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<SiFuh_> remiliascarlet: CCP Orders Destruction of ALL Covid Data Nationwide
<remiliascarlet> Understandable, because caring about covid is no longer hip and cool.
<remiliascarlet> Well, it never was, I mean "hip and cool" from the perspective of the grey masses.
<SiFuh_> You can read it in lynx if you are afraid
<SiFuh_> "If there is another large-scale death in ten years, the government will attribute it to other causes, rather than the COVID-19 vaccine."
<remiliascarlet> If somebody still cares about covid today, the masses will consider it cringe as fuck. Meaning they have finally caught up to reality with a 4 year delay.
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<SiFuh_> HAHAHAHAHAHA, whomever made that image is a twat
<remiliascarlet> Whoever made that image is a Twitter user? I don't believe they even know that an "On/Off switch" is not a Nintendo console, or that USB ports can have any other form than just USB-C.
<SiFuh_> Twitter user?
<remiliascarlet> Twitter users can be nicknamed to "Twats".
<SiFuh_> Twat usually means vagina in slang
<remiliascarlet> Oh, I thought it meant "retard".
<SiFuh_> It can
<SiFuh_> twat 1) The vulva. 2) A woman or girl. 3) A foolish or contemptible person.
<remiliascarlet> Oh, really!
<SiFuh_> 4) A vagina, pussy, vulva, clitoris. 5) A contemptible and stupid person, idiot (sometimes used affectionately). 6) A man who is a stupid incompetent fool. 7) Obscene terms for female genitals.
<remiliascarlet> Didn't even know that.
<SiFuh_> Can be pronounced as twat as in (at from cat) or twat as in (at from what)
<remiliascarlet> Guess I'm considered foolish or contemptible in UK slang.
<SiFuh_> I know it means a lesser version of cunt in UK
<SiFuh_> female pudendum, 1650s, of unknown origin. A general term of abuse since 1920s.
<SiFuh_> The T-word occupies a special niche in literary history, however, thanks to a horrible mistake by Robert Browning, who included it in 'Pippa Passes' (1841) without knowing its true meaning. 'The[n] owls and bats,/Cowls and twats,/Monks and nuns,/In a cloister's moods.' Poor Robert! He had been misled into thinking the word meant 'hat' by its appearance in 'Vanity of Vanities,' a poem of 1660,
<SiFuh_> containing the treacherous lines: 'They'd talk't of his having a Cardinalls Hat,/They'd send him as soon an Old Nuns Twat.' (There is a lesson here about not using words unless one is very sure of their meaning.) [Hugh Rawson, "Wicked Words," 1989]
<SiFuh_> I came walking down the mountain with the shovel. I had dug a hole for the clothesline posts. I wanted to clean the shovel in the river. The guys looked up at me and asked "Hey?" I said "My wife is gone." The guy goes into panic mode and says "She is gone?" I said "Yeah, a shovel is cheaper than a divorce"
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<ppetrov^> pfffffff,..... the stubbornnes in the SBo community is mind-blowing. They do need a revdep equivalent, however, noone cares to admit that such a tool is really needed and missing
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: Yeah, noticed that a few years back
<ppetrov^> and if a script repackages the binaries from upstream, how am i supposed to check if all libs are satisfied? Run ldd on everything from the package? i even started a discussion at LQ, the answers I gotw as that "people typically their own home-made tools"
<ppetrov^> well, share them for fuck's sake
<ppetrov^> got 5-6 examples of tools, none of them works as revdep in CRUX
<ppetrov^> closest was by Emmet1
<ppetrov^> k, rank over
<ppetrov^> *ranT
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: we should change the topic to Rants welcome as well. Hahaha
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: It does frustrate me a lot that something so simple isn't introduced universally for source based distros
<ppetrov^> SiFuh_, Slackware is officially non-source based distro. However, the SBo repo makes it de facto so
<ppetrov^> i have no idea how people running -current do it
<SiFuh_> SBo builds from source
<SiFuh_> And you can download slackware source and compile it
<ppetrov^> yep
<SiFuh_> I am a bit pissed off right now. Wife is telling everyone that I never let her eat any food when we went jungle. It is an outright and absolute lie.
<remiliascarlet> What is a SBo community?
<remiliascarlet> Giving V language a try, and immediately it's apparent that the language is made by Javascript developers.
<remiliascarlet> The init script outputs a .editorconfig and .gitattributes file by default, which then sets to 8 tabs by default.
<remiliascarlet> And the whole syntax is almost like Go.
<remiliascarlet> Oh, and I have no idea how to compile.
<SiFuh_> SBo isn't really a community
<SiFuh_> It's one dictator who is really good at his job and a bunch of morons that he governs and yells at
<SiFuh_> It's a bit of a extreme way to look at it but that is how I see it. Don't get me wrong though. The dictator is very good with his SBo ports
<remiliascarlet> I figured out how to compile V code, and it dynamically links, so yet another proof that it was made by Javascript developers.
<SiFuh_> ppetrov^: <-- Wife being a liar
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