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<SiFuh> Joe Rogan Experience #2117 - Ray Kurzweil. Ray is just the dumbest guy ever
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<zorz> bonjour
<SiFuh> What's up Frenchie?
<SiFuh> Damn! Only showing Dune Part two in the cinemas once each for three days and then no more.
<SiFuh> once each? one time per day*
<zorz> SiFuh: i found a solution for files~
<zorz> set backupdir=~/.vim/backup
<zorz> set undodir=~/.vim/undo
<zorz> it works :P
<zorz> have to go now, i have someone painting my garden table. Spring is on the way.
<SiFuh> I told you I do that already
<SiFuh> set backupdir=~/.vim/backup
<SiFuh> set directory=~/.vim/tmp
<SiFuh> set undodir=~/.vim/undo
<SiFuh> 00:13:16 [SiFuh> I do with emacs similar to vim where I have it shove backups and crap in the home directory under a specific folder tree
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<zorz> Bravo SiFuh you gave me an idea.
<SiFuh> I didn't give you an idea. You stole it. Give it back!
<zorz> crazy Aussie!
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<SiFuh> farkuhar: They are only showing Dune Part two in the cinemas once per day for three days and then no more here.
<zorz> SiFuh: when i listen to Putin praising his army I keep saying myself that general Zhukov is dead for a few years now.
<SiFuh> Zhukov a few years now?
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> Zhukov fucked Hitler,,, lost 1 million army the elite of the nazis.
<SiFuh> Try a few decades ago
<SiFuh> Or half a century ago
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I saw a reaction video of Joe Rogan talking to Kevin James. I thought Kevin was pretty dumb. He talked about how he's stuffing himself with carbs all day long, and doesn't understand why he struggles with losing weight.
<remiliascarlet> It's like you're shooting yourself in the foot, and you'd not understand why there's a giant fucking hole in that foot.
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<remiliascarlet> It's like you're using Windows, and you can't understand why it randomly updates and reboots while you're watching a movie on your laptop.
<SiFuh> You mean Windows is using you
<remiliascarlet> Yes, but then I can't make this joke about what your wife experienced.
<remiliascarlet> That joke on 0:38 from that little boy is amazing!
<remiliascarlet> Q: A vegan and a vegetarian are jumping off a cliff to see who will hit the bottom first, who wins? A: Society.
<SiFuh> I saw it and laughed
<remiliascarlet> "Humans are omnivores, therefore can live on plants only." No bitch, that's not what "omnivore" means.
<SiFuh> Humans are Detritivores
<SiFuh> I never understood why they say humans are omnivores and not detrivores
<SiFuh> Since humans eat and drink decaying organic matter as well.
<remiliascarlet> Because I have no idea what "detritivores" means.
<SiFuh> Detritivores are organisms that obtain nutrition from dead organic matter (detritus). Example: Insects, Nematodes, Protozoans, etc. Humans are not detritivores. They are omnivores.
<SiFuh> Not to be confused with Coprophagia
<SiFuh> Although many Detritivores can also be shit eaters
<remiliascarlet> You know we big brain humans don't even know what we are if we have to go on endless debates about it.
<SiFuh> Fermented foods I decaying organic matter same as aged cheese and beer and wine
<SiFuh> I/are
<SiFuh> In my studies, I have found no true herbivores, omnivores, detrivores, carnivores and so on.
<remiliascarlet> Meanwhile, animals and their way smaller brains have know what they are and what others are.
<remiliascarlet> Without "have".
<remiliascarlet> I was originally going to say "have known about themselves from the beginning", and then I simplified my sentence.
<SiFuh> That chick with the Aussie accent dressed in a brown animal costume has half her arse on display
<remiliascarlet> Because vegans don't have any morals.
<SiFuh> I have no issues with vegetarians. But veganism is a cult and I have no tolerance for them
<remiliascarlet> It's exactly what I say about anyone who's pushing an agenda rather than doing it for themselves.
<SiFuh> He's telling her that a Lion can eat a Goat. She says they can because they are all animals, then straight away says humans are animals.
<remiliascarlet> Somebody I know is vegan, but not because of the ideology, but she just feels good she said. She has no problems with me being carnivore, and so I have no problems with her being vegan.
<SiFuh> Which we are not, but still if she thinks that we are then she has contradicted herself
<SiFuh> A Vegan walks into the restaurant and everyone knew, how?
<SiFuh> Because as soon as they stepped into the restaurant they told everyone.
<remiliascarlet> One fat vegan in the UK walked into a restaurant multiple times to cause nuance by telling people that they're "murderers" for eating their steaks. She was swiftly thrown out multiple times too.
<SiFuh> My Hindu friend feeds his dogs a vegetarian diet.
<SiFuh> They are very unhealthy.
<remiliascarlet> If you accuse me of "murder" while I'm just eating steak while just going with my life peacefully, I'll be more than happy to order another steak just to spite you.
<SiFuh> They love me because I always bring them meat and bones
<remiliascarlet> "My Hindu friend feeds his dogs a vegetarian diet." That's animal abuse!
<SiFuh> Yep, that is what i said
<remiliascarlet> The vegan I know has a cat, but she feeds it meat at least.
<SiFuh> I keep looking at her butt
<remiliascarlet> That's usually where male eyes go to, yes.
<SiFuh> Of course, it is only natural
<SiFuh> Well maybe.. if you live in a tribe that dress in loin cloths and have no tops on, then maybe not
<remiliascarlet> There was a meme many years ago which said "Men like what they see, women like what they hear. Which is why women wear makeup, and men lie".
<SiFuh> I hate makeup
<SiFuh> Makeup is a woman lying about her appearance
<remiliascarlet> Another thing, that vegan I know looks really old for her age and has clearly unhealthy skin (it's red and orange on many places).
<SiFuh> ig eaters generally have red and orange patched skins
<SiFuh> ig/Pig
<remiliascarlet> What do they eat those pigs with though?
<SiFuh> Their mouth
<remiliascarlet> Typically with processed sugary sauces or marinades, baked in lots of seed oils, and so on.
<remiliascarlet> So no wonder it happens.
<SiFuh> These people eat mostly wild pig and deer
<SiFuh> The Jarawa people represent a Paleolithic tribe living on the Andaman and Nicobar Islands in the Indian Ocean. Since first migrating to the islands of the eastern Indian Ocean nearly 60,000 years ago, the Jarawa tribe has maintained a nomadic lifestyle reminiscent of Stone Age hunter-gatherer populations.
<remiliascarlet> Their skin looks all black to me.
<SiFuh> They are the blackest skinned people on the planet that I know of
<remiliascarlet> Actually, if you look at it, humans eat very unhealthy "healthy" foods. Steak? Lots of sugary sauces and baked in seed oil. Salad? Swimming in lots of seed oils and sugary sauces.
<SiFuh> I admire their skin colour
<remiliascarlet> Their skin looks great with the sun light reflecting.
<remiliascarlet> Forgot one: Eggs? Lots of mayonnaise, which is mostly seed oil, and ketchup, which is all sugar.
<SiFuh> I use fish sauce
<remiliascarlet> Salmon? Based in seed oil, and covered in sugary sauces.
<SiFuh> I always found it weird they write sugar on the bottle
<remiliascarlet> 0% sugar, and on the previous photo it says it contains sugar?
<SiFuh> It contains less than 1 gram of sugar
<SiFuh> It is the sugar that comes out of the fish
<remiliascarlet> Oh, pretty misleading then.
<SiFuh> So they don't add any sugar at all. It's just the natural sugar from the fish which is so miniscule then
<SiFuh> That is why I always thought it weird they write sugar when it is like nothing.
<SiFuh> I prefer salty and sour foods. I am not a fan of anything sweet tasting
<remiliascarlet> I love the taste of grilled meat best.
<SiFuh> I wouldn't know. I have almost no sense of smell or taste
<SiFuh> Born that way
<remiliascarlet> Then how do you know you like salty and sour, but not sweet?
<SiFuh> I usually vomit with sweet stuff
<SiFuh> And the salty and sour I add to actually give it something that I can taste. If not everything will be like eating rice.
<SiFuh> Same with Chilli. I eat the hottest chilli in the world because I need the spice
<SiFuh> Basically I add over-bearing flavours like giving an almost deaf person a hearing aid.
<SiFuh> If I cook in Australia, I always need to call my mother in to taste it to make sure I don't kill the family
<SiFuh> Also, I don't like hot food. I like it to cool down and can wait up to 12 hours before I will eat it.
<remiliascarlet> I really loved the food in the Middle East and Greece, because they grill their meat a lot.
<SiFuh> I went to one Chinese New Years work party and it was all crap soy shit. So I went to the Muslim section and took the beef on the fire. But then vomited it up because they used some sugar paste over it. So they freaking ruined it.
<SiFuh> Sunday, I need to go to the markets again to buy a cow
<zorz> ok coffee.csv done. 2 more days
<zorz> ouffff
<SiFuh> Data entry sucks
<SiFuh> I do all my vodka fermentation, recipes, distillation in spreadsheets. Then print a physical copy and keep a digital copy
<remiliascarlet> Can't open any Twitter links anymore.
<remiliascarlet> Elon fucked with Nitter recently.
<SiFuh> Then watch the full video here instead of segments of it
<SiFuh> I like how plays them with subtitles :-)
<SiFuh> Hmmm where did mpv go?
<SiFuh> I like how mpv plays them with subtitles :-)
<remiliascarlet> I can't sniff from Twitter links whether they can be opened with MPV or not.
<SiFuh> No joke, I actually typed MPV and thought it is in capitals. Fsck it. When I hit enter it vanished
<SiFuh> sniff?
<remiliascarlet> There's no hint that suggest it's a video, picture, or plain text.
<SiFuh> I'll help you
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: It's a video!
<remiliascarlet> There is a hint on whether it's posted by an SJW, SJW Classic, or somebody else.
<SiFuh> The Amazing Race Season 36, team seven Maya and Rohan Mody are so useless. Rohan is just a weakling
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