for output stream #0:0. Default encoder for format sup (codec hdmv_pgs_subtitle) is probably disabled. Please choose an encoder manually." . How can I fix this? thanks
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<another|> `-c copy` and use a known file extension
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<vcxza> another|: thanks, let's try
<vcxza> another| (and other people here): is there a way to convert them to srt ?
<vcxza> (or any other non-image/text readable format)?
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<another|> maybe with `ocr`
<vcxza> is it an option of ffmpeg too?
<another|> it's a filter
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<vcxza> I don't know what's the complete command with it
<another|> neither do I
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<LimeOn> ffmpgg -i myfile.mkv -c:s srt -map 0:4
<LimeOn> vcxza:
<LimeOn> -c:s indicates the subtitle codec you want
<LimeOn> the program converts them to the srt, then
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<JEEB> LimeOn: that expects the subtitles to be text based
<JEEB> PGS and DVD subtitles are picture based
<JEEB> (and DVB in broadcast)
<JEEB> vcxza: I think the least bad way of OCR'ing while having visual control of the result is probably something like Subtitle Edit. or you get another source of the subtitles which are already OCR'd
<LimeOn> if you still want to use that subtitle source, extracting the corresponding picture-based subtitles and then applying other tools
<LimeOn> tesseract has good OCR results
<durandal_1707> ocr filter uses tesseract
<LimeOn> other path, which uses a lot of resources, would be using speech recognition tools
<LimeOn> then fixing by hand the result
<vcxza> LimeOn: "Error initializing output stream 0:0 -- Subtitle encoding currently only possible from text to text or bitmap to bitmap"
<LimeOn> vcxza: yes, the subtitles are picture based, as mentiones by JEEB
<LimeOn> i did not know that
<vcxza> JEEB: I'm trying this method:
<LimeOn> you still can extract the subtitles, using '-c:s copy' and setting the correct subtitle container in the file extension
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<LimeOn> then converting the .sup file to another format, using other tool
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<durandal_1707> use ocr filter only
<vcxza> durandal_1707: how ?
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<LimeOn> you need to have it enabled in compilation
<vcxza> LimeOn: well, I probably don't have it, I installed ffmpeg with apt
<LimeOn> you can check it with 'ffmpeg'
<LimeOn> it should drop it
<vcxza> how ?
<LimeOn> if 'libtesseract' is not there, i guess its not enabled
<LimeOn> open a terminal, launch 'ffmpeg'
<LimeOn> it should say version and 'configuration=.....' --> check in there for 'libtesseract'
<LimeOn> if you do not have it, extract the subtitles with ffmpeg and then convert them using other tool
<vcxza> LimeOn: this is going to be too much complicated. let's try an external or other program before
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<LimeOn> ffmpgg -i myfile.mkv -c:s copy -map 0:4 subtitles.sup
<LimeOn> ffmpeg*
<LimeOn> then open the .sup file with 'subtitle edit'
<LimeOn> i guess
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<vcxza> LimeOn: what's 'subtitle edit'
<vcxza> ?
<LimeOn> another app
<LimeOn> official website
<vcxza> LimeOn: the problem is to find one that works on linux
<vcxza> subtitleedit doesn't
<LimeOn> it does
<vcxza> how do you install it?
<LimeOn> detailed info in there
<vcxza> LimeOn: thanks, let's try, This stuff is really tiring for linux users, though
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<LimeOn> altought, it uses tesseract, so the same can be achieved by installing tesseract
<LimeOn> good luck
<vcxza> LimeOn: nothing done. Installing it is a PITA
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<vcxza> it simply doesn't work on linux
<LimeOn> it works in my machine
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<another|> Lol
<LimeOn> yu can try this site, somebody claimed that it converts the .sup to other fortmats:
<vcxza> already tried. doesn't work too
<vcxza> LimeOn: how did you install "wine mono" to get it work?
<LimeOn> i installed the subtitle edit program from another way, i use another dsitribution
<LimeOn> they provide it as a package, i installed that and the program worked
<vcxza> I can't find the package
<vcxza> wait, I just succeeded!
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<Hopeful5155> Can someone tell me how to get the subtitle segments to match their correspondent `.ts` output here? `ffmpeg.exe -y -hide_banner -ss 00:15:00.000 -i http://file.mkv -copyts -t 60 -map 0:v:0 -map 0:a:0 -map 0:s:0 -codec:v:0 copy -codec:a:0 copy -codec:s:0 webvtt -f hls -hls_time 2.0 -force_key_frames expr:gte(t,n_forced*2) -hls_playlist_type event
<Hopeful5155> -start_number 0 -hls_segment_filename out_%01d.ts out_.m3u8`
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<slurm> people i have two systems with ffmpeg, one system i used this command and it works perfectly: ffmpeg -i FILENAME.mp4 images/img%07d.jpg the other system gives me an error for the same command: [mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 @ 0x55a9c936e6c0] Format mov,mp4,m4a,3gp,3g2,mj2 detected only with low score of 1, misdetection possible! how can i fix this error?
<slurm> no information about this error exists online,
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<LimeOn> have you tried defining frames and the frame rate?
<LimeOn> '-r 10 -vframes 25' slurm
<LimeOn> for example
<JEEB> the reader doesn't understand FILENAME.mp4 as mp4
<JEEB> nothing to do with frame rate
<LimeOn> oh
<JEEB> the reader is literally warning that this format was picked with a very low score (in other words, any data probing didn't notice it being mp4)
<JEEB> if there is an actual error, that probably comes later
<JEEB> but most likely since his mp4 file is either empty or otherwise funked
<JEEB> can't say much more without a full log (preferably with `-v verbose` on a pastebin or so)
<JEEB> and then linked here
<goldsoft> How to save IPC video stream to cloud storage?
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<JEEB> define IPC
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<JEEB> define cloud storage interface
<goldsoft> I tried, and failed
<goldsoft> ffmepg inputs ... -method PUT -f format https://.../webdav/filename
<goldsoft> ffmpeg inputs ... -f format pipe:1 | curl --data-binary @- -X PUT https://.../webdav/filename
<goldsoft> All failed.
<goldsoft> Who can help me?
<durandal_1707> nemo
<another|> goldsoft: what JEEB said. also: full cmd and output
<goldsoft> Has anyone succeeded? I need a command line example
<durandal_1707> even if it did, it hides is as top secret.
<goldsoft> The IPC stream acquisition is normal, and the file upload test with curl is also normal, but it is unable to upload with FFMPEG
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<goldsoft> I want to confirm whether ffmpeg does not support uploading via WebDAV.
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<another|> *shrug* If you are not willing to answer basic questions about context, I'm not willing to spent more time on this
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<durandal_1707> tip-toe
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<goldsoft> The technical support for FFmpeg is very poor.
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<JEEB> goldsoft: can't say much without knowing which exact errors you're getting. http output with fragmented mp4 is working JustFine for me
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<JEEB> it's not webdav, but other than maybe requiring another HTTP verb I'm not sure what else you'd need
<JEEB> I mean, in the worst case you can implement your own AVIO context callbacks for read/write/seek :P
<slurm> ~/exit
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<goldsoft> IPC recordings on free cloud storage.
<another|> define IPC
<goldsoft> I need to record IPC on free cloud storage, help me
<durandal_1707> Sorry. Technical support free hours are out of service.
<goldsoft> There is no valuable information. Please help me
<another|> what the f is IPC in this context?
<JEEB> inter-process communication I would guess
<JEEB> something like IStream on windows
<goldsoft> It's a network camera, with RTSP stream
<another|> JEEB: How does that make sense as video input though?
<another|> so.. IPC... = IP camera?
<JEEB> another|: I fed video to FFmpeg with IStream before, it basically had read/write/seek callbacks and I just matched them to the AVIO callbacks
<another|> JEEB: .. okayyyy
<JEEB> the windows explorer thumbnail api worked like that, keeping the source completely separate from your explosive plugin DLL :)
<JEEB> so that if you segfault, explorer.exe does not
<goldsoft> RTSP stream can be saved as local file normally by FFmpeg, but it fails to save to cloud storage through WebDAV.
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<another|> fair enough, since exploder^Wexplorer.exe runs basically the whole desktop AFAIK
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<JEEB> goldsoft: does your output format work without seeking?
<JEEB> I'd expect your error to say something like that
<another|> What container are you recording to?
<goldsoft> Free cloud drives
<another|> that's not a container
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<goldsoft> I see FFMPEG supports HTTP operation.
<another|> what's your commandline?
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<goldsoft> ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i "rtsp://" -f segment -segment_time 10 -segment_format mkv -reset_timestamps 1 -c copy -an -map 0 -movflags empty_moov -method PUT http://admin:admin@
<another|> `-movflags empty_moov` has no effect on mkv
<another|> and how exactly does it not work?
<goldsoft>  muxer does not support non seekable output
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