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<aaabbb> BtbN: is there somewhere i can read about the technical reasons why x264 would be better than x265 for lossles?
<aaabbb> i know that lossless is an edge case and not really the purpose of those codecs, but it does much better than ffv1 for very flat videos (~70kbps lossless x264 vs ~15000kbps lossless for ffv1)
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<BtbN> It's just not anything that's designed for. So it's pretty much random
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<aaabbb> surely there's a technical reason why x264 usually accels, is it that x265's lossless mode is less mature than x264's? or is there some design choice with hevc that makes it better than avc in the usual case but inferior for lossless?
<furq> x264 is just more mature in general
<CounterPillow> finding out the technical reason why this is the case would be like halfway towards improving it
<furq> and i wouldn't expect the new features in hevc to help very much with lossless coding
<aaabbb> CounterPillow: really? i thought it would be something fairly simple like "skip macroblocks take X fewer bytes than skip CUs in really flat images" or something
<furq> well x264 is generally better for lossless coding across the board
<furq> you've not found some weird edge case or anything like that
<aaabbb> yeah i'm noticing that, but for flat/simple content it seems to be doing an order of magnitude better
<aaabbb> oh yeah i know
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<aaabbb> i was just curious, i've never done lossless before, and i'm still testing out different codecs
<furq> seems like a question that only a handful of people in the world are really qualified to answer
<furq> although i guess there is a better than average chance they hang out in here
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<aaabbb> for x264 what's the maximum me range for a given resolution? like at what point does making it larger have no effect at all (positive or negative)? i'm experimenting with x264 lossless and curious to see what is the theoretical best compression ratio it can have
<furq> -preset placebo uses 24 but i've seen people using 32 before
<furq> depends on the input resolution as well
<aaabbb> furq: i get a >30% bitrate improvement using 192 compared to 48 (i know 192 is super overkill but i'm just experimenting)
<aaabbb> let's say 1920x1080, or 1920x1200
<furq> well that really does sound like an edge case
<furq> i've never bothered with anything beyond 24
<aaabbb> the bitrate for 24 is 120kbps, for 192 is 50kbps
<aaabbb> so yeah probably an edge case
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<aaabbb> is the max merange in x264 the value of the mvrange (maximum range of any one motion vector)? which is 511.75 in the h264 standard
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<aaabbb> for esa that is
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<causasui> I have this script here that removes letterboxing using ffmpeg's cropdetect: -- but I just noticed it only crops horizontally? is that expected?
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<bbhtt> Any idea about these errors Trying to compile 6.1
<CounterPillow> not sure if it's this but I remember Arch had some packaging weirdness where something would provide the vulkan .pc without pulling in vulkan-headers or the libs or something, resulting in compilation failures that configure scripts couldn't reasonably detect
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<AlexandrKirilov> Hello all! There are the command ffmpeg -nostdin -loglevel info -nostats -hide_banner -y -threads 1 -i $2 -t 300 -c:v copy -r 25 -b:v 1000000 -crf 21 -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency -c:a aac -sc_threshold 0 -f hls -hls_time 12 -hls_list_size 100 -hls_flags delete_segments -hls_delete_threshold 150 -strftime 1 -hls_segment_filename 'stream_udp_%Y%m%d-%s.ts' stream_udp.m3u8 -t 300 -c:v copy -r 25 -b:v 1000000 -crf 21 -preset ultrafast
<AlexandrKirilov> -c:a aac -sc_threshold 0 -f segment -segment_time 900 -segment_format mp4 -map 0 -reset_timestamps 1 -strftime 1 archive_udp_%Y%m%d-%s.mp4 2>&1
<AlexandrKirilov> What need to be added to have 2 hls streams? On just copy, one with proportional screen size reducing. Need to have kind of small resolution stream within main stream
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<dprh> Hi all! I'm trying to build a filter from facebook team which transforms equirect to cubemap format ( Last update was 2 years ago and looks like not compatible with actual version from git.
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<causasui> I have this script here that removes letterboxing using ffmpeg's cropdetect: -- but I just noticed it only crops horizontally? is that expected?
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<dprh> Namely looks like init_dict doesn't exist anymore
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<JEEB> dprh: sounds like a fun case of re-applying that into current master :P
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<JEEB> also might make sense to attempt to get that upstreamed if you go that far
<JEEB> although I would also double-check whether any filter exists in current master doing something like that
<dprh> it's a custom filter not included in ffmpeg
<dprh> as I saw in another filter static av_cold int init_dict(AVFilterContext *ctx, AVDictionary **opts) changes to static av_cold int preinit(AVFilterContext *ctx)
<dprh> but then parameters gets lost, how to get them?
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<dprh> thanks @bencoh, could be an alternative! but they say it allows more control for quality settings. And in my case I would need quite better quality in front part than on other places.
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<dprh> or you mean facebook filter was integrated inside?
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<dprh> thanks anyway! I will look how it is done inside if v360 doesn't correspond to my needs
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<AlexandrKirilov> Is there any manual of how to set multiple resolutions of HLS stream?
<AlexandrKirilov> Trying to find anything
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<Marth64> AlexandrKirilov: I don't know for that specific muxer. but you might see more tactical documentation using 'ffmpeg -h muxer=hls'
<Marth64> swap muxer for demuxer if it's the other way around
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<lavaball> the -atempo thing, does it work well? i just read about it. i would like the youtube or mpv speed up effect. only for sound files though.
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<lavaball> never mind. tested it works just fine. thanks a bunch.
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<causasui> I have this script here that removes letterboxing using ffmpeg's cropdetect: -- but I just noticed it only crops horizontally? is that expected?
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