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does anyone else get this weird issue where closing the laptop lid and then reopening it moments later causes you to have to enter password 2-3 times in swaylock?
i've set river to also suspend on lidclose, maybe that a contributing factor too.
how do I inspect this?
on void linux, river-0.4-dev
I am still on river 0.3.5. How did you set up suspend on lidclose?
there's 'map-switch mode(a river mode) lid/tablet state(on/off) command'
so I used 'loginctl suspend' as command, maybe that's what's interfering since my logind.conf similar set
interesting, don't you have an /etc/acpi/ ?
there's such a thing?
well there is if you have acpid installed.
interesting file, it also handles the case where pressing the power button shutdowns everything (which I don't like)
you can just adjust it to your preference.
but that file is really all about void linux, not river. I dont think I've ever let my WM handle ACPI events
why so?
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that Lua config is something specific to Archcraft (which I had never heard of before), and apparently that config is not open-source (only downloadable from ko-fi, wtf)... I would avoid it altogether just by this fact
lol, they have apparently sold 103 river configs so far
this sentence is pretty scummy though " It's a donation model of Archcraft, Where you donate to support your favorite open-source project. All the working scenarios are clearly mentioned on wiki page. If you still choose to go with it (knowing all the details about it) and it did not work for you. Please don't ask for refunds or exchange. I'll definitely help you with your issues and try to solve them."
the thing they are selling is not open source
and it doesn't seem like any of the money collected actually goes to open source developers
a non-foss config 🤔
what could possible go wrong
Its sad because those things put a bad light on the whole (f)oss community
"your favorite open-source project" is vaguely phrased yeah but if someone wants to buy a config then whatever
i don't really see an issue
1.) People buy config from open source project. 2.) Person has issue with config, asks seller. 3.) Seller doesnt help/fix issue. 4.) Person opens issue on bugtracker, but cant get help, because he is not allowed to share the config which doesnt work. 5.) Everyone is annoyed.
s/from/for/ oops.
why would they not be allowed to share the config
oh I expected it wasnt allowed because else there would be no point in putting it behind a paywall
i'm now interested what does the license say
maybe it's license
I forked this discussion to #wlroots by the way
where it's even less on-topic heh
of course :D
is there a log? :P
#wlroots isn't logged publicly, no
Gosh, cant be on all weddings at the same time. I guess #wlroots would be interested to read as well
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I mean, realistically that archcraft river config is mostly just a waybar config (the rest of the programs are trivial to make look nice)
would be a shame if someone, you know, like, cloned it or something and uploaded that somewhere
I think the wiki could have a section to collect nice river setups with downloadable configs
but probably not on the Main river wiki, unless you want to help people with support...
I seem to help people anyway, so whatever, and while the wiki is on the official™ river project on codeberg, it's not treatet as documentation, everyone is free to put whatever there
once you suggest configs people will believe you will also help when things are not going along great with it. but I See your point, people will probably come here anyway.
what people believe they are entitled to never mattered to me 🤷
good stance. especially useful in OSS.
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I'm fine with people uploading configs and screenshots to the wiki
as long as they get their own page/pages and don't obscure other content
is Super configurable?
I don't think I understand what you are trying to ask, can you be more specific?
so Super right now (aka Mod4 i guess?) is set to be my windows button or whatever that key is called
i want to change it
or this out of the scope of river?
that is possible, via a custom xkb keyboard layout
if you don't want to use super, why not use another modifier?
what key do you want to press as a modifiert?
well my super key break basically lol
if that explains anything
I see
so you have three options
1) use another modifier other than super, f.e. alt
yeah that's what i thought i should do
2) create your own keyboard layout via xkbcommon magic (highly discouraged)
i guess i didn't ask properly
3) ?
3) check if xkbeyboard-config.7 has something useful
I think there is a layout option you can apply to turn caps-lock into super or hyper
so how do i do 1) again? :D
everywhere you use "Super" in your river config, change it to something else, like "Alt"
i want something i can reset quickly because i usually use my external keyboard
In that case I recommend option 3) actually
the "caps:super" option should turn caps lock into an additional super key
i already have caps:ctrl
then you'll have to choose, I guess 🤷
I think there is another one to replace the menu key with super,
but you can check the man page yourself
the menu key would be very awkward, but yeah :D
I will just make a script to sed Super, but wait hmm