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<tester11> hello folks!
<tester11> i wanted to add conditional statement in complex filter: if sar is 0/1, then set sar 1/1.
<tester11> some files have this 0/1 sar, and seems to cause aspect ratio loss after scaling.
<tester11> so i tried these, but ffmpeg doesn't understand me(
<tester11> if(eq(sar,0/1), setsar=1/1)
<tester11> 'if(eq(sar,0/1), setsar=1/1)'
<tester11> if(eq(sar\,0/1)\, setsar=1/1)
<aaabbb> -vf "setsar='if(eq(sar,0), 0, 1)'"
<aaabbb> well, actually -vf "setsar='if(eq(sar,0/1), 1/1, 0/1)'"
<aaabbb> that would set it to 0 if it's 1, and 1 if it's 0. is that what you're looking for?
<aaabbb> oh no i misunderstood you. tester11 if you want to set it to 1/1 if it's 0/1, but leave it the current sar otherwise, it would be this:
<aaabbb> -vf "setsar='if(eq(sar,0/1), 1/1, sar)'"
<aaabbb> with that, if sar is 0/1, it does "setsar=1/1", and if sar is 1/1, it does "setsar=sar" basically
<tester11> it actually has to somehow fit into -->>> HERE <<<-- , in vmaf comparison, before scale:
<tester11> ... -lavfi "
<tester11> [0:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, -->>> HERE <<<-- scale=1920:1080: flags=bicubic:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease, scale=iw*sar:ih[distorted];
<tester11> [1:v]setpts=PTS-STARTPTS, -->>> HERE <<<-- scale=1920:1080: flags=bicubic:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease, scale=iw*sar:ih[reference];
<tester11> [distorted][reference]libvmaf= n_threads=16: model=version=vmaf_v0.6.1: log_path='output.json': log_fmt=json: feature=name=float_ssim|name=psnr " -f null -
<aaabbb> ... setpts=PTS-STARTPTS,setsar='if(eq(sar,0/1), 1/1, sar)',scale=1920:1080: ...
<aaabbb> try that
<tester11> thank you! let me try it
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<aaabbb> (i'm stupid and tired)
<aaabbb> that last explanation was wrong, so s/and if sar is/otherwise/
<tester11> aaabbb , no sir))) on the contrary
<tester11> i think it works perfectly! thank you once again! so this is what i know see in debug..
<tester11>  - so distorted video had normal sar 1/1, this is its scaling chain to 1080p:
<tester11> [Parsed_setsar_1 @ 00000230c84ca080] w:1080 h:1920 sar:1/1 dar:9/16 -> sar:1/1 dar:9/16
<tester11> [Parsed_scale_2 @ 00000230c84cad80] w:1080 h:1920 fmt:yuv420p sar:1/1 -> w:608 h:1080 fmt:yuv420p sar:1215/1216 flags:0x00000004
<tester11> [Parsed_scale_3 @ 00000230c84cb180] w:608 h:1080 fmt:yuv420p sar:1215/1216 -> w:607 h:1080 fmt:yuv420p sar:1215/1214 flags:0x00000004
<tester11>  - and reference video had this sar 0/1, this is its scaling chain to 1080p:
<tester11> [Parsed_setsar_5 @ 00000230c84ca180] w:2160 h:3840 sar:0/1 dar:9/16 -> sar:1/1 dar:9/16
<tester11> [Parsed_scale_6 @ 00000230c84cb780] w:2160 h:3840 fmt:yuv420p sar:1/1 -> w:608 h:1080 fmt:yuv420p sar:1215/1216 flags:0x00000004
<tester11> [Parsed_scale_7 @ 00000230c84c9d80] w:608 h:1080 fmt:yuv420p sar:1215/1216 -> w:607 h:1080 fmt:yuv420p sar:1215/1214 flags:0x00000004
<tester11> they now end up the exact same resolution and everything works! awesome!
<aaabbb> tester11: yeah the command was right, but my explanation was wrong. the correct explanation is that if sar is 0/1, it does "setsar=1/1", otherwise it does "setsar=sar"
<tester11> i understood that if-then-else, tertiary expression)
<tester11> * ternary.. duhh)
<aaabbb> yep, basically sets sar to "sar == 0 ? 1 : sar"
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<zumba_addict> Good morning all. What's wrong with my parameters, it repeated the first video twice?
<zumba_addict> My machine is extremely slow that it took 28 hours to complete, LMAO. I don't want to do it again
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<furq> the filterchain looks fine
<furq> almost all of those settings are redundant though
<zumba_addict> which param caused the issue?
<furq> i don't see anything that would cause a video to repeat
<zumba_addict> I tried -c copy just to fix it but I noticed the bitrate went down half :(
<furq> uh
<zumba_addict> i only copied 5 seconds just to see if it will work
<furq> well no wonder the bitrate is different then
<zumba_addict> gotcha
<furq> anyway i assume there are scenecuts between those inputs so you can probably just chop the repeated video off
<furq> i take it you have to reencode this and you can't just use the concat demuxer
<zumba_addict> yes, that's what I did. I'm glad I did
<zumba_addict> yes, it got reencoded for like 28 hours, LOL
<zumba_addict> but what should I do next time?
<furq> well whatever blog post or stackoverflow answer you copied that command from was written by a crazy person
<zumba_addict> i followed ffmpeg docs on combining mp4 with different codecs
<furq> just -c:v libx264 -crf 18 -preset medium -c:a aac -b:a 384k out.mp4
<zumba_addict> it was generated by mystiq software and I ran `ps ax` | grep ffmpeg.
<zumba_addict> cool
<furq> almost all of those settings are default or implied by -preset medium (which is the default anyway)
<zumba_addict> so keep the filter chain the same?
<furq> except a couple of them are worse for no reason
<zumba_addict> gotcha
<furq> also 384k aac is overkill unless this is 5.1
<zumba_addict> oh, it's only stereo
<furq> 128k is fine for stereo but i guess you can use 192k for music videos
<zumba_addict> 128k is good?
<zumba_addict> k
<furq> up to you
<furq> but also check if you can just use the concat demuxer and not reencode the whole thing
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<zumba_addict> I think I did and I noticed the first video was written twice. THat's why I chose the last option
<zumba_addict> yep, that's the same link I used
<zumba_addict> I changed it to -t 00:05:00, the bitrate increased!
<zumba_addict> maybe the ffmpeg version I have is old and have a bug
<furq> the video is vbr
<zumba_addict> old? ffmpeg version 4.3.6-0+deb11u1 Copyright (c) 2000-2023 the FFmpeg developers
<furq> yeah it is but what you're seeing is normal
<zumba_addict> k
<zumba_addict> the first one I tried is the one where I created mylist.txt and inside it is "file" and so on
<zumba_addict> the firstvideo.mp4 was written twice on the final.mp4
<furq> are you sure it's not repeated in the input file or something
<zumba_addict> maybe filterchain is too long
<zumba_addict> yep, I watched it
<zumba_addict> i had the same thinking too
<zumba_addict> I'll watch the second video, one sec
<zumba_addict> oh crap
<zumba_addict> LMAO
<zumba_addict> the second video has it too
<zumba_addict> hahaha
<furq> well at least it was easy to debug
<zumba_addict> yeo
<zumba_addict> so no bug in ffmpeg
<zumba_addict> user error
<zumba_addict> i'll create a new file now using -ss 00:00:42 and -c copy :)
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<zumba_addict> how to be more granular in time? I need in between 41 second and 42 second?
<zumba_addict> 00:00:42.5 valid?
<zumba_addict> i mean 00:00:41.5
<zumba_addict> it accepted the value. testing it soon
<zumba_addict> looks like it got rounded off to 42
<furq> with -c copy it'll get rounded to the nearest keyframe
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<zumba_addict> gotcha
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<hsv> Hi, i have a dual screen setup and ffplay from teh command line opens on the secondary screen, is there a way to direct it to the primary screen?
<BtbN> window placement is up to the OS
<hsv> ffplay 4.1.11-0+deb10u1, linux + xfce.
<hsv> ok, that's intersesting why it puts it on the secondary screen then.
<BtbN> that's ancient
<hsv> yes it is.
<hsv> but irrelevant to the issue?
<BtbN> I don't think thereis any code in ffplay at all about where to put the window, and hasn't ever been
<BtbN> If SDL has something like that built in... no idea
<hsv> ok thanks. :)
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<ecapi> BtbN, is your name ned or nathan?
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