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<zsoltiv_> has anyone succeeded in getting ffmpeg to capture from a webcam (with v4l2) with low latency? ffplay's video is around a second late. this is my current command line: `ffplay -f video4linux2 -input_format mjpeg /dev/video0`
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<AMM> mpv --profile=low-latency --untimed /dev/video0 should work
<BtbN> it's never going to feel like a mirror, but should be fairly low, yeah
<zsoltiv_> AMM: nope, it's actually running at 5fps with those options
<zsoltiv_> so does ffplay unless i explicitly specify the `-input_format`
<BtbN> that might be all the cam is able to do, depending on quality setting and lighting
<AMM> That's on the camera/format you choose, yeah
<zsoltiv_> for comparison, gstreamer can capture at 30fps with no noticable playback with this commandline `gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src ! jpegdec ! xvimagesink`
<BtbN> so, have you tried just setting a higher fps?
<zsoltiv_> but i'm not familiar with it, i'd rather use ffmpeg (since i will need to output to a tcp socket)
<AMM> if you need to stream it somewhere, it's not very useful to compare local playback options
<zsoltiv_> BtbN: yeah, that works but the video is around a second late
<BtbN> That's about right for ffplay
<AMM> lower the keyframe interval, assuming you're transcoding, and look for other latency options
<zsoltiv_> AMM: it's via gigabit ethernet, on lan. most of the delay is from the camera capture itself
<AMM> You're sure about that? ok
<zsoltiv_> i am, because the latency doesn't change much when i stream it
<zsoltiv_> fwiw it's streamed from an rpi to a pc that are directly connected via ethernet
<BtbN> 1s of latency is pretty good for that
<zsoltiv_> not really, it's for a robot that needs be controlled somewhat remotely
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<zsoltiv_> -fflags nobuffer did the trick
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