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<SiFuh> Yeah!
SiFuh changed the topic of #crux-social to: Offtopic Talks | Project https://crux.nu/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux/
<zorz> SiFuh: Big Brother is watching you!!
<SiFuh> At users requests ;-
<zorz> SiFuh: how is the view from the balcony?[@]... you see us well? ::Ppp
<SiFuh> I am not nosey and I care not if you spam the channel as you did above
<zorz> spam? did i spam? :Pp
<SiFuh> Copy and paste multiple lines is considered spam
<SiFuh> I was actually laughing when you did that
<zorz> :-)
<SiFuh> Reminded me of ppetrov^ on the off-topic channel saying this is off-topic. And the first thing I thought of was if he posts something on-topic we should abuse him
<zorz> :-)
<SiFuh> Damn it
<zorz> 2001, iam on mirc... ircds have socks protection for botnet,,, but dont have protection for https result 300+ bots with nicks and ids from lists.
SiFuh changed the topic of #crux-social to: Offtopic Talks | Project https://crux.nu/ | Logs: https://libera.irclog.whitequark.org/crux-social/
<SiFuh> mIRC is still a thing?
<zorz> i remember putting the plastic ice boxes from my camping cooler on top of the isdn modem lol
<SiFuh> Like the Russian that used a refrigerator for his computer?
<zorz> hehehe
<SiFuh> I often thought about it as well
<SiFuh> That TV on the top of the refrigerator is the longest lasting cheap TV ever made and the first thing that fails is the power button.
<SiFuh> I have seen, no joke, people using paper, toothpicks, plastic to keep the button depressed so they can watch the TV
<SiFuh> My question is why was his computer running so hot in Russia? Hmmm
<zorz> i think is a joke
<SiFuh> A geek joke?
<zorz> yes unless his fun is burnt
<zorz> yes unless his fan is burnt
<SiFuh> Question, why do you get double printed lines?
<SiFuh> Is it you or mIRC?
<zorz> SiFuh: i found this https://github.com/keith/urlview-weechat/blob/master/urlview.py now i am searching where weechat is installed in crux
<zorz> let me see if its workinng... turns quite handy chatting with you
<SiFuh> WeeChat is a free and open-source Internet Relay Chat client that is designed to be light and fast. It is released under the terms of the GNU GPL-3.0-or-later and has been developed since 2003. WeeChat comes with a default ncurses interface, and it is possible to use other interfaces through the use of the relay plugin.
<SiFuh> You are using me for testing software :-O
<SiFuh> You say I talk to much?
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> Hurry the fsck up, I want to shower soon
<zorz> man its easier than Shift+highlight
<zorz> man its easier than Shift+highlight | Ctrl+Shift+c
<SiFuh> I smell like paint and have only painted a winch roller
<zorz> hopefully u will finish painting this year, i mean in 2023.
<SiFuh> Oh no, you know when I will finish painting my room. I will be offline for less than or equal to a day
<zorz> but as you go.... you will be happy finishing the first quarter of 2024
<SiFuh> I have to move the computer so I will powerdown everything rather tha precariously shifting shit to paint
<SiFuh> My room will be done before I go jungle
<SiFuh> My wife hates glossy paint. I don't care. Gecko shit doesn't stick to it. So I am one up on her
<SiFuh> Her room scuffs so much it is like an elephant with projectile diarrhea exploded on her walls
<SiFuh> That's a pretty bad image actually
<zorz> :-)
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<SiFuh> I saw nothing
<zorz> hhhaha
<zorz> this is for me to know for you to find out
<zorz> pkg_add urlview | should be in the ports.
<zorz> later i need to find a notify-send script
<zorz> SiFuh: speaking of mutt if you put this line to your muttrc ---> set new_mail_command="notify-send \ 'New Email' '%n new messages, %u unread.' &"
<zorz> you know what happens.
<zorz> :-)
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<SiFuh> No, because I don't do
<SiFuh> lavaball: wb, we got logging finally
<zorz> bb
<lavaball> gay.
<lavaball> did you her about the danes?
<zorz> danes?
<SiFuh> The muslim thing?
<lavaball> so they finally figured out that religious freedom doesn't work.
<SiFuh> Hmm, from what I know they banned the full head dress in schools and banks and public
<lavaball> i wouldn't. instead i would have taken the qur'an seriously.
<zorz> Water under the bridge
<SiFuh> Not what this image says
<lavaball> way more effective.
<lavaball> have i told yo uthe story when a muslim was lying under the bar bell and yelled help help and i then walked their calmly saying: oh, i'm sorry, i'm an unbeliever, the qur'an forbids me to help you. i'm sure allah will take care of it for you thoguh.
<lavaball> they don't like that one bit.
<SiFuh> Actually I heard something that was way different to here. Here is a Muslim country. They told me here they dress like that to stop others from having desires over their wife. I heard another story where they said that our men focus on our face more so then our bodies and our face is more important.
<farkuhar> Anyway, happy December to everyone who isn't following the Islamic calendar!
<lavaball> or when i said i didn't want to be touched by the dentist helper girl, becuase she was muslim. they also don't like that. i explained the qur'an says he has to kill me, i'm not taking any risks, sorry.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Almost the second of December here
<lavaball> i mentioned my team fortress fork though. there i can't play with christians in the same team, because the bible forbids it.
<SiFuh> Or creates wars
<lavaball> just take their religion seriously. solves itself.
<SiFuh> To be exact the Christian bible is the new testament which doesn't have anything to do with what you said.
<lavaball> no. there is nothing they can do. it's their religion. i even carry their manuals with me wherever i go for exactly that reason.
<lavaball> no, no, that's the new testatemnt.
<SiFuh> New testament is 100% Christian
<lavaball> second timotheus let me think .
<lavaball> 4:12? 6:12? i would have to look it up.
<SiFuh> The old testament is Jewish
<zorz> farkuhar: happy December.... happy December everybody.
<lavaball> as i said, new testament. and the old testament still counts for the christians as well. jesus said so multiple times.
<SiFuh> No new testament overules the old
<lavaball> that's not accurate.
<lavaball> do you want sources or stay delusional?
<SiFuh> You know why christians are pussies? Because they must love everyone
<zorz> SiFuh: :PPpp
<lavaball> anyway, here a quick collection:
<SiFuh> Evil Bible HAHAHA
<lavaball> you didn't know it?
<lavaball> the site has been up ... at least 10 years.
<SiFuh> You know what is funny? I had this exact conversation yesterday with my wife
<lavaball> she one of the jesus people?
<SiFuh> Yes
<lavaball> then you don't have to worry. you'll got heaven as well as spouse.
<SiFuh> I don't beleive that nonsense
<lavaball> why did you marry her?
<lavaball> my last female companion person broke up with me because i said she had to get out of the church bullshit.
<lavaball> and she wasn't even a believer! she stayed in it for her father.
<lavaball> fucking retarded.
<SiFuh> Cheaper than a plane ticket, quarantine and what-fuck during the fake covid lies
<lavaball> you don't believe in the ccp virus either?
<SiFuh> Don't get me wrong. I believe in God
<lavaball> or just the lockdowns and shit?
<SiFuh> It was all fake
<lavaball> where did the dead people come from then?
<lavaball> there was a rise in mortality during the first wave.
<lavaball> people got scared and fell over dead?
<SiFuh> I have worked in emergency services and I have seen contagions spread. This CV19 was not a pandemic it was 100% staged
<lavaball> okay.
<SiFuh> What dead people? Why didn't they have a death count?
<lavaball> it's nice to finally be able to talk to the 4chan people. they don't let me post on to board, so i'm really glad you are here.
<SiFuh> They had a cases count but never a death count
<lavaball> i'm not talking peopel who died with or without. there was rise in dead people.
<lavaball> made a video about it even.
<SiFuh> There was never a rise
<lavaball> okay.
<SiFuh> The rise happened in 2021
<SiFuh> Started with the lethal injection which was pretty obvious
<lavaball> that i can't confirm or deny right now. i'll watch my own video later. i'll get back to you on that.
<lavaball> the gene therapy was bad though. well, still is.
<SiFuh> Rememebr that saying "Bring out your dead" ?
<SiFuh> I was taught that in the 80's
<SiFuh> You know it never happened?
<lavaball> anything else you 4chan?
<lavaball> how do you feel about the indians?
<lavaball> like from india.
<SiFuh> Most of my friends are Tamil
<SiFuh> My lawyer and my dentist and my General Practitioner are all Tamil
<SiFuh> Is there a problem with that?
<lavaball> i don't even know what tamil is.
<lavaball> i'm guessing indian.
<lavaball> and i don't care. i'm just going through 4chan pattern.
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<SiFuh> 4chan is an anonymous English-language imageboard website. Launched by Christopher "moot" Poole in October 2003, the site hosts boards dedicated to a wide variety of topics, from video games and television to literature, cooking, weapons, music, history, anime, fitness, politics, and sports, among others.
<lavaball> they don't like the indians and are on par with the rest of the stuff you say, so i thought, i shoudl check.
<SiFuh> have seen 4chan before, just not a member
<lavaball> i'm obviously talking /pol/
<SiFuh> /pol/, short for "Politically Incorrect", is an anonymous political discussion imageboard on 4chan.
<SiFuh> Fucking hell
<lavaball> it's so cold here. and i still can't get angry.
<lavaball> they sometimes have actual news. usually it's just we hate these/those/all people.
<lavaball> not a fan of blacks, indians and especially the jews.
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<SiFuh> Dude, you spill so much shit it is hard to keep up with.
<SiFuh> Learn a lot though
<lavaball> that's nothing. wait till i introduce you to dual conversations.
<SiFuh> I don't know what that is and I think I don't want to
<lavaball> you talk about two things simultaniously and answer one thing, while the other types about the other.
<lavaball> way more efficient.
<lavaball> didn't i mention i'm the guy who gave conan the list? i wasn't kidding about 2.6x speed.
<SiFuh> Sounds like a mental issue
<lavaball> anyway, water ready. gotta clean the pot to make food.
<SiFuh> What are you making? Actually curious because my wife can't cook
<lavaball> me enither.
<lavaball> i'm from veganistan.
<lavaball> vegetables, tofu, mustard, 5 mil. scoville hot sauce.
<lavaball> https://comment-cdn.9gag.com/image?ref=9gag.com#https://img-comment-fun.9cache.com/media/azmEr6z/aa4VLz2J_700w_0.jpg
<SiFuh> Tofu?
<SiFuh> That soy thingy?
<SiFuh> Scoville hot sauce sounds stupid
<SiFuh> That is like Inches hot sauce
<SiFuh> Or Meter Hot sauce
<SiFuh> Scoville is a measurmentit needs a number
<SiFuh> I did one similar to that link, I will have to find it for you
<lavaball> tofu is soy, yes.
<SiFuh> lavaball: I did this one in West Malaysia https://i.snipboard.io/iWwhDd.jpg
<SiFuh> did/made*
<SiFuh> Smart phones didn't exist then
<lavaball> i avoid muslim countries for obvious reasons.
<lavaball> glad you are still alive.
<lavaball> anyway, i wanted to coko.
<lavaball> pot is clean. everything is ready.
<lavaball> here we go!
<SiFuh> I don't avoid them because they are generally nice people
<SiFuh> Some are really fucking stupid but that is normal in large popualtions
<SiFuh> But most are great people.
<SiFuh> I find them to be adorable people. I love hanging out with them even if they don't joing me at the pub
<remiliascarlet> lavaball: I'd be much more warry of the Jews.
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<lavaball> scarlet? your not a troon, right?
<dlcusa> I'll share more later, but the NT is as Jewish as the OT! Written entirely by Jews about the Jewish Messiah! Read the first 15 chapters of Acts if you don't believe me!
<remiliascarlet> No, I hate troons even.
<lavaball> my man!
<lavaball> i wish i coudl hate people. it's like the not being able the get angry thing.
<lavaball> sometimes i feel like i'm missing out.
<lavaball> then again, probably not.
<lavaball> about the jews though, it's a too broad of a term.
<lavaball> the run of the mill jews have no evil agenda.
<remiliascarlet> No need to be angry, just consider what they're doing to you.
<lavaball> to me? i'm not invested in this one way or the other.
<lavaball> life is about balance.
<remiliascarlet> Realistically speaking, why the fuck should I be tolerant to someone who outright told me they hate me?
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<lavaball> "cause i will not tolerate who ever wants me dead"
<lavaball> though again, most jews don't hate me. most jews want to be left along just like all other real people.
<remiliascarlet> It's like you'd be surrounded by tanks, and you on that white horse and a sword refuse to use tanks, because you don't want to be "just as bad as them".
<lavaball> also our schwab's klaus isn't jewish either.
<SiFuh> dlcusa: PM me about that, I am interested
<zorz> 1 hour to bypass the npm install --global package.... programming in 2023 has become very complicated.
<zorz> software in 2023 is full of bullshit
<SiFuh> lavaball: schwab's klaus hahaha that's funny shit
<SiFuh> I always say Klaus anal-Schwabb
<lavaball> okay.
<SiFuh> He looks like a q-tip with no cotton
<SiFuh> Actually he looks like roll-on-deoderant with arms and legs
<lavaball> what difference does it make what he looks like?
<SiFuh> Well considering he is a model class example of a comic book villian, not much if you ignore that
<zorz> SiFuh: where are this good old days with craigs list :Ppp
<lavaball> the list had to go becuase of some internet law i forgot.
<SiFuh> Craigslist is a privately held American company operating a classified advertisements website with sections devoted to jobs, housing, for sale, items wanted, services, community service, gigs, résumés, and discussion forums.
<SiFuh> So similar to gumtree in Australia
<SiFuh> WTF is a résumés
<zorz> resumes cv
<SiFuh> Oh resume
<SiFuh> It looks weird here
<zorz> usually cv
<zorz> Curiculum Vitae
<SiFuh> It looks like the character Theta in Greek and not a an E with an ascent.
<zorz> Θ θ
<SiFuh> Yeah
<SiFuh> rθsumθs <-- like this
<SiFuh> But longer, hmm, taller.
<zorz> my .xinitrc setxkbmap -layout us,gr -option grp:alt_shift_toggle &
<SiFuh> I will show you a screen shot
<zorz> iam ready, having urlview now
<zorz> hahahahahaha
<zorz> hahahahahaha
<zorz> it is a - e with ` on top -
<zorz> somebody needs fonts hear.
<zorz> somebody needs fonts here.
<SiFuh> I don't know what it is and I don't want it in my paste
<zorz> you miss some fonts man.
<SiFuh> Todyay is Saturday
<SiFuh> Yeah cool
<SiFuh> Okay
<zorz> for you :-0
<SiFuh> Not sure dude. I am using OpenBSD
<SiFuh> In CRUX I have perfected the art of universal font
<SiFuh> Never tried in OpenBSD
<SiFuh> totlong
<SiFuh> ทท ธ้ฟร รหืงะ
<SiFuh> WTF
<SiFuh> Tried to type testing in Thai and it failed. Then went to inform you it failed and it was ysing Thai letters
<SiFuh> За здоровье и пусть ад нас боится
<SiFuh> That worked
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<SiFuh> Hmm I have three available seats in the truck. The friend who was suppose to go can't because her kids need to go to the government indoctrination camp.
<SiFuh> Guess it means three seats available for anyone who wnats to fly to Malaysia and go offroad in December
<zorz> SiFuh: thanks man i ll pass
<SiFuh> Three seats still open
<SiFuh> Hehehe
<SiFuh> I usually sleep in the truck in the seat. Wife sleeps in a tent because mosquitoes want to eat her
<SiFuh> Her nickname is Mosquito bait.
<SiFuh> When asked why they don't bite me, sarcastically I say "They can't fly on my blood"
<zorz> :-)
<SiFuh> Anyways, there is a seat open for anyone
<SiFuh> Before the trip we are busy after the trip can anything you want.
<SiFuh> Legally
<SiFuh> Miss the Australian trips that take months. Here in Malaysia they are 2 or 3 days. During the fake virus scare they would do months though which was cool
<SiFuh> Next fake pandemic we are going to join them
<zorz> Jiabao Lin's DXY-COVID-19-Crawler uses Beautiful Soup to scrape a Chinese medical site for information about COVID-19, making it easier for researchers to track the spread of the virus. (Source: "How open source software is fighting COVID-19")
<zorz> but it is Illegal
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<SiFuh> And a scam
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> I don't know if farkuhar got that joke
<zorz> farkuhar: last night said the best.... SiFuh has endorsment I dont like X
<SiFuh> better I explain it
<zorz> SiFuh: does not like both X
<zorz> Elon X - X org
<zorz> aaa basicaly was I only use X
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Scraping is crime acording the ChatGPT so fr the last few days we are teasing it. You said you were scraping and I said that is illegal. We are rolling the houmor over from the past conversations.
<SiFuh> zorz: That was an X server joke
<SiFuh> Xenocara doesn't use but is X which farkuhar was trying to make a joke about. It was pretty funny for an OpenBSD guys but not entirely acurate.
<zorz> the ChatGPT I am using is from Pandora-next/deploy
<SiFuh> I don't use stupid so I don't know
<zorz> ai.fakeopen.com/auth
<SiFuh> AI = Artificial Intillegence = fake Intillegence = stupid because it is fake. I don't use stupid.
<SiFuh> Anyone who posts AI shit is just a fucking idiot
<SiFuh> This was discussed above previously
<SiFuh> I don't want no fucking machine even my car how to do something
<SiFuh> All choices are through me and only me
<SiFuh> The moment it moves from me to another... It is dead to me, an enemy, evil, farbage, lies, trash and I have a very big dictionary
<SiFuh> farbage/garbage*
<zorz> I agree
<zorz> SiFuh: sorry i am busy now with npm
<SiFuh> Good luck
<zorz> fucked up man
<SiFuh> Shall be me in a few moments. I need to scorch my skin
<zorz> i think i will tottaly unistall it and run an php server
<zorz> its a mess
<SiFuh> I like part of your thinking
<zorz> i install npm ok good, i do npm install it creates me a folder ~/node_modules should create ~/.node_modules
<zorz> and crap like that...
<zorz> it filled me files in my homedir
<zorz> no no i go with php
<SiFuh> All I want is to drink beer and take a fucking stinking hot bath
<zorz> cheers drink one and for me!
<SiFuh> I think I drink one for all 8 billion people
<zorz> omg
<zorz> stupid stupid stupid...
<zorz> i did not read the pkgfile
<zorz> prt-get isinst ccache && \
<zorz> PATH="$(echo ${PATH} | \
<zorz> awk -v RS=: -v ORS=: '/ccache/ {next} {print}' | sed 's/:*$//')"
<zorz> ----- i did not have ccache installed
<zorz> lol
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<zorz> SiFuh: like Archimedes said "ΕΥΡΗΚΑ" :-)
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<SiFuh> Eureka?
<SiFuh> I like mine better
<SiFuh> За здоровье и пусть ад нас боится
<zorz> for our health and let the hell afraid