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<SiFuh> serpente: Based on FreeBSD
<SiFuh> Which already sucks.
<remiliascarlet> zorz As I already said, the problem was that I self compiled Lemonbar. The one from pkg_add works fine.
<remiliascarlet> RTFH (Read The Fucking History).
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: With the exception of HyperbolaBSD, every single BSD that came out after 2000 seems to be based on FreeBSD.
<remiliascarlet> Although I can guess that NixBSD would be more specifically kFreeBSD, some other Linux distro's did this before, because that's just the FreeBSD kernel and they can still mix it in with their usual 3rd party utilities.
<remiliascarlet> "Look, I'm a BSD now!" No, you're still a Linux distro, but with a FreeBSD kernel instead of a Linux kernel.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: "" And this is one of the reasons why I have a Brother printer instead of HP, Espon, or Cannon.
<SiFuh> Nice colour change in less than 24 hours
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Heh, you ahve a Bratva printer ;-)
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<remiliascarlet> A bruh printer.
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Hehe
<SiFuh> Mechanic from KK just called. Was beating around the bush, so to say. I cut him off and said "How many bottles do you want?" He said "Oh, you know? Oh, two bottles can? How much?" "20 MYR each"
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<farkuhar> zorz: your opensuse paste has expired already, so I cannot verify something I noticed yesterday. The battery status function, does it need to be modified for Linux? I see apm under $PATH in OpenBSD, but none of the CRUX ports provide that command.
<zorz> farkuhar:
<zorz> wait i paste it again
<zorz> yes you need to modify this linux i think has no apm
<ppetrov^> guys, does any of you have experience with javascript?
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: remiliascarlet: :-)
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: That's a joke. remiliascarlet hates javascript. Makes it known to us on an hourly basis
<ppetrov^> sigh...
<SiFuh> I know many in this channel are anti-javascript
<ppetrov^> that's cool and all, the problem is i need to embed some js into r
<zorz> bonjour, time to be lost in the csv files. fuckin hell.
<ppetrov^> fucking olives, man
<zorz> ppetrov^: now its spagheti later will be cheece.
<zorz> cheese.
<ppetrov^> feta cheese?
<zorz> yes and feta cheese.
<ppetrov^> what's next? ouzo?
<zorz> ppetrov^: btw vis editor, vile editor cannot properly edit csv files. you edit, save and then python does not recognize them. only vim. did not try emacs. i need something small to open fast
<ppetrov^> the fuck? Can't you import in python
<zorz> ppetrov^: next will be salami and after salami detergents busy days ahead.
<zorz> no
<ppetrov^> but, there should be a library to read CSVs
<zorz> i cannot import afterwards in python.
<ppetrov^> ?
<zorz> i do not know. only vim works properly on save the file, not even mg. same issue i had with the changing the login.conf in openbsd when SiFuh was teaching me.
<SiFuh> ...
<zorz> ppetrov^: i do not speak about that... i speak when i edit a csv file in another editor other than vim... it is not saved properly which makes it unuseable.
<ppetrov^> ok, ok
<ppetrov^> sorry
<ppetrov^> i edit these in gnumeric :p
<zorz> ppetrov^: i used to run in python libraries os, datetime, re, csv, transliterate, unidecode, fuzzywuzzy, before uploading to sql. fuzzywuzy is brilliant and handy to recognize similarities in a string with ratio... you call 80% or 92% but its not so trustfull because you have spaggeti No6 and spaggeti No2 messes up the nummber.... SO mannually all.
<zorz> gnumeric... never heard that.
<ppetrov^> a spreadsheet editor
<SiFuh> They call me the king of the spreadsheets. Got'em all printed out on my bedsheets. My new computer's got the clocks, it rocks, But it was obsolete before I opened the box
<zorz> guys speaking of printers/printing i did not tell you 2-3 weeks ago they arrested in Greece at the island of Kos 3 boys had a 3D printer printing fuctional guns and selling them... this plastic guns none detectable.
<SiFuh> .....
<zorz> if they were in Israel they would have a job from the goverment, in Greece they go to prison. That is the difference.
<zorz> SiFuh: i did not know if you search over the internet you can find plans how to print a fuctional gun with a 3D printer. All the design
<SiFuh> zorz: I have many here
<SiFuh> zorz: You do realise that certains parts should still be made out of metal right?
<zorz> SiFuh: yes man, it fires a bullet.
<zorz> how you call it barel ?
<SiFuh> Hmm.. Go to Ghostgunner or Defcad
<SiFuh> There are certain parts that must be metal and some laws state they can't be sold. So what they do is make the part but it is useless unless you use a grider to cut a slot in it. So now they can sell it to you.
<zorz> no need for now, autumn. now csv i have to finish this week. next month go to the island as i told tou fiskardo - Kefalonia.
<SiFuh> zorz: I was running the distiller I picked up in Russia today.
<zorz> SiFuh: yes.
<SiFuh> zorz: This is my one day old Whiskey also
<zorz> send the whisky to greece :)
<zorz> shall i give you my address.
<SiFuh> I'll send you a 3D printed glock
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> send one.
<SiFuh> And your suicide note?
<zorz> 2 parcels... the second parcel with the metal parts please.
<zorz> 3 parcel the suicide note with bullets.
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> No bullets,
<SiFuh> zorz: Seems I may have some bad news for you
<zorz> ?
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<SiFuh> zorz: Looks like no microphone because both microphone and webcam are controlled by a function key.
<SiFuh> The function key for the webcam works and mute and volume and brightness and darkness. But doesn't seem to work at all for the microphone
<zorz> SiFuh: i forgot it. i tried the key, if you mean the keys like volume which work out of the box. nothing happen. but its ok i rarelly need to use video calls. i pass. and now that you tell me i need to disable the &
<SiFuh> Also the microphone doesn't appear to be connected to azalia at all. So probably independent ACPI
<zorz> SiFuh: thank you for looking at it bro.
<SiFuh> Actually your best option is to buy a USB microphone
<zorz> correct. if in need i will do that. this is how i now install openbsd. i have a very old usb-wifi stick. i install it with that and then change the hostname to hostname.iwx0
<SiFuh> I dislike the lack of ethernet port
<SiFuh> I am using a USB ethernet adapter
<zorz> correct, but 240hz monitor, full AMD amd cpu + amd gpu and working in unix.... i am satisfied.
<zorz> SiFuh: is there a nahimic driver for openbsd ??? :PPpp
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> improve the sound.
<SiFuh> WTF is a nahimic driver?
<SiFuh> zorz: learn to use MPV
<zorz> actually looking the microphone i did this sndiod_flags=-e s24le4lsb -z 400 -s default -m play,mon -s mon
<zorz> have you seen the fuction sif ?
<zorz> no need for MPV hahahaha
<zorz> this flags improve a lot the sound.
<SiFuh> What's a fuction sif?
<SiFuh> I have .config/mpv/input.conf
<SiFuh> F1 cycle-values af "lavfi=[dynaudnorm=s=30]" "lavfi=[loudnorm]" "" "lavfi=[loudnorm=I=-16:TP=-3:LRA=4]" "lavfi=[dynaudnorm=g=5:f=250:r=0.9:p=0.5]"
<zorz> sif() { command="yt-dlp $1 -o - | ffplay -" eval $command
<SiFuh> So I can cycle different audio configurations with the F1 key
<zorz> fuckin hell, SiFuh this is brilliant.
<SiFuh> I hate having a movie that you must turn up the volume to hear them talk then quickly turn off the volume during an action scene so you don't blow up your speakers or cause the dogs to bark 2 blocks away.
<zorz> so i do sif https://youtube link you send and i open it in ffplay
<SiFuh> I open in MPV
<SiFuh> And I get excellent volume control compared to ffplay
<serpente> and mpv will use ffplay as backend hahha
<SiFuh> serpente: Yeah
<zorz> serpente: he is joking
<serpente> i do mpv too, many good uses like that one SiFuh does
<serpente> ive made script and put it on a hotkey for mpv to download subtitles automagically
<serpente> and load at the video playing
<zorz> guys i really like chatting, but i have to finish the csv files...... later.
<SiFuh> serpente: I have that but opensubtitles went into dick mode so it doesn't work much these days
<SiFuh> serpente: Now they want you to create an account then add a user and then generate an API key.
<serpente> yes, ive made my own scrapper, it was working last time i checked
<SiFuh> I'd like to see this
<SiFuh> Is it in lua?
<serpente> im trying to test now but opensubtitles seens down to me rn
<SiFuh> .org is down .com is up
<zorz> guys lately my use of the laptop is limited to xterm, nnn, vim, emacs, python, irssi, firefox-esr. so... cool.
<serpente> no, its python because of the requests lib, makes it much easier, lua has no sockets support by default, you are suposed to use c sockets in lua
<SiFuh> I use lua for my old script and I don't do python
<SiFuh> Should learn it
<zorz> lua yesterday i unistalled lua and vis editor with it.
<serpente> i have some bash scripts for scrapping too, but in python it is really easy to adjust and make new ones
<serpente> python is very easy to learn
<zorz> yes SiFuh python is easy, I even do python :Ppp
<serpente> but lua is the most beautiful thing i ever seen to organize data in arrays
<serpente> also very clearly type, like reading/writing a human book
<serpente> or recipe
<SiFuh> Heh, this is pretty cool
<serpente> awesome
<zorz> python from version 3.6 introduced the async await... which makes it awesome.
<serpente> it does
<SiFuh> zorz: Shogun Episode 4 released!
<zorz> ooooooooo
<zorz> SiFuh: thanks bro
<SiFuh> I like it
<zorz> episode 3 at the end when he says to his son. you dont understand its not a game with friends and enemies. YOU ARE ALONE!
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> brilliant.
<SiFuh> I also liked the Richard Chamberlain version of the Shogun from the 80's
<zorz> did not know. that... i will search it.
<SiFuh> Same Richard Chamberlain that played the original Jason Bourne in 1988
<SiFuh> zorz: But the new Shogun has Anna Sawai in it ;-)
<zorz> we give Anna to remiliascarlet
<zorz> :Pp
<SiFuh> I don't think remiliascarlet is a lesbian dude
<farkuhar> speaking of remakes, I have David Lynch's 1984 adaptation of Dune in my DVD collection, but I don't remember ever watching it.
<zorz> enough i have to go... csv is calling
<SiFuh> farkuhar: My brother convinced me to watch that. I watched it twice.
<SiFuh> It was long and boring, but it had a lot of important scenes in it which made it interesting.
<farkuhar> SiFuh: maybe I'll watch it this week. It would be cheaper than seeing the new Dune movie in theaters.
<SiFuh> I am not a fan, but I did start watching part one of the new version for a second time last night. Didn't finish it. Only got 5 minutes and 20 second in hahaha.
<SiFuh> The original seems to be much better though than the new version
<SiFuh> zorz: fn+f5 doesn't even register in BSD or Linux. However there is an input with Linux under hdaudio and a mic.
<zorz> ?
<SiFuh> ?
<zorz> SiFuh: when i had crux, webcam netmeeting was working ok
<zorz> linux kernel has option for msi keyboard
<zorz> but SiFuh if you do not find a solution, usb mic for meetings. i dont change bsd for linux. everything works better in openbsd emacs, vim. For example because i refuse to install xclip or xsel vim in linux i have to set mouse=r or mouse=nvi (i dont recall now) for xterm vim. in openbsd set mouse=a from default settings works fine.
<SiFuh> zorz: Yeah, I admit, we are configured better than Linux
<SiFuh> Still CRUX is the closest and it is still miles away
<zorz> CRUX is the king of Linux.
<SiFuh> I'd prefer the overlord ;-)
<zorz> HAHAHA
<zorz> if you compile for the msi laptop the linux kernel correct, which i think i manage is extremelly fast.
<zorz> but loses in latency compared to bsd.
<zorz> keystrokes in xterm and programs like vim no gtk or emacs-gtk(which is pseudo gtk) feel faster. the hole thing feels much better. Like everything is one.
<SiFuh> You trying to sell me OpenBSD?
<zorz> no man... I keep saying myself always listen to SiFuh he knows what he says.
<SiFuh> Have been telling you something for weeks now and you still haven't listened.
<zorz> ok about openbsd... because of you again i gave a try to emacs+gtk it took me three days to make the ~/.emacs when i figure it out... i dont go back to anything again.
<zorz> SiFuh: what you have been telling me?
<SiFuh> Well if you 'always listen to SiFuh' you'd know
<zorz> dont tell me MPV
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> N
<SiFuh> No
<zorz> i do not know this days with csv files i am frustrated... losing my mind.
<SiFuh> Anna Sawai is amazing ;-)
<farkuhar> does the MSI motherboard have a firmware setup menu that allows you to configure the Fn keys as "sticky" (i.e., you can toggle the microphone without pressing Fn+F5 simultaneously)?
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<zorz> Anna is nice... if Anna is the translator!
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Nope
<zorz> farkuhar: its not time for experiments with bios.
<zorz> i need the laptop... have work to do.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Actually fscking with the MSI bios is a dick move
<SiFuh> Normal basic stuff is fine. If you access the hidden menu, you will end up with a black screen and need to reset the CMOS
<farkuhar> it's something I remember from the bios menu of a ThinkPad, so I was wondering if the equivalent setting on the MSI might help zorz with the microphone.
<SiFuh> It really shits me but I did check the BIOS today to see if I can find anything to do with webcam or microphone
<SiFuh> But as I said above. It appears that the microphone is no longer attached to the audio card in this model. The Webcam comes up as USB so the function keys work fine for that. The function keys for audio also fine.
<SiFuh> zorz: I first came across Anna in Ninja Assassin (2009). Her character was so adorable.
<zorz> SiFuh: you remind me now. the difference copy/paste 1gb file to usb stick. linux does like its finished. but is not. openbsd it finishes when it finishes. you get what iam saying? In linux you need to do tricks.
<farkuhar> SiFuh: you said "there is an input with Linux under hdaudio" ... so the microphone must be a separate device? What name does ALSA give it?
<SiFuh> zorz: Yes, the way it synchronises data to the disk is different. OpenBSD is basically file in and file out and Linux is not.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Can't test that. I have no alsa or pulseaudio or anything on it under linux.
<SiFuh> zorz: async
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<SiFuh> sync and softdep
<SiFuh> farkuhar: It is what I saw from dmesg only
<farkuhar> well, if zorz has a bootable Linux distro and some spare time, I would recommend "arecord -L" to see what soundcards are detected by ALSA for input.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Good idea.
<SiFuh> zorz: In Shogun she didn't want the English man to eat Natto. She doesn't want a soy boy? Hahaha
<SiFuh> zorz: Also I like the eight fence speech. If you liked the one about friends and family and alone, you may like this one.
<zorz> its not a game with friends and enemies, in this life you are alone!
<SiFuh> The next one is better
<SiFuh> She talks about how they hide in their mind, far away from it all. I do that when I am surrounded by morons.
<zorz> i checked to download it from 2 sites in greece not ready yet. later tonight i will watch it.
<zorz> Japanese women are beautifull
<SiFuh> zorz: Yet you keep calling one a man
<zorz> its your fault... remember when I told you and you said... no its a man.
<SiFuh> Whats a man?
<zorz> never mind is ok, whitequark is watching
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> SiFuh: you know i never download from torrents since 2007 last time that i used windows.
<SiFuh> Yeah well, what do you expect from a guy who is scared of plastic printed guns
<zorz> do you remember the movie with Malcovitz the wooden gun.
<SiFuh> zorz: Put the URL into your command with " " (quotes) on each side. And use aria2c
<zorz> SiFuh: no need for torrents, i use videodownloadhelper in firefox.
<zorz> i see and the imdb score before downloading a movie :PPp
<SiFuh> aria2c "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:3ef69570a28......."
<zorz> ofcourse it should be something like that. aria is the program.
<SiFuh> I want to roll my eyes, but you can't see. So I am holding up my middle finger instead
<zorz> pkg_info aria2
<zorz> i will use it later.
<SiFuh> My middle finger? Oh yuck, you so dirty
<zorz> farkuhar has a good idea...arecord -L later i will try it.
<SiFuh> zorz: Of course. You have full audio setup in Linux right? So you can check out and study how the audio is setup in Linux to help out me in OpenBSD
<zorz> yes i will make a bootable and boot and check.
<SiFuh> Damn it
<SiFuh> Shogun ended. Now I have to wait until next week
<zorz> you are addicted to shogun... i am addicted to shogun... i wish did not know it and watching it when all episodes online.
<SiFuh> I think the same
<SiFuh> Hate it when you get a good series and you are sucked in and then have to wait 7 days
<SiFuh> But if I was to binge watch it, I'd never get anything else done
<zorz> correct
<zorz> anyway... have to go and work... 2-3 and i am done with csv.... patience... wait i will show you what i do
<SiFuh> I was going to say I don't care, but actually I am interested in spread sheet skills
<zorz> for 4 thousand products aprox.
<SiFuh> Boring
<SiFuh> Did you type them manually?
<zorz> yes
<SiFuh> Data input sucks
<SiFuh> If there was one job I think an Android Robot should do it is data input
<zorz> and is not typing listen... i change the order so later is easy to compare or edit
<zorz> i tried, ai, i even run a model when in crux... cannot understand shit
<SiFuh> AI doesn't exist
<SiFuh> It's just a glorified search engine that can copy and paste
<zorz> AI is good as i do, a complicated regexp... ask it to code it for you.
<SiFuh> AI doesn't exist
<SiFuh> They all crash when I talk to them.
<zorz> yes copy and paste the best available match result for your question
<SiFuh> In fact they piss me off about how stupid they realy are
<SiFuh> I asked about good places to surf. It said "Gnarly" and then spoke fucking retard English you hear everyday.
<zorz> haha
<SiFuh> Then tried to lecture me about the dangers of surfing off the coast of Portugal.
<SiFuh> Then I said I don't want a lecture. So it apologized and lectured me again. Then I said you are lecturing me again. Then it apologized and lectured me again. After 5 of those, I told it I am leaving.
<zorz> we do not need AI to inform us... we know Portugal i think September.
<SiFuh> One was lording me, and I told it to stop but it kept doing. Another kept apologizing and saying sorry and I told it to stop. They don't fucking listen. It's like talking to you dude.
<zorz> SiFuh: i told you that last years before i book a flight i make sure is airbus and not boeing... March 9 ceo of boeing commit suicide or they commit him suicide.
<SiFuh> He was assassinated
<zorz> i had the tv on on news... just heard it.
<zorz> had=have
<SiFuh> You know it is March 13?
<zorz> yes i checked that
<SiFuh> He was suppose to go on for an interview
<SiFuh> They killed him a few days before
<zorz> they said found on March 9 he commit suicide 62 yo
<SiFuh> You know today is the 13th right?
<zorz> yes man
<SiFuh> Your news sucks
<zorz> 12 in greece
<zorz> no news good news... happy life
<SiFuh> I read about it on the morning of the 10 which is 9 US evening time
<SiFuh> No news means everyone is dead and you are alone. Welcome to A Quiet Earth
<zorz> you know we have this island in Greece called Ikaria (from Ikarus and the melted wings) is in National geographic together with Okinaua and other 3 places that the habitans live more than 100y
<SiFuh> If you like classic art movied. This one from New Zealand is very good. The Quiet Earth is a (1985)
<zorz> what they do not say that in Ikaria everybody is communist HAHAHAHA
<SiFuh> zorz: Do you know I watch ever episode of Ancient Aliens and I know?
<SiFuh> And it isn't Okinawa.
<SiFuh> Yuzurihara is the name of the place
<SiFuh> They eat Hyaluronic Acid which is the same that I eat in my diet
<zorz> man... I lived in London... everyday of your life that you spend in a big city like London you miss days from your total life expectancy.
<zorz> remember the place that i told you I will be from next month? Fiskardo?
<SiFuh> And now you know why I prefer the jungle
<zorz> living in places like Fiskardo, or Ikaria... no stress.
<SiFuh> My wife is a moody little bitch by day two in the jungle. By day three she is secretly stealing food and hiding away to eat it
<SiFuh> It reminds me of "The Lord of the Flies"
<zorz> in my village in Greece now... i park the car and lock it. the door of the house is always unlocked - no stress. Ok when i go down in the city my second home over there i use the locks :)
<SiFuh> I don't lock anything when I am home
<SiFuh> You got have a big brass balls to try break in here when I am home.
<zorz> :)
<SiFuh> Weapons all over the place
<SiFuh> Enough to make Batman jealous
<SiFuh> No 3D printed guns though
<zorz> speaking of this... what they did. I dont care if they call it capitalism... they try to get people in cities like London, HK, NYC so they work to pay the rent. years are passing young people become old... and at the end they say at least we will take the insurance.... insurance will be 67 now... after 70... if they do not steal the money from the accounts
<zorz> no good.
<zorz> insurance = pansion
<zorz> and they name this Democracy capitalism bullshit
<zorz> people are stupid.
<SiFuh> zorz: You have never read the bible
<SiFuh> Check out the story about the Tower of Babel.
<SiFuh> Right, I am gone. Back in a few hours. Maybe not. I might work on the truck today.
<zorz> good have rest... i have csv
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> csv do sex to me nowdays
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