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<intrac> hi, what might cause notifications->highlight from not putting out a sound when triggered?
<intrac> I have a sounds file listed and the 'test sound' button plays it.
<intrac> the pattern is highlighted in the channel, so Konversation is responding to the keyword text
<intrac> arg, wrong channel. sorry.
<furq> are you in the right channel
<furq> well ok
<intrac> no, apologies :)
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<Shuriko> any way to compress a 113MB mp4 to be 100MB exactly?
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<madwoota> Shuriko, two pass encoding lets you get pretty close to a specific file size:
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<Shuriko> thanks didnt even have to use 2 pass
<Shuriko> just used formula to convert file size to bitrate
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<BtbN> cbr will produce worse quality though
<BtbN> The whole point of two pass encoding is to optimize the possible quality for the target size
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<BtbN> And re-encoding to save 13MB seems quite wasteful for the quality in general
<aaabbb> is there any way to prevent the channel name in the showvolume filter from flickering every other frame?
<aaabbb> it's causing issues when mpdecimate is kept later in the filter chain
<aaabbb> showvolume=f=0.98:r=60:dm=2:w=640:h=20,mpdecimate=hi=1:lo=1:frac=1:max=0
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<Hopeful5155> Hi, its me again. When segmenting a file with embedded subtitles using hls, regardless of the output playlist type, the segmented `.vtt` files have the timestamp of the original full length file.
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<Hopeful5155> lets say I want to view file `500.vtt` it matches timestamp `00:10:00` but I want the timestamp to match its correspondent's `500.ts` file instead. Because when I try to merge the segment `500.ts` and its sub `500.vtt` it will display nothing because `500.ts` has a duration of 2 seconds while the subtitle file has a duration of 10 minutes.
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<j`ey> is it just me, or does ffplay crash for other people when trying to do full screen?
<j`ey> it works sometimes, but most of the time it just crashes
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<lavaball> is ffmpeg the smart way to rip all movie files from dvds, or should i got with something else. asking for a friend < for reals actually. i would go with ffmpeg obviously.
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<furq> lavaball: ffmpeg can't parse the structure of a dvd which doesn't necessarily map to the video files on a dvd
<furq> use something like pgcdemux or dvdbackup or makemkv and then convert those files with ffmpeg
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<lavaball> okay. thanks so much.
<furq> or your friend could use handbrake which will do all of it
<furq> but the default settings it wants to use are terrible
<lavaball> it's just educational dvds. i don't think the quality matters mutch.
<lavaball> but i would be happy pass on some setting to use if you have suggestions.
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<Flaesh> Anyone able to help me using zmq? Trying to change the DAR mid-stream, my filters look like this: "setdar=dar=1.777777777777777777777,zmq=bind_address=tcp\\\://\\\:5557" but running this "echo Parsed_setdar_0 dar 4/3 | ../../zmqsend -b tcp://" returns "38 Function not implemented". i've tried looking online and found very
<Flaesh> little documentation on how this works, could anyone help?
<durandal_1707> setdar does not support run-time changing of options
<durandal_1707> so no mid-stream support for changes
<Flaesh> oh, i see
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<Flaesh> is there anything else i could do to achieve the same effect?
<durandal_1707> hire someone to write patch for filter
<durandal_1707> as its very trivial to add support for that
<BtbN> Is that a parameter that can change at runtime though?
<BtbN> As in, will muxers/encoders care if it suddenly changes?
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<Flaesh> i know it can at least change for digital TV and webm videos, so i'm assuming it would work with my setup too. no way to check though
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<durandal_1707> BtbN: it will work for encoders that support it
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<durandal_1707> currently only ffv1 for frame metadata
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<Flaesh> couldn't figure out how to patch the filter myself, looked at the code but didn't really understand it
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<durandal_1707> Flaesh: for what muxer/encoder you need this?
<Flaesh> i don't really mind, just anything that can go over RTMP
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<BtbN> that leaves exactly 1 :D
<BtbN> of each
<BtbN> well, codec. Multiple encoders for that one.
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<furq> if you just want to test if resolution/ar changes work on your rtmp server then you can concat two files with different resolution/ar together
<furq> it at least plays back ok in flv
<furq> i'm pretty sure rtmp will handle it fine if flv does but players might not like it
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<Flaesh> i had to go for a bit, did I miss anything relevant to my question while I was gone?
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<Flaesh> Btbn, i remember you being involved in the discussion. did anything important get said while i was gone? i can't remember the username of the other person in the discussion happening earlier
<goldsoft> Is there any way to directly save IPC video streams to cloud storage as files? Can the uploading be done through webdav for streaming transmission?
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<goldsoft> Send emails to the official, but did not receive a response.
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<goldsoft> "I have an IPC with an RTSP stream and I want to implement cloud recording. I want to save the real-time stream onto the cloud disk as a file. The cloud disk supports WebDAV. I tried using the `-method PUT` parameter but it failed. Is it because ffmpeg doesn't support it or did I make a mistake? Is there a proper command for this?"
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