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<chiselfuse> i am studying how to use ffmpeg, is there a way to have it just output brief info about input files and mapping instead of ~10 lines of info about each stream etc?
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<termos> maybe what you want is just `ffprobe -hide_banner file.mp4`
<chiselfuse> i already have that
<chiselfuse> think more of like output of `ip address` vs output of `ip address -color -brief -human-readable`
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<chiselfuse> oops, it'd be `ip -color -brief -human-readable address`
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<c_14> chiselfuse: short answer: yes. long answer: depends on what you want exactly. see the -show_* options
<c_14> also if you're wanting to automate/script something consider the different output formats as well
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<chiselfuse> c_14: i cannot find any -show_* options in the manpage
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<c_14> though I may have misunderstood what you're asking. Are you trying to get specific infos about input files or are you trying to adjust what ffmpeg outputs during a conversion?
<chiselfuse> c_14: the latter
<c_14> In that case, no. the Input: Stream mapping: and Output: sections are are iirc only guarded by loglevel and not configurable
<c_14> So you can disable all of them with -v warning, but you can't configure them
<c_14> (not without patching ffmpeg.c anyway)
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<AlexandrKirilov> Hello all! Is it possible to use FFMPEG for restreaming RTSP within last hour cache in file?
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<AlexandrKirilov> Trying to keep only 1 hour from current time stored in file
<AlexandrKirilov> Is it possible to do so?
<AlexandrKirilov> Kind of video cache
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<JEEB> with the API, probably? the business logic with the caching etc being handled by you. but there are probably tools specific for restreaming RTSP to RTSP which do not try to parse the whole stream and can pass the data as-is?
<AlexandrKirilov> @JEEB with the API, probably? - Do you mean using own application written on C/C++ within using FFMPEG API?
<AlexandrKirilov> Is there any FFMPEG in-box solution for it?
<chiselfuse> -c[:stream_specifier] codec (input/output,per-stream) # do the square brackets here mean optional? if so, then which streams would just `-c copy` select?
<chiselfuse> hmm, i think all of them
<JEEB> yes, everything
<JEEB> the stream specifier is indeed optional
<JEEB> like -c:s being all subtitles, -c:s:2 being the 3rd subtitle stream
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<chiselfuse> `-c` most often must be useless if specified before an input `-i` because ffmpeg can recognize which coded to use to decode streams. am i correct?
<chiselfuse> s/coded/codec
<JEEB> not really, you can specify a specific decoder
<JEEB> by default yes, it will switch to the first-in-the-list decoder built into avcodec
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<Traneptora> is there a simple brainless EQ filter in avfilter?
<Traneptora> like "I want to amp the bass on this song" kind of EQ
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<JEEB> seems like there's more than enough of such to pick from ^^;
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<JEEB> which I guess is the problem since you need to figure out which lets you specify specific frequency band
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<Traneptora> JEEB: the question is more of, there's a billion EQ filters, but I'm not looking for an 18-band eq or whatever
<Traneptora> just something dumber. like "amp bass"
<JEEB> ye :)
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<MG2021> hi
<MG2021> is this the source codes of bink video 2 decoder?
<MG2021> #include <bink2.h>: This line includes the bink2.h header file, which contains the definitions for the Bink Video 2 API.
<MG2021> int main(): This line defines the main() function, which is the entry point for the program.
<MG2021> Bink2Decoder decoder;: This line creates a Bink2Decoder object, which is used to decode the Bink video file.
<MG2021> decoder.Load("video.bik");: This line loads the Bink video file video.bik into the decoder.
<MG2021> int width = decoder.GetWidth();: This line gets the width of the video.
<MG2021> int height = decoder.GetHeight();: This line gets the height of the video.
<MG2021> SDL_Surface *surface = SDL_CreateRGBSurface(0, width, height, 32);: This line creates a surface to render the video to. The surface is 32-bit RGBA, which means that it has 8 bits per channel for red, green, blue, and alpha.
<MG2021> while (decoder.IsPlaying()): This line loops while the video is playing.
<MG2021> decoder.DecodeNextFrame();: This line decodes the next frame of video.
<MG2021> SDL_BlitSurface(decoder.GetFrame(), NULL, surface, NULL);: This line renders the video frame to the surface. The NULLs in the SDL_BlitSurface() function call mean that the source and destination rectangles are the same size.
<MG2021> SDL_UpdateWindowSurface(SDL_GetWindowFromSurface(surface));: This line updates the screen with the new video frame.
<MG2021> SDL_Delay(33);: This line waits for 1/30th of a second. This is done to keep the video playing at a smooth pace.
<MG2021> decoder.Free();: This line frees the video decoder.
<MG2021> SDL_Quit();: This line quits SDL.
<MG2021> what is this
<JEEB> spam
<MG2021> ?
<JEEB> that is what it is since you just pasted XYZ lines onto IRC as-is
<JEEB> don't do that again, thank yuo
<JEEB> *you
<MG2021> ok
<JEEB> but that is most likely just a code example of using the official bink library for decoding with showing it with SDL
<JEEB> not relevant to having it in FFmpeg
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<MG2021> JEEB possible to use it
<MG2021> is it useful
<JEEB> not really, since the bink download already contains a basic decode example and stuff. so you can create the reference decoding results like that
<JEEB> what is useful is someone poking at ghidra and trying to finish up that patch that's on the mailing list
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<kongo83> Could someone guide me on how to use drawtext to draw the current frame rate on my output? My source is an ip-camera which streams in a variable frame rate
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<BtbN> I'm not sure if that's even possible. "Current framerate" is not well defined as well
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<BtbN> like, count of frames in the last 60 seconds? That'd require dedicated logic to even keep track of
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<BtbN> Or the inverse of the duration of the current frame, touhg I don't think the duration of frames in variable framerate scenarios is reliable
<kongo83> I see, thanks anyway
<AMM> You can try displaying 1/(cur_s - prev_s), but it won't be averaged at all
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<qmr> Any information on quicksync for melt / ffmpeg on freebsd? not finding much
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<wimp> I want to ask a question about my concatenated code to do the following: I have 3 screens to record with ffmpeg code live into one output resulted video file in mp4 container. now the code i have can already record two devices at a time but i want to position the videoframes of the two overlayed video screens that i want to record in a smaller
<wimp> frame size because i needed the desktop to be recorded (with that i am stuck in the code doensn't want to record the desktop input) and i am recording to video4linux devices at a the same time. the last two devices work verywell in one codeline but i need to add the desktop video as a third screen in the recording that i want to do at once in one
<wimp> can i do this?
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<another|> never record to mp4 if you can avoid it
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<wimp> its not an issue i found a way to reduce the size of the whole recording at once so dont tell me that not to do. i am asking the advice of adding a third screen in the overlay filter of my code
<wimp> the whole thing worksvery fine in in the codeline and the end is always a nice mp4 file why are you arguing that container. its the best to play everywhere. i dont need to reencode my files anymore with my code. the only issue is finding the overlayfilter code that can bring in my dekstop screen as a third overlayed screen in one video
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<wimp> i am now stuck with x11grabbing code that needs to capture the screen and together with the two video4linux2 devices a vieograbber on usb and a webcam at video4linux2 inputs very well but i need to add the desktop and that is the thing that wont record at the moment. in combination with the two existing overlays. when i try to overlay the desktop
<wimp> the video gets blurred and i dont see the third dekstopscreen anywhere beause i cant find the right positions for it
<wimp> i can show you my codeline if you want if that brings a clear look at it
<qmr> make: "/tmp/src/ffmpeg/ffbuild/config.mak" line 2: Invalid line type
<qmr> getting lots of errors like this trying to build on freebsd
<wimp> is anyone still in the possibility of trying to help me with my codeline for it must be in a way possible to get two frames at lower framesize in a recording together with the big webcam recording where the other two recordings are video for linux input devices at the same framesize but positioned otherwise. so my quuestion is a double one: 1] how
<wimp> do i adapt my exisiting  code to resize the videograbbing inputframe for the desktopscreen and how do i reposition that frame on top of the lower videoframe that already was positioned in the videofilter the overlay-filter that i am using is not doing what i want to do.? thanks in advance on a consistent reply i would appreciate it if someone can
<wimp> try to think of a solution to work with three inputscreens at once.....
<qmr> ok gmake has started build..
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<qmr> built successfully, still no encoding Failed to initialise VAAPI connection: -1 (unknown libva error). | Device creation failed: -5. | Failed to set value 'vaapi:/dev/dri/renderD128' for option 'init_hw_device': Input/output error | Error parsing global options: Input/output error
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