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<remiliascarlet> Just got awakened by a massive shindo 3/magnitude 5.3 earthquake.
<serpente> wow
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<farkuhar> zorz finally provided more context for the 20:58 comment on Monday ... it wasn't meant as a comparison between Linux development trends and the more conservative approach taken by *BSD, but instead a prediction of state-sponsored crackdowns on any users who try to reassert control over what runs on their computers.
<farkuhar> at first I tried to interpret zorz' comment in light of his newfound appreciation for OpenBSD (coming from Alpine and Debian), but that interpretation didn't mesh with the reference to 1950s communists.
<farkuhar> so, thanks for the further clarification (... "the government will not have access they will be hunted like communists with Hoover"). But denial of access goes both ways: users who value their freedom (like SiFuh in his refusal to get a mobile phone) are cut off from state-controlled entities (e.g. the banking system which insists on multi-factor authentication via a non-free provider like Google).
<farkuhar> it was actually remiliascarlet's first reaction that steered me toward the Linux versus BSD interpretation: "It's already happening. Just look at the Arch, Fedora, and Void Linux communities for evidence." I wonder what characteristics of 1950s communists remiliascarlet had in mind, when citing these communities as evidence of zorz' fulfilled prediction.
<remiliascarlet> farkuhar: SiFuh has a mobile phone.
<remiliascarlet> As to the communities, I meant quite literally just look at their communities, and you'll see commies everywhere.
<remiliascarlet> Void staff is ultrawoke, support every "current thing" that happens to be on par with 1950s communism, which is the same as every other communism anyway.
<remiliascarlet> Fedora userbase is filled with soydevs who fully support every single communist current thing, Arch userbase is the same way, except that instead of soydevs, it's femboys.
<remiliascarlet> Then you look at all the webpages on Tor, I2P, Gemini, or even the clearnet hosted by proud Void/Arch/Fedora users, and you get the exact same vibe everywhere, which is "death to capitalism", "climate change is destroying us all", "communism is the best", and the rest of the common bullshit.
<remiliascarlet> The only 2 things they do right is with web design, and their knowledge with online privacy protections.
<remiliascarlet> Other than that, they're generally full of shit.
<farkuhar> remiliascarlet: thanks for the explanation. I guess your interpretation does have some merit, even if zorz meant to focus on how the free software users would be treated by the larger society (not how they police their own internal discussions).
<remiliascarlet> Communities policing themselves only works in communities where individuals have a sense of responsibility, which is completely absent from communists. One example is the #monero channel I was talking about yesterday, when an anti-crypto guy joined specifically to pick a fight and lecture everyone about how crypto is evil.
<remiliascarlet> The operators didn't do anything, even when he tried to report me to get me banned.
<remiliascarlet> Instead, the entire community roasted him until he was finally gone.
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<remiliascarlet> A little service announcement, Bitcoin halving will occur in 28 days from now, so if you hold any crypto other than BTC, make sure you temporarily convert it all to BTC, and swap back some time after the halving.
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: You might be interested in this or not
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Apparently, Christianity is now Jewish.
<remiliascarlet> That guy sees a Jew in literally everything at this point.
<SiFuh> Heh
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: AnkokuKishi has a very ,imited vocabulary
<SiFuh> limited*
<remiliascarlet> Spent way too much time in an echo chamber.
<remiliascarlet> He used to be decent, but the more he "awakened", the more ridiculous he got.
<remiliascarlet> Oh, I see why he started turning against Torba now. Because apparently Torba now hates memes, and wanted to add it to his ever growing list of things you're no longer allowed to do or say on Gab.
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<zorz> おはよう
<zorz> Ohayō
<zorz> :)
<SiFuh> 野郎
<remiliascarlet> こんばんは
<SiFuh> おはよう
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Oh yeah, I did take a photo of an animal for you last jungle trip
<SiFuh> A Golden Orb. A little larger than my hand. Made a web in the evening beside my tent
<SiFuh> Unfortunately the monkeys we saw were on the side of the main road and we were moving to fast to bother getting photos
<remiliascarlet> Just tell them to say cheese.
<remiliascarlet> They will sure stop.
<SiFuh> They are stopped. But everyone is driving 80 KPH
<remiliascarlet> Maybe put an elephant on the road?
<SiFuh> Not strong enough to pick up one of those
<SiFuh> Lots of big monkeys here
<SiFuh> zorz: Seems that two on OpenBSD have Microphones that don't work
<SiFuh> One has intermittent issues the other can't get it to work at all for USB
<dlcusa> remiliascarlet,Sifuh: Christianity has always been Jewish--Romans 9-11 makes the theory plain and chapter 15 showed it in action. Most Christians never read this for comprehension.
<zorz> ok back
<zorz> SiFuh: are you the second ?
<zorz> let me go prepare a system rescue and try arecord -l that farkuhar suggests
<SiFuh> dlcusa: It was me, it was remiliascarlet
<dlcusa> I mispelled your handleds?
<SiFuh> dlcusa: I didn't say anything about Jewish and Christian. It was remiliascarlet that did
<dlcusa> Understood, but you were in the conversation, so you were cited as well.
<SiFuh> zorz: No it was cat5
<SiFuh> dlcusa: he doesn't work that way. But okay.
<SiFuh> he/heh*
<dlcusa> Anywy, what I have written, I have written. ;-)
<SiFuh> Yep, I noticed ;-) HAHA
<SiFuh> dlcusa: Romans 9 through to 11 and 15?
<dlcusa> All four chapters. It's very well laid out.
<SiFuh> I will look later
<zorz> SiFuh: when in linux laptop has nvme so dd if=file of=/dev/sda one day i went to the box and i fuck did the same
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> this is the hard way to learn
<SiFuh> Yes, but one more question
<SiFuh> Why would you dd an nvme anyway?
<zorz> no i mean the usb gets mount on sda
<zorz> in box is not nvme so usb gets mount sdb
<zorz> sda is the hard disc
<SiFuh> I always check and I always run the command NOT as root. That way I have extra time to think
<dlcusa> Ack brain glitch--chapter 15 is in Acts, not Romans. More coffee, stat!
<SiFuh> dlcusa: noted
<zorz> reboot linux
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<zorz_> SiFuh do you understand anything ?
<SiFuh> I understand beer
<zorz_> Asahi from Thailand if not made in Japan!
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<zorz_> SiFuh google meet works with system rescue..... in linux. so no need to buy usb microphone... when a meeting comes up... system-rescue
<zorz_> hahahahaha
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<remiliascarlet> zorz_: Sounds like you know nothing about NVMe. It's not /dev/sda, it's /dev/ncme0n1!
<remiliascarlet> s/ncme0n1/nvme0n1
<zorz_> remiliascarlet please read
<remiliascarlet> I did, which is why I responded.
<remiliascarlet> And hard disk would be /dev/hda.
<remiliascarlet> If memory serves well.
<zorz_> when i went to the box... from laptop i had the habbit to do dd if=file of=/dev/sda but int the box because has no nvme /dev/sda is the c:
<zorz_> in my box is sda.
<remiliascarlet> Meaning it got recognized as an SSD.
<zorz_> its not ssd
<zorz_> hahaha
<remiliascarlet> I said it got recognized as an SSD, not that it is an SSD.
<zorz_> its old machine has a drive that makes sounds like a yamaha dt200
<zorz_> its recognised as /dev/sda
<remiliascarlet> its recognised as nigger
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<zorz2> zorz@box:~$ lsblk
<zorz2> sda      8:0    0 465.8G  0 disk
<zorz2> ├─sda1   8:1    0  60.5G  0 part /
<zorz2> ├─sda2   8:2    0   7.5G  0 part [SWAP]
<zorz2> └─sda3   8:3    0 397.7G  0 part /home
<zorz2> sr0     11:0    1  1024M  0 rom
<remiliascarlet> How many zorzes do we need?
<zorz2> :)
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<zorz> kill me
<zorz> i am faggot
zorz is now known as remiliascarlet
<remiliascarlet> Nice you admit.
<zorz_> remiliascarlet HAHAHAHAHA
<zorz_> remiliascarlet i can prove to you that i am not faggot.... :-)
<zorz_> let me reboot in bsd.
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<remiliascarlet> I've been in BSD for an entire week now, didn't touch Linux during this whole time.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: good for you. i touched yesterday for pdf change to docx and libreoffice. and today the system-rescue to check the sound microphone for bsd.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I have a store room of emergency food. All the fruit tins are going to be turned into moonshine because they keep exploding.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: and today they send me handwritten pdf the floor plan of the tables in the restaurant to make a proper floor plan. today will be pdf2svg and inkscape
<zorz> fuckin bullshit, i have to finish the csv files.
<zorz> SiFuh: say to the other people with microphone issue in bsd... you found a solution doanload boot in linux and use the microphone hahahaha
<SiFuh> No!
<zorz> now i will need your lights... if someone knows.... if someone can help please you are welcome
<zorz> this thing works well and is light... but.. can make it to show different color for active buffer.
<SiFuh> Rich Louse?
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<zorz> Rich Louse is my artistic name lol
<zorz> hahaha
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: So pineapple is called "cock" in Malaysia?
<zorz> then cock has vitamin c in Malaysia.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Not sure, let me check
<remiliascarlet> And sugar.
<SiFuh> Nenas = Pineapple. Gula - sugar
<remiliascarlet> Malaysian word for sugar seems to sound closer to "glucose".
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: It says "Fruit Cocktail"
<remiliascarlet> Oh, that explains.
<SiFuh> Hahaha I didn't notice. That is like subliminal messaging there
<remiliascarlet> Because you just so conveniently photographed it in a way that only "cock" remained as a readable word.
<SiFuh> I wasn't caring about the label. I was only caring about the top of the tin.
<SiFuh> I was holding it carefully because I don't want metal exploding into my hands
<remiliascarlet> Still funny regardless.
<SiFuh> Yes, I am sending it to the wife
<SiFuh> She is laughing also
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<zorz> iam the greatest... i did it. zorz did it again.
<zorz> fuckin hell, this inkscape is complicated
<SiFuh> zorz: Why are you using inkscape?
<zorz> i dont know.... i search and i found it. just need to create a simple floor plan with squares for tables and entrance like autocad style.
<zorz> any ideas?
<SiFuh> I am not designing your floor plan.
<SiFuh> There are many 'CADs' in OpenBSD
<SiFuh> Are you proficient in CAD?
<zorz> i saw them i am on linux for this work... no need to mess up my bsd.
<SiFuh> I use inkscape for designing labels and engineering. I also use TK Gate, Librecad and Openscad
<zorz> which is simplest?
<SiFuh> I think you should use GIMP
<zorz> draw 2 doors and squares for tables ?
<SiFuh> Yes, You can do it easily and even to scale
<SiFuh> If you are messing around with inkscape and CAD(s) you are going to need to study a bit.
<zorz> why with gimp?
<zorz> i will go with word
<SiFuh> Are you able to show me on paper (Hand drawn) what you want to do and send a photo of it with the measurements?
<zorz> wait my firend... how can i send you a pdf file.
<zorz> friend
<zorz> SiFuh: ok i send it by pigeon mail
<zorz> no professional... as you see it with your eyes.
<SiFuh> zorz: Is it suppose to be to scale?
<zorz> no scale
<SiFuh> Then use Gimp
<zorz> they told me instead of pencil... make it look nice like printed
<zorz> straight squares and rectangulars.
<SiFuh> All Tables the same size?
<zorz> yes
<SiFuh> Then it is heaps easy
<zorz> it is for the waiters to know the numbers.
<zorz> table numbers.
<SiFuh> You can use spread sheet as well in libreoffice if you prefer to just use borders as the drawing
<zorz> i thought you are going to help...
<SiFuh> ....
<zorz> :Pp
<SiFuh> Hold on you lazy butthole
<zorz> ok I hold
<SiFuh> You know how to copy and paste right?
<zorz> yes
<SiFuh> Good
<zorz> joking ee
<SiFuh> And you know how to insert TEXT in GIMP right?
<zorz> i will find out
<zorz> ooo
<SiFuh> A table, a counter, two doors, some walls and a menu stand
<SiFuh> HAHA
<zorz> ok HAHA
<SiFuh> I emailed you the XCF so if you get stuck let me know. But it is really simple
<zorz> LET me finish this thing because later i need to read/search for Russia’s Landau Institute for Theoretical Physics
<zorz> thank you Lin
<zorz> Thanks to a paper in 1997 by the physicist Alexei Kitaev this strange electron choreography became the blueprint for a new kind of computer
<zorz> maybe russia has the tech.
<zorz> 1997 today is 2024
<SiFuh> Why the weird numbering?
<SiFuh> And why did I spell Enterance wrong?
<SiFuh> Entrance
<SiFuh> zorz: cool
<zorz> man
<SiFuh> I am
<zorz> i was in the box... you gave me the idea... and i finally used this draw from libre office... super easy
<SiFuh> Yep, it is
<SiFuh> Spreadsheet is the easiests
<SiFuh> easiest*
<zorz> the pdf that you see is from libre office... SiFuh now that i ve got your email adress i will send you photoes fromm the island
<SiFuh> That's not my email address.
<zorz> i draw on door onw table and copy paste in draw... the fuck thing is hahahahaha
<zorz> i do not have a mouse pad hahahaha and the mouse goes according to the wood of the table
<zorz> fuck pissed me off
<SiFuh> I have a mouse pad
<zorz> I am poor ... I am from Greece, very poor country :-)
<SiFuh> 40cm x 90cm ;-)
<SiFuh> It's essential because the place get's so hot, you don't want your hands sweating on the wooden table. You will get a rash on your wrists and forearms
<zorz> i used to work on river cruise boats... american the customers in Provence French. asking where are you from.... I am from Greece very poor country.... oo George this 100 dollars is for you :)
<SiFuh> zorz: I sent you my email just now
<zorz> check viking cruise
<zorz> ok i will add it... SiFuh this account of gmx... was created in 1998
<SiFuh> Mine was deleted because they wanted ID back then
<SiFuh> I had to recreate it a few years later
<zorz> you do well that you do not give id. a few years back like 4-5 i did a search about me... and i found records in usa Florida from when i used to live Adress everything. Fuck!
<zorz> i found records from 1999 2000 2001
<zorz> fuck SiFuh now i noticed...... aswell
<zorz> oo gosh!
<zorz> same laptop same email provider. something is wrong with me.
<SiFuh> zorz: No records of me. :-) There was a company in China put up my educational history and resume. The Gerneal Manager of the company I worked for was impressed. He wanted me to be their new network administrator.
<zorz> SiFuh: because of i do not install office unless is absolutely necessary i go there and edit office docs hahahaha
<SiFuh> I was surprised he knew my educational history and resume and he told me he searched online and I came up on a website in China. I was angry. I emailed the Chiense company and told them to remove my details. They refused. I said you get 3 warnings and then you will never forget me. They refused so I took the entire network down and erased all their data.
<zorz> before going to the island i will delete everything i will keep only and mega drive.
<SiFuh> They were using Sun Solaris machines
<zorz> so eventually you deleted your data
<SiFuh> Yes, and then I told the GM that I am happy now and he looked at me and said "What did you do?" I smiled and walked away. He called me on the phone and said "You took them down????"
<zorz> btw i fixed the colors for the tabline... only with +4 lines... fucking neat. winter i will check dte... dte is utilising unix utilities
<SiFuh> Chairman Hu was in charge on China then
<zorz> are you allowed to enter china?
<SiFuh> I think so
<zorz> they did not press charges?
<SiFuh> I was in China in 2008 and left before the Old'idiot games
<SiFuh> zorz: No
<zorz> ok
<zorz> you know last emails and posts of the bitcoin guy was from aswell did not know that till 2-3 years ago.
<SiFuh> I had to close my account because they want a phone number now
<zorz> i remember the name of the guy satoshi
<zorz> yandex is worst than google
<zorz> and general... ru service not so good.
<zorz> myself mutt + gmx... i am good. need to set pgp though.
<zorz> gpg
<zorz> lol
<zorz> SiFuh: in mutt use this port set smtp_url = "smtps://"
<zorz> not 587
<zorz> set ssl_force_tls = yes
<SiFuh> You teaching me stuff I already know again?
<zorz> no no no...
<zorz> we cannot talk ?
<zorz> :)
<SiFuh> HAHAHAHAHA S03E04 of Home Improvement Brad wants to join Home Economics for the girls instead of working in shop. I wanted to join Home Economics when I was in high school but my mum would not let me. Forced me to take shop. I don't know why. I already did that at home when not at school. I really wanted and even until this day, I am pissed off my mother didn't allow me to do Home Economics.
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> SiFuh: go and see your therapist.
<SiFuh> Then my mother had the cheek to demand I cook dinner on Mondays.
<SiFuh> I know wood and metal work. I do it daily at home. I wanted something new. Not shit I already know
<SiFuh> Besides, in eight grade the Home Economics teacher liked me because I could sew, knit and cook better than all the other students. She was always looking for something else for me to do.
<zorz> have you seen today Macron photo insta box.... Putin years now judo
<SiFuh> zorz: The eigth grade teacher was called Mrs Williams. She was very short and very loud. Shouting all the time. My older 1/2 brother was an asshole and always in trouble. He called her Miss Budgie (As in Budgerigar). My mother thought it was her real name and called her Miss Budgie. It was fucking funny.
<zorz> hahahhahahhahahahahaha
<zorz> this is funny indeed.
<SiFuh> Was funny everytime I went to a new class with a new teacher "Lin? You are not related to Keffyn are you?" "Yeah, my older brother" then the teacher would be upset and say stuff like "Well I am keeping an eye on you" and then they'd end up liking me because I was nothing like Keffyn.
<zorz> you know SiFuh sometimes you remind me of Paul
<zorz> let me find the links
<zorz> Paul le Roux
<zorz> they did netflix from him ???
<zorz> WTF
<SiFuh> informant to the US Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA).
<SiFuh> Yeah fuck no
<SiFuh> I don't inform on anyone
<zorz> the real estate agent she thaught was clever to steal the money
<zorz> enjoy your life in paradise
<zorz> where this happen in malaysia? somewhere over there.
<zorz> phuket thai
<SiFuh> Two greatest crime stories I know are the Wheel Barrow and the Parking Attendant
<zorz> i prefer this monkeys from parrots
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> velvet monkeys
<zorz> if we go to caribbean we will get in fight with the monkeys
<zorz> heavy drinkers
<zorz> i like the zoo guy
<SiFuh> You gay?
<SiFuh> Right today, I will open all those exploding tins of fruit in syrup and make a moonshine mash out of them
<zorz> you need help from ppetrov
<zorz> remember with the name of #crux-social
<SiFuh> Only help I need is when I install the fender flares and change the bushing cushions on the truck.
<SiFuh> ppetrov^
<zorz> joking man... i remembered the moonshine mash
<SiFuh> Really?
<SiFuh> I haven't made it yet
<zorz> you talking about that... long time ago... it was after the making bread series
<zorz> with the yeast
<zorz> hahahaha
<SiFuh> I make beer wort and moonshine/vodka/whiskey mash all the time dude
<zorz> Rich Dog updated from Rich Louse
<SiFuh> Rich Flea? Rich Roundworm? Rich Ringworm?
<zorz> Rich Floor (Planner)
<zorz> mine script compares with those but i am light... feather light
<zorz> SiFuh: talking for feather, my favourite razor double edge blades are feather. Fuckin Japan... best blades
<zorz> I always keep one in my wallet.
<zorz> HAHAHA
<SiFuh> You stealing my ideas?
<zorz> no seriously... let me show you my wallet... i call it the mexican
<zorz> they do not make it anymore
<zorz> its nixon, very hard leather befold.... let me search for photoes
<SiFuh> Mine because passports are so fucking big and stupid
<zorz> this is the one... 2 bank cards, 1 driver lisence and cash in between... no coins I never carry coins.
<SiFuh> I carry coins
<zorz> i know in the socket
<zorz> socks
<zorz> haha
<zorz> socks plural socket single hahahahaha
<SiFuh> No, I made a pouch from truck canvas and seat belts
<zorz> speaking of editors i think this is a nice editor
<zorz> is this the pouch ?
<SiFuh> Yes
<zorz> with coins is heavy!
<zorz> use it for anchor
<SiFuh> And anyone want to rob me, they will get knocked out.
<SiFuh> I call it LL Cool J
<zorz> i am telling you i saw this thing with coins in socks in a movie i think charles bronson
<zorz> not sure
<zorz> ok
<SiFuh> I need to change the cord in a year I think because already fraying and rust from the rings
<zorz> what to do now... no mood for csv.... but tomorrow... i have to do them... lets bullshit tonight
<SiFuh> zorz: I know
<SiFuh> You can listen to this
<zorz> SiFuh: please in future when you sent me music i prefer Japanese romantic balands :)
<SiFuh> Barbarian!
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<zorz> wait
<zorz> i received an email from manager... yes send me(the pdf that i send to you) in its normal form not pdf. Fuckin stupid
<zorz> (guns and roses I like)
<zorz> and I answer to him back, tell me please which format you like? I did this in libre office for windows is openoffice the original format is odg.
<zorz> SiFuh: what are the regular sndio flags do you remember... no good sound today.
<zorz> rcctl set sndiod flags -s default -m play,mon -s mon
<zorz> ok
<zorz> SiFuh jungle brothers.
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<zorz> hmmm firefox-esr had security update in debian... openbsd nope.
<zorz> ok is isolated pledge unveil. so who cares.
<farkuhar> zorz: send a gimp XCF file to the restaurant manager. When he complains that he doesn't have the software to view it, maybe he'll appreciate your PDF. If he wants something he can edit, teach him your python trick for converting pdf to docx.
<zorz> farkuhar: hahaha i was now reading an email from Sifuh he did the exact same thing in gimp xcf to help me.
<zorz> ii should have done that .
<zorz> farkuhar: btw way iam the restarant manager he is the group manager
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> and farkuhar i found a way for microphone, run system-rescue - archlinux xfce enviroment do your meeting and finish :)
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> now what to do, finish the buffers in tabline... i forgot to put number of buffer... so i move... fuck stupid. i had stuck with the colors.
<farkuhar> zorz: what was the microphone problem reported by cat5 in #openbsd? Same as yours, or working intermittently?
<zorz> i really do not know and did not check. I only need it for a job interview
<zorz> no in openbsd i disable camera and microphone... ok microphone is not working. Sifuh told me the camera is usb and the microsoft is not that is the problem.
<zorz> i did not understand much.
<zorz> microsoft=microphone.
<zorz> let me check the logs, of openbsd.
<zorz> they dont log the channel
<zorz> OK I DID AND the number..... now i am good.
<zorz> now i do :buffer 5 or :buffer 3 no more :ls and buffer.
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<zorz> farkuhar: and i am saying CtrlP rulez look what i did nnoremap <C-b> :CtrlPBuffer<CR>
<zorz> ctrl+p opens files ctrl+b change buffer.
<zorz> bring fzf to change your buffers HAHA