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<bibble> "FFmpeg lands CLI multi-threading as its "most complex refactoring" in decades (phoronix.com)" https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=38613219
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<bibble> "videos uploaded to Facebook or YouTube become available so quickly. The video is split into chunks based on key frame, the chunks are farmed out to a cluster of servers and encoded in parallel, and the outputs are then re-assembled into the final file."
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<damo22> bibble: i thought google has specialised ASICs to encode vp9
<damo22> do they really use ffmpeg?
<furq> they definitely use it for decoding
<furq> so it would make sense for them to just have the asics wired up through vaapi or some generic api
<furq> or maybe some custom build of ffmpeg
<damo22> ok
<furq> the hardware vp9 is relatively recent as well
<furq> roughly around the time that the quality noticeably got worse
<furq> probably unrelated
<damo22> i didnt notice
<damo22> maybe they just changed default version you get in a browser
<furq> there was only one 1080p vp9 stream at the time i think
<furq> they added some higher rate streams since then so it's not so bad any more
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<chris-p_> Hi, I've got a kaby lake processor (Intel Corporation HD Graphics 630) and I can't get quicksync to work with hevc. I get [hevc_qsv @ 0x555a5bb977c0] some encoding parameters are not supported by the QSV runtime. Please double check the input parameters.
<chris-p_> [vost#0:0/hevc_qsv @ 0x555a5bb97500] Error while opening encoder - maybe incorrect parameters such as bit_rate, rate, width or height. Error while filtering: Function not implemented
<chris-p_> I can do h264_qsv -> h264_qsv
<chris-p_> huc and guc firmware is loaded
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<BtbN> If this is on Linux, just use vaapi. No point dealing with QSV
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<stevew> how do I end a capture ? want some way of providing a signal to your app or use the api instead.
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<BtbN> Not quite sure I understand the question. Is pressing q not the answer?
<stevew> not really, coz we'd be spawning ffmpeg from another app which will have focus. so we'd want to signal from one app to the other somehow. or perform equivalent via the api. this isn't urgent. will use obs for the time being rather than reinvent the wheel unnecessarily.
<BtbN> so, send a q press or SIGTERM
<stevew> yup, thought occured just after I wrote that. send a q over stdin when we want that. ta.
<BtbN> Not sure if that's actually stdin
<BtbN> But worth a try
<stevew> something like that anyhow :) cheers.
<BtbN> SIGTERM is probably more reliable
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<stevew> no sigterm on windows. looking up equivalent. there's taskkill.
<stevew> seems extreme & you might not get chance to shut down properly.
<BtbN> You want to send it a signal to shut itself down, that's what SIGTERM is
<stevew> yup, I understand but don't know what that is windows. can ask a windows app to quit but your stuff compiles console app.
<stevew> could compile a special version as windows app for this if I need it & then signal however. would be nice if vanilla could just do it though. not urgent.
<stevew> suspect q over stdin will get the job done. can't see why not.
<BtbN> The answer you linked there sounds exactly right though?
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<stevew> only if ffmpeg intercepts the terminate & shuts down gracefully. I have no idea if you have _atexit or whatever patched in for stuff like that.
<stevew> I'll just try it when I get a minute. cheers.
<BtbN> ffmpeg handles SIGINT and SIGTERM properly, yes
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<stevew> TerminateProcess would be API appoach. I think rather than spawning taskkill on a process we launched ourselves. dunno if that gives you the opportunity to do anything though. its fairly brute force die.
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<stevew> there's this, but just for windows apps, not console apps.
<stevew> I'll have to experiment.
<BtbN> Apparently GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent is what you want to call
<stevew> never used this before. seems we have a choice of CTRL_C_EVENT or CTRL_BREAK_EVENT. do we have a preference ?
<stevew> cool, thanks.
<stevew> so either then.
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<cock> Hi, I have segments captured from a single stream. Concatenating the segments gives unexpected results (audio desync). I assume this is because the segments have different stream orders? Any idea how to resolve this? Thanks https://pastebin.com/raw/whjLBq29
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<JEEB> by normalizing your input? :D
<JEEB> also genpts is generally something you should only be touching if you absolutely require it
<JEEB> you may attempt to utilize the option of merging pmt versions in the mpeg-ts reader, but not sure if that works through the concat demuxer
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<cock> normalize how?
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<cock> can't ffmpeg detect the stream order and correct it?
<JEEB> by not having its stream order being more or less random? :)
<JEEB> at least the PIDs match, but unfortunately I don't think that helps too much
<JEEB> wait...
<JEEB> if PIDs match then the order of streams probed shouldn't matter :P
<JEEB> unless the concat demuxer reinitializes the reader
<JEEB> if it's all MPEG-TS, try just throwing the files as-is into stdin?
<JEEB> `ffmpeg -v verbose -f mpegts -i pipe: -f null pipe:`
<JEEB> and then just feed the mpeg-ts files one by one into the stdin of this process
<JEEB> the null output just decodes and does nothing else
<JEEB> just to see how it processes things
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<cock> could you write it as one line?
<cock> all this is lost on me i'm afraid
<cock> my entire experience with ffmpeg is that single line i've posted
<JEEB> the rest is more regarding the shell you're using :P
<JEEB> cat 1.ts 2.ts | `that ffmpeg command I posted` for example on lunix
<JEEB> without the `` of course
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<chris-p_> BtbN: on vaapi, the hevc stuff is showing VAEntrypointVLD which implies decoding only?
<JEEB> given that QSV underneath utilizes VAAPI on linux, I'd say that explains why HEVC encoding doesn't work :P
<chris-p_> Yes, but I can't figure out why
<chris-p_> all things considered it should work as it's the right hardware gen
<chris-p_> it's an HD630 and core i5 7500 which is kaby lake
<JEEB> well, as you get it to show up in vainfo then you should have it set up
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<chris-p_> It's OK
<chris-p_> I figured it out - the gentoo useflag redistributable wasn't set so it didn't include some required firmware files!
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<chris-p_> so rebuilding now and will report back!
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<applecuckoo> Hi! I'm trying to combine a quadraphonic sound file with a dummy stream generated by anullsrc, i.e. padding a quad file into 5.1 format. Here is the command I've been using:
<applecuckoo> ffmpeg -i EABrand.wav -f lavfi -i anullsrc=channel_layout=mono -filter_complex "join=inputs=6:channel_layout=5.1:map=0.0-FL|0.1-FR|1.0-FC|1.0-LFE|0.2-BL|0.3-BR" EA_5.1_test.wav
<applecuckoo> This doesn't seem to work.
<furq> inputs=2
<applecuckoo> oh, whoops
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<furq> also you don't need the map if you use anullsrc=channel_layout=FC+LFE
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<applecuckoo> thanks furq! Still making my way through the crazy thing that is ffmpeg. :-)
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<chris-p> Yup, was that (although only vaapi works, don't know why qsv isn't...)
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<chris-p> What would the best quality options be to convert h264 to hevc with minimal quality loss using quicksync/vaapi?
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<BtbN> That can't be reasonable answered
<BtbN> the best options are the ones that satisfy what you want to achieve
<BtbN> If you just want the best quality... run max quality constant quality. Quality loss will be minimal, but the file size will be insane.
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