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<lockywolf> How can I keep metadata when recoding a video file with the same container?
<lockywolf> ChatGPT suggested doing like this: ffmpeg -i "$vfile" -c:v libx264 -q:v 0 -threads $(nproc) -c:a copy -map 0 -movflags +faststart ~/TODO_recoded_output/"$vfile_dirname"/"$vfile_wle"_recoded.mp4
<lockywolf> But -map 0 -movflags +faststart does not keep _all_ metadata
<lockywolf> "Tagged date, xyz, com.android.version, com.android.video.temporal_layers_count" are lost
<lockywolf> while I can understand why android-related tags may be not preserved, Tagged date and xyz are _very_ useful
<furq> neither of those options have anything to do with metadata
<furq> you probably want -map_metadata 0
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<lockywolf> furq: I have found 3 metadata-related issues on Trac
<lockywolf> all seem to be about the same thing
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<lockywolf> ffmpeg seems to actually copy the metadata, but not in the way that most devices understand. at least Apple and Mediainfo don't
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<Rammstein> To precisely seek to a specific frame in an h264 video, does it need to compute all previous frames?
<Rammstein> I have a source video that is 90 minutes long and I want just one minute out of it. When I try to re-encode the video with -ss 01:20:00 -to 01:21:00, it takes a long time before it even starts encoding. Is this normal?
<furq> put those options before -i if you want it to actually seek
<furq> assuming the input isn't mpegts or something with no seek index
<Rammstein> Ah, okay. If it seeks this way, would there be any audio sync issues?
<furq> hopefully not
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<Rammstein> Great. This works! So I've been doing this wrong for the last 10 years or longer and just thought of asking today.
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<stevew> got our stuff largely working directx11 so taking a quick look at dx12 video APIs. the only win seems to be decode can be done multiple threads which I don't need for playback & encode which we currently don't need has this thingy ID3D12VideoMotionEstimator which apparently you have an equivalent of already. dunno if it's useful as no experience in this area. fyi.
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<stevew> might be worth it for perhaps better management of reference frames. need to study it some more.
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<iconoclast_hero> is this a reasonable guide to extracting audio from a DVD: https://wiki.gentoo.org/wiki/FFmpeg_-_Extract_Blu-Ray_Audio ?
<iconoclast_hero> (i.e., using ffmpeg)
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<furq> that's for bluray not dvd
<furq> and it's not even a very good guide for extracting bluray audio
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<furq> on linux i guess you would just want dvdbackup -t or whatever will extract an individual pgc that you can then run ffmpeg on
<furq> or makemkv probably does it as well
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<iconoclast_hero> ok
<iconoclast_hero> i'll look into those, thanks
<iconoclast_hero> should there be much of a difference b/w bluray and dvd?
<iconoclast_hero> (i have dvds)
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<kepstin> yes, they're completely different formats.
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<furq> the big difference is that it's easy to do this for bluray and still somehow really annoying for dvd
<furq> especially if you actually have a dvd-audio disc because i don't think there are any oss tools for that
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<furq> isn't this just for authoring
<ppw> [22 Aug 2019] Audio extraction to WAV from MLP-encoded or PCM discs.Experimental MLP support. Updated website. Graphical interface update.
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