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<Jan-> hihi
<Jan-> is there some way I can use ffmpeg to loop a piece of audio out to say five minutes duration
<Jan-> it's 32 seconds right now but it is made to loop cleanly
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<ecapi> BtbN, are you german?
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<whosy> It seems like it is libva 1.14 that's holding me back from using av1 hardware encode on ffmpeg.
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<aaabbb> is there a way to change bitrate of opus (libopus) mid stream using -af or something?
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<mirko> i'm having a custom build of ffmpeg but fail to be able to record/encode into whatever output format - receiving "Unable to find a suitable output format for '/tmp/out.mp4'
<mirko> /tmp/out.mp4: Invalid argument"
<mirko> cmd: `ffmpeg -y -f v4l2 -i /dev/video3 /tmp/out.mp4`
<JEEB> `ffmpeg -h muxer=mp4`
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<mirko> JEEB: "Unknown format 'mp4'."
<JEEB> yup, so you have disabled the mp4 writer
<JEEB> vOv
<mirko> but it points into the right direction
<mirko> i figured it's an encoder problem but it's missing the muxer
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<mirko> since already here: what's the difference between the `--enable-libx264 --enable-libx265` and `--enable-encoder=h264* --enable-encoder=hevc` option sets?
<mirko> the first is linking, the second is en-/disabling subsets of functionality?
<mirko> same question for `--enable-libvpx` vs `--enable-encoder=libvpx_vp8 --enable-encoder=libvpx_vp9`
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<kepstin> mirko: pretty much yeah, the --enable-lib* options tell the configure script to look for particular external libraries, and the --enable-encoder= options tell it to build specific encoders or encoder wrappers. In the encoder wrapper case, the encoders depend on the external libraries.
<kepstin> by default all encoders are enabled, so you only need to use the --enable-lib* option and then the encoders that depend on that library will be built
<kepstin> but if you used --disable-encoders or --disable-everything, you need to re-enable the encoders that you want.
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<ktwo> hey, i have a quick question i want to understand something: Is there any advantage in changing the framerate to something higher. Example: Untouched Bluray MKV with 1920x1080, 23,98 FPS. Does it make sense to encode to H265 60fps or better keep at 23,98 ?
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<ktwo> To my understanding it does not make sense, but why are the presets like that?
<JEEB> same thing as some people like the "TV effect" where the display does motion interpolation or so
<JEEB> preferably you do it during playback, not during encoding
<ktwo> ok, so i was not wrong about that, better keep the same framerate :)
<JEEB> since if you do it during encoding you're just doing unnecessary compression work with each of those frames
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<kepstin> encoding 24/1.001 content at 60/1.001 fps without motion interpolation just unnecessarily duplicates some frames and adds judder
<kepstin> and with motion interpolation, it makes the video look bad ;)
<galad> ktwo: where do you see such presets?
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<MS-7C95> Is there a simple way to get 6.0.1 running on Mint Linux 21.2?
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<another|> get source, compile?
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<MS-7C95> I have the source, and I'm not smart enough to compile it. It gives me an error saying "nasm/yasm not found or too old"
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<muffincookie> Hello!
<MS-7C95> muffincookie: Hey
<muffincookie> So I got an issue, I've got an flv file that I want to crop the last X seconds of, right. That's easy with -sseof
<muffincookie> At least it was, now it doesnt seem to work anymore
<muffincookie> I am getting some messages about "DTS discontinuity" and "no PTS found at end of file, duration not set"
<muffincookie> It outputs the video in full-length, after which doing the same "crop" works fine
<MS-7C95> ffprobe -i Input.flv | ffmpeg -i Input.flv -c:v copy -c:a copy -to 00.00.00 Output.flv
<MS-7C95> ?
<muffincookie> what worked before was simply "ffmpeg -sseof -15 -i myfile.flv -c copy myout.flv