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<SiFuh> So Trump is to pay 454 million dollars because the judge said he lied about the value of Mar-a-Lago which the judge says is only worth 18 million. Now on CNN they were having a discussion about it saying that Trump will probably go bankrupt. The lady said the quickest way he could get 454 million would be to sell Mar-a-Lago. <— HUH?
<remiliascarlet> Imagine an alternative reality where the value of a property is decided by a (most likely corrupt) judge.
<SiFuh> It doesn't matter whether or not it was worth 18 million or more. The bank profited from Trump and were satisfied with declared value and no money was lost between anyone. The banks still wanted to do more business with Trump.
zorz has joined #crux-social
<zorz> Ohayo
<remiliascarlet> Go back to bed, it's 20 seconds passed 20:04.
<zorz> its nice
<SiFuh> zorz: I remember in the early days of irc.openprojects they would say "lo" for hello
<zorz> lo SiFuh
<SiFuh> Hi is easier ;-)
<zorz> SiFuh last night when you left, i wen to shut down the box... and before closing the gmx i saw your email and opened the xcf file.... thank you man! I really appreciate
<SiFuh> Greetings and salutations, for it is I. Woken from my slumber and here to impress upon you my joy!
<zorz> now i have hahahah George different day different problem
<remiliascarlet> In the early days of IRC, most of the chat systems today didn't exist yet.
<SiFuh> zorz: I saw it.
<remiliascarlet> Isn't it funny how we now have 100s of mutually incompatible chat platforms, and yet IRC is still the best for group chats, and XMPP for private chats.
<SiFuh> Hands are a bit saw. Been opening hundreds of canned fruit in syrup tins with tin snips and pliers.
<zorz> remember sifuh with the system rescue microphone thing.... i went to copy a movie on the usb and i couldnt so newfs_msdos.... hm what SiFuh would man. man newfs_msdos.... so far well
<zorz> ok
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Remember bitlbee?
<SiFuh> IRC makes a good messenger but a messenger makes a bad IRC
<zorz> i did newfs_msdos /dev/rsd0
<zorz> fuck
<zorz> does not boot
<SiFuh> Of course
<zorz> upgrade in openbsd installation image should keep home dir no?
<SiFuh> Why rsd0?
<zorz> i am stupid... i was tired did not even thought of that
<SiFuh> fdisk -e sd0 disklabel -E sd0 newfs_msdos sd0i
<SiFuh> But why msdos?
<SiFuh> mkfs.exfat mkfs.ext2 mkfs.ext3 mkfs.ext4 mkfs.ntfs newfs newfs_ext2fs newfs_msdos
<zorz> it had the bootable system rescue  i need it to copy save an mp4
<zorz> so fat for the tv
<zorz> fdisk -e sd0    disklabel -E sd0    newfs_msdos sd0i    i cannot boot
<zorz> let me find the usb wifi and load in the bootloader check if has an option reinstall or upgrade
<SiFuh> Why would it boot?
<SiFuh> You killed the mbr when you did /dev/rsd0
<zorz> i did not backup /etc and /home other wise i did not even care
<SiFuh> Shouldn't have worked anyway since it doesn't accept /dev/ if I remember correctly
<zorz> yes i killed the boot64
<SiFuh> Why are simple things so difficult for you?
<zorz> doas newfs_msdos /dev/rsd0c
<zorz> its complicated
<SiFuh> No it isn't
<SiFuh> Why the hell are you using /dev/ ?
<SiFuh> Should it not be doas newfs_msdos rsd0c ?
<zorz> yes i did and this
<SiFuh> Secondly, why are you using rsd0c ?
<SiFuh> Using rsd0c you put msdos from beginning to end, no partitions, no MBR, nothing but msdos
<zorz> available disks are sd0 which to choose sd0
<SiFuh> The WHY ARE YOU USING rsd0c?
<SiFuh> Go read this
<zorz> shall i install games?
<zorz> game74?
<zorz> i o upgrade
<zorz> i do upgrade
<remiliascarlet> I don't think it makes much difference anyway, so if you need a few KiB extra space, you can leave them out.
<SiFuh> Shutup and the read manual
<zorz> fuck and i just finished a nice vimrc it was lighning fast with buffers
<remiliascarlet> Do `man 6 intro` to see what the games exactly are,
<zorz> CtrlP has option to change buffers... fucking neat.
<zorz> remiliascarlet now i install them
<SiFuh> zorz: If you don't know the difference between rsd0c and sd0 then you should go back to Linux
<zorz> believe me, i will never forget now
<remiliascarlet> Yeah, you refugee!
<zorz> gipsy gipsy
<SiFuh> rsd is the raw disk. You only use raw disks when you are using dd to write an image or dd to zero out the disk.
<zorz> i have the feeling that when upgrade will finish it will be ok
<zorz> only to add the boot entries
<zorz> first thing backup /etc and /home/zorz
<SiFuh> If you spent less time gossipping and more time concentrating, you might have less mistakes
<SiFuh> zorz: You know OpenBSD has a nightly backup right for the system not for your home directy and stuff?
<zorz> no i do not
<remiliascarlet> I feel like: FreeBSD for NAS owners, OpenBSD for minimalists and servers (and other areas where security is critical), NetBSD for hardware FreeBSD and OpenBSD don't support, Linux for gamers and DIY'ers, macOS for the rich hipsters, and Windows for those who want to suffer.
<zorz> makind all device nodes
<zorz> relinking to create unique kernel
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: OpenBSD for everything the rest of the planet can get lost :-P
<remiliascarlet> If OpenBSD gets used by everything, it'll go to shit quick.
<remiliascarlet> s/everything/everyone
<SiFuh> I doubt it. Theo is too over-protective
<remiliascarlet> Literally anything that's "for everyone" goes to shit.
<remiliascarlet> Linus was over-protective too, then the mainstream realized that Linux is more than just some weird CLI interface, and now he's cucked all the way.
<SiFuh> Linus didn't invent distros.
<remiliascarlet> I didn't say that.
<SiFuh> Linux was just a kernel that got hijacked by distros
<remiliascarlet> I'd love to see a debate between Theo and pre-2016's Linus.
<SiFuh> OpenBSD is already a fully fledged operating system.
<SiFuh> Therefore the situation between Theo and Linux will be much different
<remiliascarlet> Because current year Linus isn't as fun.
<remiliascarlet> I know. OpenBSD is a complete OS, and changes in OpenBSD don't affect anyone else, and vice versa. Linux is just a kernel, and changes in Linux affects all distro's.
<SiFuh> It doesn't matter how many things are based on OpenBSD, OpenBSD will still keep plowing on and the others will vanish over time
<remiliascarlet> That's the biggest weakness of Linux.
<remiliascarlet> OpenBSD is a hard fork from NetBSD, meaning that NetBSD can't affect OpenBSD, and OpenBSD can't affect NetBSD.
<remiliascarlet> They can share code, which is what the BSD's do sometimes anyway.
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, will you contribute a modular kernel config for next CRUX release?
<SiFuh> I wrote a driver for a PCMCIA ETHERNET card years ago. I wrote it for OpenBSD, FreeBSD and Linux. Linux shoved it in the kernel straight away. FreeBSD and OpenBSD waited a while. The longest was OpenBSD. It was about 3 versions later before they finally had the time to go through my code and modify if anything was incorrect and then integrate it in.
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Yes, all I need to know is the version and I will probably do it.
<remiliascarlet> I'm more surprised that Linux took it immediately, and OpenBSD didn't.
<ppetrov^> great, thanks. I'm counting on you
<ppetrov^> :)
<SiFuh> When is the next release ppetrov^?
<ppetrov^> how should I know?
<ppetrov^> was reading some discussion in the mailing list and someone suggested the Handbook should cover a bit more about kernel configuration
<remiliascarlet> Usually, Linus would roast you and rant a couple times about how stupid you are and how your code sucks before he merges your code, and OpenBSD if they see technical merit in it would merge it right away.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I was quite proud because OpenBSD guys never changed a single part of my code.
<zorz> linux is good.... i like linux... because of linux bsd have drivers :)
<zorz> basically not linux... ubuntu
<SiFuh> Yuck
<zorz> Yuck no Yuck it is the truth
<remiliascarlet> "Yuck" is not the opposite of "truth".
<zorz> i thought Yuck is something like disgusting
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<remiliascarlet> And truth doesn't necessarily need to be beautiful.
<zorz> Ugly Truth like the movie
<SiFuh> No, it's like wearing tight jeans
<zorz> CONGRATULATIONS! Your OpenBSD upgrade has been successfully completed!
<zorz> now i need to make the entries with efibootmgr
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Maybe when I do the modular kernel, I should do a running commentary like zorz does when he installs OpenBSD or plays with CSV files. :-P
<zorz> do not remind me the csv
<zorz> also not backed up
<ppetrov^> ah, CSV or Comma-Separated Values
<SiFuh> zorz?
<ppetrov^> zorz, nemesis
<zorz> lately everyday i make up something new not to deal with csv
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> efibootmgr -c -d /dev/nvme0n1 -p 1 -L "OpenBSD" -l \\EFI\\BOOT\\bootx64.efi
<zorz> ok....
<zorz> LG
<zorz> Life is Good
<SiFuh> zorz: Life is Gay... in tight jeans. hahaha
<remiliascarlet> Life put a chick in it, and made it lame and gay.
<zorz> you remember eee
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<zorz_> ok
<zorz_> system brand new
<zorz> bye from
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<zorz_> easy... just do upgrade.
<zorz_> SiFuh: and you now what was the movie... RoadHouse... did not like it. the original RoadHouse with swayze i love it i even have a copy of it.
<zorz_> the only thing i liked in the new roadhouse is the florida keys... reminded me the days i used to be there.
<SiFuh> I have both. I have only seen the Patrick Swayze version
<zorz_> swayze roadhouse and point break that are the movies
<SiFuh> Point Break?
<SiFuh> Is that where they were stealing hair samples from people by ripping it off their head to check for marijuana in their system?
<zorz_> point break swayze keanu reeves
<zorz_> noooo the end is surf in australia i think
<SiFuh> I can't stand Keanu
<zorz_> you have not seen this... there is a remake aswell
<zorz_> remake is ok
<zorz_> point break swayze keanu reeves
<SiFuh> I can't stand Keanu
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<remiliascarlet> According to a soydev: "In any real project, you have to use all of the following: HTML, CSS, Javascript, Typescript, Tailwind, SQL, Prisma, Vite, Yaml, Docker, Vercel, Serverless vs Server, 8 .config.js files".
<remiliascarlet> Me: "HTML, yes. CSS, yes. Javascript, only if absolutely necessary, and otherwise no. Typescript, no. Tailwind, no idea what that even means, so no. SQL, if necessary yes, otherwise no. Prisma, no idea what that is. Vite, no idea what that is. Docker, hell no!, Vercel, no idea what that is. Serverless doesn't exist, and server, yes. 8 .config.js files, what fucking retard even does that!?
<remiliascarlet> Also, where the fuck are JSON and server side languages?"
<zorz_> tailwind sucks....
<zorz_> i got to know a little bit.... and for sql easily with fastapi no need for php.
<zorz_> remiliascarlet: you are correct!
<zorz_> salutations.
<remiliascarlet> You don't need anything other than MariaDB or Postgres for SQL.
<zorz_> i run mariadb and i never used phpadmin... shell scripts or python all the commands.
<remiliascarlet> SELECT * from zorz where hasAnus = 1;
<zorz_> "DROP TABLE zorz"
<remiliascarlet> For web dev, all I use is HTML, CSS, and either PHP or Go.
<remiliascarlet> I like to use JSON files for database, because they're more portable.
<zorz_> remiliascarlet: have a look at fastapi... easy secure, asychromus connections to mariadb
<zorz_> but you need to code in python.
<remiliascarlet> "FastAPI is a modern, fast (high-performance), web framework" "web framework" HELL NO!
<zorz_> fastapi basically is async dgango
<zorz_> django
<remiliascarlet> And Django sucks.
<remiliascarlet> And Async also sucks.
<zorz_> django rules. anyway... i have no time to argue on this topic :)
<remiliascarlet> Go has the easiest way to do async ever, and I used it exactly 0 times.
<zorz_> i run a personal project, nginx serves as proxy for uvicorn fastapi which loads data from mariadb. its good.
<SiFuh> <-- this is all you need
<zorz_> fibergo is a copycat of django, that is how much django sucks. they try to copy it.
<remiliascarlet> Why you even need a web framework for Go?
<remiliascarlet> Go can already do web stuff out of the box.
<zorz_> SiFuh: thank you
<remiliascarlet> Same with PHP; nothing external is required.
<remiliascarlet> Meanwhile with Python, Rust, and Javascript, can't make shit without installing a gazillion dependencies.
<zorz_> secure and easy way avoiding sql injections and this and that is nginx with fastapi.
<zorz_> period.
<remiliascarlet> The most secure and easiest way is to make sure you don't use a gazillion 3rd party dependencies in the first place.
<SiFuh> zorz_: you getting periods from wearing tight jeans?
<remiliascarlet> I mean, supply chain attacks are very real, and they're performed every single day.
<zorz_> SiFuh: whats wrong with you and the jeans.
<remiliascarlet> Man bleeding?
<SiFuh> zorz_: you mean what's wrong with you wearing them?
<remiliascarlet> zorz_: Are you a tranny?
<zorz_> remiliascarlet: i get what you say. there is a high demand for fastapi devs now days.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: zorz_ is a Muslim Tranny
<zorz_> remiliascarlet: your Japanese brain is ok ?
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<zorz_> SiFuh: your Malaysia brain is ok aswell ?
<SiFuh> Yes
<zorz_> ihaha i opened mutt and just received an email relevant to this
<zorz_> Playboy Enterprises, Inc. 10960 Wilshire Blvd, Los Angeles, CA 90024 [1]Unsubscribe
<remiliascarlet> zorz_: Want some fun? Make sure you make your API's so that if data can't be found, you give your visitors a 418 status code instead of 404.
<zorz_> remiliascarlet: ok
<zorz_> hahaha
<zorz_> I am a teapot and I remembered Fuction upload salmon!
<zorz_> i should put this
<zorz_> hahaha
<zorz_> anyway rem if you use CtrlP add this: nnoremap <C-b> :CtrlPBuffer<CR> :normal ctrlb should be free in vim. it lists opened buffers and you choose instead of :ls
<SiFuh> zorz_: You are not correct
<zorz_> why?
<SiFuh> It is not Fuction upload salmon!
<zorz_> give me th update
<SiFuh> So technically you didn't remember
<SiFuh> Function upload salmon are here...
<zorz_> 林斯弗
<zorz_> Function upload salmon are here...
<zorz_> i will make it Fuction upload tsipura are here...
<SiFuh> It must be written and spelled exactly as the guy did who was trying to hack me. Including the three full stops at the end
<zorz_> tsipura is a fish seabream in english... but in greek has many meanings.
<SiFuh> zorz_: Did you ever watch Donnie Darko?
<zorz_> SiFuh: where are you? what do you drink now? barley or ethyl alcohol ?
<zorz_> haha
<zorz_> i do not think so
<SiFuh> I am here, I drink beer
<zorz_> beer made of barley ?
<SiFuh> Donnie Darko is a classic
<SiFuh> Beer made from yeast urine and yeast farts
<zorz_> not only yeast?
<zorz_> no i havent watch Donnie Darko
<SiFuh> Don't fucking read the explained part
<SiFuh> Ruins the entire movie
<zorz_> SiFuh: i had you for more clever... do you know myself of reading... only the photoes HAHA
<zorz_> SiFuh: yesterday debian pushed update for firefox-esr checked in openbsd no update then i said who cares pledge unveil sandboxed.
<SiFuh> firefox-esr was updated
<zorz_> today i do not know, since i upgrade
<zorz_> in debian security updates work fast... robot made.
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<zorz_> ok
<zorz_> SiFuh: thinking of what i did today with OpenBSD, i will never go back to linux
<SiFuh> "Hey, what are you whittling?" "A stick" "I mean what's it going to be?" "A smaller stick"
<zorz_> the only thing i need after installation i boot with system-rescue and give the command efibootmgr.
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<zorz_> german general in 5-8 years russia could defeat nato. Wrong, now can defeat nato
<zorz_> they need 100 billion to make rocket shield.
<SiFuh> I thought he had done a video on this already
<zorz_> british is the beggining of evil
<zorz_> Irish.. went to america because they were starving to death... and in america they treated worst.
<SiFuh> zorz_: Wasn't the beginning of evil Satan?
<zorz_> they are the Satan!
<zorz_> look no further.
<SiFuh> So was the Roman Empire, the Greek, The Egyptian, the Ashkenazis
<SiFuh> The list is long dude
<SiFuh> But you with your narrow minded point of view single it down to the British? Fucking hell dude.
<zorz_> past is past... now what is going... its not restraint only in one country.
<zorz_> for sure russia is free
<SiFuh> zorz_: Change the topic :-P
<zorz_> going to buy cigarettes, 2 packs 7.60 Euro - Greece is awesome
<SiFuh> Damn
<zorz_> in Germany French 1 pack 10 euro
<zorz_> coming back... its not far.
<SiFuh> Australia has super expensive prices
<ppetrov^> zorz_, go to Bulgaria for cigarettes
<ppetrov^> parliament is like a bit less than 2 EUR
<zorz_> back ppetrov^ this not smokable
<SiFuh> Last I heard they pay over 25 EURO for a pack of 20's in Australia
<ppetrov^> zorz_, ok, what do you fancy? Davidoff?
<zorz_> karelia filtro... davidoff not good
<zorz_> with the old thin paper that does not shuts off slow burn how you call it i do not know.
<SiFuh> I bet they are girly slims with menthol flavours. HAHA
<zorz_> SiFuh: when in states NewPort
<zorz_> AHAHA
<SiFuh> zorz_: Road House was good... But now I have my doubts because of that naked guy with the grin for the hired thug
<zorz_> fuckin mcgregor
<zorz_> i watched till mcgregor in florida keys. then lights off
<SiFuh> Who's mcgregor?
<zorz_> the naked guy, is mcgregor ufc not an actor
<SiFuh> I see
<SiFuh> He's a bad actor
<zorz_> because he is not an actor
<zorz_> haha
<SiFuh> Neither is Will Smith and he does alright
<SiFuh> is/was*
<zorz_> the words are 2... the first is Anna
<SiFuh> Sawai!
<zorz_> correct!
<zorz_> i am thinking now do newfs_msdos rsd1c or go to linux box and to mkfs.vfat /dev/sdb
<zorz_> any ideas?
<zorz_> HAHA
<SiFuh> NOT FUCKING rsd1c
<SiFuh> Go to freaking Linux
<zorz_> sd1 is the usb
<SiFuh> rsd1c = sd1 that is RAW
<zorz_> i did it well after,,, but i allready messed up the boot partition.
<SiFuh> You don't touch raw disks unless you are using dd
<zorz_> i need to format the usb
<SiFuh> You sd1 !!!
<SiFuh> RTFM!
<zorz_> newfs_msdos /dev/sd1i
<SiFuh> NO
<SiFuh> newfs_msdos sd1i
<zorz_> newfs_msdos sd1i
<SiFuh> Did you createe sd1i yet?
<SiFuh> createe/create*
<zorz_> lets try... i do my cross... on situations like this i become christian
<SiFuh> fdisk -e sd1 then disklabel -E sd1 then newfs_msdos sd1i
<zorz_> zorz:/home/zorz:1$ doas fdisk -e sd1
<zorz_> doas ( password:
<zorz_> Enter 'help' for information
<zorz_> sd1: 1> disklabel -E sd1
<zorz_> Invalid command 'disklabel -E sd1'. Try 'help'.
<zorz_> sd1: 1>
<zorz_> help
<zorz_> abort
<SiFuh> You idiot
<SiFuh> fdisk and disklabel are two different commands
<zorz_> plain doas newfs_msdos sd1c did the job
<zorz_> zorz:/home/zorz:6$ doas newfs_msdos sd1c
<zorz_> /dev/rsd1c: 7889832 sectors in 986229 FAT32 clusters (4096 bytes/cluster)
<zorz_> bps=512 spc=8 res=32 nft=2 mid=0xf0 spt=63 hds=255 hid=0 bsec=7905279 bspf=7705 rdcl=2 infs=1 bkbs=2
<zorz_> zorz:/home/zorz:7$
<SiFuh> Still incorrect
<zorz_> ok... but works
<SiFuh> You seem to never listen/read. You care not the man pages. So who fucking cares.
<zorz_> i did last night and you saw the results.
<zorz_> and i was so proud of me that i did man newfs_msdos
<SiFuh> No where in the manual does it say to use rsd1c to format a USB drive
<zorz_> sd1c
<SiFuh> There is no rsd1c in here either except for dd
<zorz_> Create a file system, using default parameters, on /dev/rwd0i.
<zorz_> newfs_msdos /dev/rwd0i
<zorz_> rsd1i maybe the correct
<zorz_> rwd1i
<zorz_> but works... mine now i copy roadhouse again.
<SiFuh> How big is this Road House?
<zorz_> 789.24M
<zorz_> 780.24M
<zorz_> i need to buy 2 new usb fast!!!
<zorz_> fast writing usb!
<zorz_> patriot supersonic
<zorz_> 420MB/s
<zorz_> not bad... one to make a live linux.
<SiFuh> Someone else did the idiot thing you did
<SiFuh> # fdisk -e sd1
<SiFuh> Enter 'help' for information
<SiFuh> fdisk: 1> disklabel -e sd1
<SiFuh> Invalid command 'disklabel'. Try 'help'.
<SiFuh> Please help me step by step.
<zorz_> hahahaha
<zorz_> never heard of patriot supersonic usb sticks before
<SiFuh> Most of the people posting don't even know
<zorz_> ook movie is ready
<SiFuh> Solved. Done the formatting using a Puppy Linux live CD. <-- HAHAHAHA
<zorz_> seriously what do you suggest for live linux ?
<zorz_> i need to take one for the island.
<zorz_> debian... has live ?
<zorz_> but for live should be img.. not iso correct?
<SiFuh> Ubuntu for you. Will match your menthol flavoured girly slim cigarettes and your tight jeans
<SiFuh> doas mount /dev/sd3i /mnt/TULAREMIA/
<SiFuh> /dev/sd3i on /mnt/TULAREMIA type ntfs (local, read-only)
<SiFuh> doas ntfs-3g /dev/sd3i /mnt/TULAREMIA/
<SiFuh> fusefs on /mnt/TULAREMIA type fuse (local)
<SiFuh> You reminded me I have two movies to copy over
<zorz_> cool... i was usefull :Pp
<SiFuh> usefull of less :-P
<zorz_> slax
<zorz_> what is slax
<zorz_> debian and slackware...
<SiFuh> ParrotOS
<zorz_> parrot ?
<zorz_> you suggest parrot?
<SiFuh> I use CRUX for a live distro
<zorz_> where can i download?
<zorz_> man.... build live
<zorz_> looking for ready made recipe
<SiFuh> Just install it to a USB instead of the main drive
<SiFuh> It even comes with efibootmgr now
<zorz_> hahahhaa
<zorz_> system-rescue is a nice live cd but you cannot save on it
<zorz_> tails is heavy
<zorz_> tails you can save
<SiFuh> I tried tails. It is just supid
<SiFuh> stupid*
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<zorz_> i think it had some grant wholes aswell HAHAHA
<SiFuh> Wasn't it created by a woman?
<zorz_> i do not know it was created with love for 0 day
<zorz_> SiFuh: i like your feminism... was not created by a woman!
<zorz_> HAHA
<SiFuh> Adam?
<SiFuh> Then God created a woman and everything went to shit.
<zorz_> its the Apple... not the woman :Pp
<zorz_> where is ppetrov^ slax with slackware... he is the pro.
<serpente> there were lilith first
<zorz_> slax with slackware is 485mb... not bad
<SiFuh> serpente: Did she not fuck up as well?
<serpente> she is the most fucked up of all hahaha
<SiFuh> Well, she didn't destroy the entire human race like Eve did
<ppetrov^> zorz_, what about Slackware?
<zorz_> ppetrov^: did you try slax live usb ?
<ppetrov^> never
<zorz_> ok
<ppetrov^> it is no longer based on Slackware
<ppetrov^> i think they moved to Debian
<zorz_> it is debian and slack
<ppetrov^> at some point
<ppetrov^> debian and slack? that's an abomination
<zorz_> i just download slack
<SiFuh> It is deslack
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<zorz_> deslack ahahha
<ppetrov^> slackian
<serpente> why not use alien-bob slackware netinstall
<zorz_> no it has 2 distro, one deb one slack
<zorz_> serpente: :)
<serpente> yeahp
<zorz_> 2015
<farkuhar> SiFuh: why copy movies to a usb stick? Is your smart TV unable to load files from a NAS on the local network?
<zorz_> farkuhar: to keep him busy
<serpente> there are newer releases here zorz
<SiFuh> farkuhar: not wired up yet. The Wi-Fi doesn't work very well through to x 8 inches of concrete and steel.
<SiFuh> Still got internet and stuff but very slow.
<SiFuh> And I don't have a smart TV
<zorz_> serpente: but is iso... img shouldnt be better?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: "two x 8 inches*"
<serpente> why would it be better? what are you trying to do? just dd it to a flash drive
<serpente> you can also convert
<SiFuh> farkuhar: The wife is suppose to buy the paint for the wall that the wires will be going through and she is very lazy and forgetfull. Been pushing her to get it for 4 months now.
<farkuhar> zorz_: iso versus img makes no difference with the bootloader typically used by live Linux CDs (including Slackware). Only with *BSD do you have to worry about the format of the boot medium.
<SiFuh> Once the paint it done I will go into the ceiling and drill the holes and wire up downstairs to the router.
<ppetrov^> farkuhar, will #crux-social be added to :P
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Not sure if it should be :-P it's like super off topic and worse still, not really appropriate at times.
<farkuhar> You'll notice that when beerman set up the Matrix bridge, he linked the Matrix room to #crux #crux-devel and #crux-arm, but not #crux-social.
<farkuhar> This channel is the black sheep in the family, not to be mentioned in polite company.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: I think it was a wise move on his part
<serpente> so there are matrix bridges now
<zorz_> this is an anarchists channel
<zorz_> crux should have something like this this is how i manage to install crux the first time.
<SiFuh> zorz_: Or you install the modular kernel of mine on the CD. Boot into your new system. Type lsmod and write every modular down. Then reconfigure your kernel to use only the loaded modules. :-P
<zorz_> SiFuh: this is expert mode :)
<ppetrov^> farkuhar, fair enough
<zorz_> but is the correct way
<zorz_> what i mean with this site copy/ paste
<ppetrov^> zorz_, for me configuring the kernel is pretty much where i draw the line. I really appreciate a ready to use config file, like the one SiFuh provided
<zorz_> as i said is the correct way to do it
<serpente> correct way to do it is know your hardware pretty well and configure it by hand, moduling or not or both
<serpente> you will fail alot and see many kernel panic screens...
<SiFuh> serpente: zorz_ doesn't do much the correct way.
<serpente> day will boot
<SiFuh> serpente: Yeah, when he copies and pastes from someone
<SiFuh> Doesn't crux already boot into a live system?
<SiFuh> No, it ain't going to work for what you want.
<zorz_> i will find a way... i will check lfs
<SiFuh> I will go away... zorz is in retard mode again.
<serpente> boot crux media and: # gunzip /proc/config.gz
<zorz_> ok
<zorz_> archbang
<zorz_> cruxbang
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Never figured out what happened. Everything was fine on Wi-Fi using repeaters to get downstairs and then one day it just slowed to almost a halt.
<zorz_> SiFuh: tell me ... installing crux in usb... efistub can start it without grub.. or i need the grub ?
<zorz_> bsically i mean efistub or grub ?
<SiFuh> Who cares? Do what you want
<farkuhar> ppetrov^: you can draw the line at configuring the kernel, but keep quiet and don't brag about it in this channel, unless you want remiliascarlet to retract the characterization "Linux for gamers and DIY'ers"
<ppetrov^> farkuhar, I do not brag about this, I am simply not competent to do it and I have no interest in this particular thing
<ppetrov^> ehhmm... what is this characterization?
<ppetrov^> must've missed that
<ppetrov^> however, if one MUST know how to configure a kernel in order to be considered a 'real' CRUX-worthy user, then I guess this distro is not for me :P
<SiFuh> 11:36
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, I see
<ppetrov^> 'gamers'?
<ppetrov^> on Linux?
<ppetrov^> the fuck
<SiFuh> Tell her, not me
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<ppetrov^> remiliascarlet, is a lady?
<SiFuh> Oh my
<ppetrov^> sorry, i have not been following you guys
<ppetrov^> and gals
<ppetrov^> apparently
<SiFuh> Well I'd guess from the derogatory nature and the crude for English, that you may have thought her to be male.
<SiFuh> for/form of*
<ppetrov^> heh
<farkuhar> here's the character that inspired her handle:
<SiFuh> Maybe the character was inspired by her?
<SiFuh> Unless she was born after 2002 then maybe not ;-)
<ppetrov^> interesting
<SiFuh> Found a picture of her in a swim suit
<farkuhar> ppetrov^: it's not the job of the user to be 'worthy' of CRUX; I prefer to ask whether CRUX is 'worthy' of being used in the particular situation. Sometimes the answer is simply no.
<ppetrov^> nice way of thinking
<ppetrov^> i am way past that stage of "feeling cool, because I use Foo distro"
<SiFuh> I always feel what ever Linux distros can do, CRUX can do better.
<ppetrov^> simply, i realised that it's really easy to maintain my ports collection, compared to say, SBo
<ppetrov^> farkuhar, and i was being sarcastic with the "worthy" thing
<SiFuh> I should down my repo, I am too slow
<ppetrov^> I'd love to see contrib expanded, though
<farkuhar> ppetrov^, consider instead: "perfection is not achieved when there's nothing left to add, but rather when there's nothing left to be taken away."
<ppetrov^> heh
<ppetrov^> took me a while
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<ppetrov^> the greek guy quit when he read phylosphy
zorz has joined #crux-social
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Sounds almost like a Bruce Lee quote
<ppetrov^> deepman.jpeg
<ppetrov^> it is like a finger, pointing to the moon..
<SiFuh> And zorz is looking at the finger?
<ppetrov^> zorz, should not look at the finger, or he'll miss all the heavenly glory
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: Not even joking, my wife is like that. I will point at something and she is looking at something completely different or at my hand pointing. I often have to say loudly "What are you looking at, there, I am pointing there" Hahaha I think it might be because of her glasses though.
<farkuhar> zorz lost his underscore already, how can he be expected to hold on to any heavenly glory?
<SiFuh> Maybe he scored ;-)
<ppetrov^> he can set some other alternative nick,... like csv, for example
<ppetrov^> zorcsv
<SiFuh> He was OS swapping
<SiFuh> Hahaha zorzcsv :-P
<ppetrov^> well not bad actually
<zorz> what did i miss... was dinner time :) SiFuh do you like fingers? :Pp
<zorz> chicken fingers? :Pp
<farkuhar> these suggestions of a new nick for zorz remind me that SiFuh once proposed appending "d" to my nick, which would basically destroy the part that translates to "cook".
<ppetrov^> cook in serbian or sth, wa it?
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Everytime I see ppetrov^ enter the room it reminds me of a gun shooting his ip address accross the channel
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, you... see things
<ppetrov^> now i see it too
<SiFuh> I was a cartoonist, of I course I have an imagination
<farkuhar> ppetrov^: yeah, I think the root word is of Serbian origin.
zorz is now known as zirz_csv
<zirz_csv> zirz
<serpente> hahah
<zirz_csv> hahaha
<ppetrov^> should be zirz.csv, man
<farkuhar> zirCSVz, imho
<ppetrov^> hehhe
<farkuhar> that way you get the IRC and the CSV both
<ppetrov^> o_O
zirz_csv is now known as zirCSVz
<zirCSVz> virus version
<ppetrov^> zirCSVz, that's more like it
<zirCSVz> this will be my away nick
<ppetrov^> so we know you are styruggling with CSV files
<zirCSVz> so people knwo that I am busy
zirCSVz is now known as zorz
<zorz> the best part after dinner is the cigarette stage
<SiFuh> I quit smoking cold turkey. But I was mostly smoking pipes
<serpente> i prefer a joint after, cigarrete before
<serpente> hehe
<SiFuh> fscking serpente
<SiFuh> I have/had a beautiful pipe. It's in AU still
<serpente> cool, i have 2 here, but i prefer the bong
<SiFuh> drug addict haha
<serpente> yeah
<serpente> if here is asylum, i love to be mad with ya
<SiFuh> I drink beer. I am bullet proof
<serpente> if you dont spin out your mind you get nowhere
<zorz> joint is good before go to bed
<SiFuh> serpente: Hahaha how about that time I was telling you where I made that weed tea and all of us were high constantly for several days. It was horrible
<zorz> in greece we do hasis, we do not like marijuana.
<SiFuh> zorz: Explains why you don't RTFM and you don't listen to anyone
<serpente> hahah, crazy, i dont like to eat or drink it... but i know it holds for much longer
<zorz> SiFuh: when i come to Malaysia will you make for me weed beer ?
<serpente> actually zorz i'm smoking a hax joint right now
<SiFuh> Drinking is fine. I also ate it. So it was constantly hitting me over and over again.
<serpente> morroco style
<SiFuh> zorz: Illegal here
<zorz> hax should be similar to hasis
<serpente> to eat or drink i go with magic mushrooms
<zorz> SiFuh: ok. if its illegal nevermind. prison life is not good.
<SiFuh> zorz: When you come to Malaysia, I will show you how to make the best weed beer. First you have to dig a hole about 6 feet deep. I have a shovel. Hahah
<serpente> zorz is it not the sama?
<SiFuh> zorz: Death penalty here too ;-)
<zorz> serpente no
<serpente> i think it is the same
<serpente> Hashish
<zorz> hashish is the correct latin spelling
<serpente> hax is just abreviation
<zorz> greek χασίς
<zorz> in island of creta they make hashish oil... very expensive. they keep it in small bottles like the ones women paint nails... and you just paint your cigarette with this oil
<SiFuh> zorz is a bit slow serpente.
<zorz> a bit ???
<SiFuh> I was being polite
<serpente> there are many process of extraction from cannabis buds
<zorz> not even diesel, mazout
<serpente> the best are oil results
<serpente> i wonder if he is not slow because he spent so many times talking to us and not solving his tasks hahahah
<zorz> mazut is the correct ussr will never die
<zorz> serpente: tasks solved yesterday.... the rest is hobby tasks
<serpente> csv job is done?
<serpente> cut -d';' -f2
<zorz> csv is hobby
<serpente> cool, i use some comma separeted lists here too
<zorz> but people are interesting of paying for my hobby.
<serpente> to build menus
<serpente> for rofi
<serpente> good, just dont sell your soul
<zorz> what is rofi? the dmenu like thing ?
<serpente> yes
<zorz> it looks good.
<serpente> very
<zorz> works better aswell than dmenu
<serpente> sure do
<serpente> you can do a lot with it
<zorz> i know... but i use cwm with the build in menus
<zorz> exec ssh windows
<serpente> a have a game menu, a dos games menu, vms menu, window-switch menu and a run prompt
<serpente> it has ssh support by default
<zorz> important
<serpente> has some configs for it
<zorz> cwm has only apps menu, ssh menu, run window switch. i could use rofi... but iam ok.
<serpente> crux port: /usr/ports/contrib/rofi
<zorz> pkg_add rofi
<serpente> its cool if you want a lot of customization
<zorz> i used to have it back in archlinux with sway as wofi
<zorz> serpente: you see now i give right to SiFuh ... I am the one that had linux with sway, never x... and from sway i jumped to x
<zorz> xaxaxaxa
<serpente> so was your experience with gayland good?
<serpente> haha
<SiFuh> hahahaha
<zorz> seriously, 1 year something archlinux with wayland sway.
<SiFuh> serpente: He wears tight jeans, smokes slime girlie cigarettes with menthol flavour probably wears pink shirts as well.
<SiFuh> slime? slim
<serpente> HAHAH damn
<zorz> serpente: you believe him ?
<SiFuh> zorz: You don't wear pink shirts do you?
<serpente> i do, sorry, i do
<zorz> no black & white
<SiFuh> The jeans part is correct
<zorz> the jeans is correct
<SiFuh> He wears those super tight gay jeans that heavy metal guys wear or poofters
<zorz> cigarettes not slim
<SiFuh> Menthol?
<serpente> white filter?
<zorz> no menthol
<SiFuh> Haha
<zorz> white filter
<farkuhar> serpente: a dos games menu? Which dos games do you still bother to launch these days?
<zorz> tetris
<SiFuh> CalGam Carmageddon amazon cc3 eagle invaders off-road omf oregon pacman si snipes spaceinvaders sssi thexder ww
<zorz> SiFuh: again tetris russia tech
<SiFuh> zorz: Thanks, apparently I never new that...
<SiFuh> *sarcasm*
<zorz> i knwo... i did not see the movie though... totally forgot it
<serpente> heheh farkuhar yes, actually a do play a lot of old games, those are the best! right now it is Alone in The Dark, but played many in dosbox like: Ultima Underworld, The Elder Scrolls, Descent, Prince of Persia, Star Wars Tie Fighter
<farkuhar> if I eventually get around to installing dosbox, the first game I would resurrect is Commander Keen.
<SiFuh> Descent!
<serpente> Descent, i bought a joystick for it and tie fighter
<serpente> good fun
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> My brother was the first demi-god in the world for Descent something like 14,000 hours of game play
<zorz> now i understand why your brother believes earth is flat
<serpente> why? this game 6dof
<SiFuh> serpente: my brother had a joystick, keyboard and number pad. On the screen he'd shoot at a wall and place a blob of blutac on the screen to compensate for the lag.
<zorz> 14,000 hours
<serpente> haha
<serpente> i got to level 9 i think
<SiFuh> The Americans were teasing him for it. When he moved to the US they were laughing saying that they'd kick his ass now. He did not need the blutac anymore. And kicked their asses
<serpente> some day i take it back to try harder
<SiFuh> Never understood the game addiction thing
<serpente> doom
<SiFuh> Makes me vomit. I get motion sickness
<SiFuh> I actually played it the other day
<serpente> finished it a couple of times
<serpente> dont see how you can play rally race but not doom? haha
<SiFuh> Never did never going to
<SiFuh> Rally is a bit different, it is more smooth
<farkuhar> if SiFuh gets motion sickness from playing Doom, don't let him get near Unreal Tournament.
<serpente> farkuhar; noted on commander keen will check it later
<SiFuh> Unreal Tournament. Hmm
<serpente> i love ut99
<SiFuh> Commander Keen was great
<serpente> and quake3 have both installed here
<serpente> i like ut more
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Is Unreal Tournament choppy like Doom?
<serpente> no
<SiFuh> It's the choppyness of doom that makes me sick
<serpente> its not, full 3d
<SiFuh> Actually I didn't get motion sickness when I played it last time.
<SiFuh> serpente: Ever played Into the eagles nest?
<serpente> i even have a original copy of Unreal Tournament here
<serpente> 4 discs i think
<serpente> no, let me check
<SiFuh> I play this and snipes when I want to kill time.
<serpente> dos?
<serpente> will check those later, gonna pack for a weekend trip now
<SiFuh> Was farkuhar not talking about DOS?
<SiFuh> Can you imagine if serpente, remiliascarlet, zorz all come to Malaysia at the same time? We could dig that 6 foot hole much quicker for zorz
<farkuhar> I brought it up because serpente has a separate rofi menu for dos games. But you're welcome to take the discussion beyond the realm of DOS, if you want.
<SiFuh> I play DOS games and PS1/2 games on PC
<farkuhar> as far as gaming on more modern platforms, I wonder if remiliascarlet's affinity for lua has sparked an interest in developing with this library:
<zorz> you need 3 shovels
<zorz> my crux usb live will be with wayland and hikari. foot teminal i like. the only good thing in wayland.
<zorz> i need to order a patriot supersonic
<SiFuh> zorz: I have two. You and I can dig, then we take a rest and serpente and remiliascarlet can dig and so on.
<SiFuh> Hahahaha
<zorz> hahahaha
<zorz> i am watching tv... what happen in the shopping mall in russia
<SiFuh> Yep, saw that and cried
<SiFuh> Fucking assholes
<zorz> pigs
<SiFuh> It's got CIA and MI5 all over it
<zorz> germany oficial anouncemt to german citizens leave russia.
<SiFuh> Err that was the official announcment in 2021
<zorz> no just now
<zorz> correspondand from berlin
<zorz> germans say that russia does this to escalate the war
<zorz> i think nato wants russia to escalate the war.
<SiFuh> Pffff
<SiFuh> They are trying to create a false flag
<zorz> yes
<SiFuh> Antagonize Russia because WW3 is needed
<SiFuh> But you don't read anything, so you probably don't know
<zorz> they know if kremlin would like to have dead zelensky can have it in a day.
<zorz> actually russia wants zelensky to do what he does.
<SiFuh> What has that idiot Zelensky got to do with anything?
<SiFuh> I think, you change topics again
<zorz> as long as he does not make a treaty... russia moves inside.
<zorz> with treaty... stop
<zorz> finish
<SiFuh> I think, you change topics again
<zorz> ooooooo
<zorz> yes correct
<zorz> thanks
<zorz> its not his call
<SiFuh> It's for your own protection
<zorz> zelensky is the puppet of the muppet show
<SiFuh> Silence, stop talking about it.
<zorz> :)
<SiFuh> I really can't believe you are born in 1978
<zorz> Silence!
<zorz> :P
<SiFuh> I keel you
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<remiliascarlet> ppetrov^: Thanks to the efforts done by Valve and the Wine community, with the exception of the few AAA games that come with Denuvo or some other malware, all Windows games run on Linux nowadays, so lots of gamers either have moved to Linux, or are considering in doing so.
<remiliascarlet> Or are still stuck in the early 2000s, and still think that only Windows can run games.
<ppetrov^> remiliascarlet, I'd like to play Fallout 3 and New vegas on Linux
<ppetrov^> is this possible?
<remiliascarlet> If it doesn't have Denuvo or some other malware, chances are high you can.
<ppetrov^> may investigate, thanks
ppetrov^ has quit [Quit: Leaving]
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<serpente> yes ppetrov it is
<serpente> i played them and finished both
<serpente> also fallout 4
<serpente> wine+dxvk
<serpente> i dont use lutris, but it helps
<serpente> i'm maintaining wine stable on my port collection btw; covil
<remiliascarlet> The covil-19?
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<serpente> hahaha, "covil" is a latin and derivations word for a den of snakes
<serpente> im going out for the weekend, read you guys next week
serpente has left #crux-social [Killed buffer]
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: zorz:
<remiliascarlet> OpenBSD's alternative to Git.
dlcusa has joined #crux-social
<zorz> Ohayo remiliascarlet !
<zorz> bookmarked.. thank you.
<remiliascarlet> Guess they'll rename to not confuse things:
<remiliascarlet> Maybe not, their devs are ultra lazy anyway.
<remiliascarlet> They made Gothub because the previous Microsoft Github privacy frontend (that was hosted on Microsoft Github) died, then Microsoft redesigned their own frontend to something arguably worse, and they never bothered to fix is ever since.
<remiliascarlet> s/fix is/fix Gothub
<zorz> clever people are usually lazy...
<zorz> lazyness comes with cleverness
<zorz> :Pp
<zorz> i like codeberg. Moto our services are paid for the next 10 years. Our service is free! "
<remiliascarlet> I feel like Codeberg is run by a bunch of SJW's at times.
<remiliascarlet> They forked Gitea into Forgejo because they didn't like that Gitea wanted to make a bit of money AS A BUSINESS!!, and the first and only change they made was stuffing a code of conduct into the project.
<zorz> i did not know that, i just did a basic account for some crux ports. then i read about the business is paid for next 10 years.
<remiliascarlet> I prefer Gitler over Codeberg, simply because I know the BDFL who runs it is decent, and is a really good programmer (although lazy at times).
<zorz> never heard gitler.
<remiliascarlet> Gitler, Das Code
<zorz> many people moved to from devault but he will ask for money.
<zorz> iam a good boy now rem. i back up my files as we speak. after last night fiasko.
<zorz> did you sleep well ?
<remiliascarlet> Fiasko?