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<iconoclast_hero> what DOES an input file need to look for -f concat -i files.txt IF one of the files to be concatinated has a ' in it?
<iconoclast_hero> i've tried \' and "'" and neither work.
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<iconoclast_hero> nor does "\'"
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<IdontKnowAName> hello all, I am investigating how to have keyframed animation for a crop filter. The idea is that I would pre-process a clip, create a file full of crop parameters for each video frame, and then would like to pass those values to an ffmpeg encode from the cli. I've kinda come to the conclusion this isn't possible, but I saw there is way to talk over ZMQ to ffmpeg - however, as I understand, that is entirely interactive (and there's no way to
<IdontKnowAName> know what frame of the video we're at when we send a value). Is there currently a way to achieve the above?
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<sss1> hi all, is it possible somehow to autmaticaly scale resolution to one supported by certain encoder in ffmpeg ?
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<sss1> so i want to write code which will automatically scale frames to supported by encoder resolution
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