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<zumba_addict> Hi all. I made a recording of a tutorial I was doing on my linux machine. I processed the video in Davinci Resolve. I exported it to .mov because I can't export to mp4 due to a licensing issue in the software when it's used in Linux. Anyways, the exported .mov file looks great. I ran ffmpeg -i myfile.mov -ss 00:00:00 -t 00:00:10 -crf 18 -vcodec
<zumba_addict> libx264 new.mp4. The resulting quality is clear as the original but some color are missing. For example, there is a pinkish/redish button but on the mp4 file, I couldn't barely see the pink/red tone anymore. It's like white. What am I doing wrong?
<zumba_addict> the colorspace on both files is the same, yuv422p
<zumba_addict> I also just tried -crf 0 but it didn't help
<zumba_addict> oh, looks like i got it working after adding -filter complex brightness -0.5
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<zumba_addict> no, brightness is not the right one. I made everything darker
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<zumba_addict> i almost got it working, acceptable, gamma1.5 brightness -0.02
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<zumba_addict> no, ffplay is lying 😭 I used the same params but the resulting file's color quality is the same
<zumba_addict> OMG, when I added -pix_fmt yuv420p, it got fixed! :( I was adviced most of the time not to change colorspace
<zumba_addict> or is it because of the player not being able to render it propelry?
<zumba_addict> I opened the file in browser, the color is still bad in yuv_422p, just like mpv
<zumba_addict> so I guess the issue is embedded in the resulting mp4 file where I didn't pass -pix_fmt yuv420p
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<johnjaye> zumba_addict: did you figure it out?
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<zumba_addict> yup using -pix_fmt yuv420p
<zumba_addict> i said it above
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<d33cee> i didn't figure mine out yet
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