Neat, would only be 2 more packages. That does however use gtk styling, no?
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Yes. It uses gcr.
ah, I want to prevent that, I style my whole UI "terminal-like"
Ah. There is always the ncurses version but I don't use gpg that much anymore.
I've just built wayprompt, lets see if that is usable/stable enough for my daily driver
novakane do you mind tagging your zelbar version now so I can finally submit to the Void Linux repo? As I've said, it runs rock solid now
TheAnachron: I use wayprompt daily, it works fine. There are a few things missing, like there is no UI yet for creating new keys and other such stuff. But the typical 98% use-case of entering the gpg password works perfectly fine.
I dont need to create new keys using an UI.
oh hey, its you! the maker.
leon-p: I assume it doesn't compile with zig-0.11...?
I just texted you on Mastodon asking you for tagging the repo so I can package it officially in Void Linux
There are two known bugs: sometimes it doesn't exit correctly, but that may just be my system (doesn't happen on my other laptop) and sometimes some strings are not read correctly (the protocol is incredibly bad and documentation is mostly wrong)
dnkl: not yet, haven't moved any wayland project to 0.11 yet
TheAnachron: I am not comfortable tagging a release until those two bugs are solved
although I guess I can move Wayprompt to zig 0.11 soon-ish, it's not that complex
but first I need to get the new foreign-toplevel-list protocol into wlroots and fix my raytracing thing I wrote for a university seminar whichs deadline is approaching
I'll just pull down the pre-built 0.10 toolchain for now
heh, Void Linux still uses zig 0.10, that would probably force me to update zig as well (or wait for ifreund to do it)
oh, hey, fcft... :D
of course :) I'll never use pango/cairo again
glib is ew and cairos weirdly offset coordinates are offensive
and now that I have finally figured out how gradients work in pixman there is nothing in cairo I am missing anymore
no rounded corners? 🤔
(everybody else seems to be missing that...)
eh, I am on a CDE/NeXT/sunstation UI style trip right now
leon-p maybe I can help you with those issues. I am going to write a config for wayprompt first though. Do you have any config file that I can modify? I am lazy :p
have it running now. I've been looking for a pinentry replacement for a while now...
yeah, the terminal pinentry always was a bit primitive and the gnome one constantly lost focus and stacked behind other floating windows. The primarmy raison d´être for wayprompt is to make it a layershell widget
TheAnachron: I'll see if I can find one. The defaults are chosen so that I don't have to configure it myself so I don't have one here on my workstation, but I think my laptop does
oh wait, I actually wrote docs how the config works
btw, please don't hesitate to send bug reports. If we could catch that weird hang on exit that would be really nice
TheAnachron: void is probably stuck on llvm 15 or something and can't update zig till llvm gets updated to 16
ahaha, I just messed up the spelling of the coloUrs section, there rarely is any program which uses the "colours" variant, most use colors.
(if anyone wants to fix it themselves or hack anything else: please note that you can't trust the documentation for assuan (the wire protocol) and also not the documentation for the pinentry protocol, which are both wrong in different ways)
like, the one "canonical" pdf I have on assuan talks about _characters_ and not bytes...
ifreund ah yeah just saw the zig 0.11 issue. that sucks :/
and the character limit is imposes is violated by the pinentry agents protocol regularly...
Well, there is nothing easy about gpg-me.
leon-p you made a typo in the manual, you said "--button-no-ok" but in the code you check for --button-not-ok :)
send a patch :)
TheAnachron: I don't mind tagging a version, that's something I want to do since some time, but as said above it's almost impossible to have zig software on void tbh
at least if you want them up to date
leon-p will check how to do that, never did that on sr.ht before.
how do other distros handle this? or is this only once, as zig decided to move to a higher llvm?
fwiw if you look at CONTRIBUTING.md in zelbar there is some links to learn about patches for sr.ht
and for void it's been a problem for a long time, zig always use the new version of llvm and void is always late in llvm version
about the contributing: Neat, I successfully ignored that one so far.
it's a lot of works to update llvm and I guess they lack the ressources/people to do it quickly
well looking at how big the task on llvm 15 was I can understand why we wait until everything has moved
also fwiw I'm daily using wayprompt for a long time too, with no problems
yeah it looks fine, although it is a bit limited. like how do I set my font?
TheAnachron: wayprompt hardcoded the default sans serif font. I use font-config to configure fonts systemwide instead of configuring every program individually, so that is reflected in wayprompt
should be configurable though just to set the size
I'll put it onto my list
ah I see. I do the same. However, most tools I use still allow me to override.
(I only use the override for custom font sizes, so that should be ok)
I haven't really spent time polishing up wayprompt for other users yet. I got it to a state were it serves my purpose and then kinda forgot about it :D
yeah I can't blame you, there are probably only a handful of users out there, especially since you didnt tag anything and didnt expect anyone to use it just yet
I was just tired having this non-wayland pinentry so I really wanted to ditch it
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TheAnachron just left when I was about to tell them that fonts are now configurable
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hey guys! love river. i'm using rivertile with 10 "workspaces" (identified by numbers 0 to 9) similarly to what's shown in the default config file. there's a behaviour i'm trying to implement but i'm not sure i can do it with river
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choucavalier: what behavior?
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sorry i was grabbed for lunch by colleagues while i was typing haha
i basically want to implement a "back-and-forth" mechanism, in which when i'm on workspace $i, if i press Super+$i i move back to previous workspace $j, but if i'm on workspace $j where $j != $i, then i move to workspace $i
pvsr says it's not possible with the init file at the moment
i came here to make sure it was indeed not possible
one idea i had in mind was to add a command to riverctl to "get the current tags"
being able to know the current tags from an external program would make it possible for that external program to keep the state of the "previous workspace" and trigger the right set-focused-tags
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choucavalier: you can get the current tags with the river status protocol, there just isn't any command to just dump those to stdout yet
a back-and-forth focus utility would be at most like ~600 lines of C, most of which will be boiler plate, depending on how smart you want to make it
i want to make it as simple as possible
just remember the last workspace
luckily remembering the last tags is already builtin
leon-p: do you have boilerplate code i can use?
so it'd be: if (requested_tags == current_tags) river.focus_previously_tags else river.focus(requested_tags)
you'll need to sync first though to get the seat and receive the events to know the current tags
focus-view previous is something else, that is to cycle through all visible views
ah ok
Wayland is a bit weird if you're not used to it, feel free to ask questions
waleee has joined #river
thanks, i'm trying something, fail and then call you for rescue
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leon-p: first step, i've added the river-control, everything seems to compile, i removed all the surface things i don't think i need in my case
have to admit there's a lot in your code i don't understand, and i'm not even sure about what i need / don't need
i looked at river-control (xml and generated .c / .h files) i don't understand how i'm supposed to use that thing haha
this is some low level wayland-protocol stuff i'm not sure i understand what's going on
i'm not sure how i can get the "river.focus_previously_tags"
have to admit this is quite not user-friendly
it's the abstraction leaking into the UI
although to be honest I don't think a different approach would be that much better if you also want to expose the more advanced features of tags
s/abstraction/impl. detail/
great another person who uses sed in conversations
seems to be common on IRC :)
i feel like a square among circles, and a circle among squares, sometimes
embrace it, healthier long-term
leon-p: river-bnf works like a charm! thanks a lot :)
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that's what's nice with leon-p, you're throw an idea around and 15 min later you get pinged " I did it for you" :P
It's called procrastination. Technically I should be learning quantum mechanics right now...
well from my point of view that's being a really great contributor to river ecosystem :P
but I get it i'm never more efficient on my project the days that I need to clean up my house :D
I have already cleaned my space today, so river stuff was the only available distraction :) anyway, back to <φ|