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<SiFuh> dlcusa: Yes
<remiliascarlet> Every programmer uses either VI/Vim/Neovim, or Emacs.
<remiliascarlet> VSCode/Copium and the others are for the script kiddies.
<remiliascarlet> VSCope/VSCopium
<SiFuh> I remember Maddox said he uses Windows' Notepad to write the code for his website
<SiFuh> Correction
<SiFuh> this page was made using vi in unix. anything else is encouraged because unix is pretty hard lol. i wish i could afford dreamweaver.
<SiFuh> This page was made using vi in unix. Anything else is for failures. © 1996-2024 by Maddox
<SiFuh> All the source is written using vi in Unix. All the images were made using Paint in windows (yes, I'm serious), and an occasional image is touched up with Photoshop or Paint Shop Pro. All the file conversions (.bmp to .jpg) are done with Photoshop.
<SiFuh> Hahahah weird
<remiliascarlet> I do both code and graphics on Unix.
<remiliascarlet> People today: "Unix sucks for graphics!" Graphics designers in the 1990s: "I use Silicon Graphics IRIX BTW."
<remiliascarlet> Much of the 1990s Hollywood movies were made on IRIX too.
<remiliascarlet> Nowadays they use Apple Macs, so it's technically still Unix.
<remiliascarlet> Europeans are so dumb!
<remiliascarlet> I told them that I understand I won't convince them that eating meat is essencial to human health considering how big the veganist agenda is over there already, but at the very least consider one thing: if your "healthiest diet imaginable" requires suppliments in order to make up for the neutrients you're missing out on, is it really as healthy? And if so many of you complain to me about a
<remiliascarlet> bloated gut, being miserable, being hungry all the time, being tired all the time, and so on, while I don't have any of such problems, who's living a healthier life?
<remiliascarlet> And they got pissed.
<SiFuh> This is the eel trap. The basic foundation of it. I will screw it together with stainless steel bolts and wingnuts later and attach the rope to it later.
<SiFuh> The black plastic part is flexible and angled inwards so it is to come it, but difficult to get out without hurting the eel
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<SiFuh> it is to come it/it is easy to come in*
<remiliascarlet> \/it is easy to cum with*
<SiFuh> Remember my beef dinner last night that was chicken?
<SiFuh> The person who divided the beef and chicken made a mistake. So the beef haters ended up with beef and the beef lovers ended up with chicken.
<remiliascarlet> Kyoto University professor Masanori Fukushima announced survey results on covid lethal injection after effects. Also, Ministry of Health, Labor, and Welfare published suspected adverse reactions reported by medical institutions being 2,122 deaths, 8,750 serious cases, and 36,556 adverse reactions as of 2023/07/30. However, it's believed that the ministery in question holds numbers much higher
<remiliascarlet> than that due to the lack of diagnostic criteria.
<SiFuh> 大谷翔平の妻・真美子さん VIP席ではなく一般席での観戦に韓国メディアも好意的
<SiFuh> How is that even news?
<remiliascarlet> Currently on #monero, a blatant anti-crypto person joined specifically to pick a fight, and everyone is now fighting back.
<remiliascarlet> For your entertainment:
<SiFuh> Okay
<SiFuh> The GUI wallet is cool. But I don't use it
<SiFuh> I use the console client because I can access it through SSH
<SiFuh> sech1
<SiFuh> Real OG Bitcoiners are all here now
<SiFuh> How the heck are Bitcoiners Original Gangsters?
<remiliascarlet> No, not Bitcoiners being OG's, but people who are OG's in the Bitcoin space.
<SiFuh> There are none
<SiFuh> They are all geeks who think they are gangsters
<remiliascarlet> That would mean that Bitcoin has never been a thing.
<remiliascarlet> It's not a literal "gangster".
<SiFuh> It was
<SiFuh> Did the geeks change the meaning to make themselves feel cool
<remiliascarlet> OG simply refers to the people who were the earliest members of something, regardless of their personality.
<remiliascarlet> Why pick the word "gangster"? Dunno, and who cares? It's the internet!
<SiFuh> It was used in Hip Hop referring to the original hip hop and rap gangsters
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<SiFuh> Heh
<SiFuh> I actually bouhgt that album from the Tower of Records in the US
<SiFuh> bought*
<SiFuh> One of the DJ's copied the song It's All Good from it for his audience
<SiFuh> You start being hostile, you can expect everybody else to be hostile back.
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<SiFuh> Bad girls go to hell.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: It's kowtow not cowtow
<remiliascarlet> Oh.
<SiFuh> Don't worry, I was surprised you even knew that word
<remiliascarlet> I knew it since the Hong Kong protests/riots back in 2019.
<remiliascarlet> Where they said they would never kowtow to Xi Jingping.
<remiliascarlet> Oh no, now I got reported by that SJW.
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<SiFuh> Hahaha
<remiliascarlet> The mods are probably just laughing their asses off.
<remiliascarlet> Because really, just imagine coming into a community and immediately start insulting everyone for being "criminals" and "stupid", and also lecture everyone about how much the very thing the community is about is "pure evil" while calling it a "question", and then feel so privileaged to go "from mod to mod" to get me banned.
<SiFuh> You were an ass. I'd have banned you straight away. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
<SiFuh> Teasing
<remiliascarlet> I can imagine the mods must be rolling on the floor of laughing so hard that they just ignore him.
<SiFuh> Moderators heh
<remiliascarlet> Yeah, I've been dealing with these types of people so often over the past few years, I just can't hold back and be polite to them./
<SiFuh> None in this channel
<remiliascarlet> `<a​> Hopefully bans that user who attacks me otherwise your very mods are criminals too.` This very line is really giving me the SJW vibes.
<remiliascarlet> "You will ban that bitch who's doing no different from everybody else for hurting my holy feelings, or else I will consider you a criminal."
<SiFuh> Last time I ever banned anyone on IRC was in 1999 ;-)
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<zorz> Ohaiyo
<SiFuh> Wadee krup
<zorz> last night had a small syspatch
<SiFuh> Expat
<zorz> ok
<SiFuh> กินข้าวหรือยังครับ
<zorz> only coffe
<zorz> its to early
<SiFuh> coffe?
<SiFuh> Coffe is not a recognized word in the English language. It is likely a misspelling of the word coffee, which is a popular beverage made from roasted coffee beans.
<SiFuh> Fucking zorz you retard
<zorz> its early... missed a letter... so ?
<SiFuh> Called you a retard... so?
<zorz> fuck off... morning
<SiFuh> So this remote I wired to her car works intermittently
<remiliascarlet> zorz: Correct spelling is "ohayou".
<SiFuh> zorz: don't list to remiliascarlet. She is lying. The correct spelling is おはよう
<remiliascarlet> I have to explain it to him so that he understands it somehow.
<zorz> SiFuh: correct spelling is ohayou.... you fuckin retard!
<zorz> :Pp
<zorz> remiliascarlet: Ohayou
<SiFuh> zorz: 黙れ +555
<zorz> shut up... who likes to talk in mornning... still not in touch with earth... communication will be established later
<zorz> <-- russian technology
<remiliascarlet> zorz: If you don't like talking in the mornings, then why are you talking in the mornings?
<SiFuh> zorz: The meaning is much stronger than shut up.
<SiFuh> zorz: What is green and brown, has 4 legs and if it falls out of a tree it will kill you?
<remiliascarlet> Your mom?
<SiFuh> My mum wouldn't fall out of a tree
<SiFuh> Besides, some have 6 legs and others have 8 legs
<SiFuh> My mother only has two legs
<zorz> what do you expect one is using MPV the other one neovim gosh
<zorz> remiliascarlet: when i was with archlinux i had vim nox11 no python, perl, lua... just with ctrlp and vim-ale. Asycrhonous Linting Engine. That is the reason that nobody moves to neovim.
<remiliascarlet> How does that relate to a few people not moving to Neovim?
<SiFuh> I was thinking the same.
<remiliascarlet> And when does anyone even use the X11 version of Vim?
<SiFuh> No one bothers to move to neovim because vi/vim is already installed in most distros
<zorz> old users know how ALE works... no way to go to a modern lsp.
<zorz> give it a try... you will see the difference
<zorz> linting on the buffer change
<SiFuh> Ale, mmmmm. I like a good ale
<zorz> it has a photo on github
<remiliascarlet> Did you know you can run everything Vim can in Neovim, but not the other way around?
<zorz> neovim is bloated... and a bit messed up.
<zorz> look .vimrc
<remiliascarlet> All they did was adding in Lua.
<remiliascarlet> I actually switched to Neovim when I found that Vim was messed up in Alacritty back then, but Neovim wasn't, and sticked to Neovim ever since.
<zorz> just take the example .vimrc from usr/local/share/vim and continue with this
<zorz> the lsp is flying.
<zorz> install vim number 6, no x11, no perl, no python, no lua, no ruby.
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<zorz> remiliascarlet: u have to load vim-ale after the ale settings that is the reason is not autostart like CtrlP
<zorz> you have ctrlp... and people try fzf... its nuts.
<zorz> i hate fzf.
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<remiliascarlet> You sure love your Ginger Ale.
<remiliascarlet> OpenBSD: "You have new mail." *executes mailx* OpenBSD: "No mail for remilia"
<farkuhar> I'm trying to imagine what remiliascarlet would blame for the coding error that allowed customers of Ethiopia's major bank to withdraw more funds than were in their accounts ... the usual suspects (JavaScript, Rust, Vim) don't seem likely candidates.
<remiliascarlet> Since when would I "blame" Vim?
<farkuhar> You blamed it for not working with Alacritty
<remiliascarlet> Other than that, I didn't.
<farkuhar> it's a stretch, but what if one of the coders for the Central Bank of Ethiopia tried using vim in Alacritty, got fed up and switched to something unfamiliar on the day that the buggy code got written?
<remiliascarlet> Banks typically tend to be using COBOL.
<zorz> farkuhar: what is Alacritty ?
<farkuhar> zorz: it's a terminal emulator
<remiliascarlet> A Greek dish.
<zorz> :)
<remiliascarlet> Also, just installed Vim with no configuration at all, and CTRL+P doesn't seem to do anything.
<zorz> wait
<remiliascarlet> OK, I'll wait.
<zorz> ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/ctrlp
<zorz> this is the folder
<remiliascarlet> I don't have a .vim folder.
<zorz> cd ~/.vim/pack/plugins/start/ && git clone
<zorz> create one
<remiliascarlet> cd: そのようなファイルまたはディレクトリはありません: /home/remilia/.vim/pack/plugins/start/
<remiliascarlet> No.
<remiliascarlet> I want to use .config/vim instead.
<zorz> cd /.vim/pack/plugins/opt && git clone
<remiliascarlet> Motherfucker!
<zorz> ale should be in opt folder to add it with vims packadd!
<remiliascarlet> I said I won't create a ~/.vim directory, I already have ~/.config/vim directory.
<zorz> ctrlp should be in start folder for vim to autostart it
<zorz> ok do it in there.
<remiliascarlet> E492: エディタのコマンドではありません: CtrlP
<zorz> and follow the instructions... most probably is the .config
<remiliascarlet> Yes, I did.
<zorz> you see neovim keeps make things complicated .config
<remiliascarlet> That's not Neovim, that's XDG.
<remiliascarlet> Designed to prevent your home directory from being littered with dotfiles.
<zorz> put and the ale in the folder i told you ~/.vim/pack/plugins/opt/ale
<zorz> and you are all set.. you just need to add your golsp linters fixers
<remiliascarlet> And it caused controversy which led to Camp "Don't Litter My Home" vs Camp "Why You Care, You Autist".
<zorz> :ALEFix formats the code.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: What is the font you're using for your Fluxbox WM? And is it compatible with Asian characters?
<zorz> remiliascarlet: with this config you need the .vim folder and ~/.vim/backup ~/.vim/undo i place there the backup undo files.
<remiliascarlet> Fuck it then.
<remiliascarlet> I'm already used to simply using `:e PATH/FILE` anyway.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Not compativle
<SiFuh> compitable
<SiFuh> compatible
<SiFuh> *.font: snap-8
<remiliascarlet> Just found this which fits with what I'm looking for:
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<SiFuh> This?
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<SiFuh> Looks horrible. Got a screen shoot?
<SiFuh> Shot*
<remiliascarlet> You just linked to one.
<SiFuh> Your screen shot
<remiliascarlet> I didn't install yet.
<SiFuh> Usually I find good fonts that are not good fonts when you install them
<remiliascarlet> Plus I intend for a different use case.
<remiliascarlet> This is another candidate.
<SiFuh> Hmm
<remiliascarlet> These 2 are the only ones that both support Kanji, and don't link to websites that no longer exist.
<SiFuh> Your screen shot? HAHAHAHA
<remiliascarlet> No, not mine.
<zorz> oufff nice day today... sunny. had coffee in the balcony with mountain view
<zorz> now i am ready for csv.
<remiliascarlet> You had coffee (((IN))) the balcony?
<remiliascarlet> How the fuck did that coffee end up there?
<zorz> remiliascarlet: excuse me
<SiFuh> zorz: on the balcony, not in the balcony. Also, is the mountain not there some days?
<zorz> its hard thinking greek and speaking english... english is stupid land.
<zorz> lang*
<remiliascarlet> Then learn to think English and speak English.
<SiFuh> When I speak in Thai, I think in Thai
<remiliascarlet> And of course think Greek and speak Greek as you already do.
<zorz> exactly which means you have to start learning greek
<remiliascarlet> Going though internal translation is never a good idea.
<zorz> maybe usefull for some of you :-)
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I remember when my mother asked me to translate what some person who was speaking in Thai was saying. Hah that was a nightmare.
<remiliascarlet> To achieve that, you'll need to know that language is not knowledge, language is a skill.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I know the feel.
<remiliascarlet> Speaking Japanese as-is is easy, speaking English as-is is easy, but translating between the 2 is hard.
<SiFuh> Kaew taa = Glass eye. If you translate it word for word. But if you translate the phrases meaning instead it means "To be in love"
<zorz> for every 1 word in english in greek we have more than 10 words expressing the same/similar meaning.
<SiFuh> Even google translate couldn't do it แก้วตา
<remiliascarlet> Can you list me all 20 ways of saying "fuck off" in Greek?
<zorz> remiliascarlet: only in person :)
<remiliascarlet> Fuck you.
<zorz> face to face
<remiliascarlet> Fist to face rather.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: he wants to say it face to face and I want to see you punch him in the face. Hahaha
<zorz> better than shovel to face as SiFuh suggests
<SiFuh> Hehe
<remiliascarlet> Shovel to face comes after soil to face.
<SiFuh> Shit before shovel. :-)
<zorz> i think before and after
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: It's a saying. You can say ladies first. Or if you are cheeky you can say shit before shovel, aged before beauty. And so on.
<SiFuh> I always use ladies first to my friends who are not ladies. Hahaha
<zorz> maybe they are secret ladies
<remiliascarlet> zorz: That's only 5, you liar!
<zorz> うせろ!、消えろ! 感
<remiliascarlet> 感 just means "emotion".
<zorz> my firefox does not have japanese fonts
<SiFuh> Ai gamisou
<zorz> irsii showws everything correct
<remiliascarlet> Your terminal rather.
<zorz> Αη γαμησου
<zorz> Αη = like go
<SiFuh> ante gamisou paliopousta
<zorz> γαμησω = i fuck
<zorz> σου = you
<SiFuh> ayde hesou
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Thanks for the porn add.
<zorz> hahahahahaha
<zorz> SiFuh:
<SiFuh> Gamo tis thias sou ton bougadokofti
<SiFuh> HAHAH fsck your aunt's laundry
<zorz> who translates to SiFuh
<remiliascarlet> Looks like you can swear in duck language as well.
<SiFuh> Na mou klaseis ta'rxidia <-- that sounds gay
<zorz> in 80s used to say something i wish your video will burnt
<zorz> SiFuh: nooo this no gay
<zorz> this mean you can do shit to me and you show your balls
<SiFuh> The person who uploaded it says you fart on my balls
<remiliascarlet> Most of these are either anime and manga exclusive words (in that you won't hear them in real life at all), or aren't use anywhere at all.
<SiFuh> Fakku!
<zorz> Ba Sta Go Wei
<SiFuh> No! Yu go wei!
<remiliascarlet> If you were to say 貴様 in real life, people would just think you're an anime character.
<zorz> First of all, Japanese has little vocabulary of curse words unlike other languages, as others suggested.
<zorz> you see Japanese are polite people... but remiliascarlet does not show the example.
<zorz> ボケ
<remiliascarlet> Because we're talking in English here, and it's the internet, so you're allowed to be inpolite.
<SiFuh> in?
<remiliascarlet> Impolite.
<zorz> クソ
<zorz> baka-yarou
<SiFuh> I use that one almost daily
<SiFuh> zorz: I like the insults in Shogun
<zorz> oooo i forgot it let me check if episode 5 is uploaded
<SiFuh> uploaded
<remiliascarlet> バカ野郎 is relatively common.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: impolite not inpolite
<SiFuh> 野郎
<remiliascarlet> 野獣先輩
<zorz> ok... its downloading it
<zorz> guys... python linting with ale is super fast.
<zorz> Art of Love 2023 imdb 7.9 ok i will watch it.
<SiFuh> I prefer this version lots of famous singers in one(three) song
<zorz> i watch only movies imdb 6.2 and up
<zorz> SiFuh: hahahahahahahahahaahahhahaha
<zorz> Darius ?
<SiFuh> Yes Darius. The singer from Hootie and the Blowfish
<zorz> Darius does detox
<zorz> ok i downloaded shogun5, and the and time to watch shogun csv can wait
<SiFuh> zorz: the two sword scenes added together were very funny
<zorz> i will watch... then i will continuew with csv... and the movie i will let it for the end of the day/night.
<zorz> hopefully tomorrow this time i will be done with csv files.
<farkuhar> SiFuh: I did eventually watch the David Lynch version of Dune last weekend. Your warning about slow and gratuitous scenes was mostly correct, but I still felt that the 140-minute pacing was too rushed for all the plot adapted from the novel.
<farkuhar> I can see why the latest remake decided to split into two parts.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: i forgot to tell you, since you are stubborn insted of ~/.vim/ you can always use export VIMINIT="let $MYVIMRC='$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/vimrc' | source $MYVIMRC"
<zorz> or ln -s ~/.config/vim ~/.vim
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Never read the book. Only knew about it because my brother played it on computer. I was going to watch part 2 in the cinema last week but they had it playing in the smallest cinema hall which upset a lot of people because the big cinema halls were allowed to play Korean horror movies but Dune 2. It didn't make sense.
<farkuhar> zorz: none of that is relevant if remeliascarlet is using only neovim (which respects XDG_CONFIG_HOME out of the box).
<SiFuh> Dune 2 is massively widescreen. Why on earth would you put it in a hall that wasn't widescreen?
<zorz> XDG... first time i have installed xdg-open is with openbsd, still not using it i prefer run-mailcap
<farkuhar> xdg-open is just the tip of the iceberg. There's a whole set of standards published here:
<remiliascarlet> zorz: I already have that, my nigger.
<zorz> XDG is pain....
<SiFuh> 野郎
<zorz> remiliascarlet: :)
<remiliascarlet> More specifically: `export VIMINIT='let $MYVIMRC = !has("nvim") ? "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/vim/vimrc" : "$XDG_CONFIG_HOME/nvim/init.vim" | so $MYVIMRC'`
<SiFuh> zorz: You should put this in your ~/.profile alias vi="doas rm -rf /etc "
<remiliascarlet> 草
<remiliascarlet> I told a French speaking Linux user to execute "sudo rm -rf /" 20 years ago, told him that it'll renew his installed French language pack, because "rf" stands for "read french". He did, and never talked to me ever again.
<SiFuh> Also zorz there is a little binary file under / named bsd. It is actually a virus so you can do doas rm /bsd
<zorz> SiFuh: first i need to permit :wheel doas command rm
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: We had a guy in #SuSE back in early 2000, he use to randomnly delete something from his system each day to see what it would do. One day he vanished and no one saw him again.
<zorz> :echo &rtp
<zorz> alias vi='doas pkg_delete irsii"
<SiFuh> What is irsii?
<zorz> irssi
<remiliascarlet> An IRC client.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: No
<SiFuh> irssi is an IRC client. But irsii is not
<zorz> remiliascarlet: :set runtimepath+=~/.config/vim
<remiliascarlet> Why do I need to do that?
<zorz> will append the .config/vim to the runtime
<remiliascarlet> It already is.
<remiliascarlet> No need to change nothing.
<zorz> ok
<SiFuh> zorz: Here is a torrent for you
<zorz> dont use torrents
<SiFuh> Here download it direct
<remiliascarlet> Use Torrents with pride.
<zorz> SiFuh: ファックオフ Fakkuofu :Pp
<remiliascarlet> zorz: If you want a tiny Torrent client, just use rtorrent.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: use aria
<remiliascarlet> Sounds like a font.
<zorz> !@#$%^&(()
<SiFuh> aria2c "magnet:?xt=urn:btih:543CC4CBE7C3B922B7874B75D0D8.............."
<zorz> 600 800 1000
<remiliascarlet> zorz: "am I seeing well" No.
<remiliascarlet> You're blind.
<remiliascarlet> Fix it.
<SiFuh> That face for a model? Looks like one to many boosters
<zorz> 600 how many tshirts ?
<remiliascarlet> Half t-shirt.
<zorz> half ?
<zorz> there is no redemption for Japan.
<SiFuh> That is why his face is like that. He can't afford it
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: That face reminds me to the previous freakshow of a prime minister.
<zorz> man this is inshane...
<remiliascarlet> I always called Suga "Minister of State of Emergencies".
<zorz> LDP
<zorz> Liberal Democratic Party my arse
<SiFuh> Is he a Suga daddy?
<remiliascarlet> Because throughout his entire 1 year of rule, he always announced, extended, lifted, and re-announced a "state of emergency" all the time.
<SiFuh> zorz: You didn't watch Shogun!
<SiFuh> Still, you understand so little? Your swords. Fuji-sama believes they were given to her father as a battle honor. The truth is, he died a coward, begging for his life. Her grandfather bought them from a drunken samurai for three bags of rice to spare her the embarrassment. But she knows nothing and we say nothing, because our silence is what she merits.
<SiFuh> Then after rescuing Yoshii Toranaga, he gives the swords as a gift to Yoshii Toranaga because Yoshii Toranaga's swords are buried in the landslide. So now the three bags of rice, shame bringing swords that are worth nothing are suddenly now in the hands of one of the most powerful people in the series. So its value changed from 0% to 100%
<zorz> 1000 for a t shirt, when in london at Primark 3-4 pounds the shirt, you buy you whear and you through in the bin. no need for washing or ironing.
<SiFuh> zorz: Human trafficking?
<zorz> bagladesh yes
<zorz> the only thing that i pay 600 800 1000 1200 leather jackets
<zorz> Joop are my favourite
<zorz> i have Schott nyc
<zorz> Diesel
<zorz> leather ok... but for a cotton T-shirt....gross
<zorz> aaaaaa remiliascarlet can help
<zorz> jeans
<zorz> japanese jeans selvedge
<zorz> ok now remiliascarlet will be my friend.
<zorz> :_)
<SiFuh> I don't want jeans.
<SiFuh> I prefer Hakama Pants
<zorz> let me see
<zorz> my favourite is levi 513, i have 27 pants in the ccloset
<SiFuh> I have zero jeans
<zorz> hahahahaa
<SiFuh> These are for you
<zorz> SiFuh: what is this man... this is for a priest
<SiFuh> Priest? They are pants not a robe
<zorz> the first one the black one is like a rope
<SiFuh> Rope?
<zorz> robe
<SiFuh> They are still pants.
<zorz> ok.... time to watch Toranaga son
<SiFuh> How are you going to kick like Bruce Lee in your jeans?
<zorz> no need to kick no one
<zorz> dont like
<SiFuh> Gay!
<zorz> joo joo jeans
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> fucking jewish
<zorz> Levi
<SiFuh> I prefer like this
<SiFuh> I prefer baggy. Not tight as a condom on each leg
<SiFuh> Cargo Hakama?
<SiFuh> zorz: Don't own jeans because they are thick and heavy and difficult to wash and ring out by hand. They are really not very good for people who travel
<SiFuh> ring? wring*
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: That headless woman has only one leg
<zorz> SiFuh: the words are 2... only 2
<zorz> Anna Sawai
<SiFuh> Anna Sawai is beautiful!
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I said dress, not model.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Looks good. Never understood all the extra material used though. Kind of like the Ghillie suit of fashion
<SiFuh> zorz: Should where this instead of his tight arsed homo jeans
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<SiFuh> Tight jeans are pretty common in Malaysia. Never understood why. Too damned hot
<remiliascarlet> Sounds like you've never been to a mall before.
<SiFuh> In Australia baggy jeans were the most common for men. Most men didn't wear tight jeans unless they were into heavy metal.
<SiFuh> Although my Malaysian brother wore these.
<SiFuh> RM48.88
<SiFuh> And the headband is RM9.99
<SiFuh> RM48.88
<SiFuh> Interesting shoes there
<SiFuh> zorz: These are tight. You might like them
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<zorz> this japanese people are crazy, Isido and the council let a woman to control the council
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<SiFuh> zorz: What did you think of the swords?
<zorz> Anna Sawai is from New Zealnd... i knew it.
<SiFuh> Yes
<zorz> New Zealnd then.
<SiFuh> She doesn't live there though
<zorz> yes she does not live there... but similar live there.
<SiFuh> They all leave because it is a shithile
<SiFuh> shithole
<SiFuh> Yvonne Strahovski left Australia because she knew it was a shithole too
<zorz> Australia is the shithole or NZ ?
<SiFuh> Both
<SiFuh> Then you have super sexy actresses like Anastasiya Panina born in Russia and they stay in Russia
<SiFuh> Один дома 2023
<SiFuh> Russia has a Home Alone movie
<zorz> Russiwood
<SiFuh> RissiBoken
<SiFuh> RussiBoken
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<SiFuh> This is fashion?
<SiFuh> Ewwww
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<zorz> SiFuh: just called me and send me an email for the island.... 15 of april.... i relocate
<SiFuh> Sounds awful. I am sorry to hear
<zorz> SiFuh: you are invited to live your myth in greece
<zorz> fiskardo, its exatcly opposite from Ithake
<SiFuh> No jungle = No way
<zorz> come to the paths of Odysseas - Ulysses
<SiFuh> If Greece vanished under a apocalyptical mudslide in one night, I'd care not.
<SiFuh> No interest in that part of the planet
<SiFuh> I will post my wife there though. :-) Before the mudslide. HAHAHA
<SiFuh> You mean Narcissus and Oedipus right?
<zorz> different story those 2
<zorz> WTF i did in my debian box, doas apt install libreoffice
<zorz> and it tells me additional 1214 MB space.... is libreoffice 1GB +
<zorz> ok apt install --no-install-recommends libreoffice is 382MB
<zorz> all this mess for editing a floor plan
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<farkuhar> zorz: you think 1GB is bloated? To install the full distribution of TeXLive2024, you need to download 6GB.
<farkuhar> the Arch maintainers used to divide up the texmf tree into smaller independent packages, but I don't think they chose to follow that organization scheme for the latest release. Looks like only contains the 2023 release, and their PKGBUILD for the 2024 release uses svn checkouts to get the latest texmf tree.
<zorz> ???
<zorz> this is crazy
<SiFuh> zorz: You looking in the mirror again?
<zorz> farkuhar: any idea how to convert pdf to odt or docx ?
<SiFuh> zorz: Open the PDF in libreoffice
<SiFuh> And if you install xpdf you have these options pdftocairo pdftohtml pdftopng pdftoppm pdftops pdftotext
<zorz> SiFuh: let me check... man the laptop is in the office the box is in the livingroom...going back and forth
<zorz> first thing that i will add is my bank account
<zorz> hahahaha
<zorz> very important
<SiFuh> You need roller skates or roller blades
<serpente> or a secureshell
<zorz> pip install PyMuPDF
<SiFuh> I opened a bank account last year. I have never used it. I plan to close it
<zorz> pip install python-docx
<zorz> now we are talking,,, fucking python has everythin
<SiFuh> I don't use it because it requires a smart phone which I don't have and I used the wife's phone. But that phone is hers and not in my hands so yeah.. I will close it
<zorz> gold silver and a gun with nullets
<zorz> bullets*
<SiFuh> Nuggets ;-)
<farkuhar> zorz: what's the relation between editing floorplans and scraping csv? Or are those two separate projects for you?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: He was cutting holes in the floor and has no place to sit in front of the laptop when editing CSV because he will fall
<zorz> farkuhar: totally diferent
<zorz> you make the pdf txt.... and the txt with pandoc or python-docx to document
<farkuhar> zorz: good to hear that you sometimes clear your head from all that CSV crap, and work on something tangible for a change.
<SiFuh> Or you can go online and upload the PDF and they convert for you.
<zorz> CSV is torture... and thinking that the python code is finished... and i just have to finish the csv in order to fuction a properly engine is a mess
<zorz> farkuhar: did i tell you how to bypass the pip install check ?
<zorz> [global]
<zorz> break-system-packages = true
<zorz> haha
<SiFuh> insane
<zorz> vim .config/pip/pip.conf
<zorz> [global]
<zorz> break-system-packages = true
<farkuhar> I recently saw it expressed this way: 'package manager' is a fundamentally wrong shape of solution for some of the desires that have given rise to it.
<SiFuh> Sounds like youa re talking about the Mongol empire
<zorz> as long as you use pip install package --user you never have problem
<zorz> first thing you need to install is: pip install pip-review --user
<zorz> so you keep track. be carefull with pip-review though
<zorz> pip list --user
<zorz> no need to depend in any linux distro.
<SiFuh> Chien and Chat?
<SiFuh> What ever happened to classics like Cheech and Chong?
<zorz> man with pip i install fastapi uvicorn levenhstein fuzzywuzzy aiomysql
<SiFuh> fuzzywuzzy?
<SiFuh> Racist!
<zorz> like callin Suzie
<zorz> i saw a movie named kokoda recently the movie is like 8 years old
<zorz> anyway... goin to send my bank account with pleasure
<SiFuh> I was living in NSW in Australia when someone spray painted over the sign Cabramatta and wrote Kokoda Trail. Hahaha
<SiFuh> Cabramatta was a place many Asians lived
<SiFuh> Like a China Town, but moreso a China village
<zorz> SiFuh: took the laptop next to the box
<SiFuh> Much easier than falling through a hole in the floor
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> SiFuh: this box that i am it had for a year alpine linux, till an update broke it. back to debian... debian is faster than alpine what is this crap musl libc is faster etc etc
<zorz> even openrc is slower than sysvinit
<zorz> SiFuh: fucking unbelievable guys
<zorz> get the code... it even took the same colors of the tables.
<zorz> this is what the webpages are doing.
<SiFuh> I could care less
<SiFuh> HAHA
<zorz> i agree, is for one time use... but it was impesive, it did the tables and the colors of the tables from pdf to docx
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<zorz> so as i understand.... for everything you need to do python has a package library in pypi.
<SiFuh> You need a break zorz
<SiFuh> Here
<zorz> I need a KitKat
<zorz> ooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo
<zorz> the green King!
<SiFuh> Arse Can beer?
<zorz> thanx bro
<zorz> Actually in greece we have nice Lagers
<zorz> ofcourse and is not as your homemade ones... but ok
<zorz> the Heineken one was brilliant
<SiFuh> Also tastes like shit
<zorz> I like Heineken
<SiFuh> Yeah but you wear gay tight jeans
<zorz> in london used to drink this Japanese shit Asahi
<zorz> HAHAHA SiFuh bring the shovels
<SiFuh> Asahi is shit if it is made in UK
<SiFuh> It is good if made in Japan and Thailand
<zorz> saporo is good?
<SiFuh> Yes if made in Japan
<zorz> i like the can of Yebisu
<zorz> its like Gamisou
<zorz> fauck off
<SiFuh> I don't know either
<SiFuh> Did you watch the last two videos I sent?
<zorz> the italian in green bottle, light beer
<zorz> peroni
<SiFuh> This is okay but not at the top of my list
<zorz> lots of peroni in london, peroni and asahi. i liked guiness
<zorz> guiness draft
<SiFuh> Yes but you need to learn that because you found a Japanese beer in London doesn't mean it is from Japan.
<zorz> I agree
<SiFuh> They make Asahi here
<SiFuh> It is really shit
<SiFuh> Patumthani Province in Thailand makes a good Asahi beer
<zorz> I think we should visit japan,,, visit japan for asahi
<SiFuh> My original goal was to go to Japan
<SiFuh> But ended up in Thailand instead
<zorz> Cheaper
<SiFuh> I was to move and live there
<SiFuh> Still wish I did
<zorz> Japan any where but tokio should be beautifull
<zorz> tomorrow they will check emails in hr see my email and they will be shocked... they expect to print the pdf, fill by hand the data and take a picture of it
<zorz> hahahaha
<SiFuh> Tokyo is massive
<SiFuh> It takes over all of Japan
<zorz> I do not envy Tokyo not even the theme Tokyo of the editors.
<SiFuh> Says the guy going to live on a stone in the middle of a salty puddle
<zorz> surrounded by yachts
<SiFuh> Rich faggots and CIA
<zorz> SiFuh: talking for printing... they told me not to buy hp printer but epson. any advise regarding printers?
<SiFuh> zorz: Sure
<SiFuh> My printer is a Panasonic
<SiFuh> Best freaking printer on the planet
<zorz> i like Panasonic, my phone is panasonic... in home.
<zorz> ok Panasonic done dill
<zorz> deal*
<SiFuh> KX-P1121
<zorz> need to check availabiliy of catridges aswell
<SiFuh> I buy mine for less than RM2 each
<SiFuh> I have a pile of them never used because the cartridge lasts a long time
<farkuhar> zorz: "they expect to print the pdf, fill by hand the data and take a picture of it" <- Who exactly came up with this garbage workflow?
<zorz> man..... i do not need a printer to print grades in a univeristy
<SiFuh> Line Printers are the gods of printing dude
<zorz> farkuhar: greek village people try to be business man
<SiFuh> You can send syslog directly to the printer
<SiFuh> You may get hacked remotely but the logs are already printed ;-)
<zorz> farkuhar: check the python script at opensuse... converts pdf to docx... tables. and even the colors of the tables
<zorz> farkuhar: if they were nornal send a docx somebody fills it up and sends back the saved docx.... stupid people
<SiFuh> zorz: Just open it in Libreoffice and save as docx
<zorz> now i done it
<zorz> i run the py thats how i saved it
<zorz> i try to edit it in libreoffice... change format no luck... to many gui options makes me dizzy like having a dozen of beers.... so i installed with pip pdf2docx end of story
<zorz> now i will export the edited docx in ligreoffice to pdf and send them back the pdf.
<SiFuh> Wish I can find Quahogs here. I feel like eating Rhode Island Clam Chownder
<zorz> fucking hell the bus is full
<zorz> nice ride!
<SiFuh> Nice bull
<zorz> elephant not bull
<zorz> so it to your wife... South Africa
<zorz> show*
<zorz> they went for safari HAHAHAHAHAHA
<zorz> only Tarzan is missing
<SiFuh> zorz?
<SiFuh> Are you trying to correct my English?
<SiFuh> A male elephant = a bull and a female = a cow.
<zorz> maybe female, has kids around there try to protect them
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<zorz> hmm in #openbsd someone else has problem with microphone.
<farkuhar> Can't help but be impressed by (despite its NetBSD origins). Their collection of packages is insanely granular, yet they manage to keep everything updated almost as soon as the upstream source pushes a new version.
<SiFuh> Yeah, watching intentively
<zorz> good collection too
<farkuhar> zorz: so did you delay the purchase of a USB microphone? Or just haven't had the opportunity to go shopping yet?
<farkuhar> in case it's the lack of a shopping opportunity, at least now you can combine into one trip the purchase of a microphone and a printer.
<SiFuh> A line printer
<SiFuh> I recommend a Network Printer that is wired to the router. That way you always know where your printer is and your router.
<zorz> oooo
<zorz> guys... first of all i did the meeting on the phone with whatsapp. so no need. maybe in future i will buy one.
<SiFuh> A phone or a meeting?
<zorz> second... line printer... no good for me... line printer is for sifuh,,, that prints all the time.
<SiFuh> zorz: Yeah but you wear tight jeans
<zorz> if i buy, an epson with cheap catridges.
<zorz> can you imagine buy printer and cannot set it up in openbsd HAHAHAHA
<SiFuh> Oh then you should get the Epson LQ 850
<zorz> farkuhar: remind me again the what to type with system rescue under linux to see the mic
<farkuhar> zorz: arecord -L
<zorz> farkuhar: thank you
<zorz> SiFuh: i do not need a prehistoric Neaderdal printer.
<farkuhar> SiFuh: it's more respectable to buy a phone than to buy a meeting. You don't want to be accused of soliciting prostitutes.
<SiFuh> Why? Ain't illegal in most of the world
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<zorz> prostitutes... nice persons
<zorz> SiFuh: i need an LGBTQ+ printer... a gay printer with nice colors.
<farkuhar> but if SiFuh would rather close his bank account than get a phone, I guess I should expect him to be more comfortable buying a meeting.
<zorz> farkuhar: something wrong with SiFuh, his wife does not wanting him to have a phone, or a bank account
<zorz> which means no girlfriends
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Hahaha. I don't see the point of having one since I have never used it and I can't log in to online banking since the lady at the bank used Windows and it rejects OpenBSD
<SiFuh> Short version is that her laptop has the cookies and mine does not. I can log in from her laptop but not from mine
<zorz> qemu use qemu
<SiFuh> It's retarded and I as I said. I haven't used it once and I don't see the need for it
<SiFuh> Apparently, I need an app on the wife's phone to get a security key to change computers. And I ain't doing that
<SiFuh> zorz: I don't want a phone or a bank account.
<zorz> SiFuh: i have a phone only for banks.
<SiFuh> I am very happy with my Satellite phone. I have made 3 calls in 3 years. And no one calls me
<zorz> and if i close my revolut account i will close and that phone.
<SiFuh> I only like telegram and nothing else
<zorz> dont like telegram full of prostitutes
<SiFuh> They were laughing at me in the pub last time I was there. They were giving me their phone numbers and I took out a notebook and pen and started writing them down.
<SiFuh> I asked them "You think it is funny? I have never had a flat battery yet" and they laughed and said "No, we think it is cool" Then this Indian guy walks into the pub and says "Hey mum, this is SiFuh. He carries knives and an Uzi Pen and uses a notebook to write stuff down" and the pub burst into laughter.
<zorz> SiFuh: it could be worst pencil instead of pen!!!!
<SiFuh> I use that for my address book
<zorz> next time... pencil
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> Pens are forbidden.
<SiFuh> My address book must 100% be written in pencil because people change numbers and addresses
<zorz> pencil can write without gravity hello russian moon.
<SiFuh> You put a pen anywhere near my address book, you will get a broken fucking nose.
<SiFuh> zorz: I know the joke
<zorz> ok, openbsd has no problem with printers... uses cups
<zorz> never used cups in my life... never used a printer.
<SiFuh> Cups on the other hand has problems with printers
<zorz> hahahahaa
<zorz> hahahahahaha
<SiFuh> And now cups is planning on abolishing printer drivers/scripts/and whatever else
<zorz> they got microsoft and apple sponsors ?
<SiFuh> I have printers here that don't even work with cups yet they are common, popular and are suppose to be supported
<SiFuh> Line Printer is your friend
<SiFuh> It needs nothing but lp/lpr
<SiFuh> Hahahahahahaha
<zorz> var/spool/lpd
<SiFuh> [ meningococcal ~ ]> cat /etc/printcap
<SiFuh> lp|local line printer:\ :sh:mx#0:lp=/dev/ulpt0:sd=/var/spool/output/lpd:lf=/var/log/lpd-errs:
<SiFuh> Tadaa! Printer!
<zorz> ok
<SiFuh> I love my line printer
<SiFuh> It NEVER fails
<zorz> i like the carton box with the paper... no need to fill papers
<SiFuh> It needs no special scripts or drivers or whatever
<zorz> thats cool
<SiFuh> You pipe your text in and it does what a printer is suppose to do. It prints it
<SiFuh> Yes, I have also
<SiFuh> They are reems
<zorz> yes but if i need menus? for the restaurant
<zorz> fonts tables
<zorz> special paper
<SiFuh> Then you press the button on the printer to change the fonts
<SiFuh> Use ASCII tables
<SiFuh> Let me try to talk farkuhar into posting Quahogs to Malaysia for me. Hahaha
<zorz> but again i do not intend to load office in openbsd. unless absolutelly necesarry
<SiFuh> zorz: By the way. That Elephant was a male.
<SiFuh> Office?
<zorz> man... people shit on them
<zorz> libreoffice
<SiFuh> Elephants?
<zorz> safari elephant ... if you like to tranquilize this elephant how many kg liters you have to use ?
<zorz> 20 kg?
<SiFuh> Elephants are easy to deal with
<zorz> in the food?
<SiFuh> You don't bash and scream at them.
<SiFuh> You give them love and care. They are really good at knowing who is an asshole and who is not.
<SiFuh> Here is a story for you
<zorz> Rinoceros is more dangerous?
<lavaball> i am the fucking bomb.
<zorz> nitroball
<zorz> i hit search rhinoceros and i get Rhinoceros is a commercial 3D computer graphics and computer-aided design application
<lavaball> SiFuh, did you read the dissertation about time travel in the I fixed Star Wars (No retcon ... video?
<SiFuh> I was in Thailand at a restaurant. It was like a bar made of Bamboo and outside. Something touched my right shoulder and I looked and it was an Elephants trunk. I picked it up and moved it to the shoulder of the girl sitting beside me. She screamed so loud the Elephant was standing on two legs. I burst into laughter as every Thai person at the restaurant lept over the bar
<lavaball> i just did and it's fuckign amazing.
<lavaball> i totally forgot i wrote all that.
<lavaball> really nice.
<SiFuh> zorz: Hippos are more dangerous
<SiFuh> zorz: You mean lovely balls?
<zorz> Hippos ??? i thought are the naciest
<SiFuh> lavaball: Did not why?
<zorz> he said bomb i said nitro... i do not knwo what you mean
<lavaball> SiFuh, it's really good! and really ends with an out of no where joke!
<SiFuh> Time travel in Star Wars?
<SiFuh> lavaball: When was there time travel in Star Wars?
<lavaball> there wasn't, it was about choices and consequences and i explained it with back to the future and terminator.
<lavaball> the video i mean.
<lavaball> and technically yes, there was time travel in there if you have seen rebels.
<SiFuh> The Merovingian?
<lavaball> that's how ahsoka survived. thruogh the nexus.
<lavaball> the merovingian are a blood line in real life, and a character in the matrix.
<lavaball> and he said cause and effect, ergo causality.
<zorz> SiFuh: i knew i will go from mosquito
<lavaball> not choices and consequences.
<SiFuh> lavaball: The Merovingian talks about choices and consequences in the Matrix
<lavaball> causality is his main point though. cause and effect.
<SiFuh> zorz: I am not a big believer in virus'. I never understood how it can be in a world made by a loving God.
<lavaball> watch it again.
<SiFuh> No
<zorz> SiFuh: never watched the mosquito coast.... i think i will start it tonight
<SiFuh> I'd rather watch Babylon 5. It is heaps superior to any of that Matrix, Star Wars, Star Trek shit
<zorz> SiFuh: mosquito coast the movie with ford... or the series ?
<SiFuh> zorz: I don't know what the fuck you are talking about
<zorz> the series
<SiFuh> Wife has periods again 2 weeks after her periods. I said that I will jump on the BMX to go get some pregnancy test kits and I will shout out to the staff through the door so I don't leave the bike alone. She said "Aren't you embarrassed?". What? Why would I be embarrassed? What is wrong with a pregnancy test kit for your wife?
<zorz> its about a scientist that he inevented free power and the companies hunt him down... because energy is not supposed to be free...
<SiFuh> Energy is not suppose to be free?
<SiFuh> But energy is free
<zorz> somthing like the papers of Tesla... everything disappeared from the room in manhattan or whatever he stayed in.
<SiFuh> We live in the depths of energy. An ocean of energy. Energy is all around us.
<zorz> there is a theory that he gave some to serbians
<zorz> he was serbian.
<SiFuh> zorz?
<zorz> ?
<SiFuh> Shut the fuck up
<zorz> why... Democracy
<zorz> where is the Democracy ?
<SiFuh> Because you are spreading shit
<SiFuh> Get your facts in order then speak
<zorz> about Tesla ?
<SiFuh> Democracy?
<SiFuh> I am 100% anti-democracy.
<zorz> iam 100% free speech
<SiFuh> You think free speech = democracy?
<SiFuh> There is 100% free speech here, but there is definitely no democracy here.
<SiFuh> Democracy is slavery, a scam, mob rule.
<zorz> Edison fucked everything
<SiFuh> That is true
<zorz> and everybody is complaining for expensive electricity
<SiFuh> But before you talk about Tesla, you should study everything about him rather than talking rumours or hearsay
<zorz> ok agree
<SiFuh> 1988 I was introduced to Tesla through books my father would read to me when I was in school before sleeping
<zorz> i think Tesla is greater from all... no Einstein etc etc
<SiFuh> Most people had novels or short stories. I had Tesla and Komodo Dragons read to me. hahaha
<SiFuh> Einstein is the same as Chat GPT
<zorz> because of edison we do not have alternate current
<SiFuh> Einstein is a plageurizer. No brain to think with. A theif. A credit hog
<SiFuh> zorz?
<zorz> some people in greece say that lots of the work of einstein was done by karatheodori
<SiFuh> Don't talk unless you know what you are talking about
<SiFuh> [05 32 27] [zorz> because of edison we do not have alternate current <---
<SiFuh> Alternating current is used everywhere
<zorz> i miss spell it
<zorz> fucking greek with english
<zorz> i mean how you call it in english
<SiFuh> In fact. I was teaching my wife today about how to use an 'inverter' to convert a DC 12volt car battery's electricity into 240 volt AC (Alternating Current) and why it can charge your laptop but not power a kettle.
<SiFuh> <-- evidence AC exists
<zorz> SiFuh: SiFuh: time to go... sleepy
<SiFuh> Why? Only 05:40 in the monring here
<SiFuh> morning*
<zorz> you will sleep tomorrow
<SiFuh> Not sure to be honest
<SiFuh> I got shitloads of stuff to do
<zorz> i was thinking.. because now my python files need small changes now and then... something light to open them fast change a line
<zorz> and i set up again vim, i had to use vim more than a year.
<SiFuh> AC is fast too
<zorz> people tend to make easy things complicated for example vim-airline... why? just write a status line in your vimrc. you have ctrlp uses find... no i need pluggin fzf and install fzf
<zorz> everything in the world is like this example
<SiFuh> zorz?
<zorz> thats why world now sucks.
<SiFuh> I use fluxbox. Been using it since early 2000's. I don't fucking care for complicated shit.
<zorz> not in programming in everything.... marketing is the disaster of this world.
<SiFuh> Today farkuhar posted a link about some freedesktop XDG shit.
<SiFuh> I scrolled through it.
<zorz> SiFuh: likewise, i setup cwm... i will stick with that.
<SiFuh> Fuck no... No interst
<SiFuh> I like my fluxbox and I like my simplicity
<zorz> i hate xdg.... remember i even have my own mailcap.
<SiFuh> I hate it all
<SiFuh> It is just garbage to me
<zorz> like mpv... ok ofcourse is usefull but to me is not... i am ok with ffplay.
<SiFuh> I cant
<SiFuh> I use ffplay for my CCTV cameras
<SiFuh> If I do zap -s 9 -y ffplay then it would kill my movies and series
<SiFuh> So I use mpv for movies and series
<zorz> i do not know.. world is complicated.
<zorz> everybody talks for rust and go... i hear nothing for perl.... i regret that i never got to know perl.
<zorz> awk
<SiFuh> Only person I know that talks about rust all the time is the same person that talks about javascript all the time. remiliascarlet!
<zorz> but see likes neovim... which has tree-sitter which is rust
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> maybe tree-sitter is good.. ok
<zorz> emacs are on tree-sitter as well
<zorz> i agree with well done apps... but not for everything rust
<zorz> its fast because is rust.
<zorz> bullshit.
<SiFuh> I could care not at all as well
<zorz> it is how you use things.... and i see what they do in linux now.... lets say with rust... they will force you to update your computer like windows... not on this extreme level but
<zorz> but
<zorz> if you planned to change pc in 10 years with rust programs you will change in 5
<SiFuh> I don't use rust
<SiFuh> So I don't know what the fsck you are on about
<zorz> general speaking
<zorz> the whole thing took an ugly turn
<zorz> and there is no way back
<zorz> as i said to farkuhar... people that use linux bsd whatever and the goverment will not have access they will be hunted like communists with Hoover
<SiFuh> zorz?
<zorz> yes
<SiFuh> You live in a strange world
<zorz> day changed
<zorz> remember the korean scientists with the quantum cpu ?
<SiFuh> I'd cut the electricity if I was an evil government
<zorz> samsung was the sponsor of the scintiests in the basement of seul
<zorz> they disappear.
<SiFuh> The guys that now work for the US Airforce?
<zorz> i do not knwo
<SiFuh> zorz?
<zorz> i know... that when they finish,,, and post the results... they disappear
<SiFuh> Go to sleep! Your rumours and stuff are becoming annoying
<zorz> hahahaa
<zorz> and now is the bet
<zorz> quantum, can process to crack fast.
<zorz> how safe are all this crypto money?
<SiFuh> Go to sleep! Your rumours and stuff are becoming annoying
<zorz> maybe when the time is right we have to short!
<zorz> then you should see the Big Short!
<zorz> SiFuh: quantum cpus, will change everything.
<SiFuh> Go to sleep! Your rumours and stuff are becoming annoying
<zorz> ok
<zorz> lets talk something else
<SiFuh> No
<zorz> its science... iam going to dream :)
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