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<znf> If an MPD has a TTML subtitle, is it possible to convert to dvbsub, on a live transcode?
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<znf> ffmpeg shows them up as:
<znf> Stream #0:8(fr): Data: none (stpp / 0x70707473) (default)
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<znf> Ah, seems there's no support for decoding them
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<aaabbb> can i find an analysis somewhere that explains why ffmpeg's native vorbis encoder is inferior to its libvorbis encoder, and why the native opus encoder is inferior to its libopus encoder (aside from native opus not implementing silk)?
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<metalface> good day
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<metalface> good day - I am having trouble finding the section of the documentation that explains returning video parts of a video in different ranges. For instance, the first fifteen seconds of a video, or from 15 seconds to 8 min in the video.
<metalface> does anyone know where I could find this?
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<aaabbb> metalface: -ss $start -to $end
<aaabbb> so you could do -ss 00:15 -to 8:00
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<aaabbb> put it before -i if you want to prevent ffmmpeg from decoding more than it needs to
<metalface> aaabbb okay right on - thank you for your response. Do you happen to know what section that lives under in the docs?
<aaabbb> ffmpeg(1)
<aaabbb> "Main options"
<metalface> okay righteous - thank you!
<aaabbb> for the first 15 seconds you would do -t 15
<aaabbb> so "-t 15" and "-ss 00:00 -to 00:15" are equivalent
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<spinningcat_> yo
<spinningcat_> i try to convert rtsp to mp4 with this command ffmpeg -rtsp_transport tcp -i "rtsp://..." -c:v copy -c:a aac -strict experimental output.mp4
<spinningcat_> when i try to open files with vlc i got this errror https://dpaste.com/B2FYS89PS anything to fix thaat?
<aaabbb> it means that it's not getting a valid video file
<spinningcat_> command is not right
<spinningcat_> ?
<spinningcat_> rtsp link i have i can play wwith opencv
<spinningcat_> so ffmpeg cannot convert rstp to mp4?
<aaabbb> ffmpeg is receiving a file that does not have a moov atom. i've never used ffmpeg with rtsp
<spinningcat_> ah
<spinningcat_> i see
<spinningcat_> moov whatever it is
<aaabbb> try downloading the video and running ffprobe on it
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<spinningcat_> it is live stream
<aaabbb> oh, i'm not familiar with using rtsp then, sorry. at least on a static downloaded file, lacking a moov atom means it's an invalid mp4/m4a/mov/etc video
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<spinningcat_> i understand
<spinningcat_> may be i can convert it to avi then
<aaabbb> avi isn't a very good container, and anyway the issue is with the input, not the output
<spinningcat_> i understand
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<aaabbb> there's probably an easy solution that i don't know because i've never used ffmpeg with an rtsp source
<spinningcat_> rtsp doesnt have moov
<spinningcat_> can you suggest me good container insteaad of aavi
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<aaabbb> ffmpeg -i rtsp://blahblah -vcodec copy -acodec copy -map 0 -f segment -segment_time 300 -segment_format mp4 "ffmpeg_capture-%03d.mp4"
<aaabbb> try that (stolen from superuser)
<spinningcat_> lemme try
<spinningcat_> i got moov atom not found error again
<spinningcat_> avi gave me moov error as well
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<aaabbb> that's because the moov is suppoesd to be in the input
<aaabbb> what is the format of the input?
<spinningcat_> that i try to open with vlc?
<aaabbb> i mean what is being served over rtsp
<spinningcat_> aah sorry
<spinningcat_> security camera for exaample
<spinningcat_> iptv
<aaabbb> what format?
<aaabbb> is it mp4?
<spinningcat_> i should ask that
<spinningcat_> i will ask and let you kno my be there is a solution but i understaand the problem
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<spinningcat_> aaabbb, life is interesting
<spinningcat_> i removed vlc that installed ith apt and instll again ith snap and problem went aay
<aaabbb> interesting
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<spinningcat_> ubuntu made me confused
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<spinningcat__> more interesting
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<mg515> Hey ffmpeg community!
<mg515> VLC plays video totally fine, no issues at all.
<mg515> `ffmpeg -i problematic.mp4 -c copy output.mp4`
<mg515> I'm facing an issue with trying to process a .mp4 video (in the long run, trying to cut video into quadrants, but let's get there).
<mg515> For example, if I try to remux the video (which is ~14h long), I only get the first 54min out. Command just exists silently without any errors
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<mg515> I'm facing an issue with trying to process a .mp4 video file. VLC plays video totally fine, no issues at all. For example, if I try to remux the video (which is ~14h long), I only get the first 54min out. Command just exists silently without any errors. `ffmpeg -i problematic.mp4 -c copy output.mp4`
<mg515> Here is the ffprobe output, indicating some discrepancy between video file duration and only a single stream found (54min) https://pastebin.com/XPD0fkfS
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<mg515> When I try to remux the video, I only get the first 54min, here is the log of `ffmpeg -i problematic.mp4 -loglevel debug -c copy output.mp4` https://pastebin.com/3kaGavei
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<mg515> Im lost to try and debug this further, any help is much appreciated
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<mg515> Alright, seems like -ignore_editlist 1 flag does the trick
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<Osmcorp> Hi Everyone
<Osmcorp> I am getting this warning when decoding a multicast TS h264:
<Osmcorp> [warning] udp:// corrupt decoded frame in stream 0
<Osmcorp> by Intermittence from FFMPEG 6 / 4.3 / 6.1 etc...  and I noticed that the issue disappeared when adding -threads 1. The flag AV_FRAME_FLAG_CORRUPT is set by h264_select_output_frame in h264_slice.c. Does anyone has ever figured out the root cause ?
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<Osmcorp> Oups I forgot to add please :)
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<arkanoid> hello!
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<arkanoid> I have 2 rtsp sources, one with just 1 audio stream, and another with just 1 video stream. I want to mux them and publish to rtsp server
<arkanoid> I have already a working pipeline with gstreamer, but it is giving me errors with larger rtsp source, so I'm giving ffmpeg a try
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<arkanoid> I just need help to write the filter_complex part
<arkanoid> I am trying with -filter_complex "[0:v] [1:a] amix [out]" -map "[out]", but I'm getting Stream specifier ':v' in filtergraph description [0:v] [1:a] amix [out] matches no streams.
<arkanoid> but log says that input #0 is "Stream #0:0: Video: h264 (Main), yuvj420p(pc, bt470bg, progressive)" and #1 is "Stream #1:0: Audio: aac (LC), 48000 Hz, mono, fltp"
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<another|> 0:v is a video stream. can't feed that into an audio filter
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<another|> tf are you even doing there?
<another|> -map 0:v -map 1:a
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<arkanoid> actually I need muxing, non mixing
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<arkanoid> another|: thanks, it works
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<arkanoid> mmm, my muxed audio comes 1 second later than video
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<arkanoid> using -c:a copy and -c:v copy
<arkanoid> sources are 2 live rtsp streams, probably no real world clock?
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