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hmm let me give it a shot
but for pointers it makes it (void *) which is probably not great but if you receive it in some type of the same thing in lhs it works fine.
yeah... i kinda need void *
i could restrict these rcu_ helpers to "type a = rcu_*()" i guess
Ah, so you're basically applying no deref to force usage of rcu macros? Neta.
in any case i got sparse to work with my kernel, which is good even though the dev experience is 10x worse
yes that's what i was trying to do
if successful, possibly upstream to linux
makes sense, can certainly catch a fair amount of bugs where people do dereference directly
yeah, sparse (make C=1) can already catch them, but having it pop up in compiler warnings (and clangd!) would be much better
the __unqual_typeof macro is btw __unqual_scalar_typeof in Linux, and shamelessly lifted from there, but I added another condition for pointer types.
otherwise clang was going crazy because I can't apply address_space to deref'd value type of a pointer to create a local variable.
what do you need qspinlocks for in ebpf anyway?
to hold locks (that aren't shit under contention) :)
there's a bunch of BPF programs that do complicated things, like CPU schedulers written in BPF
dont remind me sched_ext exists :(
which need to keep per-cpu / per-NUMA run queues but occassionally rebalance tasks etc.
but in general any kind of synchronization needs it
there's a brand new paper where they do page cache policies in ebpf
yeah i've seen it
there was one in a workshop
and i heard the authors plan on submitting a full 12-pager eventually
i think it doesn't make too much sense (probably be better to hint immediate expiration from page cache through pread/pwrite etc.) but hey, people can do whatever they want
that has approximately 0 chance of getting merged upstream i assume
I think someone already did the most compelling use case using RWF_UNCACHED
hey there's a real patchset for immediate expiration
and that's about it, if you need anything more complicated it's better to just manage your own page cache in user space
more flexibility than you could ever have with bpf
anyone doing this stuff seriously does that anyway
maybe the idea would be to not require O_DIRECT + userspace page cache
like postgres still defaults to buffered IO
I think for the cases where it matters (mostly scans polluting it) RWF_UNCACHED will be enough
anything more complicated or fine grained, and i think the complexity of doing it through bpf won't justify the effort
at that point you just do it in userspace
but i'm not a database expert so maybe i'm terribly wrong
ah yes, postgres never does direct io
this is where ebpf could possibly be used (or just fix the fuckin page reclaim)
but looking at all of this makes me think people miss the bigger picture
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i think the bigger picture is that the current kernel mechanisms (scheduler, page reclamation) are currently suboptimal
and people want to patch over it with ebpf mumbojumbo
yeah, that is definitely the case
it is more so with the scheduler
eevdf sucks ass for some workloads
and like people even complained about it when it was posted on the list
and then they went ahead and merged it anyway
versus CFS?
there's like real regressions in some of the workloads, and then multiply 2% by the number of machines running in a big company's fleet
that's a lot of opex wastage suddenly because of upgrading the kernel
afaik google still carry a patch internally that enables CFS back
that's sad
but otoh you can't really handle every freaking case ever, can you
so i can totally see why people want something like sched_ext
yeah exactly
that's impossible
esp. if you want hyper specialization for a specific use case
well you can by having more schedulers in the tree
yeah that could work
but apparently they want the one great scheduler to handle everything
lkml.org: LKML: Xi Wang: [PATCH 0/1] Add micro quanta scheduling class
it's used by google for their internal userspace network stack
to schedule its threads at us-scale latency
basically give each netstack thread 100us slices, and once it yields the rest of the us can be harvested by CFS tasks
the operational mode is that you have the netstack task on a cpu alone without mixing application threads, but you can use this to still run some kernel housekeeping kthreads
rcu callback processing and what not
and it just got shot down
and not even on the list, from what i heard the rejection was offline, f2f
so i just think it's accrued frustration from years of rejection that led to the current state
rejection or friction in upstreaming useful internal things
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fwiw im not a scheduler guy
so i dont know if its just completely impractical to have multiple schedulers
you already have like 3-4 schedulers
there's one for realtime
then fair
they just added eevdf
eevdf is fair
the core is already fairly well abstracted
that's exactly how sched_ext works, by just plugging callbacks written as BPF programs into ops struct
that could just be a kernel module supplying those callbacks
heat: there's also the case where sometimes you want tight integration between the scheduler and the application
lwn.net: User-managed concurrency groups [LWN.net]
this is how they built an internal "fiber" programming model using pthreads
turns out when you mitigations goop the context switch latency can be in the order of 50-100ns
or something low enough to be tolerable
the syscall latency is like 50ns anyway when mitigations are off
so it's approaching green thread switch latency
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they just ended up building a fiber runtime on top of pthreads, there's a server thread that acts as the executor and a bunch of client threads that act as the "fiber" equivalents. You write synchronous code and when there's an event that requires suspension the framework hands over control to the server thread
that allow the server then to place the task on its own internal queue and schedule it back once there is an event
meanwhile it can schedule some other "fiber" thread that's ready to run
and it does so by doing a FUTEX_SWAP, i.e. on the same CPU, it will transparently context switch into the target thread
beginning its execution as a synchronous operation
and controlling its placement
i mean, there's a small detail here
google will try to upstream whatever works for them
i dont know if this works for anyone else
but i've seen this _multiple times_, with google in particular (but also every other big corp), where they try to hopelessly push whatever makes sense for them
that's definitely true, but there's a bunch of stuff already that's only used by two or three shops. as long as there's someone to maintain the code it's fine i guess.
and it's not as if they tried pushing it out immediately, they've been using it for what, 15 years or so now
the first time this was presented was back in 2012 or so iirc
like for the new mseal stuff, they pushed it as a chrome feature. it's a chrome feature, the guy who added it has no grand vision for it. now they're adding subsequent patches while not caring about the fit
well yeah, but that's what you have maintainers for, to steer it into a generally usable thing
sometimes things get automerged if you have a @google.com at the end of the email address
and i like it when that doesn't necessarily happen
atleast in this particular case i felt like it would have been useful to have it merged than not
they proposed restartable sequences long ago for the same sort of thing that used this and that ended up getting merged eventually
not by them but somebody else picked it up
the funniest bit was that NetBSD had that restartable sequences concept almost always but it gets no credit
yes and even with rseq there are some regrets wrt the interface
www.usenix.org: An Implementation of User-level Restartable Atomic Sequences on the NetBSD Operating System | USENIX
such that some oracle guys (because of the glorious oracle db) are now proposing a _separate_ interface that works kind of like rseq but differently
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lol, it's like the guy sending that out never even looked into rseq
oh yeah, but in terms of execution speed it's not a big deal right? you take the hit only when you have the PF, and it gets handled by the exception handler and fixed up
so in the "correct" case you don't really have a real problem
copy_to/from_user is very much measurable on x86 due to clac/stac
oh yeah i see
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> something something late stage C yes, because it is the compiler :) but then what is it supposed to turn into?
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when google pushes a changfe upstream I trust it more when it has 1 maintainer that's not google more than it being an entire google product with a whole team behind it
because they kill things based on big company reasons that make no sense
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* kof673
quietly takes a swig of absolut c
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they use it at my a uni my friend attends
go on...
so they fixed it because they use it?
[11:45] <nikolar> lol i know why it's fixed
> they use it at a uni my friend attends
ok,was expecting the find out what the fix was
oh no
i don't know that
funny thing is, i even helped that friend with a project using this exact xv6
how did i forget about that
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nikolar: check out commit 6a4d32dd7882d714315067e8919361f82f4a3137 from the pdos repo
not pdos, the os385 uic repo
yeah figured
-fno-pic and -nostdlib instead of -nodefaultlibs seem like the biggest changes
and linker script
oh, that's user
istr it was dyna rel crap?
sounds like someone sneaked a default pie somewhere
the kernel doesn't show any rela.dyn sections
I'd hope not
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I don't know what you mean then
The broken build
was to do with rela stuff being produced where it shouldn't be
of the working kernel doesn't have that problem, it works
[12:25] <Lucretia> the kernel doesn't show any rela.dyn sections
that is the failing kernel
heisenkernel, doesn't work but works
nikolar: any idea what he's on about?
<Lucretia> Get these errors building gcc 12, /lib64/libc.so.6: unknown type [0x13] section `.relr.dyn'
it was gcc
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and relr
I don't get those on gcc14
yes, I expect the problem was someone accidentally a flag, that'sall
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xv6 doesn't run on less than 256mb of ram
Guess I'm not running it on my 386
... what? by mb, do you mean KiB and not MiB?
I mean if you really mean 256 millibits then yeah I'm not surprised it doesn't run on less than a bit
Very funny
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I added a --version option to a program that sets the version to that version, rather than reporting the program's version. I may be going to GNU hell.
// TODO: These should be moved to upgrade_finalize.
// TODO: Or maybe actually the tix-collection create call above.
// TODO: Remove this.
// TODO: Except wait a moment there's the case of ports only.
^^^^^ You ever run into cases like this in your codebase? lol
i don't write TODO lines
i just don't do
Quite often :)
TODOs are a bit part of how Sortix achieves quality. Anytime I have a quick thought or concern about the code, I immediately put in a TODO before I forget, and make sure I resolve them all before committing
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At work we just add TODOs and then just never go back to them
We always intend to go back for them, but we never do
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as you should
sortie, you're going to gnu hell
it's all aclocal.m4 from here on out
oh no
There's no --help there's only the helpful manual page
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why are you not using obstack yet??
#include <error.h>
is the osdev.org forum admin here?
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we have various mods here, including sortie and Mutabah
I can't log in and that theme is fucking blinding
as in bad
if the hyper mega osdev forum admin is chase, you're fucked
github.com: Fix for 2025 by Lucretia · Pull Request #233 · mit-pdos/xv6-public · GitHub
> NOTE: we have stopped maintaining the x86 version of xv6, and switched
our efforts to the RISC-V version
I know
Just saying
It's mentioned in the comment
x86 is still relevant
hah lorenzo
i know the guy
it's a combination of all those patches which are required to get the thing compiled and run
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The more I read the UEFI spec the more it feels like a microkernel-esque OS
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* Lucretia
found out today that Carl Sassenrath worked on an oo microkernel os at apple for scorpius/aquarius
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demindiro: it has services that are OS-like, but it has limitations that make it unsuitable for many types of applications
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like for example my boot code is a regular user-mode application and i wanted a consistent ABI for it to use, so i abuse the syscall mechanism a little. i have to swap GDTs and segment selectors so i have to disable interrupts during the times that i'm not making a "system call"
that puts me in a fragile state were if the "hlt" instruction is executed, the whole system is irretrievably locked