<jkhsjdhjs> hm, when overlaying subtitles onto a video and the subtitles go EOF, ffmpeg still continues to transcode and doesn't terminate. that only happens with shortest=1 for me
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<jkhsjdhjs> using ffmpeg version N-112917-ge78c6a1f2c, so a very recent commit on the master branch
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<markizano> jkhsjdhjs, overlay like enscribing with `subtitle` filter or you have an image you're looping in ?
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<furq> overlay filter, so presumably image subtitles
<jkhsjdhjs> the subtitles are vobsubs
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<furq> pastebin the command line somewhere
<furq> if i'm reading this right they should behave identically
<jkhsjdhjs> I can also supply the files, one sec
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<furq> i think repeatlast overrides eof_action
<jkhsjdhjs> ah yep, that seems to be it
<jkhsjdhjs> so repeatlast overrides eof_action and shortest overrides repeatlast
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<jkhsjdhjs> btw why does ffmpeg still read the entire input even though the filtergraph has already gone EOF? couldn't ffmpeg just stop processing the input once that happens, because the output is terminated anyway? abort if
<jkhsjdhjs> -abort if
<furq> probably because of -map
<furq> you're not mapping the filterchain output there
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<jkhsjdhjs> ah it was because I'm also mapping the audio stream, which isn't filtered in any way :facepalm:
<jkhsjdhjs> I'm asking all this because jellyfin uses eof_action=endall:shortest=1:repeatlast=0 when overlaying subtitles on video, which doesn't make a lot of sense to me, since this causes the video stream to terminate if the subtitles go eof and the subtitles may go EOF before the video ends:
<jkhsjdhjs> guess I'll create a discussion regarding that at their repo
<furq> yeah that seems wrong
<furq> and not just the redundancy
<furq> eof_action=pass makes more sense for streaming
<jkhsjdhjs> that's what I thought, too!
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<jkhsjdhjs> let's see what they say
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<AlexandrKirilov> Hello al! Is there any way to add timestamp to FFMPEG output? For now there are "[hls @ 0x7f9d0ff05d80] Opening … " but need something like this "1701969392656855 [hls @ 0x7f9d0ff05d80] Opening …" The manner of timestamp could be different.
<AlexandrKirilov> Is the any way to add network errors to output? It's very important for me to see what is going on with network.
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<BtbN> Answer still hasn't changed, not via a flag, but trivial to add in code.
<BtbN> And FFmpeg will already report errors, so not sure what you mean about network errors.
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<tab1293> hi all, i'm having some trouble getting a stable ffmpeg command to transcode a MPEG TS stream coming over SRT. when issues occur, i see these logs from ffmpeg: mpegts "corrupt input packet in stream" and "PES packet size mismatch". i also just noticed that ffmpeg logs this as well: "changing packet size to 204"
<tab1293> the packet size of the source stream should be static at 188 bytes, so not sure why ffmpeg is switching to 204. is there a way to force ffmpeg to keep pkt size constant at 188? this is the relevant line: https://github.com/FFmpeg/FFmpeg/blob/master/libavformat/mpegts.c#L2924
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<sss1> hi all, can someone explain how to properly do scaling?, expecially how to deal with width/height alignment, i already asked yesterday, https://ncl.dark-alexandr.net:44367/s/z5ZbDAfTmm93ACp - here is demonstration of the problem with code used and video samples
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<sss1> same problem exists with both old handmade rgb>ycbcr conversion code, and conversion + scaling via libswscale
<sss1> so i think i do not get whole concept right
<BtbN> Not sure what the actual question is, but if you mean "has to be a multiple of 2", use -2 as the other variable
<sss1> with some resolution i have screwed image
<sss1> it's always multiplied by 2 for all dimensions
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<sss1> also, in broken sample video we have green line at the right side, so i guess actual scaling is not done (or i am copying data from target frame buffer incorrectly)
<sss1> and in not so broken video we have green line too, but on the bottom
<sss1> so something definitely wrong with scaling (or using target framebufer)
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<sss1> BtbN: maybe some samples exists somewhere ?, i am unable to found it in ffmpeg code
<sss1> i mean, looks like ffmpeg internally do not use it, or using some different api's
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