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<sss1> hi all, i have weird problem with resolution during encoding, we also have similar problem if we encoding directly via libtheora, for theora it seems what make framebuffer resolution divisible by 16 resolves problem, and also this works for ffmpeg, but i do not see anywhere in ffmpeg documentation what frame resolution should be divisible bu 16, instead it should be divisible by 2, so i guess we
<sss1> doing something wrong, probably during rgb>ycbcr conversion
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<sss1> any suggestions will be appreciated
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<sss1> i have tried to set destination resolution via avcodec_align_dimensions with no luck, problem remains
<sss1> so only workaround currently work is to make source framebuffer divisible by 16, which i think incorrect
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<galad> what happens if it's not divisible by 16?
<galad> from what I see in libtheoraenc.c it should automatically take care of the alignment
<galad> it could be something is wrong in your conversion code, you could try to use libswscale to convert from rgb to ycbcr
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<galad> usually video buffer have a line stride that is different than the width, probably you are copying the data and using the width to move to the next line instead of the stride
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<sss1> - here is uploaded samples (correct and broken) and also code used
<sss1> galad: yes, looks like something like this
<sss1> galad: how to properly put rgb buffer data into avframe ?
<JEEB> you have api to allocate image to AVFrame
<sss1> which one ?
<sss1> whare i can read about it ?
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<sss1> - looks like whole this family of functions is deprecated
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<sss1> can i just copy rgb buffer into ->data[0] ?
<sss1> and set appropriate frame type and resolution
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<sss1> ok, now i have implemented rgb>ycbcr via ibswscale, problem remains
<sss1> but i am still need to use our structures for holding ycbcr data ....
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<sss1> does ffmpeg have something to draw image into frame, let's say mouse pointer ?
<another|> overlay filter?
<sss1> preferable somthing more stupid, let's say i have argb32 buffer, and want to draw it directly into frame, with transparancy support
<sss1> currently i am do it manually, directly into buffer
<sss1> which is a bit wakward and unflexible in terms of pixel formats
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<sss1> so i want something like sws_scale_frame do, with transparancy support and ability to redraw part of frame at given position
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<sss1> it seems what i am doing scaling wrong, i got even worse result with our hand-made ancient code
<sss1> - what wrong here ?
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<BtbN> sounds like overlay filter to me at least
<sss1> BtbN: whis is answer to which question ? )
<BtbN> "drawing" a frame onto another
<sss1> undestood, i will investigate, but for now scaling problem is more important
<sss1> any ideas ?
<sss1> - here is few video samples, and scaling code in new_scaling.txt
<sss1> both (broken and not-so-broken) videos produced with same code
<galad> still looks like you are copying data around using the wrong stride
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<sss1> galad: how to calculate correct one ?
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<sss1> i am using width*heught for y,cb,cr
<sss1> looks like it's wrong in some situations ?
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<galad> if you are copying the data to an avframe
<galad> check the linesize of each plane
<galad> if the linesize is different from your source data, you will have to memcpy for each line or something like that
<sss1> probably problem occurs than i coying out
<sss1> in buffer is always rgb which is copyed into data[0]
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<galad> check what's the linesize there too
<sss1> but what are buffer size calculation rules anyway, if i found what linesize differs from width, what should i do ?
<galad> copy the data line by line
<sss1> is any examples available ?
<galad> I don't know, maybe there is already a function to do so somewhere
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<sss1> also, in corrupted video accesible via link above, linesize matches width in output frame
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<AlexandrKirilov> Hello all!
<AlexandrKirilov> Starting FFMPEG and it's dying after some time with no any reasons of it
<AlexandrKirilov> there are only this message
<AlexandrKirilov> frame= 412 fps= 14 q=-1.0 Lsize=N/A time=00:00:27.46 bitrate=N/A speed=0.959x
<AlexandrKirilov> video:3368kB audio:30kB subtitle:0kB other streams:0kB global headers:0kB muxing overhead: unknown
<AlexandrKirilov> [aac @ 0x7fccdb30b680] Qavg: 62550.938
<AlexandrKirilov> And nothing more
<AlexandrKirilov> Why it's happening?
<sss1> looks like finished
<AlexandrKirilov> But it's RTSP camera
<AlexandrKirilov> It shouldn't be finishig
<sss1> switch to tcp
<AlexandrKirilov> It is under TCP
<sss1> hmmm
<AlexandrKirilov> ffmpeg -nostdin -loglevel info -nostats -hide_banner -y -threads 1 -timeout 3600000000 -i rtsp://ADDRESS/live/main -c:v copy -r 25 -b:v 1000000 -crf 21 -preset ultrafast -tune zerolatency -c:a aac -sc_threshold 0 -f hls -hls_time 12 -hls_list_size 100 -hls_flags delete_segments -hls_delete_threshold 150 -strftime 1 -hls_segment_filename 'stream_%Y%m%d-%s.ts' stream.m3u8 -c:v copy -r 25 -b:v 1000000 -crf 21 -preset ultrafast -c:a aac -sc_
<AlexandrKirilov> threshold 0 -f segment -segment_time 900 -segment_format mp4 -map 0 -reset_timestamps 1 -strftime 1 archive_%Y%m%d-%s.mp4 2>&1
<AlexandrKirilov> Here the command
<sss1> have you tested it with some other player ?
<sonicrules1234> Why are you setting the video codec, video bitrate, and fps twice?
<furq> there are two outputs
<furq> most of the options on the second output don't do anything with -c:v copy though
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<AlexandrKirilov> @furq which is doing nothing?
<furq> -r, -b:v, -crf, -preset, -tune, -sc_threshold
<furq> those don't do anything unless you reencode the video
<furq> also -b:v and -crf will override one another with x264
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<AlexandrKirilov> @furq thx
<AlexandrKirilov> issue solved - there are camera that about to die
<sss1> or cable
<AlexandrKirilov> It's just saying me "no more streams, let me die"
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<sss1> any help with my scaling issue ?
<sss1> some code samples will be preferable, if it exists
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<squid1> Hi! I'm trying to build a minimal FFmpeg binary with Opus with this command: ./configure --target-os=linux --arch=mips --enable-cross-compile --enable-static --cross-prefix=/static/mipsel-linux-musl-cross/bin/mipsel-linux-musl- --prefix=/git/install --pkg-config-flags="--static" --extra-cflags="-I/git/install/include" --extra-ldflags="-L/git/install/lib" --pkgconfigdir=/git/install/lib/pkgconfig --disable-network --disable-doc --disable-
<squid1> autodetect --disable-asm --disable-libvorbis --disable-alsa --enable-small --disable-swscale-alpha --disable-avdevice --disable-hwaccels --enable-libopus
<squid1> I encounter: ERROR: opus not found using pkg-config, I followed the Wiki to install Opus to the /git/install directory already(there is opus.pc under /git/install/lib/pkgconfig)
<squid1> I have been looking and following any answer I could find but the error remains, may I ask for help here? Thank you
<squid1> By removing the --enable-opus, the command works but it doesn't work when I add that option like the above
<squid1> --enable-libopus, I mean
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<BillTorvalds> Is there an ffmpeg command I can use to check whether or not a given input .png is "fully black" (or >=95% black) with a yes/no? I've asked ChatGPT and searched online but can only find seemingly made-up answers or ones that apply to videos rather than images.
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<BillTorvalds> There seems to be a "blackdetect" filter which seems relevant.
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<meklu> I'd imagine that to be a little easier to do with ImageMagick or the like
<BillTorvalds> meklu: Well, if you have that installed and set up...
<meklu> *shrug*
<BillTorvalds> meklu: It just seems like ffmpeg has all kinds of tools to do this for images, moving or not.
<BillTorvalds> I could load in the image in PHP's GD thing and loop over every pixel and keep track of how many pixels are black and count the percentage, but it seems like a lot of work and many issues on the way for something which is more than likely possible with ffmpeg.
<meklu> It does seem likely. I'm just some random casual user idling on IRC.
<meklu> It would then again be really easy to just downscale an image to 1x1 with whatever blend mode seems reasonable and then read that singular pixel and see whether it's close enough to #000 to matter.
<meklu> Although it would admittedly seem a little wasteful.
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<BillTorvalds> What if there is a black border around actual video and that 1x1 downscale picks black instead of whatever is in the middle?
<meklu> Sounds like a data problem to me xD
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<LimeOn> Hello, do you know how can a remove 'side data' from a video stream?
<furq> BillTorvalds: ffmpeg -v error -i out.png -vf blackframe=amount=95:thresh=17,metadata=mode=print:file=- -f null -
<LimeOn> a quick search did not show nothing to remove it, but for preserve
<furq> maybe there's something better that doesn't autoconvert to limited range yuv
<LimeOn> but in a total different case, so i wonder if there's way to emove it
<BillTorvalds> yuv?
<BillTorvalds> furq: That command gives the output "At least one output file must be specified" instead of a true/false.
<another|> BillTorvalds: What's the exact command you used?
<BillTorvalds> Exactly what he showed except with test.png instead of out.png.
<furq> did you forget the -
<another|> X Doubt
<BillTorvalds> D'oh. Somehow, I had gotten an extra "-" in the end. Well, with only one "-" in the end, there is zero output instead.
<furq> it gives no output if the image isn't 95% black
<BillTorvalds> It uses return codes?
<furq> no it only outputs if the image is more black than the threshold
<furq> you can change to amount=0 if you always want it to output but then you'd have to parse it yourself
<BillTorvalds> Appears to be working. Thanks.
<furq> also i tested this with one entirely black image so idk how reliable it is
<furq> with rgb input it converts it to limited range (16-235) yuv hence thresh=17
<furq> which seems less than ideal
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<furq> -vf scale=out_range=full,blackframe=amount=95:thresh=1,metadata=mode=print:file=-
<furq> another one for the "wait does that really work" file
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<JEEB> LimeOn: not sure if the ffmpeg tool has an option for that yet
<JEEB> unless the metadata option also works on that
<LimeOn> it did not work, seems to be a 'separated category'
<JEEB> API wise it most definitely is :)
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<JEEB> my current thing is to actually allow for side data to properly propagate when encoding
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<JEEB> I plugged the color space information pipe in late 2020
<JEEB> but side data is not yet there
<JEEB> I think one of the few side data related options in ffmpeg is the rotation related stuff
<LimeOn> yes, the thing i have found, its still 'experimental' i guess
<JEEB> nah, that's different. that's codec copy
<JEEB> this is what I am trying to push through
<JEEB> the example patches at the top (end) implement CLL and MDCV writing in x264, x265 and SVT-AV1. those two are what are generally called "HDR10 metadata"
<JEEB> but since this is the thankless plumbing stuff, it is definitely not limited to that
<LimeOn> oh, thats a fresh WIP thing
<LimeOn> its the first time i see the 'side-data' thing, there seems to not be much info in the web about that either
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<JEEB> metadata was structureless. you just have a key and a value, both text
<JEEB> side data is structured
<JEEB> that's the main difference on API level
<LimeOn> oh, thats true, metadata will 'answer' when you use the metadata tag and the 'attribute'
<LimeOn> this seems to be 'called' in a different way
<JEEB> side data has specific structures such as f.ex. AVContentLightMetadata or AVMasteringDisplayMetadata
<JEEB> those actually have proper numbers and bytes etc
<JEEB> also that is why there is no API yet to add side data other than that one display rotation one I made for ffmpeg :D
<JEEB> well, I made not API but ffmpeg option
<LimeOn> oh, i just realized that the side-data is removed xD
<LimeOn> it confused me, because the 'Output' part mentioned it
<LimeOn> but when i do 'ffmpeg -i FILE' it is not there ^^
<JEEB> if the output cannot write it out, then it does nada
<JEEB> it might be passed through in the tool or framework
<JEEB> at least with codec copy
<JEEB> but if the output module does not habla espanol, it will of course do nothing with that side data
<LimeOn> genial ^^
<LimeOn> i did not codec copy, so it is not there i guess
<JEEB> it might be in the format still, not sure. but the encoder at least does not get it
<JEEB> since that is what my patch set does
<JEEB> it takes the side data from the first decoded+filtered AVFrame, and adds it to the encoder
<JEEB> (since runtime changed information is then later received through those AVFrames)
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<JEEB> but yea, at some point there will have to be an API to go from text (such as command line options) to side data
<JEEB> since that is something that's lacking right now in a generic manner
<LimeOn> it was 'cpb' which i do not know either what means
<JEEB> coded picture buffer or so I think? basically has max|min|average bit rate and buffer size as info
<JEEB> (which ones are filled depends on the source at hand)
<JEEB> that will get overwritten by the encoder if it sets that info, which then the output container can write out
<LimeOn> yes, it got written to 000/000/000 xD
<LimeOn> then dissapeared, since its not shown anymore
<JEEB> I recently added it to the SVT-AV1 encoder wrapper
<LimeOn> but 'cpb' was an ambiguous term for the search engine and it did not show proper results haha
<JEEB> in this case I check if any of the values are nonzero
<JEEB> then if they are, I create a CPB side data entry
<JEEB> since if it's all zeroes then there's no use :P
<LimeOn> haha
<LimeOn> those are 'guidances' for programs or for humans?
<LimeOn> i mean, knowing the rate variation is useful in what case?
<JEEB> the use case for me has mostly been about informing a live media origin that my media will have a certain maximum bit rate
<JEEB> (or at least, my encoder is configured to such)
<JEEB> uhh, maybe not maximum bit rate since the encoder can peak. just that it's the maximum average over the buffer size
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<JEEB> for example blu-ray is 40mbps over a buffer size of 40 megabits
<JEEB> (which one can think of more or less as a single second worth of buffer)
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<LimeOn> those seem to be far complex things to me, im just used to the basic options haha
<JEEB> some formats like MPEG-2 Video, AVC or HEVC/VVC can also signal the parameters in the bit stream, which is why when probing some broadcast streams you can get that stuff
<JEEB> get it on the input side, I mean
<LimeOn> i usually look at resolution and sometimes bitrate
<LimeOn> which is some kind of resumé of the file
<LimeOn> summary*
<LimeOn> but now i get its far complex than that
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<jkhsjdhjs> hey, I have a question regarding the framesync filter options (eof_action, shortest). if eof_action is set to "endall", the documentation states that it ends both streams if EOF is encountered on the secondary stream. shouldn't this terminate the output? or what exactly does it mean to end both input streams? just asking because the behavior is different from shortest=1, and it explicitely states
<jkhsjdhjs> that it terminates the output when the shortest input terminates
<jkhsjdhjs> i.e. if I use shortest=1 with the overlay filter, it stops muxing once the shortest stream goes EOF (which is also the secondary stream). it still reads the whole input, but stops writing the ouput at this point.
<jkhsjdhjs> on the other hand with eof_action=endall, it seems to ignore the EOF and never stops muxing, but transcodes the entire input
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<furq> it should terminate the output and it does for me
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