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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: "Which hotel are we staying?" "Impiana KLCC" "Oh I am famous" "Yeah right"
<SiFuh> "Where are we going to lunch?" "Mandarin" "Oh I am famous there too"
<SiFuh> "No, they will not remember you at all. Thousands of people come everyday to these places. You think you are that special?"
<SiFuh> Walk into Impiana. "SiFuh! Long time no see. Hey everyone SiFuh is here" "Hi SiFuh!" More than 1 hour later we finally get to the room and the wife says "Seems this is your home here. Even the hotel boss accompany us"
<SiFuh> Went to Mandarin hotel for lunch "SiFuh! Welcome back again"
<SiFuh> Wife gives me an evil stare and I just freaking laughed so hard
<SiFuh> She says it must be the way I dress or the constant holding of a beer in my hand. No way they can remember you
<SiFuh> [remiliascarlet> SiFuh_: Why is every single page blank?
<SiFuh> Because every page was redacted.
<SiFuh> It is just a middle finger to the people who requested the FOIA
<SiFuh> They do it all the time. They give you what you want but then they censor the parts they don't want you to see.
<SiFuh> The fact that they even bothered to release a 100% censored document that is 100% censored is a big F-YOU from the CDC
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<remiliascarlet> Oh, I thought it was my PDF reader acting up.
<SiFuh> Heh, yeah many of my friends thought the same
<remiliascarlet> Also, if you're of a different race from everyone else around you, it's easy to remember you. Even more so if your behavior stands out (for example, you're very talkative whereas everyone else just goes with the flow).
<SiFuh> They didn't read my following words "redacted"
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Many foreigners at these hotels
<remiliascarlet> Redacted Tonight.
<SiFuh> Heh, he is a dick
<remiliascarlet> I hope he has one.
<SiFuh> Actually today at Impiana there was a Swedish couple and I want to punch her husband in the face about 20 times or more
<SiFuh> Today we get into the elevator and the elevator stops part way down and a Swedish couple get in. The doors open at floor G and we go to check out. There is a line. The Swedish couple are not in the line. They are back like 5 metres and to the left near the pole talking. We actually arrived before them in the line and she was lined up waiting to be served.
<SiFuh> I was talking to the bellboy from the concierge counter. I saw the Swedish man walk up to my wife and shout "This is the line!" and she stepped into the other line to avoid conflict. I looked at the bellboy and said "He treated my wife like shit" and he nodded and said "They have a problem with their room"
<SiFuh> Then my wife was served first and the Swedish are still in their stupid line. I said to the bellboy "Karma" and he laughed.
<SiFuh> My wife asked if he and her were to have a dispute what would I do. I said simple, I'd walk up behind his wife and whisper in her ear, 'Your husband touched my wife. You settle this or he is going to hospital'. My wife gave me a look of genuine fear. hahah
<SiFuh> She asked "Why the wife and not him?" I said "That is his emotional thorn and I don't need to do anything else"
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<remiliascarlet> zorz: SiFuh: Proof that there are more NPM packages than Indians, Chinese, and Americans combined.
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<SiFuh> lavaball: What?
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<lavaball> the bomb / plane vidoe you showed me
<lavaball> that was state paid official tv!
<lavaball> i didn't know!
<lavaball> fuck me.
<lavaball> the war propaganda is even made for children now.
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<ppetrov^> ivandi, do you have slackdeps hosted somewhere? Seems people at LQ ar looking for it (
<zorz> sorry guys, i am lost in regular expressions. SiFuh_ welcome back. I hoped you did enjoy it.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: unless for lsp only there i use npm and thanks to openbsd is yarn. only for lsp.
<zorz> bye the way guys if you set up properly emacs with Eglot, not with lsp-mode, is superior than vscode, vscodium and sublime_text combined.
<remiliascarlet> If an LSP requires me to install NPM packages, I just look for a different LSP.
<remiliascarlet> Luckily, all programming languages I use have one that doesn't require it.
<remiliascarlet> And it's pretty stupid if your LSP is programmed in a different language from what it's supposed to serve anyway.
<remiliascarlet> Also, I personally prefer Neovim over Emacs, because the keybindings in Neovim make much more sense, and it's an actual text editor rather than an operating system.
<ppetrov^> thanks ivandi
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<zorz> remiliascarlet: i save an html page with selenium, i am going to read it is 4 lines minified, with emacs and pretier in ms it formats it in more than 25000 lines.
<zorz> html, css, typescript you need npm slp. python you caan use the python one. again my situation.
<SiFuh> zorz: You read 4 lines?
<zorz> keybindings u do them as u like. but you need to spent time to set emacs. Emacs is for heavy duty. btw lua lsp has problems. Lua api does not detect file changes correct.
<zorz> SiFuh: haha are you nuts... i am seeing the code only 4 lines i say what a fuck.... and when i format it boom more than 25000 lines.
<SiFuh> I am watching BATMAN 2022
<SiFuh> Because I recommended it to remiliascarlet
<zorz> its nice.
<lavaball> SiFuh, gay.
<zorz> lavaball: SiFuh is here today you can fight with him :-)
<SiFuh> lavaball: Not intersted in your sex shit.
<zorz> SiFuh: lavaball cam in yesterday swering at you, I told him to come back on Monday haha
<SiFuh> Oooo, so scared
<zorz> something about dogs, animals... no clue.
<SiFuh> zorz: Saw, that is why I asked lavaball what above
<SiFuh> Hahaha, fucking hell
<remiliascarlet> Rule 1: Don't be gay. Rule 2: If you already are gay, stop being gay.
<lavaball> zorz, were was i swearing?
<SiFuh> I did not see any swear words
<lavaball> zorz, oh, sifuh is engaing in dog fighting among other animals. as in his doc, not he himself.
<lavaball> so no swearing.
<lavaball> just facts.
<lavaball> dog\
<lavaball> not doc.
<SiFuh> Engaged, not engaging. I have done dog fighting since 2009
<lavaball> you aren't doing it anymore?
<lavaball> remiliascarlet, do you know remmina?
<lavaball> it connects to japan every time i start i up.
<SiFuh> July 11th 2009 I changed many things in my life.
<SiFuh> No I am not doing any of that anymore.
<lavaball> there exactly:
<SiFuh> Never said I was. You just blew it out of proportion
<lavaball> that depends on your point of view. you obviously have no problem with animal cruelty, so for you my reaction was unexpected.
<lavaball> anyway!
<SiFuh> Your point of was an assumption. Assumptions are dangerous
<lavaball> the 2022 batman is gay.
<remiliascarlet> lavaball: What is a Remmina?
<SiFuh> lavaball: So you never watched it then?
<lavaball> remiliascarlet, vnc/rdp tool.
<remiliascarlet> I use neither, so.
<lavaball> SiFuh, that angle doesn't work on me anymore since i've seen oz.
<SiFuh> Oz?
<lavaball> oz.
<lavaball> prison show from the late 90s.
<remiliascarlet> Over Zeas.
<SiFuh> No idea
<lavaball> i mentioned it in my song.
<SiFuh> Your singing is animal cruelty
<lavaball> old zealand, obviously. it's the prequel to newzealand.
<remiliascarlet> You mean the Netherlands?
<lavaball> SiFuh, that also doesn't work.
<SiFuh> Tell that to the dead animals in my room
<lavaball> you would have had to say sounds like animal cruelty.
<lavaball> the one who you won the fight with?
<lavaball> because remember kids, if your animal dies, it means you've won!
<SiFuh> Shut up, I am watching The Batman (2022) and it is good. Not Oz your singing.
<lavaball> i kid you not!
<lavaball> SiFuh, please confirm.
<SiFuh> No
<SiFuh> I told you that the one you own and listens and obeys you wins.
<lavaball> what no? that's exactly what you said. if your dog gets killed during the fight, you've won.
<SiFuh> If your animal kills the other then it automatically is counted as a loss because it didn't listen to you
<lavaball> see?
<lavaball> hahaha
<SiFuh> You fucking read what I said
<SiFuh> You are lying and I hate liars
<lavaball> how am i lying, you confirmed it yourself just now.
<SiFuh> You don't manipulate anything I say or said
<SiFuh> Fucking twat
<SiFuh> Read the fucking logs dickhead
<lavaball> how am i manipulating? is it wrong that if your dog dies you've won/
<lavaball> ?
<lavaball> no.
<lavaball> you confirmed it yourself just now.
<SiFuh> Read the fucking logs dickhead
<lavaball> you said it yourself not even two minutes ago.
<SiFuh> No
<SiFuh> You are a dick
<lavaball> 5:57:33 PM <SiFuh> If your animal kills the other then it automatically is counted as a loss because it didn't listen to you
<lavaball> so if it's a loss for you, it's a win for the other guy, isn't it?
<SiFuh> Loss does not equal win
<lavaball> haha, what then?
<lavaball> that would be a draw then, by the way.
<SiFuh> You really are the stupidest fucking idiot in this channel
<SiFuh> Why are you hear?
<lavaball> hahahaha
<SiFuh> here?
<lavaball> you invited me.
<lavaball> hahah
<lavaball> HAHAHAHAHAH
<SiFuh> Fucking retard that just pokes and pries and torments and lies
<lavaball> someone's good fucking lord. i'm actually sitting here laughing.
<lavaball> hahaha
<SiFuh> You are liar
<SiFuh> Liars are full shit
<lavaball> yeah, then explain to me, if it's a loss for you, what is it for the other guy?
<SiFuh> Yes, but didn't expect you to be a liar
<SiFuh> You should change your name to liarnoballs
<lavaball> then explain it, princess.
<lavaball> stop evading.
<lavaball> if it's a loss for you, what is it for the other guy?
<SiFuh> Your lack of English does not require more work for me to educate you
<lavaball> ohh more evasion.
<SiFuh> Fuck off
<lavaball> the whole logic thing isn't for you, is it?
<SiFuh> The other guy wins DUMB FUCK
<lavaball> so logically, if your animals dies, you win.
<lavaball> that's what i said.
<SiFuh> Yes but you also get the dog that killed yours
<SiFuh> Learn the fucking rules before you start speaking about shit you know nothing about
<lavaball> so he gets another animal to die for a win on top of it?
<lavaball> that's even better.
<lavaball> hahahah
<lavaball> well, i asked you.
<SiFuh> Don't care, you are a liar
<lavaball> you explaned it just fine.
<lavaball> you just don't like it when i repeat them back to you.
<lavaball> how am i a liar? you said it literally yourself.
<lavaball> hahaha
<SiFuh> You manipulate peoples words like the far left and I don't have anything else to say to liars.
<lavaball> how?!
<lavaball> please!
<lavaball> where did i lie?
<lavaball> what did i manipulate?
<lavaball> please, use the logs you mentioned a moment ago.
<lavaball> someone's good lord. i love it when reality catches up with people.
<lavaball> thanks for that.
<SiFuh> zorz: To be honest, I think the only two people that swear in the room are remiliascarlet and me
<SiFuh> Maybe liarballs a couple of time, but I think remiliascarlet and I are the worst
<lavaball> proof, my young confused homosexual, you need proof for your accusations.
<SiFuh> I should remove it completely from my language like I use to. Unfortunately I became quite proficient at cursing whilst driving in Asia
* remiliascarlet refuses to remove swear words from her language
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: You ever see the Japanese experiment with water and rice. Love, hate and swearing?
<SiFuh> I think it was Doctor Masaru Emoto
<remiliascarlet> I just don't care.
<SiFuh> Hmm okay, but it is fucking incredible
<remiliascarlet> If you feel offended by just words, then go jump off a bridge.
<SiFuh> Oh shit, I swore again hahah
<remiliascarlet> Holy fuck!
<remiliascarlet> Goddamnit, I would never fucking swear or curse!
<SiFuh> He studied the effects of words and their conscious thoughts on rice in water and how swearing kills
<remiliascarlet> I hope next time I say "fuck", it kills Bill Gates then.
<SiFuh> Now as a being that is largerly consistant of water, should you not try to make you water happy?
<remiliascarlet> I'm happy.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I don't hope but I will be satisfied if you do
<remiliascarlet> Ever since I started the carnivore diet half year ago, it has become really hard to get mad even.
<SiFuh> Anyway. I am watching Batman 2022 again. Goodbye to everyone
<SiFuh> Except liarballs
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Yeah, I found that too
<SiFuh> I have to fake mad at everyone
<lavaball> i accept your capitulation.
<remiliascarlet> In the past, I would get completely destroyed by a data loss. A few weeks ago I accidentally wiped my entire SSD without a backup, and I went "whatever, I never looked at those files anyway"/
<SiFuh> You need a hug
<SiFuh> zorz: hug remiliascarlet!
<remiliascarlet> But only in the appropriate places, of course.
<SiFuh> Yeah IRC
<SiFuh> How the hell can there be an inappropriate hug?
<remiliascarlet> You don't want to be charged with 痴漢, do you?
<SiFuh> Everytime my parents or sibling yell and argue my flat Earth brother says "Oh you need a hug" and starts hugging everyone
<SiFuh> I am not a hugger or a kisser or a toucher. I don't know why it is just weird and I don't like being hugged, kissed or touched either
<SiFuh> I even hate hand shakes or people touching my food
<remiliascarlet> You've become a true Asian.
<SiFuh> I let the hand shakes slip a little though since it is common. I generally salute people
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I have lived in Asia since I was 21 and I am 46
<SiFuh> So more than half my life in Asia
<SiFuh> Kissing during sex okay, still don't like it but I can accept it.
<SiFuh> And I dislike holding hands
<remiliascarlet> Which countries? I know you lived in Thailand, China, and Kyrgygstan, and now in Malaysia, but any more?
<SiFuh> Thailand, Malaysia, China, Brunei, Singapore, Hong Kong, Kyrgyzstan, Kazakhstan, Laos, Mayanmar, Cambodia
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Today was funny. I was complaining about a stupid building, then remembered, that this building is owned by the Sultan of Brunei and I did the electrical work in it.
<SiFuh> I can't remember the year but I remember the date being 24th of Novemmber you must finish all the work or you will not only NOT get paid, but you will be fined 10K MYR per day for each day you go over the contract. So they were hiring everyone to get it done.
<SiFuh> I was helping out a friend to deliver the wood and I saw a Pakistani doing something wrong and I told him to not do it that way or he could end up dead. His boss overheard me and asked why I knew about this. He then hired me on the spot. We finished on the 24th
<remiliascarlet> Of course you would deliver the wood. How degenerate of you!
<SiFuh> The wood is for the cabinents
<SiFuh> cabinets*
<SiFuh> He lived in the same block and needed hands so he asked his wife and me to help out. Small money 50 MYR an hour
<SiFuh> When I told my wife today she said "That's a lot of money!"
<SiFuh> I think she doesn't know that here and KL are extremely different with pricing. 50 MYR an hour is poop money
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: We are going jungle after Hari Raya. You coming or not?
<remiliascarlet> Maybe next time.
<SiFuh> Next one after I think is in May
<SiFuh> But this one will be very dangerous
<SiFuh> Because the roads don't really exist
<remiliascarlet> Sounds like an authentic jungle.
<remiliascarlet> What do you usually do in the jungle? Just go out for a walk?
<SiFuh> Okay so in April (After hari Raya) we are going to a jungle with roads for logging. After the next is in jungle but with 'expired' roads
<SiFuh> Eat and swim.
<SiFuh> Just hang out
<remiliascarlet> Sounds similar to what you'd do in the concrete jungle known as Tokyo.
<SiFuh> My wife can't swim so she sits in a chair alone and watches
<SiFuh> The driving is really what they go for.
<SiFuh> Then they camp and make fires and cook and eat, and gossip and swim and explore and fish and eat more and sleep
<SiFuh> And poor me, I have to dig the toilet hahah
<remiliascarlet> You've got water on all sides, how the fuck can't she swim?
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: She is useless
<SiFuh> I can teach her something and she forgets minutes later
<SiFuh> It is really annoying
<SiFuh> I can't swim. You know, for fun. But for what I need and survive I can.
<SiFuh> I want her to get flippers
<remiliascarlet> I can swim, but I haven't done so for many years.
<SiFuh> You fly to KL and we come to get you. Actually you stay in KL with us over night. Then we drive back to our home. And we wake up and join the convoy
<remiliascarlet> The sea at the Tokyo Bay is so dirty, nobody wants to swim in it. And the local pool is never open.
<SiFuh> Then you are disconnected and unplugged
<SiFuh> Here same
<SiFuh> Rivers in the mountains are clear or brown. But they are clean. Brown is just silt 9Mud)
<SiFuh> (mud)*
<SiFuh> And it is freaking hot
<remiliascarlet> I remember before the Olympic games how they threw clams into the Tokyo Bay hoping they would somehow eat up the polution, and were shocked that all the clams have died in the process.
<SiFuh> So you will not only sweat, you will lose weight
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: HAHAHAHA
<remiliascarlet> How retarded can you b...oh wait, the government came up with that idea, so that's normal.
<SiFuh> I lose about 2KG when I go jungle and then get it back when I return home.
<SiFuh> Today I met all the people my wife lied to about me not allowing her to eat in the jungle
<SiFuh> When I told them the truth they knew straight away I was not lying
<SiFuh> The Muslim woman says she wants to join me as well
<SiFuh> But she can't because Islam and she has a husband
<SiFuh> I wonder can you and her talk
<remiliascarlet> I don't know, I never met her before.
<SiFuh> I doubt you and her can
<SiFuh> You are like way out of her league
<SiFuh> This video you should send to liarballs
<remiliascarlet> Culture and life experience greatly affects one's personality.
<SiFuh> And language
<remiliascarlet> Part of culture.
<SiFuh> No I mean other languages
<remiliascarlet> Or life experience if it's non-native language.
<SiFuh> I am forged by life experience and languages
<SiFuh> Siti's husband wants to join us in the next jungle trip. He had a phone with him and was watching a man pretending to be a Muslim woman in Muslim attire.
<SiFuh> I was thinking to myself "Why the fuck would you watch that?"
<remiliascarlet> A Japanese woman who grew up having to shoot bears to save her own life, who would then become an IT guru obviously had a different kind of life than an American woman living in a big city her entire life getting everything she wants from her rich daddy, and results in 2 completely different kinds of people.
<SiFuh> I ain't that stupid
<remiliascarlet> I didn't say you were.
<SiFuh> A Japanese woman who lived the exact same life and a American. But does not speak another language is retarded in thinking compared to the American who speaks two languages
<SiFuh> and a/as a
<SiFuh> Or an
<SiFuh> Your English is good online. Do you dream in English sometimes?
<remiliascarlet> No.
<SiFuh> Wha?
<remiliascarlet> I might be good in written English, but spoken English is horrible.
<SiFuh> I dream in Chinese, English, Thai and even Vietnamese which I am studying
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: That is normal
<SiFuh> Don't care that. What I was caring about or should say curious about is the dream aspect
<SiFuh> So all your dreams are in japanese?
<SiFuh> Strange
<SiFuh> I bet liarballs dreams in English sometimes
<remiliascarlet> Pretty much always in Japanese. Maybe in English if I'm 80% awake, but the remaining 20% of me wants to force myself back to sleep.
<SiFuh> You will be fine with us
<SiFuh> Just keep sugar away from my wife
<remiliascarlet> Turn her into a carnivore, will get rid of at least 100% of the sugars.
<SiFuh> Or you and I bury her
<remiliascarlet> No joke, I tried curry again after a long time, and I ordered a very spicy one. Tastes sweet as a cookie.
<SiFuh> To be honest I think you and her will get along but you and her will NEVER match
<remiliascarlet> s/Tastes/Tasted
<SiFuh> Spicy curry doesn't exist
<SiFuh> But I do eat the hottest chillies in the world so I don't think I can have an opinion
<remiliascarlet> Before carnivore, that same curry was very spicy at even the "mild" level.
<SiFuh> So I will give you the dates of each trip in the jungle and if you decide to join us, we will work around them
<remiliascarlet> Now "ultra hot" tastes like a cookie."
<SiFuh> I eat 100% carnivore in the jungle but with curry
<remiliascarlet> "Spicy curry doesn't exist" Curry is mostly spices.
<SiFuh> Curry is a mixture of herbs and spices but even the spiceiest is not spicy
<SiFuh> spiciest*
<SiFuh> Funny that you knew that
<SiFuh> My wife never did. I sent her to an Indian shop to mix my curry and she said she thought curry was one thing.
<remiliascarlet> She probably never made one before.
<SiFuh> She is a retard in many things
<remiliascarlet> If you made curry yourself from scratch at least once, you would know.
<SiFuh> But she has learned so much with me being her husband
<SiFuh> Chinese live a very closed life
<SiFuh> Yesterday I was told by a Chinese from Singapore that Adolf Hitler attacked Poland and that caused WW2
<SiFuh> The moment I started to talk the entire pub went silent and listened to the entire lecture about how it really started and I started from end of WW1
<SiFuh> It was incredible that so many eaves dropped because they never knew the truth
<SiFuh> [remiliascarlet> You don't drink alcohol right?
<remiliascarlet> Correct.
<SiFuh> Good
<SiFuh> Okay this year you can arrange for a holiday and we try to fit it around a jungle trip
<remiliascarlet> Coffee and tea are perhaps the only 2 plants I still consume.
<SiFuh> Cool, wife is the same
<SiFuh> Actually she drinks a beer or two, which come from a fungus
<SiFuh> But in general she is a tea/coffee drinker
<remiliascarlet> Didn't she drink coke?
<SiFuh> Fuck no
<SiFuh> And neither will I allow you
<SiFuh> You got tea, coffe, water, beer, wine and spirits. You have no other choices
<remiliascarlet> The most I drink is water. I always end up drinking away 4 litres in just a half day.
<SiFuh> Horrible
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<SiFuh> I brang a 15 litre container of water. She drank 7.5 litres in 3 days
<SiFuh> I was shocked
<remiliascarlet> The only horrible thing about it is that I need to go to the toilet extremely often.
<SiFuh> No worries
<SiFuh> We got that covered
<SiFuh> Besides we stop a lot anyway
<SiFuh> I can ask the wife to protect you when you pee pee
<SiFuh> Usually I protect her
<remiliascarlet> You protecc.
<SiFuh> And I have the portable one
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: It was funny, me trying to pee in the jungle when driving.. Failed everytime
<SiFuh> When parked no worries but whilst drivint, it won't come out
<SiFuh> For a woman you will need to stand up and pee
<remiliascarlet> Wet pants.
<SiFuh> Yeah
<SiFuh> But when driving it was more stage fright
<SiFuh> I want to pee and I am facing level or downhill and I cant pee
<remiliascarlet> In Japan we have smartphone zombies using a phone while walking. In Malaysia you have foreigners peeing while driving.
<SiFuh> I overtook a car on the phone today at the toll booth. He then angrily speeds up and pushes his car in front of me
<SiFuh> I don't care but I was laughing and drinking my beer. Then the fluffy (Trying not swear) idiot realised he was in the wrong lane.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: When the dates are confirmed I will inform you.
<SiFuh> See if you can take time off and join us
<SiFuh> I can honestly say that I never use a phone when driving
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