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<SiFuh> Hahaha what a retard
<SiFuh> Glocks are like the easiest to disassemble
<remiliascarlet> Diaper_Det?
<SiFuh> What is a Diaper_Det?
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<remiliascarlet> A pun on that Twitter link.
<SiFuh> No idea... I got clothes to sew.
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<remiliascarlet> Nice, just got banned within 5 minutes since account creation because I said that I prefer to use terms like "Go user" or "Rust user" over "Gopher" or "Rustacian".
<remiliascarlet> You can't even say that anymore.
<SiFuh> I don't understand why you bother
<remiliascarlet> Just looking how far I could get.
<remiliascarlet> Whenever I join a community, it's either because I like the community, or to give them a mental health test. And they failed hardcore at the latter.
<SiFuh> I need a beer
<SiFuh> or 15
<remiliascarlet> Apparently, the aliens already landed in Japan near the end of the Edo period.
<remiliascarlet> So they don't always pick the US after all.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: The creation of the folded Katana was suppose to have be given by the aliens
<SiFuh> There
<SiFuh> Okay, finished all the sewing
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<remiliascarlet> The last decent mobile OS is about to suck:
<SiFuh> Graphene?
<remiliascarlet> "our main goal has always been to work for everyone" Every single time anyone says this, you know it actually means "we will pander to the woke extremists, everyone else is no longer welcome".
<remiliascarlet> I said mobile OS, not Android distribution.
<SiFuh> What's with the Cassette Sprocket?
<remiliascarlet> What do you mean?
<SiFuh> Bottom right
<remiliascarlet> If I were to guess, symbolic to "Gnome" (bottom left) and "KDE" (bottom right).
<SiFuh> I see this
<remiliascarlet> Chimps starring at a black rectagle on Mars?
<remiliascarlet> And one of them pointing to the sky?
<SiFuh> You obviously have no idea about the classics
<SiFuh> here
<SiFuh> Then after
<SiFuh> So basically the apes are just living like normal, but a rival clan is always attacking them. One day they sleep and when they wake up this black monolith is there. They touch it and they start to change. The realise that they can use hard objects like bones to kill animals. Then when the rival clan comes back they realise they can beat the shit out of the other clan with these hard objects
<SiFuh> Eventually it leads to Humans in space and the creation of Artificial Intelligence and I won't say the rest
<remiliascarlet> Sounds like rival clan is an asshole.
<SiFuh> Probably the Predator Class. :-P Like Bill fscking Gates
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Oh I get it now [remiliascarlet> Diaper_Det?
<SiFuh> Dapper Detective
<SiFuh> You should have shortened Detective to Dick ;-)
<remiliascarlet> In Japan, it's common to shorten "dictionary" to "dic".
<SiFuh> Thailand too
<remiliascarlet> So a game for the Nintendo DS came out that's just a digital dictionary, and they called it "Touch Dic".
<SiFuh> When I first heard it, I was pissing pants with laughter
<SiFuh> I find it offensive when people use acronymns or shorten words because they are too fucking lazy to have a meaningful conversation.
<remiliascarlet> But then English speakers had to laugh so hard, they changed the name to "Touch Dictionary".
<SiFuh> I actually know what it is
<remiliascarlet> There's a Japanese soft drink called "Calpis", which they sell in the west under a different name, because English speakers found the name to sound too much like "cow piss".
<SiFuh> Heinken ;-)
<SiFuh> Heineken <-- Heinie Can
<SiFuh> Arse can beer!
<remiliascarlet> Never heard of the word "Heinie" before.
<SiFuh> I saw a Chinese shop with a sign that says Pork Mee (Pork Noodles) but Pork can mean fuck so Fuck Me!
<remiliascarlet> I thought pork means pig.
<SiFuh> I am taling slang not A la carte
<SiFuh> taling/talking
<remiliascarlet> So I guess we've got all the meats covered. Chicken = someone being scared of everything, pork = fuck, beef = having a fight with someone, lamb = being obedient as fuck.
<SiFuh> lamb?
<SiFuh> Try sheep
<SiFuh> Sheep = being obedient as fuck.
<remiliascarlet> Except you don't really use "sheep" to describe meat.
<SiFuh> Lamb is for baby sheep
<SiFuh> Not adult sheep
<SiFuh> Mutton
<remiliascarlet> All the sheep meat here is called ラム, which is lamb.
<remiliascarlet> Oh, so that's what mutton means?
<SiFuh> Sheep meat
<SiFuh> Lamb is baby sheep or baby sheep meat and Mutton is adult sheep meat
<SiFuh> Goat is often called mutton but that is incorrect since goat is goat
<remiliascarlet> Heared about it at Indian restaurants in the sense of "mutton curry", but I thought it was some kind of vegan fake meat shit.
<SiFuh> That'll be goat curry then
<SiFuh> Indians are notorious for getting it wrong
<SiFuh> I don't use the french/latin words. I just say outright "Dead pig" "Dead horse" "Dead fish"
<remiliascarlet> A popular dish here that involves lamb meat is called "Kanghaskhan".
<SiFuh> Wife hated it and told me to stop and told her it is dead and it is this animal and I ain't stopping
<remiliascarlet> Didn't "dead horse" mean "tomato sauce" in Australian?
<SiFuh> No idea
<SiFuh> I have only lived in Australia for about half my life the other half was in Asia mostly
<SiFuh> I duckduckgoed "Kanghaskhan" and it shows me some ugly cartoon character
<SiFuh> Hmm pokemondb
<remiliascarlet> Oops, my bad. It's Genghis Khan.
<SiFuh> Genghis Khan, ooooo I am huge fan
<SiFuh> I had a dream, I travelled back in time and was stranded and my great grandson was Temudjin.
<SiFuh> Which meant all you fuckers in Asia came from me
<remiliascarlet> Since when can you get pregnant?
<SiFuh> Life comes from man
<remiliascarlet> Technically, women manufacture life, men provide fuel.
<SiFuh> Nope
<SiFuh> You provide the flesh, we provided the seed of life
<SiFuh> I'd marry a Yakuts woman
<remiliascarlet> Kind of the same.
<SiFuh> Not really
<SiFuh> Although, there are certain circumstances where the female have the ability to create life without the male
<SiFuh> But that is generally associated with reptiles
<remiliascarlet> Sounds like there's no point for them to even have genders.
<SiFuh> If a woman from a human race was capable of parthenogenisis then her children can never be male, only female because she is missing the Y chromosone
<SiFuh> There are species of lizards where the entire male population has been eradicated but the species is still alive and well
<SiFuh> Even crocodiles have been know to give birth without a male
<SiFuh> I wanted to be a herpetologist in 1988 so I studied a lot about reptiles and amphibians.
<remiliascarlet> Even if it were possible with humans, I don't think it would possibly have worked for the success of the species, even if we were all still living in caves.
<SiFuh> Basically you females are making clones and you actual life spirit is probably what is being transferred.
<remiliascarlet> There are certain things women are better at, and certain things men are better at.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: You will be surprised at the weirdness of the human race ;-)
<remiliascarlet> I think I gave the example of sports in the past. With the exception of a few of them, I don't think the whole concept of "eomen's sports" was ever a good idea.
<SiFuh> Yeah I remember we discussed that
<SiFuh> Men only want to perve
<remiliascarlet> Let men do socker and wrestling, and women do beach volleyball and ballet, because it works.
<remiliascarlet> That website looks a whole lot like Babylon Bee, but without the sidebar o the right.
<SiFuh> I remember a story where a family gave birth to a daughter in Myanmar. When she reached teenage years and penis and balls dropped out. They were amazed because they wanted a son so they can have a monk in the family.
zorz has joined #crux-social
<zorz> bonjour
* SiFuh broke zorz's jaw
<zorz> why ?
<SiFuh> bonjour broke jaw
<SiFuh> Why do you say hellow in French?
<SiFuh> hello*
<zorz> hello
<zorz> how is going ?
<SiFuh> Ahoy!
<remiliascarlet> Yarrr.
<SiFuh> Ai!
<zorz> SiFuh: any ideas for mic in openbsd? i try to make it work... no luck. i messed up the card with rcctl set sndiod flags -f snd/1 but then i used rcctl set sndiod flags -f "" - brilliant.
<SiFuh> Sure, RTFM
<SiFuh> sysctl
<remiliascarlet> If you have problems with rcctl, add a `-d` flag to see what it exactly tries to do behind the scenes.
<zorz> yes yes
<zorz> debug
<SiFuh> rcctl set sndiod flags -s default -m play,mon -s mon
<SiFuh> rcctl restart sndiod
<zorz> i did all of them, even cmixer has it enabled.
<SiFuh> Then talk in it ;-)
<SiFuh> I use input but not micrphone
<zorz> i thaught was firefox issue but then aucat does not having any input.
<SiFuh> sndiod_flags=-s default -m play,mon -s mon -f rsnd/0 -F rsnd/1 -r 43200 -b 2160
<zorz> ok thx
<SiFuh> Oh no
<zorz> i will try later.
<SiFuh> Don't use mine
<zorz> you have rsnd, i do not have rsnd.
<SiFuh> Mine is way different setup
<SiFuh> That is audio
<zorz> To change the default audio output device, for example to use an external DAC rather than your motherboard’s onboard audio, just change sndiod(8)’s startup flags to use that device:
<zorz> rcctl set sndiod flags -f rsnd/1
<SiFuh> I have auto change so I use rsnd/0 and rsnd/1
<zorz> i do not need rsnd, thats how i messed up the sound card... video is working, sound is working, i only need the microphone for meetings.
<SiFuh> So if I plug in bluetooth audio it auto switches
<zorz> i asked you because you have the same laptop, in case you set ip up.
<SiFuh> Cheater
<zorz> SiFuh: next time that i will build a pc... i will ask you what to build hahahaha
<zorz> SiFuh HandBook... RTFM
<remiliascarlet> Read the fucking fuck, you fuck!
<zorz> btw SiFuh i have this feeling that firefox-esr works better than firefox in openbsd.
<remiliascarlet> s/fuck/FAQ
<zorz> remiliascarlet: good fucking morning :)
<remiliascarlet> Good fucking evening.
<SiFuh> -f device Add this sndio(7) audio device to devices used for playing and/or recording. Preceding per-device options (-aberwz) apply to this device. Sub-devices (-s) that are applied after will be attached to this device. Device mode and parameters are determined from sub-devices attached to it. If no -f option is used, sndiod will use rsnd/0, rsnd/1, ..., rsnd/3.
<zorz> yes in Japan the sun rises earlier.
<SiFuh> Whose fucking?
<remiliascarlet> And SiFuh is in a similar timezone.
<SiFuh> By one less hour
<SiFuh> I want to watch Shogun but I have to wait another week for the next episode to be released
<zorz> SiFuh: any ideas for mic in openbsd? i try to make it work... no luck. i messed up the card rcctl set sndiod flags -f ""
<SiFuh> zorz: Don't know what is a backup?
<zorz> rcctl set sndiod flags -f ""
<zorz> rcctl set sndiod flags -F ""
<SiFuh> You erased your old data by doing that
<zorz> never used backup in my life.
<remiliascarlet> That's a dumb way of using computers.
<SiFuh> backup you rc.conf.local file before fucking around with 'rcctl set'
<zorz> yes never set any data. sound and video workes out of the box.
<zorz> ok.
<remiliascarlet> cp -p /etc/rc.conf.local /etc/rc.conf.local.backup
<remiliascarlet> Did the whole rocket science for you!
<SiFuh> dmesg |grep rec
<SiFuh> uaudio0: class v1, full-speed, sync, channels: 2 play, 1 rec, 2 ctl
<zorz> zorz:/home/zorz:2$ dmesg |grep rec
<zorz> zorz:/home/zorz:3$
<zorz> empty
<SiFuh> zorz: I'd need to reboot but I won't Hahaha
<SiFuh> The laptop is mining
<zorz> haha
<SiFuh> I need to buy a real machine to use as a server and one for a desktop
<zorz> the other day i learned boot bsd.rd. i messed up the .xsession and was in auto login so boot bsd.rd, i mount the home... but could not find an editor, only ed. so rename the .xsession and it logged in with the default fvwm
<SiFuh> bsd.rd has vi silly
<zorz> you need to export the terminal something.
<SiFuh> Is that difficult?
<zorz> i do not know... anyway i did my job.
<SiFuh> export TERM=vt100
<zorz> i did but no luck.
<zorz> anyway i did mv .xsession .xsession2
<zorz> lol
<zorz> good enough.
<SiFuh> Backup king
<SiFuh> Don't know why you needed bsd.rd to do that though
<remiliascarlet> Make backups, or get fucked.
<zorz> hello,, autologin on with xenodm
<SiFuh> alt + ctrl + F1
<SiFuh> Hello! ^
<zorz> did not know that
<SiFuh> Fucking hell
<SiFuh> alt + ctrl + backspace (3 times) and xenodm should die
<zorz> nice
<SiFuh> 3 times means, kill, watch it load, kill, watch it load, kill, watch it do nothing. It is dead
<SiFuh> bsd.rd is an installer
<SiFuh> You can do boot -s if you want to boot into single user mode.
<zorz> i found it over the internet.
<SiFuh> I think your searching the wrong things because you are doing really weird shit
<zorz> boot -s
<remiliascarlet> "did not know that" CTRL + ALT + function key has been a feature in every single Unix system since forever.
<SiFuh> There is also a /etc/boot.conf where you can put features in
<remiliascarlet> Except for macOS.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I know, isn't it funny that he doesn't know? Hence " Fucking hell "
<SiFuh> [ meningococcal ~ ]> cat /etc/boot.conf
<SiFuh> echo Function upload salmon are here...
<SiFuh> time
<SiFuh> #boot
<SiFuh> [ meningococcal ~ ]>
<SiFuh> If boot is uncommented it won't wait at all. It boots straight away.
<SiFuh> zorz: man boot
<SiFuh> -s Causes the kernel to boot single-user.
<zorz> zorz:/home/zorz:3$ cat /etc/boot.conf
<zorz> cat: /etc/boot.conf: No such file or directory
<zorz> zorz:/home/zorz:4$
<SiFuh> zorz: Of course. OpenBSD doesn't have empty shit files laying around
<zorz> i do not need it.
<SiFuh> If you go default then you don't need it
<zorz> i like openbsd as got installed.
<zorz> vanilla.
<SiFuh> OpenBSD is the god of all OS's
<SiFuh> zorz: if you read the 'man boot' there are features you may like
<SiFuh> If you want OpenBSD vanilla then you don't need pkg_add
<SiFuh> Or a microphone
<remiliascarlet> It's amazing how packed OpenBSD is, apparently they even ship their own WireGuard implementation.
<SiFuh> The moment you created a user, you have no longer a vanilla system. The moment you install any packages, you do not have a virgin system
<SiFuh> vanilla*
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: First!!!!!!
<SiFuh> OpenBSD was the first to build wireguard into the kernel
<remiliascarlet> Understandable.
<SiFuh> I want to try it
<remiliascarlet> WireGuard is amazing.
<SiFuh> But I don't want to buy NordVPN or whatever uses wireguard
<SiFuh> Yes, I am sure!
<zorz> mullvad
<remiliascarlet> You can just let all your PCs and servers behind a NAT at home, take 1 laptop to wherever you want, and connect to all your computers at home as if you were at home.
<SiFuh> zorz: You don't know even alt + ctrl + (function keys). You can't give advice dude
<zorz> i really liked the ssh NAME cwm has a menu for that but does not read the id_rsa
<zorz> it asks for password.
<remiliascarlet> You actually don't need to buy a VPS service.
<zorz> SiFuh: hahaha
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I don't have a static IP
<remiliascarlet> You don't need one.
<remiliascarlet> As long as your computers are connected to the internet, you can still connect to them.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Hmmmmmmmmmmm how can I log into my home without knowing my address?
<remiliascarlet> You configure an address like 192.168.x.x in WireGuard configuration.
<SiFuh> Hold on
<SiFuh> I set up wireguard behind a nat and I go to Sina and I can log into my network without and address?
<SiFuh> Who the fuck draws these pictures?
<remiliascarlet> Yes, you don't need to be in the same network and public IP, as long as the main WireGuard server (like a router, but as a PC) has internet connection.
<SiFuh> I will look later when I am more drunk
<SiFuh> And then abuse you if you lied. Haha
<remiliascarlet> I even did this myself. Whenever I'm out of home, I just SSH into my desktop at home from a train or something.
<zorz> pkg_scripts=mysqld
<zorz> xenodm_flags=
<remiliascarlet> Here's a written version of the guide, but in Japanese:
<SiFuh> zorz: vanilla my fucking arse
<remiliascarlet> For English, you can use this, but has lots of unnecessary instructions, and is more Debian-specific:
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<remiliascarlet> Correction: lots of unnecessary instructions AND lacking important security steps, on top of it being Debian-specific.
<zorz> ./exec cat /etc/rc.conf.local
<zorz> u see empty :)
<zorz> no u do not see.
<zorz> apmd_flags=-A
<zorz> pkg_scripts=mysqld
<zorz> xenodm_flags=
<zorz> now u see.:Pp
<remiliascarlet> Oh yeah, you need a VPS, forgot about that part.
<remiliascarlet> Or a server with a static IP.
<remiliascarlet> Although the Landchad makes it seem like you don't.
<remiliascarlet> No wait, it does.
<remiliascarlet> NordVPN is a very shady VPN.
<remiliascarlet> Oops, forgot I had the chat history scrolled up a bit.
<SiFuh> So is this setup, Japanese and English
<remiliascarlet> You know a VPN company is shady if YouTubers shill for them.
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<remiliascarlet> Which is why they rely on YouTubers for advertisement.
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<zorz> remiliascarlet: i changed connection, and libera used the old host for 10-15 minutes so.
<remiliascarlet> Congratulations.
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<SiFuh> Want to distill whiskey
<SiFuh> Basic pot still style with a vapour chamber
<SiFuh> But maybe fail because I left the mash so long. Chinese new years, going jungle and so busy. Now the mash taste like vinegar.
<zorz> ??
<zorz> whiskey
<zorz> SiFuh: first time i see gus burner with 4 pipes... is it strong this thing?
<zorz> gas
<SiFuh> Oh that gas burner is what I use for > 50 litre distillers
<SiFuh> If I use 30 litres or the 20 litre, then I use the normal one for the stove.
<SiFuh> Yes this is a C50 FUJI
<SiFuh> It's freaking awesome
<zorz> come in greece we make illegal alcohol and sell it to the tourists in islands.
<SiFuh> I have to find my shovel first
<zorz> :)
<SiFuh> It is for knocking the wife over the head and then burying her
<zorz> homemade vodka gin and rum... for good coctails
<zorz> hahaha
<zorz> why?
<SiFuh> I've never made rum. Hmm
<SiFuh> She will be burdon on us
<SiFuh> Each pipe controls a separate ring
<zorz> i noticed that
<SiFuh> Still connects to one line though. But you need a high release valce
<SiFuh> valve
<zorz> yes
<zorz> let me read how many kw it is
<SiFuh> High flow gas regulator
<SiFuh> For normal cooking we use a low flow regulator. But when I pull out the big boys. I use the high flow regulators
<SiFuh> I have another stove on legs that I use for making mash/wort/must and I rarely use it. But I have it for super high speed boiling of 30 litres or more.
<SiFuh> It doesn't work to well for distillers because it isn't as accurate as the FUJI C-50
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<zorz> i cannot find the kw online
<SiFuh> Also if serpente sat on it, he'd dissappear into flames real quickly
<SiFuh> What is KW?
<SiFuh> This is mine
<SiFuh> I had to redrill all the vent holes
<SiFuh> Mines Japanese
<SiFuh> I will spark mine up tomorrow
<remiliascarlet> Trump: "CHINA"
<zorz> japanese is better
<zorz> china copy/cat
<zorz> i started watching shogun
<SiFuh> It is awesome
<zorz> now i will watch episode 3
<zorz> remiliascarlet: seppuku
<remiliascarlet> No, you.
<zorz> me Harakiri
<zorz> lol
<remiliascarlet> Do it.
<SiFuh> Do it la!
<zorz> Do it no
<SiFuh> [23 02 43] [zorz> me Harakiri
<serpente> "over my shiny metal ass" -- Bender
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: He won't do it. Now I have a beef with that chicken sheep
<remiliascarlet> Will you pork him, don't.
<SiFuh> No way
<zorz> No way
<SiFuh> Hell no
<remiliascarlet> This has been common knowledge for years, which is why I refuse to downgrade from physical point cards to walled garden applications.
<farkuhar> zorz: is your mic connected to the same soundcard that you use for playback? or were you trying to use a mic connected through USB, while still using the internal soundcard for playback?
<farkuhar> the latter combination is tricky to accomplish on Linux with plain ALSA. Unless you go through the trouble of writing a custom ~/.asoundrc, it's easier to use pulseaudio to delegate input/output between two different soundcards.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: He didn't read the OpenBSD manpage
<zorz> i read it
<zorz> i do not have pulseaudio
<serpente> pussyaudio
<zorz> pussy is nice :)
<SiFuh> Okay so zorz read the man page and he is retarded
<zorz> i did everything as they say.
<SiFuh> You copied and pasted?
<serpente> i use a custom .asoundrc here
<SiFuh> serpente: OpenBSD not Linux not pulseaudio. sndiod only
<SiFuh> zorz: Was talking about getting a microphone working under OpenBSD not Linux
<zorz> in crux it works... in openbsd cannot make it work.
<SiFuh> record.adc-2:3_source=mic
<SiFuh> record.adc-0:1_source=mic
<farkuhar> sndiod(8) says that "per-sub-device parameters (-Ccjmtvx) must precede the sub-device definition (-s)" but these sub-device definitions must follow the device definition (-f). It would read better if they listed these flags in the order that they need to be called: -f -m -s
<farkuhar> on CRUX I'm not using a custom .asoundrc any more, but I do have a sndio layer in between the ALSA drivers and the firefox browser. In this configuration it's easier to use a full-duplex soundcard, rather than try to delegate input/output to different devices.
<SiFuh> If zorz hasn't figured it out by Monday. I will ask him to commit sepuku or I will shoot him in the face and I will do it for him
<remiliascarlet> farkuhar: #crux-social is actually #openbsd-for-crux-users for the most part.
<SiFuh> Hehe
<remiliascarlet> Or in the case of SiFuh, #crux-for-openbsd-users.
<SiFuh> zorz: I will look into it on Monday but no sooner
<SiFuh> #openbsd-for-crux-users is better since I rarely use CRUX
<remiliascarlet> I use both.
<SiFuh> CRUX just runs by itself
<remiliascarlet> I'm more on OpenBSD than on CRUX these days. If I want to play games or program in Zig, I use CRUX. If I want to do anything else, I use OpenBSD.
<zorz> doas rcctl set sndiod flags -e s24le4lsb -z 400 -s default -m play,mon -s mon
<zorz> good sound like this
<remiliascarlet> I still have that FreeBSD installation, but it's just like OpenBSD, except that FreeBSD crashes more frequently.
<zorz> freebsd crushes? i thought only void linux crashes,, becomes void... ahhh and alpine after an update.
<remiliascarlet> On FreeBSD, I only switch to a different TTY, and it crashes.
<remiliascarlet> Or when I start any other window manager than DWM, crash.
<remiliascarlet> So FreeBSD will only run stable if you use DWM only, always remain on the same TTY, and never add another monitor, because that too causes a crash.
<remiliascarlet> Meanwhile, OpenBSD has none of these problems, and so does CRUX.
<SiFuh> zorz: Wait untill you see what FreeBSD does on your laptop
<SiFuh> Fan 24/7 temperature over 90 and not even 5 mintues in it will shut down due to overheating
<zorz> no need to experiment with freebsd, no need for any more thrills.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: I tried FreeBSD on a ThinkPad before. By default it wouldn't go to sleep after you close the lid. When you configure it to make it go to sleep if you close the lid, there's literally no way to awake the laptop again unless you forcefully power off that thing or remove the battery physically.
<zorz> crux never crash on me... updating all the time. debian aswell. and openbsd.
<remiliascarlet> Also, whenever I do `shutdown -h now`, close the lid, and put it back into a closet, it would randomly boot up after a while, drain the whole battery, and shut down again.
<remiliascarlet> So no, FreeBSD is not suitable for laptops at all!
<zorz> for sure? FreeBSD is that bad?
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<zorz> fucking hell.
<remiliascarlet> It works fine as a NAS, and that's thanks to its ZFS and NFS support. But other than that, OpenBSD is by far the superior option.
<remiliascarlet> And FreeBSD has way more software available in the repositories and more up to date, but you might rather just use Linux for that, which has even more software and is even more up to date.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: i think the same... you need that crux is good.
<remiliascarlet> But I might get myself a 2nd NAS and put OpenIndiana on it just so I can compare which one would run better (FreeBSD vs OpenIndiana) as a NAS.
<remiliascarlet> Because they both have ZFS natively.
<zorz> anyway the only things i use is vis, emacs, python, mariadb. so openbsd is fine
<SiFuh> zorz: ....
<remiliascarlet> I code in C, Go, and Zig, and Lua if I finally find a usecase for that. For Zig I need to use Linux, because OpenBSD only has the latest stable release available, and compiling any of the nightly releases is an absolute pain in the ass on any BSD, until Zig 1.0 comes out, which'll finally get rid of the dependence on LLVM.
<farkuhar> zorz: do you export AUDIORECDEVICE before launching your browser, or do you just allow it to detect the soundcard you set as the default?
<SiFuh> OpenIndiana is okay but it lost the panache that OpenSolaris once had
<SiFuh> farkuhar: He uses OpenBSD
<remiliascarlet> OpenIndiana also has far fewer software available, but if you use it as a NAS, that's a non-issue anyway.
<farkuhar> SiFuh: zorz said he uses both, and the mic works fine in crux. I'm asking whether he's exporting some useful environment variables in OpenBSD too.
<zorz> farkuhar: we talk microphone in openbsd
<remiliascarlet> farkuhar: If you read through the chat logs, you'll see that he's talking specifically about OpenBSD.
<zorz> no i do not,,, but aucat does not work either, i even installed cmixer... and the mic volume is full
<SiFuh> farkuhar: He doesn't need to, he just needs to open the mi with sysctl and load the correct sndiod and mixerctl.conf settings
<SiFuh> mi/mic*
<SiFuh> Oh and unmute the mic ;-)
<farkuhar> well according to the ENVIRONMENT section of sndio(7), you can give your programs a hint about which device to use for recording by exporting AUDIORECDEVICE.
<SiFuh> mic access is fully available in firefox thanks to unveil
<SiFuh> Well that's a linux thing
<SiFuh> laugh if zorz does it and it suddenly works ;-)
<zorz> SiFuh: have you seen the paste?
<SiFuh> You want me to laugh again?
<SiFuh> Of course I saw it
<zorz> nothing wrong.
<SiFuh> I even pasted parts of it in channel
<zorz> yes. and you paste the fac
<SiFuh> I think I read somewhere that I am ashamed to say but I think microphone changes require a reboot
<zorz> fuck fac faq
<SiFuh> Recording Source - Some devices have multiple microphone inputs. Examples of such controls:
<SiFuh> record.source=mic
<SiFuh> record.adc-0:1_source=mic
<SiFuh> To make the changes take effect on each reboot, edit the /etc/mixerctl.conf file. For example:
<SiFuh> Ahh okay it doesn't
<SiFuh> What a relief
<SiFuh> Anyway, choose your fucking mic from your paste. You had two available.
<zorz> i saw the thing record.source=mic that i am missing... but i said not to skrew it.
<SiFuh> record.adc-2:3_source=mic
<SiFuh> record.adc-0:1_source=mic
<SiFuh> You have these
<zorz> i do not have an mixerctl.conf yet... this is from root
<SiFuh> hahaha
<SiFuh> Told you those files don't exist in default unless you need to change the default
<SiFuh> record.adc-0:1_source=mic <-- I'd probably look at this one
<zorz> i will add the record.source=mic
<SiFuh> You sent this already
<zorz> i put the same thing in mixerctl.conf
<SiFuh> man mixerctl.conf
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<zorz> fuck it.
<SiFuh> fuck it.
<SiFuh> zorz: how you guys going handle this weekend without me?
<zorz> quiet... nice... order
<zorz> calm weekend as my calm window manager :Pp
<zorz> SiFuh: look to enjoy your weekend.
<SiFuh> I don't enjoy human life
<SiFuh> Why would I enjoy?
<SiFuh> zorz: farkuhar: remiliascarlet: fly to KL and we can have a real life ;-)
<zorz> SiFuh: thank you for the invitation.
<zorz> SiFuh: next month i will be in fiskardo
<SiFuh> sucker's excuse
<zorz> ok
<zorz> enjoy jungle man
<SiFuh> KL not jungle
<zorz> KL...KL is nice
<zorz> when you book in Mandarin. iam coming.
<SiFuh> Racist fucktard
<zorz> lol
<SiFuh> I can't believe how many clothes I sewed today
<ppetrov^> after 2 months of no drinking, having a few beers is nice
<SiFuh> Yesterday now
<ppetrov^> sorry to interrup, will open another one
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: You are not my friend anymore
<ppetrov^> for having a beer?!
<SiFuh> For having NO beers
<ppetrov^> jeez man, it's not like i'm getting drunk
<zorz> hahaha
<ppetrov^> aa
<ppetrov^> huehuehu
<zorz> SiFuh: when we come prepare homemade sake
<SiFuh> Dude, I have a beer in my hand as long as I am awake. They tease me for it. But when they need a tow, winch, rescue, they call me
<SiFuh> zorz: I already have homemade Sake
<SiFuh> It's like 2 years old now
<zorz> SiFuh: to clean the paintings from christmas ?:Pp
<zorz> haha
<SiFuh> Christmas?
<zorz> is strong man,,, not drinkable.
<SiFuh> I dont worship such pagan crap
<zorz> SiFuh: i forgot to tell you, yesterday almost
<SiFuh> Today nearly
<zorz> SiFuh: i forgot to tell you, yesterday almost Putin saved Greece... but he missed for 150 meters.
<zorz> fucking hell man... 150 meters.
<SiFuh> for or about or by?
<ppetrov^> SiFuh, unfortunatelly burnout and other stress require a few beers
<zorz> they missed our PM for 150 meters.
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: It's how I operate
<SiFuh> for?
<SiFuh> zorz are you speaking correctly?
<zorz> the missle... probably iskader in Odyssos
<ppetrov^> there was some time in my life, when I would (try to) code in R whole day, have a coffee mug and when I am done, it automatically gets replaced by a beer
<zorz> when SiFuh starts critisizing my speaking... the alcohol starts working :)
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: They tease me about now many beer cans I have used but I always have one opened beside me. But they always call me for help. It's not drunk it is pacing yourself.
<SiFuh> zorz: For???????
<ppetrov^> ehehehe
<zorz> greeklish
<zorz> hahaha
<ppetrov^> zorz, from which city are you, if it's not too much to ask
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: I drink 2 cups of coffee in the morning and beer until I sleep
<zorz> Katerini
<zorz> its 20 min drive from Thessaloniki
<SiFuh> <-- Wife says this is me
<ppetrov^> close to Thesaloniki?
<SiFuh> The lyrics, not Josh
<ppetrov^> TheSSaloniki, sorry... forgive the Vulgar guy
<ppetrov^> :P
<zorz> yes 70 km from Thessaloniki, highway. You get the highway to Athens.
<ppetrov^> right
<SiFuh> Thessaloniki
<zorz> Salonika!
<ppetrov^> it's kinda shame i have never been to Greece
<ppetrov^> seems a beautiful place
<zorz> likewise never been to BG
<SiFuh> Land of Giants
<ppetrov^> zorz, in your case it's understandable
<ppetrov^> :D
<zorz> :-D BG, skopje, albania, serbia... never been. no good.
<zorz> i wanna go to Croatia and Slovenia. Slovenia is so beautifull
<SiFuh> (replace Daddy with SiFuh) hahah
<SiFuh> zorz: I don't like what I have seen of Slovenian women.
<zorz> i dont want to knwo
<SiFuh> Tattoos like tribal fucking pigs
<zorz> daddy cool...
<SiFuh> zorz: 1988
<zorz> - 10
<SiFuh> + - 10
<zorz> SiFuh: seriously now,,, firefox-esr works fine. firefox... not so well especially on streaming.
<zorz> SiFuh: exactly!
<SiFuh> I use only firefox-esr
<SiFuh> I must close it twice daily
<zorz> as i noticed, openbsd and debian are in esr.
<SiFuh> Or it crashes my audio or x server
<zorz> no problem with me.
<SiFuh> Dude
<SiFuh> 24/7 running
<zorz> i just had installed firefox as well because of the geckodriver for selenium in scraping pages.
<SiFuh> Once it hijacks audio it will over heat and computer crashes
<zorz> SiFuh: ok got it
<zorz> myself i had firefox, streaming greek tv listening to it as radio while iam in python. firefox.. overtime gets lots of ram. esr not.
<SiFuh> firefox chews through everything
<SiFuh> It needs a beer to relax the fuck up
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> Maybe ppetrov^ Can offer one
<zorz> where is ppetrov^
<zorz> ppetrov^: come to greece... and we call together SiFuh :P
<SiFuh> I won't fly again
<SiFuh> You better arange a ship or a boat for me
<zorz> SiFuh: when you fly only with boeing... :P
<SiFuh> I am not flying again
<SiFuh> It's done
<zorz> get the train from siberia... to europe.
<SiFuh> Sure
<zorz> nice trip
<SiFuh> But I think better to take a boat from MY to KR
<SiFuh> nice trip? Are you joking?
<zorz> i thought you like adventures.
<SiFuh> Trans Siberian is fucking horrible
<SiFuh> You don't worry about me
<zorz> haha
<SiFuh> But you said nice trip
<SiFuh> Fuck no you liar
<zorz> with boat... today houtis, bomb a greek boat
<SiFuh> Good
<zorz> you need to come from cape town south africa
<SiFuh> Fucking Greeks bombed and raped and pillaged many over the centuries.
<zorz> defense from Persians.
<SiFuh> Who cares, get over it you pussy
<SiFuh> Aren't you Muslim anyway?
<SiFuh> You are on the wrong side of the puddle
<zorz> who is muslim?
<SiFuh> Johnny Depp
<zorz> Cassius Clay became muslim... gave a fight in Zaire
<zorz> rumble in the jungle
<SiFuh> Yes so?
<zorz> nice song
<SiFuh> Ali
<zorz> Ali
<zorz> the one
<SiFuh> Black Superman
<SiFuh> Look like vagabonds
<SiFuh> So you are Cassius Clay?
<zorz> Tyson
<SiFuh> You ain't Tyson
<zorz> haha
<zorz> will smith
<zorz> he slapped the guy
<SiFuh> His wife fucks everyone
<SiFuh> Sad. because I like Will Smith's old stuff
<SiFuh> I have almost all his albums ever made
<zorz> SiFuh: yes i heard that they are not together many years now... and he slapped the guy
<zorz> i do not understand.
<SiFuh> Chris Rock went a bit too far
<SiFuh> Right or wrong, the fact Smith stood up for his woman (right or wrong) was fucking awesome
<SiFuh> I think something deeper happened
<SiFuh> Only person can tease my girls is me. Anyone else is going home in a bandages
<ppetrov^> ye, i'm here
<ppetrov^> zorz, if i visit Greece i let you know :p
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