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<aaabbb> https://old.reddit.com/r/ffmpeg/comments/18hs9bt/do_people_actually_like_ffmpeg/ this made me laugh "the majority of the IRC help staff are dicks"
<aaabbb> i guess the contributors who help people here for free on their own time are "help staff" haha
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<psykose> >Some of the most passionate developers of multimedia-related projects seem to be bipolar, anime-addicted basement dwellers with massive egos.
<aaabbb> lmfao
<aaabbb> x264 devs are weebs but that's not a bad thing!
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<CounterPillow> psykose: no lies detected
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<znf> isnt't that a bit... uhm, too much?
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<Offspring> if I've got a video that changes resolutions, how can I properly dynamically crop the black bars out?
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<Offspring> basically, the problem I'm having is that the AR goes from 16:9 to 4:3 at the beginning of the video :/
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