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<hsv> Hi all, how to have ffplay quit (or restart) when a stream ends?
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<hsv> i tried: ffplay -autoexit rtsp://root:12345@ip-camera-1:554/stream=0 but when the camera is offline ffplay continues as if forzen.
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<another|> -autoexit
<another|> ah, sorry.
<another|> you might want to use a proper mediaplayer instead
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<hsv> hmm, well so much for 'vlc' it just freezes on the first frame.
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<LimeOn> hello. maybe 'cvlc'(command like-like vlc) or mpv?
<LimeOn> last one opens almost everything
<LimeOn> it usually closes when stream ends
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<znf> What's that new library from intel that makes use of their hardware transcoder?
<znf> name escapes me
<furq> oneapi
<furq> or i guess specifically onevpl
<znf> furq, any idea if this works with the older GPUs, too?
<znf> intel ones, obviously
<furq> assuming that's accurate which these things often aren't
<znf> oh nice, good enough for me
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