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hi! does anyone know how to bind to several keyboard layouts same keybinds? (i have english and ukrainian layout and it's very annoying to always switch to english to do any keybind on river)
qugalet: try map -layout 0
you mean map all keybinds with -layout 0?
(i don't use river myself but afaict by reading the manpage -layout 0 should force the first layout to be used for sym->code conversion regardless of the current one)
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thank you, it worked!
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is a wrapper required to set env vars for river? for example QT_QPA_PLATFORMTHEME=qt6ct
running export from init didn't work, which was expected, but I dont see a riverctl setenv or similar
Guest6: that's right, you'd need to set the environment variables before starting river, and a wrapper script is a fine way to do that
really liking river so far, the only real thing I am missing is a dwindle layout, but I am not missing it enough to use a third party layout manager
one question, is there a way to run a script on shutdown of river?
Guest6: river will send SIGTERM to the process group of the init script/executable on shutdown. I haven't tried, but one should be able to do something in response to recieving that signal
not great UX for sure, but also not something I've seen anyone ask for before. What's your use-case?
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I would like to unset some env vars, DISPLAY and WAYLAND_DISPLAY that I export into my users systemd env when I start river