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<chiselfuse> i can't get ffmpeg to convert a file to this exact container/stream
<chiselfuse> it's what my phone likes and otherwise it doesn't want to accept the file as alarm sound
<chiselfuse> this is what i can do with the default encoder
<chiselfuse> which my phone doesn't like
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<znf> chiselfuse, please use ffprobe -show_streams -show_format
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<iconoclast_hero> this works for me generally but fails when a file name contains '. ffmpeg -nostdin -hide_banner -stats -f concat -safe 0 -thread_queue_size 1024 -i <(for f in ./*."$ext"*; do echo "file '$PWD/$f'"; done) -acodec copy "$title.$ext"
<iconoclast_hero> how do I change the list generation to a fixed file so that i don't have the issues with ' ?
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<chiselfuse> znf: if you care to look again, badfile: goodfile:
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<znf> other than minor_version and compatible_brands I don't see any difference
<znf> but that's enough for some specific decoders/demuxers to cause trouble
<znf> Try playing around with the -brand command line switch, chiselfuse
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