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<pagios> hello all, so mainly i would like to have a system that remoyely controls my sound system and plays some music (loaded on local storage) using some application, preferable open source do you recommend any ? example: i go home, i open my app, play music on it , it directly plays on my home speakers
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<Traneptora> pagios: anything that targets pipewire (e.g. mpv) can do that, provided you can pick the device
<Traneptora> or pulse, tbh
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<anotherXmas> mpd
<anotherXmas> Traneptora: how do you intend to control mpv remotely?
<Traneptora> you can use a remove with mpv
<Traneptora> though I assume they mean by "app" using their phone
<Traneptora> in that case, using the VLC app is probably easier to control a VLC instance on the local storage
<Traneptora> you can make that work with mpv but it's harder
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