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<TheDcoder> How do I set blocksize for pipe input?
<aaabbb> TheDcoder: that's not handled by ffmpeg,
<TheDcoder> Oh, I wasn't talking about the pipe's buffer size, I was talking about the blocksize option for the pipe format:
<TheDcoder> `-i pipe:0 -blocksize 16` works :)
<aaabbb> ohhh lol
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<Traneptora> TheDcoder: that sets the output blocksize
<Traneptora> gotta put it before the -i
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<TheDcoder> Traneptora: Oh, I see... thanks
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<kalen_>  cant get FFmpeg to configure using a prefix folder that contains the opus.pc file in /lib/pkgconfig.  the oen i set in shell prints out the cflags contained in .pc file contained within
<kalen_> so pkg-config works for me, for the library it cannot find. i see the configure function in 'configure' script to test for each pkg and dont see issue with it
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<JEEB> do note that that configuration is non-distributable
<JEEB> but in any case, the actual failure would be in ffbuild/config.log
<JEEB> as noted in the message
<kalen_> looks like it is having undefined refs to cos, sqrt, etc then prints that out.  can i add some ldflags to supplement
<kalen_>  in function `opus_decode_frame':
<furq_> --extra-ldflags or edit the pkg-config files
<kalen_> thanks for showing me that detailed log that helps
<furq_> but that sounds like a bigger issue maybe
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<kalen_> well i compiled opus myself so perhaps.  i was using it static and had the math libs in my build
<furq> if you have some esoteric setup then maybe it's to be expected
<furq> but you shouldn't normally have to touch that stuff
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<kalen_> well normally, but compiling with packages on one OS vs another, vs another, vs another, is a weird and I consider 'non normal' way of building.  if you have the exact same process of build regardless of what your environment is, its better
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<furq> actually maybe you just need --pkg-config-flags="--static"
<furq> at least the stock libopus.pc has libm in libs.private
<kalen_> good stuff that worked.. thanks alot
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