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<remiliascarlet> LG = Largely Gay?
lavaball has joined #crux-social
zorz has joined #crux-social
<zorz> lo
lavaball has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
<remiliascarlet> Can we finally consider the US to be officially a 3rd world country?
<zorz> hehe
<zorz> remiliascarlet: not yet! they need pedigree first!
<zorz> remiliascarlet: SiFuh: to give them the official pedigree!
<remiliascarlet> You don't need to be a zoo in order to be a 3rd world country.
<remiliascarlet> zorz: You sure smell like *sniff sniff* nigger.
<zorz> hehe
<SiFuh> He's a gay muslim tranny
<remiliascarlet> So basically a Jewish nigger.
<zorz> LG
<remiliascarlet> JN
<SiFuh> China Blocks Use of Intel, AMD Chips in Government Computers
<remiliascarlet> They probably didn't like their computers sending intel to the HUWHITE HOUSE.
<zorz> Zorz !=(gay,muslim,tranny)
<zorz> SiFuh: they should do that long time ago. remember i told you for the number in intel cpus that is used the past 10years +
<SiFuh> zorz =(Homosexual, Muslim, tight jeans wearing Transvestite)
<zorz> sub zorz { my =my ($dest, $text, $stripped) = @_;(Homosexual, Muslim, tight jeans wearing Transvestite)
<zorz> return if system(exit)
<zorz> hahahaha
<zorz> ooo the is good for background
<zorz> nice pam bro
<zorz> SiFuh: how do i save it with feh.... without opening the url ?
<zorz> man feh
<SiFuh> wget -c
<zorz> s
<zorz> no need for wget
<zorz> its loaded
<SiFuh> aria2c
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> ok downloaded
<zorz> but easiest way is with wget -c url ... need some finger work though :Pp
<SiFuh> curl
<zorz> same thing less deps
<zorz> SiFuh: gay use XDG and xdg-utils
<zorz> :Ppp
<SiFuh> Is that what you are using?
<remiliascarlet> Gays don't use XDG standards.
<zorz> Gay's=XDG
<zorz> remiliascarlet: i just hacked the vscode html not to search for root git
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> Pope Says Not Taking The Covid Vaccine is an Act of Suicide, Refuses To Condemn Transhumanism mRNA Vaccine Tech
<zorz> yeag the παιδεραστες of vatican
<zorz> SiFuh: did you start the moonshine ?
<SiFuh> Yes
<zorz> you are the best man... i like the balloons
<zorz> good idea.. so no insects and minimize the alcohol manipulation!
<SiFuh> My grandmother use to use balloons.
<zorz> alcohol=evaporation
<SiFuh> It works like an airlock but without water
<remiliascarlet> zorz: Gays use VSCode.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: only vim
<zorz> small stuff vim with vim-ale. big emacs.
<zorz> vscode lsp html or css looks for root .git
<SiFuh> The one in the back is using an airlock with water.
<zorz> ./exec wget -c needed to save this.
<SiFuh> The concept of the Balloons that my grandmother had told me when I was a kid was to capture the CO2. The balloon will expand enough keeping the CO2 in then when there is too much it will leak out slowly. Eventually afer a few weeks the balloons will be full deflated and she can drink it as wine.
<zorz> SiFuh: this is great idea for openned champagne... or sparkling wine
<SiFuh> I am also using wild yeast from the air to ferment it
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: zorz: No more exploding cocks.
<SiFuh> Took 4 days to strain all the liquid out of the fruit.
<SiFuh> Let it sit in an open bucket untill it started fermenting then sealed it up with airlocks and balloons
<remiliascarlet> zorz: I don't case about that gay VSCode.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: "No more exploding cocks." Malaysia, making private area's flatter.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: do you suggest another html css lsp?
<remiliascarlet> Yes, my suggestion is that you just learn to memorize HTML and CSS, it's not that hard!
<SiFuh> zorz: Back around 1996, I wanted to make vodka. My mother said that my father's mother use to make wine. So the next time she called from the US to us. My father asked his mother how she does it. Then told my mother who explained it to me.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: one brain, 4 seasons, winter summer... too much to memorise :P
<remiliascarlet> Oh, cry me a river!
<remiliascarlet> I literally memorized it back in elementary school in a matter of a week.
<SiFuh> This is the best version
<zorz> you cant memorize things that you dislike
<zorz> its like eating food that you do not like
<remiliascarlet> Yeah, that changes things then.
<SiFuh> I remember I dislike VSCode and I don't even know what it is
<zorz> i will try emmet...
<remiliascarlet> I liked HTML and CSS at the time, everyone did back then.
<zorz> is just for basic
<SiFuh> zorz: So if you put your hand in the fire and you realise you don't like it. Do you forget that you don't like it and try again?
<zorz> hahahaha
zorz has quit [Quit: leaving]
<SiFuh> Good riddens
<SiFuh> HAHA
<SiFuh> riddance*
zorz has joined #crux-social
<remiliascarlet> Nowadays it feels more like HTML and CSS got replaced by bloated Javascript frameworks, and anyone with knowledge in HTML and CSS is being looked at like a weirdo by all these soydevs.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: truth
<SiFuh> zorz: is a soydev
<zorz> SiFuh: not even.
<SiFuh> A devsoy?
<zorz> just soy
<zorz> no dev
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> We should clone Ubuntu and call it "Soyboy Linux" and have a slogan like "Linux sucks, but Soyboy Linux is for cucks!"
<zorz> ahahahahahaaha
<zorz> with calamares installer
<zorz> hahahahahaha
<SiFuh> And Tight Jeans File Manager
<zorz> wanna see my calamari
<zorz> TFM Tight File Manager
<SiFuh> And a taskbar called "The Blue Oyster Bar"
<remiliascarlet> zorz wears tight jeans, SiFuh wears bulky pants, I wear mini skirt.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: His tight jeans might have cut out butt cheeks ;-)
<zorz> ooo
<zorz> mini skirt???
<zorz> remiliascarlet: interesting!
<SiFuh> I remember I was driving the Taxi and I picked up a young boy from the hospital. He jumps in and looks at me and then asks "Are they leather pants?" I replied "Yes, I rode my motorbike to work". He says "That's alright then" and I started laughing and so did he.
<zorz> he thought that he entered the blue oyster taxi!!!
<zorz> hahahahahaa
<zorz> SiFuh: did you had a moustache that time ?
<zorz> hahahahahha
<SiFuh> No
<SiFuh> I don't wear leather unless I am riding on a road with speeds 80 KPH or higher
<SiFuh> Or when it is really cold
<zorz> never tried leather.
<SiFuh> Please don't
<SiFuh> You will probably use tight leather and then look more gay
<zorz> remiliascarlet: is any case that you have a dunst config ?
<zorz> SiFuh: #crux-social you sould make a sight with dot files :Pp
<SiFuh> Why should I?
<zorz> yeah right
<zorz> why... no point
<SiFuh> zorz: Do you know why this channel has 3 Operators? So I _should_ not have to do anything.
<zorz> 3?
<SiFuh> Yes
<zorz> lavaball?
<SiFuh> Three, not one.
<zorz> ok
<zorz> SiFuh: hahahahahahaha
<zorz> i need this linter for irssi hahahahahhaha
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh, SiFuh_, and SiFuh__.
<zorz> SiFuh: is my firend.
<remiliascarlet> The 4th would be _whitelogger_, but that's a bot, so that doesn't count.
<remiliascarlet> Bot Lives Matter!
<remiliascarlet> Even though they don't live, but leftists have no common sense anyway.
<SiFuh> What about 'me, myself and I'?
<remiliascarlet> The 3 operators.
<SiFuh> Well that's one. But this is a common joke. Only three people 'me, myself and I'
<remiliascarlet> There are 10 ways of looking at it: right or wrong.
<remiliascarlet> There are only 10 genders: male and female.
<SiFuh> There are three operators of this channel, me, another and another but not all of them are in this channel or ever been in this room.
<remiliascarlet> So there are 11 operators.
<SiFuh> Base ten. Not Binary
<remiliascarlet> Works for base 8 and base 16 as well.
<zorz> 256
<remiliascarlet> No, you.
<SiFuh> No, you!
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Tom Lehrer
lavaball has joined #crux-social
<SiFuh> zorz: You went to the USA
<zorz> she bites
<zorz> madlen in dubai
<SiFuh> Are you sure?
<SiFuh> Madina Mamadalieva from Kazakhstan?
<SiFuh> Мадина Мамадалиева
<zorz> yes
<zorz> soviet prostitute in dubai
<zorz> what you think has dubai
<zorz> hahahahahahahaha
<zorz> for me to know for you to find out... Bahrain is the Best!
<zorz> but you are family man now!
<SiFuh> I think you should move to the Mosquito Coast
<zorz> I think I will join you.... find a woman and move to Jakarta
<SiFuh> Yuck
<zorz> no Adriatic sea... next to Greece
<zorz> Andriatic
<zorz> ex yugoslavian
<SiFuh> Fuck NATO
<remiliascarlet> NATO is gay.
<zorz> the son in law of Trump... rented for 99 years the ex pentagon(lets say) of serbian military in Belgrade
<zorz> serbians are mad.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: and yes i found a way with vim-ale and get-rid of vscodehtml..... answer is tidy. pkg_add tidy
<zorz> ctrl-x ctrl-o is native tab completion in vim map it to tab ... Et voila!
<zorz> inoremap <expr> <Tab> pumvisible() ? "\<C-n>" : "\<C-x>\<C-o>"
<SiFuh> zorz: talks like a butt farting.
<zorz> zorz prepares his system for the next 20 years
<SiFuh> All over the place and different topics (smells, noises) in mid-conversation .
<zorz> ... ok serious topic
<zorz> 3 days now russia bombs kiev.
<zorz> a mislle flew a little bit inside of Pollands airspace...
<zorz> Nato Alarms ring... but Nato is very weak in misle tech.
<zorz> Macron says to send troops in Ukraine and Italys official said... we dont intend to send any of our boys to a war that has nothing to do with us.
<zorz> Macron wants to drug europe in a war so his economy can benefit of making and selling guns.
<zorz> drag*
<zorz> this are serious things!
<zorz> question for SiFuh why crypto market is on a rise? why bitcoin reached 62-70k
<zorz> ?
<SiFuh> zorz: Because lavaball allowed it
<zorz> america is on the edge of bankrupty. This is the reason not sending money to Ukraine.
<zorz> insiders know that, and mitigate the risk by investing in crypto.
<SiFuh> America is bankrupt. That is why they print and print and print and steal from the tax payers
<SiFuh> 19th of April 2022. Was distilling and the spigot sprung a leak. Shooting hot water accross the kitchen
<SiFuh> across*
<zorz> by printing they dont only steal from tax payers primarily they steal from bank savings accounts. That is the main problem.
<zorz> nobody will keep dollar in the future it is depreceating to the moon
<SiFuh> How is that the main problem?
<zorz> if you have 1000 dollars... and goverment prints money you have 1000 dollars but the buying power of your thousand dollars is now 900.
<zorz> very simple answer.
<SiFuh> How is that the main problem?
<zorz> printing... causes inflation to the moon!
<SiFuh> The main problem is there is a debt based usury system (A pyramid scheme) that is replacing people's assets and labour (things of real value), with pieces of paper and transferring those assets into the hands a few people who print worthless paper.
<zorz> if you check ... i forgot now the numbers.... more than 1/3 of the usa national income from the taxes go to pay interest rates of the loans from the country you will realize the end.
<zorz> to pay interest rates... not to pay back the loans.
<SiFuh> Conversation is over. You seem to not see what is really going on
<zorz> we say the same thing... in different words.
<SiFuh> You have a very limited perspective.
<SiFuh> Money is worth nothing. The world is inverse
<zorz> yes!
<zorz> authentic food and services are priceless
<SiFuh> My vodka is worth a lot more
<lavaball> falsehoods again, sifuh?
<SiFuh> Most valuable are skills. Not food and services.
<zorz> the first people that will change meat or poultry with insects will be americans.
<lavaball> i'm against bitcoin as most troonix users are.
<SiFuh> zorz: No, it's Europe
<zorz> you need skills to grow proper tomatoes
<SiFuh> You need a skill set for everything
<zorz> europe is diverse... greece balkans italy spain nope
<zorz> south french nope
<zorz> north countries... yes
<SiFuh> You do realise humans have been eating insects already.
<zorz> manufacturing went to china if they do not manufactur... how they can exchange for fruits?
<SiFuh> Thailand, China, Cambodia, Vietnam, Myanmar, Laos....
<zorz> SiFuh: thank you for the article... i will read it later.
<zorz> did not know.
<SiFuh> No you wan't. You read nothing. You don't even read the fucking manual.
<zorz> i read the manual
<zorz> why you say i do not read ?
<SiFuh> It's obvious because of your constant bumbling around.
<zorz> i do many things... sorry ehh.
<zorz> people like myself sould not use window manager... and stay in one thing :)
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> Eat the bugs.
<lavaball> sifuh you picking fights left and right, don't you?
<SiFuh> lavaball: You can't use don't in that sentence
<lavaball> shouldn't be "aren't". my bad.
<SiFuh> 'are'
<lavaball> no, aren't.
<SiFuh> No it is are
<lavaball> i disagree.
<SiFuh> sifuh you picking fights left and right, aree you?
<SiFuh> You wan't aren't
<SiFuh> sifuh you _are_ picking fights left and right, aren't you?
<SiFuh> There
<SiFuh> sifuh you picking fights left and right, are you?
<SiFuh> Those two
<SiFuh> Although you should be you are or you're
<zorz> lavaball: for a fight needs minimum 2.
<SiFuh> zorz ther rule of three applies to everything
<zorz> agree!
<lavaball> not for picking. just for actual fighting.
<lavaball> anyway, i'm glad i joined the semantics channel.
<SiFuh> lavaball: Reminds me of that old Australian song.
<zorz> hahaha semantics channel
<SiFuh> What? Too much talking
<zorz> SiFuh: where is this newcastle ?
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<zorz> now its pleasure to watch your videos.
<SiFuh> here is the lyrics for you
<SiFuh> D'you know who you're picking? Nah, who am I picking? You find out
<zorz> SiFuh: yes try to nick complete, i get notif. cause i am doind csv as well
<zorz> sti
<zorz> my beauty
<zorz> this is a monster man
<SiFuh> With a Ferrari engine
<zorz> i heard
<zorz> reasonably priced... say the price
<zorz> girlfriend
<zorz> ahhahaha
<zorz> the engine is beautifull
<zorz> but the normal subaru boxer... is good to
<SiFuh> I want to put in my 4x4
<zorz> ferrari or subaru boxer?
<SiFuh> Ferrari
<zorz> maybe for your use need something else.
<zorz> you need torgue
<zorz> in low rpm
<SiFuh> What are you talking about?
<SiFuh> You know there are gearboxes as well.
<zorz> i would go for something different than racing angine.
<SiFuh> I run a 1JZ engine about 378 Nm of torque. That Ferrari F136 has about 539
<SiFuh> 1JZ is a racing engine
<zorz> no good link, where is the /watch?
<zorz> hahahaha
<zorz> Nissan Patrol
<zorz> hahahaa
<zorz> man 3 years ago in riyad the company gave us an gmg yucon 6 lt i dont know... fuck strong car. Ok in saudi gasoline cheaper than water.
<SiFuh> Don't rewind it is boring. Starts from 14:26
<zorz> i watched the finish line
<SiFuh> There were many races in that video and many finish lines
<zorz> the most stupid thing i saw in saudi arabia... can you imagine ?
<SiFuh> The Patrol anhilates the Ferrari
<zorz> yes Nissan Patrol
<zorz> in saudi they do competitions like miss world... for camels. who has the best camel
<zorz> they fucking botox the camels!
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> this people dont deserve the money they have.
<lavaball> their god gave it to them.
<SiFuh> lavaball: Do you read books?
<SiFuh> This one explains he had made up an invisible friend
<SiFuh> Page 110 made me laugh
<lavaball> no, i have one of these ereader things.
<SiFuh> Heh
<lavaball> for the bitches i recommend having some books lying around though.
<lavaball> they are easily impressed by that.
<lavaball> i was actually reading multiple books once, and the girl was all like ... ohhh... you read a lot...? ! ! ! ! ! !
<lavaball> the ereader isn't as impressive.
<lavaball> anyway, she wasn't pleased when i told her she had to see a psychiatrist first.
<lavaball> not dating possessed girls as peter venkman said.
<SiFuh> Haha
<lavaball> now youtube is cock blocking m.
<lavaball> e
<lavaball> fucking bitches.
<zorz> hahaahahah
<lavaball> don't worry. i live long enough in the troonix world to be able to make up my own hacks above hacks.
<lavaball> but yeah, youtube deleted the comment of the girl.
<lavaball> luckily i asked agian to make sure that didn't happen.
<SiFuh> zorz: This daughter on The Mosquito Coast is so freaking ugly. Eyes like a Chameleon
<lavaball> there is a daughter?
<lavaball> tits or it didn't happen!
<SiFuh> The series
<zorz> SiFuh: no time for tv lately.... fix some apps in openbsd vim csv....
<zorz> i watced from mosquito coast the first 3 episodes
serpente has left #crux-social [Killed buffer]
serpente has joined #crux-social
<zorz> at least when you call me in irssi i see the notif from yesterday.
<zorz> fools.. commit suicide... should carry hydro cyanide
<zorz> they will speak... and believe for the next couple of years people involved will get murder around the globe
<zorz> SiFuh: Kissinger, Madlin Allbright, Blinken all joo joos
<zorz> fuckin Madlin bomb yugoslavia
<zorz> SiFuh: electroshoc at the balls is nothin,,, soft
<SiFuh> 肏你八輩子祖宗
<zorz> at the end they will be hunged.
<SiFuh> hanged
serpente has quit [*.net *.split]
<zorz> hanged*
<zorz> hang not like hug huge difference
<zorz> SiFuh: of topic... UFS or ZFS for single scsi, i think UFS better.
<zorz> off*
<SiFuh> Top Democratic strategist James Carville lamented Sunday that “preachy females” have taken control over his party.
<SiFuh> At least 133 people have been reported killed of which only 50 have been identified and over 145 injured after camouflaged gunmen opened fire on concert goers in the massive music complex Crocus City Hall west of Moscow.
<zorz> bastards
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: The Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission estimated the number of Florida crocodiles have increased to as many as 1,500 to 2,000 adults, coming back from an estimated 300 in 1975. The Florida population of this native species is classified as threatened by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
<SiFuh> This one is a bit tricky because of the use of the word classified. When I first read it, I thought they can't tell you how many but they did in the previous sentence. Then I realised they are not talking about population numbers in the second sentences but 'classed as almost endangered'
<zorz> SiFuh: why in Freebsd have ZFS and speak for snaposhots and recover breaked system? It breaks a lot ? :Pp
<SiFuh> zorz: Because lavaball allowed it
<zorz> UFS i will install....reeminds of UFOS
<zorz> lavaball: is the start of the disaster
<zorz> the beginning!
<lavaball> actually, now that you say it, since i am the messiah, i'm the one responsible.
<SiFuh> You even tried to defeat Conan the Barbarian
<lavaball> tried?
<zorz> lavaball dude are you ok?
<lavaball> a lot better than usual and i'm already on fire all day every day, why?
<SiFuh> lavaball: Tehcnically you won because he cowered into insulting you and teasing you to get out of his mistakes
<lavaball> also not true.
<lavaball> i told you not to trust the editor.
<SiFuh> So the editor cut and pasted words?
<lavaball> he left out like 10 minutes.
<lavaball> and yes, he moved shit.
<lavaball> not that i mind. as you said he made conan look like an ass.
<SiFuh> Yep
<lavaball> though that is far from the truth. he only came at me once he knew i could handle myself.
<SiFuh> Heh
<SiFuh> I reckon you could breath on Conan and he'd fall over.
<lavaball> to be honest, i was a bit disappointed that he went with all the low hanging fruits.
<lavaball> nothing original, nothing creative.
<lavaball> that was easy to be dealt with.
<SiFuh> That's why they have script writers
<lavaball> sure, but he did out and about stuff more often.
<lavaball> yes it's all the editor saving it.
<lavaball> wlel.
<lavaball> it is how it is.
<SiFuh> For example. John Oliver and Bill Maher pretty much never do comedy anymore. They just read what other people wrote
<SiFuh> Although I think John Oliver needs to shut his mouth and fuck off back to England since he is trying to push British ideas in to the US
<SiFuh> Same as Piers Morgan
<SiFuh> zorz: I start Season 2 now
<zorz> you crazy man
<SiFuh> How so?
<SiFuh> I've been watching Season 1 over three days
<zorz> SiFuh: that is why I said you crazy man!
<zorz> installing freebsd at the old box
<zorz> SiFuh: for allready watching season 1 in 3 days... should be interesting ?
<SiFuh> zorz: I do other shit dude
<zorz> you will wait a few hours for her reply :)
<SiFuh> I am not looking for a reply.
<zorz> ok
<SiFuh> Okay
<zorz> Okayk
<zorz> :Pp
<SiFuh> KO!
* SiFuh knocks out zorz in one fart
* zorz falls on the floor
* zorz puts some ice made by fire to SiFuh arse!
<SiFuh> Let me think. What did I do yesterday. Woke up, opened a beer. Went downstairs and put on Country Music. Creed Fisher! Whiskey (It Fucks Me Up) was playing. Set up the wine, cleaned the room, dumped the garbage, power jet sprayed her bathroom, my bathroom, my trucks fenders, planted a new chilli tree, drank more beer. Looked at the parents stupid gate opener and ordered a new transformer. Hmmm I do
<SiFuh> many things
<zorz> i did the mailcap yesterday, irssi, and vim
<zorz> and I definately know... no matter what... emacs-gtk is the EDITOR!
<zorz> shit i fucked it.... i did not chose SLAAC in ipv6 and source tree.... again now.
<zorz> SiFuh: i find you kernel HAHA
<SiFuh> Rust sucks
<zorz> haha
<zorz> man... i just so a venom linux... did they copy paste crux?
<zorz> ports... revdep
<SiFuh> He's my friend
<zorz> venom ?
<SiFuh> Yes
<zorz> cool
<zorz> basically is crux with s6 if you like
<SiFuh> Yes, while you can't read a basic man page, he is re-writing all of CRUX to be shell script based
<zorz> install a linux libre kerenl
<zorz> interesting
<SiFuh> Checkout package utils
<zorz> tell him to add... man so zorz can do man when in venom
<zorz> i will read them
<zorz> this freebsd takes for ever..... no lib32 only ports ans src tree... WTF
<zorz> iam on his page
<zorz> I saw it in
<zorz> why you insist i do not read man ?
<SiFuh> It is obvious
<SiFuh> We paste the links to the man pages or FAQs and you ask questions like a retard that ignored the work we did by pasting them to you
<zorz> <<<=== this is good
<SiFuh> You learning to read?
<zorz> i can set... a venom and later change the kernel on this machine
<SiFuh> zorz: Which one you prefer. 1) You aren't reading the links we paste or 2) You are to stupid to understand the links we paste?
<zorz> SiFuh: you misunderstood me
<SiFuh> I do?
<SiFuh> That's funny
<SiFuh> I prefer to say you ignore the manuals because it is nicer than say number 2
<zorz> i read man... stop saying not.
<SiFuh> That's awful
<zorz> ?
<zorz> SiFuh: now you start upsetting me
<SiFuh> zorz: You do that to me every day. Haha
<zorz> NO i should not i am MAD!
<SiFuh> MAD Magazine?
<zorz> no MAD as you say MAD
<SiFuh> I have a lot of stuff to do
<zorz> ok go ahead...
<SiFuh> Question is which to do first?
<zorz> good night.
<SiFuh> It's morning dude
<zorz> what you have to do ?
<SiFuh> a lot of stuff
<SiFuh> You should learn to read dude
<zorz> that was yesterday... today ?
<SiFuh> I know, I will bottle the new batch of beer first
<zorz> start with staff No1 then go to 2 and so on
<SiFuh> Then do some mods to truck suspension
<SiFuh> Maybe sell the tin foil hats
<SiFuh> I mean the tin cans I saved from when I busted open all those exploding tin cans
<zorz> this i do not understand what it is
<zorz> but... maybe first sleep...
<zorz> and then start your day with that
<SiFuh> I sent you already
<SiFuh> See what I mean?
<SiFuh> You don't read shit
<SiFuh> Here
<SiFuh> This can is about to explode
<SiFuh> I opened them all and turning them into alcohol
<zorz> moonshine?
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<remiliascarlet> zorz: "why crypto market is on a rise?" Halving event is coming in 23 days from now, crypto always tends to start becoming bullish when the halving event almost happens, then you get a full blown bull market for a year, and then you get 3 years of bear market.
<zorz> ok
<zorz> so remiliascarlet you think that because of the halving hit 70k ?
<remiliascarlet> zorz: Well, the numbers don't lie, unless they come from Bill Gates:
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<zorz> i still wait halving to pass so i can short
<zorz> most probably mid may to mid june
<zorz> remiliascarlet: freebsd is not for me.
<remiliascarlet> OK.
<zorz> bloated...
<zorz> it installs all the deps with a package
<zorz> not the nesecary once.
<zorz> just installed it
<remiliascarlet> Yeah, the pre-compiled packages are weird, like how you can't install have KDE Plasma and Fcitx5 installed at the same time, because installing the one will uninstall the other.
<zorz> i tried wayland
<zorz> i tried xorg
<remiliascarlet> So most people resort to the ports collection instead.
<zorz> and nvidia304
<zorz> so many dependancies
<zorz> ok the thing is fast
<zorz> ufs file system.... scsi drive serial
<zorz> 4GB RAM
<zorz> no need for zfs
<remiliascarlet> Because FreeBSD's ports are more like Gentoo's in that you get prompted what you want to install or not together with the program.
<remiliascarlet> OpenBSD's ports are more like CRUX's, so you just simply compile and install.
<zorz> ii need to read pkg
<zorz> wayland did not manage to run yet.... but river or hikari.... to many dependancies
<remiliascarlet> I don't even bother with Gayland.
<remiliascarlet> Xorg is still perfectly fine to me.
<zorz> just see them play arount
<zorz> i do not change cwm.... now i am with cwm in freebsd
<zorz> it works well
<zorz> firefox crashes...
<zorz> i seriously believe this wayland story is not so safe.
<zorz> wayland as a protocol maybe is.... but a working desktop.... it is not
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<remiliascarlet> Gayland has been in development since 2008, and it's still early beta quality at best.
<zorz> i was looking the packages for river or kikari
<zorz> fcft pango this that the other one
<zorz> ooo boy
<remiliascarlet> Back when Gayland development started, those people decided that Xorg was too old at age 24. Gayland is now 16 years old.
<zorz> i prefer running plane x with musca... you are better of
<remiliascarlet> So I guess it has 8 more years before somebody else declares Gayland to be too old, and we'll get something like a TDS (Troon Display Server).
<zorz> i never had DM, always startx xinitrc...... but now in openbsd xenodm autologin.
<remiliascarlet> Even on OpenBSD I don't have a DM.
<remiliascarlet> I simply didn't enable it during installation.
<zorz> never mind,,, got tired... tomorrow... i will try to change the resolution in freebsd... check it... but firefox crashes twice now
<zorz> first installation no, second i enable it... and then passed this line for autologin
<remiliascarlet> For Firefox, you might look into installing a graphics driver.
<remiliascarlet> Had problems when I installed the latest AMD driver, but it went away when I took an older version.
<zorz> i will go back to debian.... i know it so well its easy...
<zorz> like the other day... ask me for some documents... install gimp, office.... do it
<zorz> finish
<zorz> uninstall them after.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: are you in cwm yet?
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<zorz> nice girl... you and i good team!
<remiliascarlet> I've been using CWM for a while now even.
<zorz> did by any chance try to bind a key to a command ?
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<zorz> can you ppaste this part of cwmrc ?
<zorz> please
<zorz> can you please paste :P
<remiliascarlet> There's nothing hard about it.
<remiliascarlet> bind-key 4-Return "st"
<remiliascarlet> As an example.
<zorz> i need it for tomorrow in debina
<zorz> sorry
<zorz> F1 or F!@
<zorz> F12
<zorz> i need to bind F12 for shutdown in the box.
<remiliascarlet> Never done that one.
<remiliascarlet> I just open a terminal, and write "doas shutdown -h now".
<zorz> debian had dwm with F12 bind on shutdown.
<zorz> sometimes i am not home for long time... and i send father or mother to turn on or shutdown.
<remiliascarlet> Or "doas poweroff" is the modern way I guess, and many distro's (including Lesbian) now force you to use that instead.
<remiliascarlet> Just SSH into your PC.
<zorz> each ok... i ll check tomorrow how to bind Fkey in cwm otherwise i will compile a dwm
<zorz> i ssh i get the ip from the Fkeys.... dynamic
<zorz> go turn it on... and press F4
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> remiliascarlet: i like with cwm, now that i open urls from irssi... i send the video to the corner watch video and chat
<zorz> i move to csv i move the video there.
<zorz> mini skirts... like you :)