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<d1rg> guys i had questions, why do almost all popular kernels are written in C and not C++
<d1rg> question*
<heat> tradition, age and C suits itself a little better to kernel development than C++
<d1rg> thanks :-)
<zid`> Main answer is "Which bits of C++?"
<zid`> getting 4000 developers to agree on that question is an unsolvable problem
<isabella> raii
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<zid`> and imo, if you take away all the features that are problematic re complexity, compile speeds, redundant code, safety (vtables!), etc
<zid`> you're not left with a lot
<kof673> > initially standardized in 1998 that doesn't mean people weren't using it before...but what are these post-1998 oses? beos: 1995
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<cloudowind> gcc is huge takes ages to build
<bslsk05> ​Sawyer-Powell/chatgcc - A bash script to use ChatGPT as your C compiler (2 forks/21 stargazers)
<zid`> hah
<cloudowind> relatively ofc , huge for this little misarable Intel Core M 5Y71 , might be a little bite for modern cpus , like ultra5 ,
<kof673> old gcc and c only is not too bad, talking 2/3/4 .....maybe 6 or so :D
<kof673> you do need a bit of ram for the latter
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<cloudowind> this is 4.4 , lates here as far as i can see
<cloudowind> GeDaMo: i did write a python script (with the help of chatgpt) withoth using paid apis , i managed to brought chatpgt to my linux terminal and irc by using pythons selenium libs , then improved the script and used is like my bot still in a challen called #rebel anyway
<cloudowind> one day i went to #chatgpt to make a show there , first asked them if theyve got a chatgpt there in their channel they didnt have one
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<cloudowind> and i showed them mine , and gave them the link of the script that ive uploaded to github , and said bye,.,anwyay a week later openai somehow blocked my method
<cloudowind> some how they were managed to detect if the browser has been opened by using selenium or in debug remote control mode whatever you call
<cloudowind> script started to fail... then after spending few hours i managed to turn that script to chrome instead , managed to bypass that check with chrome in debug mode with selenium and beauty libs , still using it
<cloudowind> brought it here one day but i think poor time got banned :)
<cloudowind> *timer..
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<cloudowind> i think ive spoken too much didnt i :) you guys have a gooddays its night time here
<cloudowind> you guys could bring a c compiler here too if you wanted too , i could do it..
* cloudowind gone
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<FreeFull> I remember building gcc when I was doing LFS, it really did take ages
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<alifib> 13 hours building gcc14 on this ibook g4 (ppc)
<alifib> *33, my bad
<zid`> It went from slow because cpus sucked, to fast cus cpus were good, to slow again because C++ port :p
<kof673> ^^^^ report timings for 3.x or 4.x i think too :D
<alifib> firefox gets built in 13 hours, so there's that
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<zid`> heat_: how's rabbitland?
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<heat_> how's what now
<Lucretia> ickle bunnies?
<zid`> ickles bunnies are iberian
<zid`> hispania = rabbitland
<heat_> fuck it here's an unprompted fun fact: did yall know linux setuid syscalls only affect the current thread? the libc uses signals to basically IPI that syscall across all threads
<zid`> weird.. but I guess it makes sense?
<zid`> else you couldn't have an elevated 'secure' thread
<zid`> and drop perms on the rest
<heat_> i mean, you can't really do that anyway with pthreads
<heat_> and clone() CLONE_THREAD is basically unusable because of TLS
<heat_> (unusable to !libc consumers)
<zid`> who are you talking to
<heat_> you
<zid`> wtf
<Ermine> i don't think such thing as "secure thread" exists
<Ermine> there's too little isolation between threads for such scheme to make sense
<zid`> "hardening doesn't help"
<Ermine> to harden you'd need a separate process
<heat_> yeah usually you just see a secure process and use IPC between them
<zid`> that'd be secure, not "secure" :P
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<heat_> i don't think is part of some grand design by the linux people, rather it's just convenient for them (they don't have to lock the creds data nor move it from the task_struct) and the libc people have to cover their asses (as usual)
<zid`> shrug, works as a hardening too though, so it's better this way around
<zid`> the work needs doing either way, but if kernel does it all automatically, you can't do that hardening ever
<zid`> plus less work for them
<heat_> yeah
<heat_> though i do enjoy the signal-based IPI scheme and i do wonder, if disabling signals wasn't so expensive, if you could easily use it for RCU
<heat_> userspace RCU that is
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<heat_> like maybe you could devise a userspace shared memory protocol between userspace and the kernel for signals, and that would be super great
<cloudowind> kof673: sorry my bad , that was make 4.2 , gcc ive been compiling is 14.2 and its been going on since last night , 8 hours. single core didnt wanna get cpu too hot as this machine doesnt have a cpu cooler fan , wow gcc is huge , goodays osdev i am going work
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<geist> huh random thing i just bumped into https://formats.kaitai.io/ext2/
<bslsk05> ​formats.kaitai.io: ext2 filesystem format spec for Kaitai Struct
<geist> but more interestingly, the kaitai thing lets you define structs with json and whatnot and it generates code for you (though sadly not the languages i generally want)
<geist> but it also has a ton of formats in their library https://formats.kaitai.io/zip/
<bslsk05> ​formats.kaitai.io: ZIP archive file format spec for Kaitai Struct
<geist> if nothing else can look at the json as documentation
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<nikolar> geist: if only it generated c
<heat_> yeah i've heard of it
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<heat_> did yall know POSIX explicitly requires CLOCK_REALTIME absolute timeouts to be affected by clock_settime
<heat_> terrible.
<heat_> it basically means my time subsystem needs to be like 5x more complex than it already is, yay
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<Ermine> how about ignoring this requirement?
<heat_> tis what i've been doing
<heat_> but it's probably not a good idea
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<bslsk05> ​formats.kaitai.io: Executable and Linkable Format format spec for Kaitai Struct