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<atrius> Hi! I'm trying to live encode a numpy array to a compressed format (h264) to send down the wire. I opened ffmpeg as a subprocess with input/output piped, but I'm having a hang when trying to read stdout. Here's the code: https://gist.github.com/mjlbach/a4cbd2e5d2e08fec9962aa5052328fa9
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<aaabbb> atrius: is the hanging the read() blocking?
<atrius> Yes
<atrius> aaabbb: yes*
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<aaabbb> atrius: if you have ffmpeg write to stdout with a redirect like >file does it still block? if the read is blocking it means that ffmpeg is not writing anything to stdout
<atrius> Ah I see what you mean, let me try that as a debugging step
<aaabbb> try running ffmpeg without using python, and take an input file with -i and write to an output file
<atrius> `cat output.mp4 | ffmpeg -y -f mp4 -r 30 -i - -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p -movflags faststart+frag_keyframe+empty_moov -f mp4 pipe:1 > test3.mp4` works fine
<atrius> Didn't have a raw video stream laying around but I assume that would be mostly equivalent?
<aaabbb> i don't think you can use faststart when writing to stdout
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<aaabbb> because ffmpeg has to do a second pass and re-read the file to move the moov atom to the start
<atrius> Ah got it, I can remove that one. It seems like it is blocking until stdin closes
<aaabbb> probably because it's trying to read from stdin and isn't able to, and when it closes it gives up (leaving the moov at the end)
<atrius> Why wouldn't it be able to read from stdin? I removed faststart
<aaabbb> because stdin is write only, like imagine a situation where it's piping to another process that only does read()
<atrius> I'm confused, because I can write to stdin and have it output an mp4. Why would changing the output to stdout affect the writeability of stdin?
<aaabbb> i meant stdout not stdin
<aaabbb> i meant that it's trying to read from stdout (because it has to read the file it just wrote in order to move the moov atom)
<atrius> Is there a way to tell it not to do that? Alternatively is there some solution everyone else is doing for encoding renderer outputs to a compressed video format before webrtc?
<aaabbb> by not using faststart, it won't have to do a second pass
<atrius> Right, I removed faststart and it's still hanging
<aaabbb> does it do that when you aren't using python, when you're just reading and writing to the fs?
<aaabbb> what you'll want to do is remove as many variables as you can to see if it's actually an ffmpeg issue
<atrius> No, it's just with python. It didn't hang with faststart on the command line but I assume that's because it first pipes to stdin, closes stdin (which also works in python
<aaabbb> if doing "cat file | ffmpeg $commands > output" works but the python equivalent doesn't, then i don't think i know how to help because i don't know much python
<atrius> No worries, I just wanted to better understand piping/ffmpeg to see if there was something unique about using named pipes in python that was causing the trip up
<atrius> pipes* not named pipes
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<atrius> aaabbb: I didn't solve it but I did figure out the issue
<atrius> read on python reads until EOF, there's no EOF until stdin is closed so it just tries to read indefinitely
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