You can read it in lynx if you are afraid
"If there is another large-scale death in ten years, the government will attribute it to other causes, rather than the COVID-19 vaccine."
If somebody still cares about covid today, the masses will consider it cringe as fuck. Meaning they have finally caught up to reality with a 4 year delay.
lavaball has quit [Remote host closed the connection]
HAHAHAHAHAHA, whomever made that image is a twat
Whoever made that image is a Twitter user? I don't believe they even know that an "On/Off switch" is not a Nintendo console, or that USB ports can have any other form than just USB-C.
Twitter user?
Twitter users can be nicknamed to "Twats".
Twat usually means vagina in slang
Oh, I thought it meant "retard".
It can
twat 1) The vulva. 2) A woman or girl. 3) A foolish or contemptible person.
4) A vagina, pussy, vulva, clitoris. 5) A contemptible and stupid person, idiot (sometimes used affectionately). 6) A man who is a stupid incompetent fool. 7) Obscene terms for female genitals.
Didn't even know that.
Can be pronounced as twat as in (at from cat) or twat as in (at from what)
Guess I'm considered foolish or contemptible in UK slang.
I know it means a lesser version of cunt in UK
female pudendum, 1650s, of unknown origin. A general term of abuse since 1920s.
The T-word occupies a special niche in literary history, however, thanks to a horrible mistake by Robert Browning, who included it in 'Pippa Passes' (1841) without knowing its true meaning. 'The[n] owls and bats,/Cowls and twats,/Monks and nuns,/In a cloister's moods.' Poor Robert! He had been misled into thinking the word meant 'hat' by its appearance in 'Vanity of Vanities,' a poem of 1660,
containing the treacherous lines: 'They'd talk't of his having a Cardinalls Hat,/They'd send him as soon an Old Nuns Twat.' (There is a lesson here about not using words unless one is very sure of their meaning.) [Hugh Rawson, "Wicked Words," 1989]
I came walking down the mountain with the shovel. I had dug a hole for the clothesline posts. I wanted to clean the shovel in the river. The guys looked up at me and asked "Hey?" I said "My wife is gone." The guy goes into panic mode and says "She is gone?" I said "Yeah, a shovel is cheaper than a divorce"
lavaball has joined #crux-social
zorz has joined #crux-social
pfffffff,..... the stubbornnes in the SBo community is mind-blowing. They do need a revdep equivalent, however, noone cares to admit that such a tool is really needed and missing
ppetrov^: Yeah, noticed that a few years back
and if a script repackages the binaries from upstream, how am i supposed to check if all libs are satisfied? Run ldd on everything from the package? i even started a discussion at LQ, the answers I gotw as that "people typically their own home-made tools"
well, share them for fuck's sake
got 5-6 examples of tools, none of them works as revdep in CRUX
closest was by Emmet1
k, rank over
ppetrov^: we should change the topic to Rants welcome as well. Hahaha
ppetrov^: It does frustrate me a lot that something so simple isn't introduced universally for source based distros
SiFuh_, Slackware is officially non-source based distro. However, the SBo repo makes it de facto so
i have no idea how people running -current do it
SBo builds from source
And you can download slackware source and compile it
I am a bit pissed off right now. Wife is telling everyone that I never let her eat any food when we went jungle. It is an outright and absolute lie.
What is a SBo community?
Giving V language a try, and immediately it's apparent that the language is made by Javascript developers.
The init script outputs a .editorconfig and .gitattributes file by default, which then sets to 8 tabs by default.
And the whole syntax is almost like Go.
Oh, and I have no idea how to compile.
SBo isn't really a community
It's one dictator who is really good at his job and a bunch of morons that he governs and yells at
It's a bit of a extreme way to look at it but that is how I see it. Don't get me wrong though. The dictator is very good with his SBo ports
I figured out how to compile V code, and it dynamically links, so yet another proof that it was made by Javascript developers.