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nikolar, this is WIP but has an example of critical bit trees this is for a "scripting language" tree has all variable/etc. other names, and with a single capital letter after -- to lookup the type by name (capital letters disallowed in var names lol it will only be snake case lol ) then other trees look like <variable name><encoded data pointer to data for the vari
able or other item><0x00> this is a function to delete all the state of the interpreter. depending on the tree in question, it is either simple strings (just clr() the tree, which will free() all entries and "nodes") or use pfx() prefix search to find a single entry or all entries by name, decode the data pointer embedded within, free() that or call a function for that specific variable type/etc. ...and then clr() the tree
to remove the "strings"/entries of the tree and "nodes" as well
down at the very bottom are callback functions passed to pfx() that is the only "magic" perhaps...because the cb tree stuff I used does not allow embedded 0x00 in entries/strings, so have to store an "encoded data pointer" without any 0x00 inside it, and decode it on lookup, or in this case, to delete entries and the things they "point to"
i have generic functions to encode/decode binary data so that it does not contain 0x00....but a "C data pointer" is fixed size, so there are functions just for that, and a define with the size to easily make a C var to hold an "encoded data pointer", etc.
you could perhaps find a cb tree thing without such restriction
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err, need to separate components of the string somehow, so i disallow space ' ' in var names for example so it can be used for that purpose inside a cb tree e.g. <variable name> <SPACE ' '> <encoded data pointer><0x00>
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orhchids are so intelligent more intelligent than i no doubt
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What happens if you try to access memory beyond physical memory?
depending on arch, bus fault, or 0xFF or 0x00
depending on if things drive the bus low or high
(I think 0xFF default is more power efficient, and things selectively ground it, which causes current flow, which uses the power, rather than keeping it at 0x00 which leaks all the current all the time)
* Ermine
doesn't totally understand how computer operates at electrical level
I'm asking because on my Intel 64 computer, which first gets set up with UEFI, if I look at where the graphical memory is, it's a linear address that maps to a physical address beyond my physical memory
you'd hope so
if your device memory is overlapping your ram, then your ram is inaccessable in those locations
so when you set up your pci-e devices (the bios does this) you put them all *after* your ram
by writing big addresses into the BARs
i.e my gpu has 12GB of ram or whatever, mapping that to 0 would be *very* unfortunate for me
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11, what a weird number
Oh I see, thanks for the explanation!
So, basically all I have to do is to set up paging for an address beyond physical memory and write that into the BAR.
you shouldn't need to mess with the BARs
bios did that for you already
That's why your LFB address is so high
you just need some way to write to that physical address
memory controller passes it onto the pci-e bus, device sees the address and goes "That's mine!" and subtracts the base address off it to get an offset, then knows "This is a write for offset 0x47 of my internal ram!"
whether it's an ethernet card, gpu, or whatever, everything works like this
Very cool!
But let's say I want to change the BAR, I could right?
yea should be able to
but you might need to also let the pci-e controller above it know
because the pci-e controllers route big chunks of addresses
think of like, ip subnetting
if you have cpu -> pci-e controller controlling all addresses that start 0x3FE0 + pci-e controller controlling all addresses 0x3FD0 + -> ...
then your device might not even see the write if you move it to the wrong range
because the write got delivered along the wrong pci-e host controller
I apparently have a D0000000-E20FFFFF pci-e hub, FC200000-FC3FFFFF pci-e hub, of which FC200000-FC2FFFFF of which is actually handed off to a usb 3.0 hub, etc
looking at aida
The D00 range being my 16x slot the gpu is plugged into
That's the PCIe MMIO you are talking about?
but it might just be device ram underneath
or it might be registers, who knows
(the pci-e config space knows)
I get that from ACPI MCFG and it tells me I only have one.
OSs don't seem to bother to remap everything, instead they all have a bios option to futz with things to leave everything mapped at 3GB-4GB and just move the *ram* around >_<
I'd like to see what the e820 my bios delivers looks like but I am lazy
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zid, huh that's weird
4 root ports
what do the pci addresses look like?
also, yes, pci address assignment is complicated
its chipset specific stuff and you need to parse a lot of ACPI to get the available decode zones, etc
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generally what happens is: 0 - ~3GB physical mem, 3-4G PCI decode region (plus the BIOS up top), 4G - end of phys mem, end of phys mem - $whatever 64-bit PCI decode
for typical PCs
then a PCI access gets sent to the root bridge and goes downstream according to whatever the PCI bridges/devices say they decode
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> 3-4G PCI decode region
i assume for 32-bit compat
yea it was there when we had 2MB of ram
and then we suddenly had 3GB and it was an issue
so we started adding northbridges that were capable of splitting it into multiple ranges
so that you could have it as a hole
it = physical mem
ISA had the same issue with 15-16MB
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(also weirdly, with how pci-e takes prio over ram, it means that addresses go to the pci-e root *first*, then if they reject it, it goes to ram)
not just 32-bit compat but rather lots of PCI devices only support 32-bit BARs
aka 32bit compat :p
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ones that have really big BARs (GPUs, storage) usually have those as 64-bit BARs yes
but even accessing a 64-bit address thru PCI needs two cycles
vs 1 for 32-bit
i have a really big bar
no need to lie ermine, no women here
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yeah fun fact re: the 15-16MB hole. i have a tseng4000 VGA chip in my old 386. i scrounged up some docs for it and it actually has a control bit to enable that
basically maps all of the up to 1MB it supports at 15MB
makes sense for 286 era machines (and 386sx which is mostly drop in replacement) because they only had 24 bits of physical address pins
where does it map by default?
at 0
memory starts at 0 wake up ARM sheeple
There's absolutely no issues just mapping stuff at 0x0. Especially in real mode...
looking for something at address zero is totally not a problem
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I love having my top left pixels on my display determine how my interrupts route, idk about you
zid: very convenient
you change the interrupt routine by placing an image in the corner
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memory starts at (-1)<<47
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childlikempress: warning: left shift of negative value [-Wshift-negative-value]
I think that's IB?
irritable bowels
left hand side negative is straight UB
IB => Implementation-Defined Behaviour
that's IUDB
IB is... infiniband? :P
Hmm, gcc at -O2 doesn't optimize it to oblivion and returns 0xffff800000000000 for `long foo(){ return (long)(-1) << 47; }`
I'm surprised it didn't just let control run off the end of the function tbh
that's a clang thing :P
and -O2 isn't very aggressive anyway
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-O2 is normally enough to get "UB results in nasal demons" behaviour
Or more sensibly "A path containing UB can never be executed, so I can pretend the entire block doesn't exist"
not for things like aggressive eliminations because of UB, in my experience
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I get 0xAC1D29DD
oh it truncated whoops
yea FFFF800000000000
I can't get it to omptimize it to oblivion even at -Ofast (gcc) / -O3 -ffast--math (clang)
clang gives a 'this is undefined' warning
but gives the same result
I wonder if a bunch of software relies on it somewhere
and it's harder to break it than it is to support it
"One version of MSVC for DOS supported this so we have to support it"
msvc gives 0, and also a UB warning
Oh, my guess was wrong.
warning C4293: '<<': shift count negative or too big, undefined behavior
Optimizing it to 0 is still sane though
Rather than the potential for time travel or segfaulting
Or the other insanity UB or IF;NDR can cause.
yea maybe if we embedded it as the controlling expression somewhere
it'd treat it as always true and always false at the same time
but just taking its value gives.. a value, at least
Best UB I experienced was a switch going to a default case, but the default case printf'd the controlling expression and quite clearly output one of the other cases.
I'd passed an argument via asm and forgot to clear the top half of esi
Or edi. Some 32-bit register
So the switch, switched on the full 32bit value, despite it being declared as a uint16_t. The printf only printed the lower 16bits.
Hilarity ensued
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Actually, might have been declared as a uint8_t, same principle.
afaik -ffast--math is only relevant for float math
Yeah, it's the equivlent to gcc -Ofast
relaxes some constraints on precision which lets the compiler reorder oprations for perfomrance
amongst other things
btw, iirc, even when gcc optimizes to oblivion, it still gives you a `ret` at least
unlike clang
which let's you fall through
so good guy gcc
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I still don't understand why they added Ofast
considering it implies a single option, -ffast-math
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which is "Ignore IEEE's requirement that fused multiply add has worse precision than unfused", more or less
err the same, when in reality it's worse
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nikolar: Laughs in `__asm goto`
zid: Clang agrees with you and removed it
To be fair, the __asm goto thing was considered a bug. It incorrectly optimized out the goto target, sometimes followed by ICEing, sometimes just outputting code that jumps past the end of the function