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<atka> hello, can rotate/transoform be used with scale_vaapi?
<atka> I'm able to capture my screen using kmsgrab with the correct aspect ratio but it is rotated 90degrees
<atka> the regular rotate/transform filters seem to conflict
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<jtgd> I'm having a problem with overlayed subtitles. I've had this basically working before but this is a little different. I start with a 4k video that I scale down to FHD, then slide to top, then overlay subtitles to the bottom.
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<jtgd> Subtitle is srt (0:2). Here is part of command line (I'll show full command if you want).
<jtgd> -filter_complex "[0:v:0]scale=w=iw/2:h=ih/2,pad=y=10:h=1080[v1];[v1][0:2]overlay[v2]" -map [v2]
<jtgd> It does everything except the overlay. No subtitles visible. Also tried without scaling but it's the same. Any clues you can give me?
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<Glenn25> haasn: I tried using sws_alloc_context -> sws_setColorspaceDetails -> sws_init_context instead of sws_getContext and it fails in the call to sws_scale.  Looking at the source code I can see that sws_getContext calls sws_alloc_set_opts() followed by sws_init_context().  And sws_alloc_set_opts() calls sws_alloc_context() followed by initialising
<Glenn25> some context variables (src and dst width, height, format etc.)
<Glenn25> I think that the context variables (src and dst width, height, format etc.) need to be set properly for the sws_setColorspaceDetails() function to work.  And if I do that then there is no difference from just calling sws_getContext().
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<Glenn25> You mentioned that you have a patch that fixes this issue but it hasn't been applied to the code base yet.  Is that patch available anywhere ?  I am happy to patch my ffmpeg source and rebuild.
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<haasn> Glenn42: https://0x0.st/H4ug.txt
<haasn> if it works for you maybe we can merge it
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<haasn> https://0x0.st/HyqM.txt slightly more correct
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<bcn> when I run ffmpeg manually in a terminal i can get the md5 of a video or audio stream and just that on one line. but in my bash script its pumping out billions of lines stream #1: keyframe duration dts size stream#1 keyframe duration dts size..... what is this called and what log level will eliminate it?
<bcn> my script already sets loglevel to error
<bcn> panic does no better
<furq> probably -nostdin
<sonicrules1234> The further you go as far as logging, the more lines you're going to get
<bcn> that was it furq! It was in a read looop and I forgot that commands running in side the read loop can themselves pull lines in and cause input to proceed
<bcn> doh!
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