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<aaabbb> znf: not too much, depends on what you're doing
<znf> just transcoding
<znf> and in some cases, overlaying dvb subs over video
<aaabbb> any filters? what codec to what codec?
<znf> mpeg2/h264 to hevc
<znf> it's directly from dvb-c
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<aaabbb> how many threads? also you can do "-benchmark" or "-benchmark_all"
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<aaabbb> -benchmark_all will show memory usage at each step so you can see where it's using so much
<aaabbb> if you're transcoding 480p with 2 threads on faster preset it won't use nearly as much memory as using 32 threads on 4k input with 16 bframes on veryslow etc
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<SimAV> Hi, I've been reading through https://ffmpeg.org/doxygen/6.0/avio_http_serve_files_8c-example.html and the ML thread from 2015 https://ffmpeg.org/pipermail/ffmpeg-devel/2015-June/174795.html . Is libavformat/avio today still limited to blocking io (I only care about output in this case) and thus requires a thread for every client?
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<SimAV> IMO, the usage of avio_write in the example implies that it is blocking. (Why?) Can't avio_write fail? In its signature https://ffmpeg.org/doxygen/6.0/avio_8h.html#acc3626afc6aa3964b75d02811457164e I don't see anything that looks like it would inform me about possibly occurring errors, such as ECONNRESET or ENETDOWN / ...
<SimAV> Context: My program currently supports a single output (using a single AVFormatContext * ofmt_ctx) and I would like to extend it to become a multi-client server (i.e. support multiple (network) clients as output destination), where each client is receiving an *individually muxed stream*, depending on when it connects...
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