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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I do it a lot simpler: put the meat on the grill as-is.
<remiliascarlet> It's delicious on its own already.
<SiFuh> That is my plan for tonight. But not grill. I will oven, so both top and bottom browing element
<SiFuh> Freaking Toyota Vios. I had to remove all the internal panels in the trunk/boot and the spare tire/tyre to take off the read tail-light just to replace the indicator socket housing, only to find out they sent us the wrong part. So I cut the socket off off the new and the old and soldered the new to the old. Reassembled all that. Pain in the rectum.
<remiliascarlet> Yesterday I actually grilled a rib eye, sliced it into chops, put it in my lunch box, and as everybody else was heading to a nearby 7-11 to consume GMO modified crap, I simply took out the rib eye and ate it.
<SiFuh> Then I spent 2 hours dismantling the centre console, the passenger side pillar, ceiling light and glove box so I can pass two wires through the the back of the cigarette lighter socket which happens to be behind the handbrake. Stupid location. And then install the autogate remote control into her headliner so that she never needs to change the battery again on that stupid dongle. Now it is powered
<SiFuh> directly by the car battery through accessories. The second wire isn't connected to anything, but I plan to install a second cigarette lighter port in another location and don't want to pull the centre console apart again.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Cold?
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<SiFuh> Cool
<SiFuh> I like cold meat
<remiliascarlet> They have a microwave, but I didn't want to put the plastic lunch box into it.
<SiFuh> I don't use microwaves for food
<SiFuh> They shoot ionized particals through your food and bounces off the metal panels inside the microwave. The friction causes the moisture in the food to heat up. It's pretty cool actually. Also most people don't know they should would wait about 30 seconds before opening the door. Have to wait for the particals to finish bouncing around.
<SiFuh> The reason I don't use it for food is I like the cells I eat intact. Example. I don't want to eat an egg that was blown apart by a bullet.
<SiFuh> During the rainy season it is okay for drying clothes though. 30 seconds in the microwave then hang on the line inside the house and they will dry pretty quickly.
<SiFuh> If the pants have metal. I like to wrap the clothes around the metal so it doesn't cause ionized particle arcing.
<SiFuh> If you eat ocen cockroaches... You can cook them in a single second. Now more than 2 or they explode.
<SiFuh> Ocean*
<remiliascarlet> I don't eat zi bugz.
<SiFuh> Not a fan myself of shrimps, prawns, lobsters, crabs. Although I do eat them.
<remiliascarlet> Crabs are very difficult to eat.
<remiliascarlet> It's way more shell than meat.
<SiFuh> When I was in emergency service there was a boy that went missing. There was a big search that spread from town to forest to jungle. He was found at the bottom of the dam. When they pulled him out half the hair was missing on one side of his face. Someone asked why it was like this. I said the shrimp and prawns and yabbies do that. They pull out the hair and start eating the skin
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Agree!
<SiFuh> Crustaceans are the cockroaches of the water and mollusk (Clams, oysters, scallops, etc..) are the toilet filters of the water
<SiFuh> Took the wife for a spin on the old two-wheeler. First time for her.
<SiFuh> Told her to stand on the stunt pegs with her toes and slightly bend her knees. Straight as a plank of wood. Feet kept hitting my heels when I was pedalling. Every time I sped up I would hear my shirt tear as she is gripping it so tightly. Even the easiest hills I could pedal sitting down when I was younger, Couldn't get to the top with her weight on the back. hahaha
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Today I was watching an Indian cooking show. I didn't hear them speak so I don't know where. They were cooking a wild cat. It didn't look wild. I must admit. I wanted to vomit a couple of times.
<SiFuh> I watched it because they use a similar technique to me when cooking in the jungle. But it felt aweful knowing it was a cat and I don't even like cats.
<SiFuh> My wife hates all animals. She wouldn't even touch a cat. She said "I am not watching this. My stomach can't handle it". I don't blame her. I said "Even the comments are turned off on this video. That is how extreme it is. He has many comments on other videos."
<SiFuh> To be honest. I think it wasn't a wild cat because I have seen, and killed wild cats before. They are huge and like fighting razor blades.
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<zorz> SiFuh: do you have a link to download the The Three-Body Problem (Netflix) ?
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<SiFuh> zorz: No
<SiFuh> I do have a link to some Indians killing and cooking a wild cat that I think is not wild.
<SiFuh> Just got rid of a cool guy. He came to pick up beer and vodka. Sat around talking with me about jungle shit and alcohol and 4X4 and stuff, also listening to American Country music which is fantastic. It is almost 2 am. I don't mind. Good to have company sometimes
<SiFuh> I told him not to drink my vodka in public because it is real, pure and really 40%
<SiFuh> I gave him a bottle of my 1890 to early 1900's beer as well. Told him if you have accident you tell police to send them back to my home.
<zorz> bloody hell... adventurous night
<SiFuh> No
<SiFuh> I slept 2 hours last night.
<SiFuh> If you read the logs you will see some of what I got up to
<zorz> i will check them lately, i was with a friend that told me about this new series the three body problem
<SiFuh> Just read this
<SiFuh> This is message to my mother
<zorz> and then he mentioned to me about russian chernobyl scientists living in island of Gavdos, southern part of Greece- EU
<zorz> try to gather info about them... did not know.
<zorz> wait iam going to read it
<zorz> i saw a five 5min interview of them saying people are stupid... believe that americans steped on moon.... from 1960 till 2010 why no attempt ?? hahaha
<zorz> the inteview was in 2010 something
<SiFuh> I dont know if they did land on the moon but I don't think they did
<zorz> when they show on tv in 1960 the moon landing the flag was moving hahaha hello... gravity in moon
<SiFuh> zorz: There is gravity on the moon though
<SiFuh> zorz: Don't waste your time on it. You can prove to me it was real and I can prove to you it was fake. You can prove to me it was fake and I can prove to you it was real.
<SiFuh> It's a joke.
<zorz> there is gravity but not much,.... man you ve been busy. i hate this part in cars to change a light bulb u need to disassemble everything
<zorz> and when you reach... wrong wosket
<zorz> ok you fixecd the wires
<zorz> so finally you did the garage door remote thing
<SiFuh> Finally?
<SiFuh> My truck had that feature months ago
<zorz> ok i miss understand the cars.
<SiFuh> Her car is always occupied and off some place so I never got a chance to tear her car down.
<zorz> stupid place for a lighter hahahaha
<zorz> this is the good sifuh.
<SiFuh> Next week, I work on the parents autogate. I want to cahnge the receiver to a new 433 and if not working, a 330 and if not working, I will replace with the same main board I use.
<SiFuh> Then I do their cars
<SiFuh> Who the fuck wants a lighter port behind the handbrake or inside the centre console? Fucking Japanese
<zorz> dont swear japanesse, you insult japanesse people.
<zorz> :-)
<SiFuh> You know why the 70 series Land Cruiser is the greatest? Because everything was in the correct place
<SiFuh> So Japanese have remade it over the years.
<zorz> somewhere on the road they miss the turn!
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Will kick you arse zorz
<zorz> my arse?
<zorz> you arse!
<zorz> your arse!
<SiFuh> She will kick your arse so fucking hard, you will need a passport when you land
<zorz> ok still not need a VISA :-)
<SiFuh> You may be deported
<zorz> mountains are used to snow :)
<SiFuh> Unless they have never seen snow
<zorz> btw i renew my passport in november... 10 years active passport.
<SiFuh> I need to renew mine soon but I don't want to because Biden stole the country
<zorz> SiFuh: i did not know in neighboor Albania, passport issue costs 500 euro min.
<SiFuh> So I may end up passportless soon
<zorz> get a passport from you wifes ethnicity.. China.
<SiFuh> zorz: How much do you fucking pay?
<zorz> 85 euro
<SiFuh> zorz: She is Malay Chinese
<zorz> 85 euro EU passport.
<SiFuh> 85 Euro? Fuck me dead
<SiFuh> I hate you
<zorz> why?
<zorz> sorry 89 euro 4 euro for the photoes.! hahahaha
<SiFuh> 169 EU for Australian and US passport
<zorz> this is a rob... its like robbing you.
<SiFuh> zorz: fuck you
<SiFuh> Oh really?
<SiFuh> Ever heard of Tax?
<zorz> coame again?
<SiFuh> Governments print money but need yours...
<SiFuh> WTF?
<zorz> TAX... what is this.?
<SiFuh> Legalized extortion
<zorz> man... you pay taxes to improve your life (infrastructure etc etc)... you pay for pansions plans ... at the end... nothing happens... they live (polticians + system) happy life with your money.
<zorz> they drink on the health of the suckers
<SiFuh> >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Legalized extortion <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<
<SiFuh> I stopped paying income tax in 2007. I told them fuck off
<SiFuh> I only pay tax on the shit I buy
<SiFuh> I told them. I don't want anything to do with your stupid system. And they laughed at me
<SiFuh> I never paid a cent since
<SiFuh> They never touched me
<SiFuh> It was weird
<SiFuh> I really care not. Prison? Fuck who cares? Fine, you think I will pay it? Fuck off
<SiFuh> They can stick their tax so far up their rectum, I will laugh if they vomit
<SiFuh> They are a mafia, an international crime group.
<SiFuh> Shoot me, I don't care. I am dead, you still get nothing. Fucking wankers
<SiFuh> Look, I don't fucking care about the world you live in. I really don't care. Because I don't live in it. I live a much different style of life.
<SiFuh> Aand I don't give a fuck if you think your tax coverese firestations, schools, hospitals, of even the idiocracy of believing it goes to the government to help you. If you think that is how the system works. You are fucking moron.
<zorz> you pay VAT Value Added Tax.
<SiFuh> I learned in 5th grade how the system works. I refused to pay income since. Although the law did strong arm me a few times. I won in the end
<SiFuh> zorz: I know what is VAT it is Income Tax
<SiFuh> They tried that shit on me in Thailand
<SiFuh> If you think you tax goes to government then you need to go back to school
<zorz> value added, not income. is on the sale of a beer or bread how much you pay in tax.
<SiFuh> That is SST
<zorz> if the tax was going to goverment no need to print money
<SiFuh> So someone more powerful than your government owns your debt?
<zorz> i feel sorry for all those people they entering in crypto now not to miss the rally.... BlackRock just made up 1 trillion hole.
<zorz> made up... fixed.
<SiFuh> Just by gold or silver and a gun with bullets
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> ahahhaa
<SiFuh> It wasn't funny
<zorz> gold silver and a gun with bullets
<zorz> i know
<SiFuh> Okay
<SiFuh> Are guns legal there?
<SiFuh> Can you buy them?
<zorz> most serious things in life pass in humouristic way
<zorz> yes and no
<SiFuh> Where to buy guns in Greece then?
<SiFuh> Hmm Blackmarket... Do you know?
<zorz> everybody can have license for hunting
<zorz> so you have a nice beretta
<SiFuh> I have nver been to Greece but I can buy a gun in less than 2 days
<zorz> if you need pistol you need a special lisence... like you are a lawyer,,, or a business man.
<SiFuh> I was in Kyrgyzstan and found AK47s in one day
<zorz> in greece you can buy an AK-47 in minutes.
<SiFuh> Or a bullet in the head to the cunt who wants to stop you from owning one?
<zorz> SiFuh: greece is in Balkans, with neighboors Albania, serbia, Bulgaria a little further Romania.... you can buy anything you wish.
<zorz> Italians
<SiFuh> zorz: Cool. Happy for you
<zorz> SiFuh: you know in Calambria Italy still speak ancient greek.
<SiFuh> You think I care?
<zorz> in Greece we dont speak ancient greek
<SiFuh> You think I care also?
<SiFuh> Hmm
<SiFuh> Actually I do care. Hahaha
<zorz> Actually fuck off
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> So if I want the bible translated I should go to Calambria?
<zorz> Pure ancient greek blood is in syracouses sicely
<SiFuh> So you are not pure?
<zorz> who is pure now days
<SiFuh> You are so full of shit hahaha
<SiFuh> Bro, I want to sleep
<zorz> you should visit at least Patmos, greek island where John wrote apocalypse.
<SiFuh> I have less than 45 minutes
<zorz> Bro have a goodnight
<SiFuh> Why I should do anything?
<zorz> tomorrow with the bonjour
<SiFuh> Fucking French.
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<SiFuh> I dislike this language
<zorz> Fucked up language... i know some... i can speak.. can communicate but... i do not like
<zorz> if i was 20 now... i should learn russian
<SiFuh> So why annoy remiliascarlet and SiFuh with it?
<SiFuh> Each time you say bonjour, I wish it was up you arse so high you can't breath
<zorz> ok... chose a language other than English to say goodmorning?
<SiFuh> Ohaiyo!
<zorz> tomorrow i will come with bonjour in japanese
<SiFuh> Ohaiyo!
<zorz> Ohaiyo
<SiFuh> Morning!
<zorz> ok Ohaiyo
<zorz> good night... go go
<SiFuh> Bonjour is like faggot language
<SiFuh> I said less than 45 minutes
<SiFuh> Now is 40 mintues
<zorz> ok
<SiFuh> I am watching the Off-Road Games
<zorz> you need to sleep well, for your skin.... i take care of you
<zorz> haha
<SiFuh> Faggot
<zorz> with what i am going to play now...... today no csv.
<zorz> i relaxed my brain
<SiFuh> Why do you think I drink beer?
<zorz> ag clp... try to find a way to make a hady alias
<zorz> for vitamin B6 B12 niacin
<zorz> beer has vitamins
<SiFuh> B^ and B12?
<SiFuh> B6*
<zorz> never used supplements
<zorz> vitamin D,,,, sun, we call it vitamin sea in greece :)
<zorz> fruits are really cheap
<zorz> olive oil is cheap
<zorz> meat is cheap
<zorz> fresh fish.... as much as you like
<zorz> koloctypa is expensive, kolochtypa is a variant of lobster
<zorz> Scyllarides latus
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<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Why won't you get Malay citizenship at this point?
<remiliascarlet> Or Thai if you'd move and live there for a couple years?