<avc1657> Command im using: ffmpeg -y -i file.mkv -init_hw_device vulkan -vf format=yuv420p10le,hwupload,libplacebo=normalize_sar=true:custom_shader_path=shader.glsl,hwdownload,format=yuv420p10le -b_ref_mode 0 -map 0:v -c:v hevc_nvenc -map 0:a:0 -c:a:0 aac -b:a 1ffmpeg -y -i file.m2ts -init_hw_device vul60k -map 0:s? -c:s copy -map 0:t? -c:t copy -preset:v p7 -tune:v hq -rc:v vbr -cq:v 25 -b:v 0 output.mkv
<avc1657> oh, the text glitched, sry. ffmpeg -y -i file.m2ts -init_hw_device vulkan -vf format=yuv420p10le,hwupload,libplacebo=normalize_sar=true:custom_shader_path=shader.glsl,hwdownload,format=yuv420p10le -b_ref_mode 0 -map 0:v -c:v hevc_nvenc -map 0:a:0 -c:a:0 aac -b:a 160k -map 0:s? -c:s copy -map 0:t? -c:t copy -preset:v p7 -tune:v hq -rc:v vbr -cq:v 25 -rc-lookahead 20 -b:v 0 output.mkv
<avc1657> Guess ill just downgrade to ffmpeg 6.0 again
<avc1657> -------> [hwdownload @ 000001bc68f71e00] Invalid output format yuv420p10le for hwframe download.
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<BtbN> I don't think Vulkan supports that format, or ever did
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<avc1657> well, i downgraded to ffmpeg 6.0, now the command works again
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<BtbN> that seems rather unlikely. It probably falls back to something else
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<nurupo> i thought it was erroring and exiting, but it just warns and keeps running treating "./foo:bar/foo:bar_2023-11-26.ts" as a file path
<nurupo> that works
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<bcn> Is it normal of me to want to test each hwaccel option and benchmark them to use the fastest one or should I just pick based on the name? or is there a -usethebesthwaccell option that does that automagically?
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<bcn> I've got dozens of 8 hour video files I stiched together from 1 minute wyzecam clips on the wyzecam sdcards, and I want to trim out moments of non-motion
<bcn> where should I add -hwaccel? the command I've been using is ffmpeg -i 20231103-p2of3-withaudio.mp4 -vf "select='gt(scene,${i})'" -c:a copy0 20231103-p2of3-withaudio.s${i}.mp4
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<bcn> also why do some hw accelerators get enabled by -hwaccel <name> and others by -codec:v name ?
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<aaabbb> bcn: use hardware acceleration if that's your use case. usually, hardware accelerated codecs will be at lower quality for the same bitrate than the pure software codec
<aaabbb> so just because something is faster doesn't mean it's better (depending on how your definition of better)
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<galad> bcn: the -hwaccel option is for decoders, https://trac.ffmpeg.org/wiki/HWAccelIntro
<galad> then you'll need to select an hardware encoder
<aaabbb> (hardware decoders aren't lower quality in general btw, only encoders, although often the speed more than makes up for the quality issues if you got a lot to encode)
<galad> and if the filter is run on the cpu, hwdownload and hwupload will be required. too
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<TheDcoder> Hi, is it possible to play a stream of PCM data in ffplay? I am able to pipe it but playback only starts after the stdin is fully written
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<JEEB> I'd expect something like that to be possible
<TheDcoder> JEEB: me too... just need to figure out how
<JEEB> since raw PCM has no headers or whatever
<TheDcoder> exactly
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<aaabbb> TheDcoder: do you know the sample format, sample rate, and channel layout?
<aaabbb> if you do then you can play it
<TheDcoder> aaabbb: I do, I am already able to play it
<TheDcoder> but I am unable to stream the data
<TheDcoder> ffplay waits for EOF
<JEEB> and the input is pipe?
<JEEB> anyways, does `ffmpeg -v verbose -your_pcm_params_here -i pipe: -f null` work differently?
<TheDcoder> JEEB: At least one output file must be specified
<TheDcoder> It also waits for the entire data to be flushed to the pipe/stdin
<JEEB> yea, pipe: at the end I forgot :)
<TheDcoder> the input is piped to stdin
<TheDcoder> JEEB: why set -f to null?
<JEEB> that sounds like you are only writing data at the end?
<JEEB> TheDcoder: output to nowhere
<TheDcoder> JEEB: nope, I'm sure that the data is being written
<TheDcoder> well, how do I specify the input -f then?
<TheDcoder> pretty sure I can't use it twice before -i
<TheDcoder> Anyway, I removed your null -f and result is still the same
<TheDcoder> waits for the entire piped to be flushed
<TheDcoder> `pv -L 8000 fox.pcm | ffmpeg -v verbose -ac 1 -ar 16000 -f s16le -i pipe:`
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<bcn> aaabbb: galad: what I'm trying to do is "trans coding"? right? since I want to read out of one encoded file, process it, and write out into another encoded file? do I just add -hwupload and -hwdownload on the commandline, somewhere in the middle? how do I select a hw encod... ah -codec specifies the encoder.. to bad it's not -encoder and -decoder for symmetry in syntax
<aaabbb> transcoding is converting from one codec to another. for the hw encoder, you use -vcodec or -c:v, and select the hw accelerated encoder you want
<aaabbb> just know that hw encoders are usually of lesser quality than pure sw
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<bcn> aaabbb: so "-vcodec vulkan" to select vulkan? I'm fine with lesser quality. My intention is to preserve the original, but use ths product of this to be confident that I'm aware of all motion events during the video, and if they're of interest i'll watch them in the original video files for highest quality. I have several dozen, 8hr long 1080p videos of mostly nothing, but the occasional car driving by. An incident happened and I am curious if there was any suspiciou
<bcn> I can't just sit down and watch all of the hours of all of the camera angles though. even at 10x speed it would take days
<aaabbb> bcn: no, vulkan is not the name of a codec i don't think
<aaabbb> i don't use hw acceleration anyway so i'm not the right one to ask
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