
<iskren> hello there! When you create a mapping in river (`riverctl map normal Super+Shift J swap next`) is this only supposed to work when I'm in EN/US keyboard layout? I tried Firefox, and Ctrl+T works for all locales (my alternative locale is Bulgarian)


<tiosgz> mrfoxpro: afaik river doesn't expose current keyboard layout currently... so whatever you meant with your question, i think the answer is none.
<mrfoxpro> I can use with river to configure bar to show keyboard layout?


<ifreund> Guest57: you could try the keyboard-layout-file command if you're on river's master branch
<Guest57> I have tried variations of adding the line 'riverctl keyboard-layout "banana"', 'riverctl keyboard-layout banana' to my init script. I have also tried setting XKB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT= banana in .profile. In the former case i get 'error: invalid value', in the latter, river will not start.


<ninewise> oh nice, ifreund. I'd noticed the keyboard-layout but didn't realize what xkeyboard-config meant there
<ifreund> ninewise: I haven't, but you can certainly continue to use yor caps lock key as compose, see the riverctl keyboard-layout command and pass -option 'compose:caps'


<ifreund> do you have any funky keyboard layout stuff going on?


<LarstiQ> so you must also use `keyboard-layout` to match?
<hamlet> LarstiQ Sorry that I wasn't clear. I want to use the location of the key instead of the symbol given by the key. For me 1 is ", 2 is «, 3 is », etc. In know that this symbol have weird names that I could put in the init, but I also change keyboard layout for programming, so it will not work then. It would be more convenient if I could use the
<hamlet> Hello, I am coming from Hyprland and try to set up river. I'm using a non-us keyboard layout and cannot change tags. Can you change workspace / tag independently of your keyboard layout by using the key location? In hypr, I could switch to a new workspace by using 10 for the 1 key, 11 for the 2 key, etc in the config file. Is there a similar


<ifreund> per keyboard layouts are something we should probably support
<leon-p> although I suppose if we ever have per-keyboard layouts or maps, that would not work


<tentaclius> $ riverctl keyboard-layout us,by -options "grp:caps_toggle"


<JustineSmithies> Any chance of getting PR #753 river-status: add keyboard_layout event merged ? https://github.com/riverwm/river/pull/753


<leon-p> so when using `riverctl keyboard-layout` you'll want to add `-options caps:swap_escape`


<ifreund> Cornelius-Figgle: the riverctl(1) man page describes a keyboard-layout command


<isti115_> I have submitted the issue regarding keyboard layout loading: https://github.com/riverwm/river/issues/869
<isti115_> On the other hand I feel like the direction river is taking is a good one, and I also really appreciate the language choice of Zig, which is much more modern. Yesterday was the first day i actually wrote any of it (I'll submit an issue regarding loading keyboard layouts from files soon), but I already fealt much more convenient writing it rather than C (Sway) or C++ (Hyprland).


<leon-p> Guest23: it is right now not possible to querry the currently active keyboard layout


<aldcor> hi! how can I change keyboard layout in river ?


<Guest43> 2. How can I listen and catch such event (keyboard toggle)? I need to write a script for 'exec-if' part of the waybar module that will run the command from my question (1) and it clearly needs to be triggered when I switch my keyboard layout
<Guest43> Hi guys. I set a few keyboard layouts to toggle on a press. Now I am trying to build a custom/keyboard module for waybar. Two questions:


<ifreund> I personally configure my layout stuff in my keyboard's firmware
<ifreund> additionally passing `-options "grp:ctrl_space_toggle"` to keyboard-layout would allow toggling between colemak/no-colemak layouts without affecting the location of the mappings
<ifreund> e.g. you could do keyboard-layout "us,us(colemak)" and use `map -layout 1 ...` to always use colemak for translating input events for the purpose of mappings
<jacobly> almost, still not the right keyboard layout
<ifreund> alternatively I suspect kmonad can do per-keyboard layout switching in the short term
<jacobly> uh oh, I also need per-input keyboard layouts because I'm annoying
<ifreund> riverctl keyboard-layout 'us(colemak)'
<jacobly> first order need to change keyboard layout...


<ifreund> angry_vincent: see the riverctl keyboard-layout command in the man page


<ifreund> note you can use the riverctl keyboard-layout command now though, no need for those environment variables any more


<NickH> Speaking of the wiki, it seems that the keyboard layout section either needs to be updated or deleted.


<captain_chaos> I just noticed "riverctl keyboard-layout" exists. Does this mean I don't need the environment varaible anymore?


<codedotjs[m]> You can set the keyboard in river now e.g. `riverctl keyboard-layout -options "grp:ctrl_space_toggle" "de,us"` (see the man page for more info).
<scorpion2185[m]> I am still using a var to se the keyboard layout and that is shown with echo


<codedotjs[m]> > As you already know from river(1), the keyboard layout is configured by setting the XKB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT env var before starting river (setting it in your init will not work). If you want to use multiple keyboard layouts, you can write them all into the env var, comma separated:


<leon-p> we did forget shell completion for the keyboard-layout command though


<Lemanr> deleting all other changes then will propose an addition to the documents to mention .bash_profile for arch users, changing keyboard layout should never be this hard (not just a river issue, seems to be wayland in general imo)
<Lemanr> found keyboard-layout [-rules rules] [-model model] [-variant variant] , hoping its as simple as typing this in config
<Lemanr> need help, ive been at this for too many hours, simply changing keyboard layout to dvorak for user with wayland. every file and variable i can think of is just ignored. What is the recomended way to do this?


<ifreund> I feel like `riverctl keyboard-layout -layout de` is kinda redundant
<ifreund> leon-p: hmm, for the keyboard layout CLI does it really make sense to have a -layout option? I thought we would make layout the single positional argument


<leon-p> anyway, I implemented the requested interface changes to the keyboard-layout command, the PR is ready for another round of review


<leon-p> ah yes, right now you need to set some env vars to set the keyboard layout
<scorpion2185[m]> i meant the layout of the keyboard


<kraem_> i'm still a bit lost on how river / wlroots handle keyboards / keyboard layouts. from what i'm gathering everything is deferred to libxkbcommon, which is picking up `grp:alt_shift_toggle` successfully. but how do i query what keyboard layout is active since none of the Xorg utilities work with wayland? does it have to implemented in river like sway has done it?


<janq0> *'t get back to you earlier. Do I understand correctly that there's no way of knowing the active keyboard layout at the moment?


<janq0> Hello! Does anyone know how to output the current river keyboard layout in waybar?


<marshallishere> anyone here uses river on alpine with a custom keyboard layout?


<leon-p> turns out a command to set the keyboard layout is pretty easy. should have a PR ready by tomorrow
<marshallishere> I can't write on the river.desktop file, but when I'm on river, the XKB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT is correctly set to my keyboard, but isn't working
<marshallishere> I'm having problems with my keyboard layout, the XKB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT is set but my keyboard doesn't seems to work


<leon-p> FWIW configuring the layout per-keyboard is a bit of a hack
<plumeus> I wonder how the keyboard layout is set in River.
<ecocode[m]> hmmm. what command can I use to change the keyboard layout ?


<leon-p> for keyboard configuration yes, however if you have multiple layout defined you can switch between them love
<leon-p> Guest84: youcan define multiple keyboard layouts in the env var and then set up an xkb option to switch between them
<Guest84> i was wondering how people managed multiple keyboard layouts/swapping to an international layout? i'm coming from X11 so i used to just use setxkbmap, but i'm not sure what the corresponding tool is for wayland.


<ane> now I wonder if that (keyboard layouts) would make sense as a wayland protocol
<libret60> Hello everyone. I am looking how to change keyboard layout


<ane> basically I want to see the current keyboard layout in my status bar and river doesn't have that info directly yet
<ane> hmm, would it be useful to have the name of the layouts and the currently active layout in `riverctl list-inputs` for keyboards?


<leon-p> crdpa: you need to set an env var before starting river to set the keyboard layout, see river(1)
<crdpa> how can i change the keyboard layout to br?


<Ryan[m]12> <ifreund> "Ryan: this is how I handle..." <- Great, thanks! What keyboard layout are you using? It looks like colemak from the config


<ifreund> I'm pretty happy with how flexible modes are, but yeah that sounds like a fairly inefficent way to implement keyboard layout magic


<carloratm> is it possible to change the keyboard layout in river?


<Guest59453453249> right now the way you choose keyboard layout is specifying it as an environment variable
<Guest59453453249> is there anyway I can have multiple keyboard layouts on river?


<Modest> keyboard layout independent keybindings - wayland, if none - Xorg
<bw> i definitely need to revisit either my qmk config, or my (linux?) keyboard layout selection
<ifreund> bw: I suspect these modifiers don't exist on many layouts for modern keyboard hardware


<pmnw> Hey - to those of you who don't use a status bar - what's your solution for checking some occasionally-useful information such as the current time (inb4 analog clock on the wall) or the keyboard layout, or current volume - in short: all the things that people usually put in their status bars?


<fdnick> ok after trying lots of wayland tiling wm's, i decided to go with river for now. It's not the most feature loaded one, but seems tobe reasonable stable and simple. What i need to know now is: 1. how can i set the keyboard layout 2. how can i remap caps-lock to ctrl. Can anybody help me with that?


<Anderson-D> What's the proper way to query current keyboard layout (and listen to changes) in river?


<nor[m]> Is there some guide or something about how to set up the stuff behind the scenes? I know there are a few things like environment variables and background programs etc. which can help with Applications being less confused about what Environment they're in, to make screensharing work (I've got pipewire, but what else do I need?) Currently I effectively just type "river" into tty (exept I launch a onliner script setting the Keyboard Layout and init


<leon-p> mon_aaraj: potentially useful for keyboard layout related things: https://leon_plickat.srht.site/blog/xkb-custom-layout/article.html


<Guest9147> I just uh want to split up the config into parts - launchers in a separate file, keyboard and mice configuration in its own file, and layout etc. in its own file


<Guest01> hi, hope you are all doing fine. i was wondering if someone could give me a hand with some keyboard layout configuration. my issue is that i want to use the us(altgr-intl) layout but after setting the XKB_DEFAULT_LAYOUT envar my left alt registers a ISO_Level3_Shift but instead of being Mod5 it stays as Mod1. at least that's what i think the issue


<novakane> well I use an azerty keyboard so there is not great layout for coding to me lol
<my_nick_for_rive> IMO, best keyboard layout - Improved Dvorak (for 40% keys), Kakoune - nice editor, but new ver Vim nice too


<ifreund> Well, I only get like 30 to 40 wpm on a "normal" qwerty layout keyboard now instead of 80-100 on my custom split colemak thing


<leon-p> snowedowl: btw, does the cursor work? If yes, the problem is probably XKB (maybe missing keyboard layouts, check your gentoo use flags). If not, well ... good luck.


<Nulo> Is there a way to reload a keyboard layout without restarting river


<swl> How can I set my keyboard layout using riverctl? In sway I could do 'input '*' xkb_variant colemak' but I don't see any reference to xkb or any keyboard related command in riverctl(1)


<dnkl> Is there any way to get the current keyboard layout? Doesn't matter how ugly... Though it would be nice if polling wasn't necessary...


<novakane> ext0l: you can set keyboard layout with XKB_DEFAULT_* environement variables
<ext0l> oh, here's a semi-big thing. does river support alternate keyboard layouts?


<anniehallmoon> Thanks ! That's what I wanted, btw is there any other option to set the keyboard layout ?


<leon-p> if you want per-device keyboard layouts, you have to "cheat" by changing the global layout depending on which device sends key events. sway does this IIRC
<Nulo> Hey! How do I set the keyboard layout?


<ifreund> leon-p: I built my own keyboard and run qmk on it with the arrowkeys in that layout :P