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<ecapi> why is ming so friggin slow
<aaabbb> how can i get an estimate for what the crf of an hevc video would be from just the average bitrate?
<BtbN> that's impossible
<aaabbb> info=1 is default in x265 so i can always check that with mediainfo but not if rf=2pass
<BtbN> also, "what the crf would be" in itself does not make sense already
<ecapi> BtbN, you get the new mario wonder?
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<aaabbb> BtbN: really? but i could do it by brute force, it's just that that would take a long time
<BtbN> The crf value only is meaningful combined with almost all other encoder settings
<aaabbb> you're right, i shouldn't have said "from just"
<BtbN> so "finding the crf value of a video" makes no sense. Specially given that crf is a concept of x265, not of hevc in itself.
<aaabbb> assume i have the other settings and the video itself
<aaabbb> and it came from x265 (or x264)
<BtbN> I mean, if you would somehow reverse the entire encocer, you probably could derive it. But... why?
<aaabbb> if i know the encoder settings and it uses 2 pass rate control, there's no way to find out roughly what crf would have created a file of that size/bitrate?
<aaabbb> encoder settings and have original video*
<BtbN> if the crf value doesn't happen to be baked into the metadata, no
<BtbN> But again, why? The crf value isn't very useful after the fact
<aaabbb> i'm just curious about it, if there's no way to do it other than brute force then that's ok
<aaabbb> but i wanted to know if i had to reencode it, approximately what the crf was (or would have been if rc=crf)
<BtbN> if you have to re-encode it, the original crf does not help you at all
<aaabbb> i guess i still have a lot to learn
<BtbN> Every time you re-encode it, the quality gets worse
<BtbN> mirroring the previous settings does not mean it'll come out with the same quality
<aaabbb> i'm aware of that at least
<furq> if you run the first pass with the same bitrate and settings with x264 it'll print "final ratefactor" in the logs
<furq> but whether that actually maps to crf i don't know
<furq> and x265 doesn't do that
<aaabbb> oh ok
<BtbN> It's dynamically adjusting the quality per-area of the video as well, isn't it?
<aaabbb> that's exactly what i was wondering
<BtbN> So in the case of a two-pass, I'm not sure if it's equivalent to _any_ singular crf value
<furq> supposedly 2-pass and crf for x264 use the exact same ratecontrol and the first pass just picks the right rf value
<furq> but then also supposedly that's not true
<furq> depends which forum posts you read
<aaabbb> furq: that's exactly what i had believed
<aaabbb> i always thought 2 pass was letting the encoder go through the video once to get an estimate of what crf is needed to reach a certain size, and then actually encoding with that crf on the second pass
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<aaabbb> since i've been downscaling a set of videos (and transcoding to hevc) to save space, i found several of them actually get larger than the h264 originals, and i found out it's because the originals are using 2 pass rate control, so some of the h264 originals are much lower quality
<aaabbb> that's what made me curious
<BtbN> you use 2 pass if you target a specific size. It does not automatically mean that it'll be better. Just that it's the overall best possible at the given settings for the given size
<furq> well this looks pretty comprehensive
<aaabbb> is that more or less similar to how x265 does rate control?
<aaabbb> i think i'll use crf=24 for most of the videos, and the ones where file size inflates drastically, i'll use crf=30 instead
<BtbN> I'd say just don't touch the ones that get bigger?
<furq> i have no idea how x265 does it but i would expect it to be similar
<BtbN> It probably means they are of high-complexity, and you will trash the quality
<aaabbb> they are indeed high complexity, but they are far too big to keep
<aaabbb> even crf=34 seems to get a good enough quality after downscaling
<aaabbb> the videos are in a forest. are there any settings that can optimize for that if i don't care too much about the quality of forest background? it's probably a naive question, but i don't want it to spend so many bits on the leaves on trees when that's not the ponit of the video
<BtbN> nah, encoders got no idea what a forest is
<aaabbb> but something to reduce the number of bits spent on high frequency parts of the video wouldn't help?
<BtbN> Super modern encoders have "area of interest" kind of things, where they can either try automatically to figure out what's most "interesting", or be fed that info externally
<aaabbb> then an even more naive question: would it be generally better to increase the crf at 720p, or cut down to 480p but use a higher crf (when coming from a 1080p source)?
<aaabbb> what's considered best practice?
<BtbN> "increase or use a higher value"? :D
<aaabbb> use a higher value lol
<BtbN> I assume you mean lower? :D
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<aaabbb> s/but use a higher crf/but user a lower crf/
<aaabbb> i've only been using ffmpeg for a few weeks i'm still getting used to high crf and high qp means low quality xD
<BtbN> I don't think there's a clear answer to that though
<BtbN> it's entirely up to what you prefer
<BtbN> cripser lower resolution, or less crisp higher
<aaabbb> i've heard that hevc is particularly good at being optimized for high resolutions but i'm not sure if that matters in this instance
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<StudioUser92> Hi all.. how's everyone?
<q66> aaabbb: mostly you want higher resolution if you can help it
<q66> it compresses cleaner so it'll look better when scaled up while not looking worse when scaled down
<aaabbb> got it
<aaabbb> that's what i decided to do, i'm only reducing it to 720
<StudioUser92> I'm new to ffmpeg and I'm trying to grab an audio stream and send it to an rtsp server. But I'm getting error "av_interleaved_write_frame(): Broken pipe; Error muxing a packet"
<StudioUser92> Here is the log
<StudioUser92> Not sure what the issue is.
<StudioUser92> this is the cmd I'm running ```ffmpeg -i http://x.x.x.x:23085/stream -acodec mp3 -f rtsp rtsp://canal90:TestStream@localhost:8554/studio```
<furq> looks like the rtsp server is closing the connection
<furq> i guess you'd need to check its logs if there are any
<furq> you can try ffmpeg -v verbose as well
<furq> also you probably want -c:a copy instead of -acodec mp3
<StudioUser92> [out#0/rtsp @ 0x7f959260e5c0] Terminating muxer thread
<StudioUser92> No more output streams to write to, finishing.
<StudioUser92> [AVIOContext @ 0x7f959250a300] Statistics: 313080 bytes written, 0 seeks, 270 writeouts
<StudioUser92> size=N/A time=00:00:12.96 bitrate=N/A speed=1.28x
<StudioUser92> video:0kB audio:303kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: unknown
<StudioUser92> Input file #0 (
<StudioUser92>   Input stream #0:0 (audio): 541 packets read (311616 bytes);
<StudioUser92>   Total: 541 packets (311616 bytes) demuxed
<StudioUser92> Output file #0 (rtsp://canal90:TestStream@localhost:8554/studio):
<StudioUser92>   Output stream #0:0 (audio): 539 packets muxed (310464 bytes);
<StudioUser92>   Total: 539 packets (310464 bytes) muxed
<StudioUser92> Terminating demuxer thread 0
<StudioUser92> [AVIOContext @ 0x7f9592509340] Statistics: 313344 bytes read, 0 seeks
<StudioUser92> Conversion failed!
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<StudioUser92> furq "No more output streams to write to, finishing." Is this what you mean? This indicates that it is having a problem with the output closing connection or something?
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<StudioUser92> INF [RTSP] [session 77b40756] is publishing to path 'studio', 1 track (MPEG-1/2 Audio)
<StudioUser92> DEB [RTSP] [conn] [s->c] RTSP/1.0 200 OK
<StudioUser92> CSeq: 5
<StudioUser92> Server: gortsplib
<StudioUser92> Session: f7a0497ce082450e8ce3884c3da5ebce
<StudioUser92> INF [RTSP] [conn] closed: terminated
<StudioUser92> INF [RTSP] [session 77b40756] destroyed: session timed out
<StudioUser92> I've enabled debug log on the server.. but it doesn't say anything out of the ordinary except that the connection was closed. But I still don't know why it's being terminated and if it's the client (ffmpeg) or the server
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<TheSashmo> dosnt close a connection for me
<TheSashmo> are you on wifi? @StudioUser92
<StudioUser92> Yes, but I'm running a local docker container and doing tests
<StudioUser92> I spun up a new container and made some changes and it's working now
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<ecapi> any east coasters ready to chaneg their clocks in a few?
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<Swedaniel> Hi
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<ecapi> hola
<Swedaniel> how are you?
<ecapi> ok getting ready fpr the clock change in ~20 mins
<Swedaniel> ooh! is it clock change for everyone now?
<ecapi> dunno about everyone but here on the us eastcoast
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<Swedaniel> ok, cool! i think maybe it is soon time to set winter time here in europe or maybe it has allready been set im not sure
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<aaabbb> why isn't accurate_rnd and full_chroma_int the default for scaling? it doesn't seem like it has a big impact on performance
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<tomb^> Hi, I have a quictime reference files, I was wondering what would be the way to merge them and convert to an mp4... any tips?
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<marc|gonzalez> Hello everyone, I recently upgraded from Ubuntu 18.04 to 22.04, and VLC has been aborting every time I try to seek.
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<marc|gonzalez> Assertion !p->parent->stash_hwaccel failed at src/libavcodec/pthread_frame.c:671
<marc|gonzalez> Searching for the error, it seems a few people are affected:
<marc|gonzalez> I suppose this problem only affects Ubuntu? (and maybe Debian)
<marc|gonzalez> In other words, it might be an integration issue, rather than an upstream issue?
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<marc|gonzalez> michaelni: does this ring any bell?
<JEEB> please do not highlight specific users
<CounterPillow> Karen demands to speak to the manager
<JEEB> no need to go into personalities
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<JEEB> marc|gonzalez: the ubuntu FFmpeg was last updated in May 2022? it's not immediately clear which version that is actually. then you have VLC which is the API user. probably getting the relevant vlc/libavcodec/vaapi/vaapi module debug symbols
<JEEB> and getting a gdb backtrace is probably your best bet
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<JEEB> also for the record that specific assert is on a vaapi driver that then underneath utilizes VDPAU underneath, which is less optimal than just using VDPAU or nvdec on nvidia hardware
<JEEB> but of course there's no details on that
<JEEB> (what the actual hardware is, and whether that module even is relevant)
<marc|gonzalez> CounterPillow: are you calling me a Karen?
<JEEB> just stop, I told him to stop so no reason to go on. you might have just not understood at that point that it is highly bad to highlight specific project members without there having already been a discussion
<marc|gonzalez> JEEB: oh I thought you were talking to me that tagging Michael was "highlighting a user"
<JEEB> yes, it was
<JEEB> as in, most clients unless you configure otherwise will in one manner or another highlight the user
<JEEB> as in, that user receives a highlight
<marc|gonzalez> OK got it.
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<marc|gonzalez> Wow, it's really easy now to get debug symbols
<marc|gonzalez> Just export DEBUGINFOD_URLS=""
<marc|gonzalez> and blam, gdb debugs the necessary symbol files
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<welder> Hi, when im recording screen and audio and quitting with "q" last second more or less of audio is cut - why?
<welder> my command line is: ffmpeg -f pulse -i alsa..<shortened>..monitor -framerate 30 -f x11grab -i "$DISPLAY" -filter:v "crop=1160:896:0:28" -pix_fmt yuv420p foo.mp4
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