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<wimp> hello there,  is someone still in the possibility of trying to help me with my codeline for it must be in a way possible to get two frames at lower framesize in a recording together with the big webcam recording where the other two recordings are video for linux input devices at the same framesize but positioned otherwise. so my quuestion is a
<wimp> double one: 1] how do i adapt my exisiting  code to resize the videograbbing inputframe for the desktopscreen and how do i reposition that frame on top of the lower videoframe that already was positioned in the videofilter the overlay-filter that i am using is not doing what i want to do.? thanks in advance on a consistent reply i would appreciate
<wimp> it if someone can try to think of a solution to work with three inputscreens at once.....btw goodmorning here from belgium(europe) i would be very pleased if i could  record three screens that are positioned in overay just I do'nt know where my code fails
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<KnightNero> I have a question, I have a program in SDL that already reads videos using ffmpeg, but all via software, how can I get the acceptance by hw, in the case of windows by dxva,
<KnightNero>  I even initialized a context and got an accelerated flow, but when it came to converting the texture to yuv format transferring from hw_frame to sw_frame everything went wrong and I ended up with black and green screens
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<wimp> I am wondering all day long since yesterday why my messages are left unanswered? could someone please help me creating an complex overlay filter with that I can be able to overlay two inputsources as  videorecordsources like the x11grab function not works verywell in overlay with recording as I saw today? i am rebuilding my codeline but i need
<wimp> some support in this. will someone want to help me out please?
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<wimp> it is so sad to put that a user needs to repeat the question trice and still be left with none answering by the people that are online; very bad communication way. tell me just about the fact that people are available or not with more than one commandline. like 'ok, we'll have a look at it for you' or 'sorry the thing your trying is kind of not
<wimp> possible'.some answers are dedicated to be client-friendly. just to mention it that it is so sad to feel treated like this. I dont like this way non communication. I do understand that people can be busy but tell it to the clients that there is no time to answer otherwise close the chat so that no-one can post a thing then its a lot more
<wimp> consequent. thanks with not helping me on a span of two days almost. feel bad about it.
<JEEB> have you paid someone?
<JEEB> if not, there are no customers
<JEEB> there are just fellow users
<JEEB> if nobody notices/cares/wants to respond to you then that's it.
<JEEB> it can be everything from time zones to "not my thing or area of knowledge"
<wimp> if i ask a normal question I like t be answered in any kind of kind way
<JEEB> also at least a few years back there used to be a users mailing list if you like that sort of communication more than IRC
<JEEB> not being responded is completely normal in IRC. your message can just get drowned in everything from it popping up while people are sleeping to people not being interested
<wimp> i thought just i would find a quicker answer here to  my dedicated problem with recording three things at once
<DeHackEd> if you have a command-line you've built so far, post it and someone with experience might see a mistake and point it out, etc.
<JEEB> you may find quicker responses here
<JEEB> you may not
<JEEB> either is possible
<wimp> a understand but now people do react and i posted the message already a few times since yesterday people who dont react in a few moments i have difficulties with it to not feel bad about that non reaction maybe i am tooo kind to this world
<wimp> i dont like to argue just feel better by responding
<JEEB> I'm not even arguing
<JEEB> I'm just noting that that's how it is, someone mentioned your complaints and you got a response
<wimp> shall i post now use pastebin to put it available my code
<JEEB> probably not a bad idea if you want to share your current state
<wimp> ok
<JEEB> IRC does not really work with longer lines or multi-line things :P
<wimp> just a moment its just a one liner code but perhaps pastebin is good for the sharing
<wimp> and here is the link
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<wimp> and the explenation to the thing is: background video is to be video0 , and the other devices like desktop x11grab needs to be as small as it says in -s behind the filename and this would be overlay left sided, and at last i need to see a second overlay from my vhsgrabbing device wich is video 2  . if i use the code without the x11grabbing device:
<wimp> i see the vhs video in the left corner showing up. togheter with the main camera image in background. however with the grabber it is faulty and a bad image without the sharpness i had put in before that code
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<wimp> one thing i forgot to mention is that the other overlaycode that is missing in the code now should be able to create the second overlay input video at the top left corner of my already recording webcam because there is when it used a nice place empty for it.the webcam records my face in function of doing a lot of singing and recording it for my own
<wimp> goals to be able to hear and see what  ido so it is  not to be placed on my face that second overlay video that wont come in witth my code
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<wimp> i recently found a small solution to get the screens in overlay with the desktop included but i need to resize the frame of the desktop cause now it only captures a corner of the desktop. any help would be appreciated... i'll post also my adapted code
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