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<SiFuh> That has to be the best way to travel through Manhattan
<SiFuh> New York City, Manhattan
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<lavaball> nice.
<lavaball> the youtube girl is half turkish, half jewish!
<lavaball> and she's hot as fuck.
<SiFuh> lavaball: A youtube girl?
<lavaball> well, i met her via youtube.
<lavaball> but she doesn't have a channel.
<lavaball> 22.
<lavaball> never touched by a man. was lesberino.
<lavaball> took me two days.
<lavaball> new record too. the last girl i met via youtube was 19, and i needed 3 days.
<lavaball> that's the one from the spoiler network channel.
zorz has joined #crux-social
<SiFuh> lavaball: Damn!
<lavaball> hm?
<zorz> morning
<SiFuh> Is it?
<zorz> No! CSV !@#$%^&*()~
<zorz> For you?
<zorz> that is why i say morning and not good morning :-)
<SiFuh> The brother-in-law lives in Kuala Lumpur. He has his own place. He allowed his cousin to stay at his place as well while she studies in KL. When I first heard that, I laughed and said his place will become a hotel. The other two cousins now drive to KL every Friday night to stay at his place until Sunday night. The cousin that lives there has some ugly geeky cuck soyboyfriend. He turns up a lot. Now
<SiFuh> every weekend and every holiday the brother-in-law comes back and stays at the parents home. I laughed and laughed and said "See, your place is now a hotel"
<SiFuh> I went next door to the parents home to change the locks. I asked why no one there will do it. I was told no one knows how too. I said your brother is here. She said he doesn't know how to. Then I asked where are the cousins and she said they went to KL. HAHAHAHAHA
<zorz> before accepting to invite someone in a situation like this. you need to set the rules and say to the invited person this are my rules. No boyfriends no this and that. End of story.
<zorz> If you can live under these rules.... you are more than welcome other wise make arrangements for your own spot.
<SiFuh> zorz: I did that here. Told the wife. I have absolute authority here. You can have an opinion but ultimately I make the final decision. The rules are simple. No one comes here unless you ask me first. No one ever comes upstairs even if I am not at home without my permission. Family or not.
<SiFuh> In general upstairs is out-of-bounds because that is our private escape.
<zorz> they say in greek "clean bills(meaning oral contracts) make good friends"
<SiFuh> We have this one "A good fence keeps good neighbours"
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<zorz> hahaha * 8 fences Shogun, Anna
<SiFuh> Have you watch the last episode yet?
<SiFuh> I should say
<SiFuh> Have you watch the lastest episode yet?
<SiFuh> watched*
<zorz> till the bordelle and i fall asleep
<zorz> fell*
<zorz> did you finish painting the stairs?
<SiFuh> No
<SiFuh> I was doing the cutting (Paint around the edges) and then the plastering and patching work.
<SiFuh> I will probably finish it tomorrow afte all the plaster is dried and sanded
<zorz> correct this needs to dry... a day ?
<SiFuh> I usually wait 24 hours to dry to make sure no water is under when I paint it
<zorz> maybe in ML more.. because og humidity ?
<zorz> of*
<SiFuh> No, you mix plaster with water
<zorz> the dry time i mean..... in greece approx. is half a day in places wiith more humidity is more.
<SiFuh> It dries in like 10 minutes
<SiFuh> But I want all moisture gone
<SiFuh> Also with very deep holes you might need to layer on the plaster because when it dries is changes
<SiFuh> There is one in her room that has had two layers of plaster and tomorrow I put another layer on
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<zorz> ooo yes you need to aswell ... how you call it in english to make the surface lean/tidy scrap you call it ?
<zorz> i hate this part... i go out of the room
<SiFuh> Sand?
<zorz> ςαιτ
<zorz> wait
<zorz> sanpaper
<zorz> sandpaper
<SiFuh> [20 17 08] [SiFuh> Sand?
<zorz> yes
<zorz> later i translated
<zorz> i see you are equiped
<SiFuh> What? You think I'd just spread plaster on a wall without using sandpaper? Who about paint without a brush?
<SiFuh> Who/How*
<SiFuh> Fingerpaint the wall hahaha. Yoko Ono style
<zorz> Yoko Ono hahaha
<zorz> SiFuh_Yoko
<SiFuh> zorz_yoyo
<zorz> i used to play yoyo... i need to buy one
<zorz> i did not even started yet and i hit 23 times enter
<zorz> i like this coca cola... send me one plz
<SiFuh> DXJeTA3uDJJ4vN%2BW5mvftY%3D%7Ctkp%3ABk9SR_7lldHQYw
<SiFuh> Buy on Ebay. The old 80's Coca Cola Yoyos are still available
<SiFuh> Use to have one when I was a kid
<zorz> i am banned on ebay :-)
<zorz> i do not do new account
<zorz> SiFuh: you want some proof that pussy can work till the age of 79 and make money ?
<SiFuh> My ebay Australia account, I can't log into. I asked them to stop using phone numbers because I am now living in Malaysia. They asked me to prove who I am and I told them everything and they said no. I was even emailing them from the exact email that my ebay account was using. So I told the idiot to fuck off because he is so stupid to not realise that I am who I am.
<SiFuh> Yet my US account works fine and has the same email and details
<zorz> i do not deal with them.... and i do not trust them.
<SiFuh> I tried watching this. Shittiest comedian ever. Not even funny. Just a talking bitch that thinks she is a man
<SiFuh> Sodium aluminum phosphate
<SiFuh> Common Ingredient Used in Baked Goods And Processed Foods Linked to Lower Sperm Counts
<zorz> why do you care... you have kids already :P
<SiFuh> I do?
<zorz> you do not ?
<SiFuh> I do not?
<zorz> never mind
<SiFuh> I always mind
<SiFuh> oooo new eipsode of 4WD 24-7
<zorz> SiFuh: i am lost in the csv files...
<SiFuh> Good, hope you run out of food and water too and a wild paperclip eats you
<SiFuh> Hmm. So this woman buys a house from a man. And when she goes to move in she discovers the man is still living there and she can't kick him out because he is claiming squatter's rights.
<zorz> so with firefox playing tv., copying 10GB movies usb, irssi, and running python scripts i have free 3GB RAM. firefox is fucked up.
<zorz> need to find a way open the links in ffplay.
<SiFuh> All modern browsers suck
<zorz> thanks i will check it later
<zorz> temperature is steady 60 openbsd very stable
<SiFuh> It works like this
<zorz> ahaha
<zorz> its specific 4-5 channels... i am thinking of making an alias. i will see
<zorz> SiFuh: never noticed before... did not check or having a status bar. going to island i will need batery indicator this is why i did the lemonbar script. and i just add temperature and ram.
<SiFuh> But OpenBSD has a battery indicator
<zorz> browsers no good... at the end... they will do harvesting for ai.
<SiFuh> You retard
<zorz> they had mining like brave did... now ai pays more.
<SiFuh> AI if it exists won't care about your browser
<zorz> this fake AI
<zorz> people pay AI to read superuser forums.
<SiFuh> Then it isn't AI
<SiFuh> It is just normal data collection
<zorz> yes this is what it is. they named it AI
<SiFuh> They can name it what they want. It is still retarded
<zorz> it is!
<SiFuh> Port:tray-app-0.3.1p2
<SiFuh> Path:sysutils/tray-app
<SiFuh> Info:small utilities for X11 system tray: eject, battery, mixer
<zorz> i like mine
<zorz> :-)
<SiFuh> Ewwwww, I don't want to know
<zorz> :Pp
<zorz> i am waiting to see when copying to usb finish what will be the ram
<zorz> but now doing nothing i am to 2GB free ram
<SiFuh> Use a USB hard disk. It is faster
<zorz> in future i will
<zorz> when it falls to 1800 - 1900M it goes up to 2500-2600M
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<zorz> SiFuh: do you have the default login.conf ? for staff::\
<zorz> it is something with cache... again low 1800M up 2600M
<zorz> thank you SiFuh
<SiFuh> That github has the entire OpenBSD source
<zorz> i noticed :)
<zorz> it not the copying... let me reboot with defaults
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<zorz> #:datasize-cur=16384M:\
<zorz> #:datasize-cur=1536M:\
<zorz> :datasize-cur=8192M:\
<zorz> lets see with this how it runs
<zorz> most probably i will reduce again :datasize-cur=8192M:\ to 4096.
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<SiFuh> For why are you reducing it?
<zorz> look now i changed and iam with defaults... running same things freeram 11500M temperature increased to 63. lets see how it goes.
<zorz> very important with python when i read html to sql... i think is slow like this.. i shall see.
<zorz> man login.conf :0
<SiFuh> Read it
<zorz> let me concetrate
<SiFuh> Concrete rate?
<SiFuh> Concentrate
<SiFuh> Let me calculate
<remiliascarlet> Let me conquest.
<SiFuh> You are here, cool
<remiliascarlet> Going over my password manager, I noticed I still have seeds for all those scam pump and dump addresses that Jeff Berwick recommonded.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Wife has been saying for several days she needs a vacation. She wants to go to Thailand. Something about massages. Two days ago she says she wants to go to Japan.
<SiFuh> Heh, scam pump and dump addresses that Jeff Berwick <-- You click listen to that?
<remiliascarlet> Well, can't blame too much, thanks to his Pirate Chain scam coin, I did earn lots of money by simply not listening to his commands to keep on pumping.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Soon she will want to go to the North Pole and meet Santa.
<SiFuh> I haven't watched his videos in a long time. I was thinking about him the other day actually
<remiliascarlet> I haven't watched his videos for 2 years at this point I believe.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: We are not Christians that buy into that Christmas bullshit.
<remiliascarlet> I was just joking about that Santa part.
<SiFuh> Fuck Santa and fuck Christmas and anyone who believes in this lie!
<remiliascarlet> I've experienced more than 30 Christmasses, and I'm still single. So I don't believe in it.
<SiFuh> I have taken part in zero Christmases because I don't do stupid shit based on lies or superstition.
<remiliascarlet> Because in Japan, Christmas is more like western style Valentine's Day.
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<SiFuh> It's suppose to be his Birthday and yet he wasn't even born then.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: You ain't alone. You got a cat
<remiliascarlet> Actual Valentine's Day (the one on the 14th of February) has a little Japanese twist to it, in that instead of the guy giving chocolate to the girl he likes, it's that the girl gives chocolate to the guy she likes.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: You never gave me any chocolate!
<remiliascarlet> Giving chocolate to a cat is not a good idea.
<SiFuh> Or anything living
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<SiFuh> I stole the wife's chocolate so I can make alcohol from it
<remiliascarlet> You might like to visit Japan at one point. We have sake flavored KitKats, which even contains alcohol.
<SiFuh> She is such an addict she thought she ate it all
<SiFuh> She doesn't realise I poach it after a few days
<SiFuh> I don't like choclate
<remiliascarlet> Although I don't think you'll get drunk from eating KitKat, it's only 1% alcohol if I remember correctly.
<SiFuh> 5% increase on alcohol 1st of April
<SiFuh> Makes me fucking angry
<SiFuh> For what fucking reason are they increasing tax for?
<remiliascarlet> To make more tax money of course!
<SiFuh> This year is going to be fun
<remiliascarlet> This is called government.
<SiFuh> The government is removing all subsidies as well
<SiFuh> Even local subsidies for Muslim Malays
<SiFuh> That is something a revolution will be fueled by
<remiliascarlet> Government is technically a corporation like all the other corporations, one that holds monopolies in many different things.
<SiFuh> Wrong
<SiFuh> Government is Mafia
<remiliascarlet> Monopoly on violence, extortion, brainwashing, and so on.
<SiFuh> They are Mafia that make rules and laws and regulations to rape, steal, pilalge, murder, and extort all humans in a region
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<SiFuh> And the corporations know they are more powerful than the Mafia so the Mafia bends over for the corporations
<remiliascarlet> And notice they're raising taxes and removing subsidies in very small steps, and once they successfully done so once, they will do it more and more and more, until the population finally has enough and revolts. When that happens, more brainwashing campaigns gets deployed to scare them all back into obedience, and the little steps continue on until the eventual collapse of empire.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I wanted to send you a picture today, but I thought it was stupid because some fucking twat circled the part they want you to see
<SiFuh> Like, we are so stupid, we wouldn't see it and we needed that circle to see
<SiFuh> This one
<remiliascarlet> Speaking of fucking twats, as someone who has been browsing the internet exclusively with adblockers for 2 decades, I had no idea the whole ad problem has become this bad:
<SiFuh> When you come here, I will let and teach you to drive in the jungle.
<SiFuh> I use adblockers
<SiFuh> I didn't know youtube had adds until I tried to open a video on the wife's phone to show what BMX stunt pegs were for
<remiliascarlet> What useless image editor did that fucking twat of yours use that they had to spam censor the license plate, because the paint tool is transparent?
<SiFuh> Not mine
<remiliascarlet> What is an adds?
<SiFuh> It was sent to me
<remiliascarlet> Ads.
<SiFuh> Adds = plural for advertisement in Aussie English
<SiFuh> Ads looks dumb Haha but I can accept
<remiliascarlet> Ads is the primary reason why JewTubers always threaten to leave for alt tech platforms, and immediately cuck out and stay.
<remiliascarlet> Because they themselves earn money off of them.
<SiFuh> I really don't know
<SiFuh> I started using adblockers decades ago. These days I use ublock on everything
<SiFuh> If a site asks me to disable it I close the site.
<remiliascarlet> uBlock Origin and DarkReader are the 2 addons I instantly install as soon as I install a Firefox or Chromium based browser.
<remiliascarlet> The internet is unusable without these 2.
<SiFuh> DarkReader?
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<SiFuh> I install Ublock and PrivacyBadger
<remiliascarlet> I used to install uMatrix, but most of the internet these days is completely unusable if you block 3rd party traffic.
<SiFuh> Do you have someone to take care of your cat if you come here?
<remiliascarlet> So instead I settled on just blocking common trackers at the router level.
<SiFuh> Cool!
<remiliascarlet> I have, but the cat doesn't really like them.
<SiFuh> What router are you using?
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Hahaha
<remiliascarlet> This one:
<SiFuh> I don't think Malaysia will care if you bring him here, but Japan might have issues bring him back from Malaysia
<SiFuh> Ahh, I am using Mikrotik with an SFP dongle for fibre
<remiliascarlet> More like the customs can be an absolute pain in the ass.
<SiFuh> I took my car to Tasmania and it was $50 on the ferry and the girlfriend's cat was $250.
<SiFuh> She had a Tonkinese cat by te way
<remiliascarlet> The good thing is that my cat is used to travelling on things like trains.
<SiFuh> Like this
<remiliascarlet> Always getting a lot of smiles from other people when I take him with me.
<SiFuh> Not a cat lover but I do understand
<SiFuh> I drove 1,980 KM to the port with her cat. There was a police car behind me and it was jumping all over the place. I grabbed her to put her into the box and accidentally broke her tail. Damn!
<remiliascarlet> The ISP already provides an ONU for the fibre connection, so I don't really need that, although might be useful if I want to be less dependent on specific ISP's in the future.
<SiFuh> Luckily it was only dislocated so I was able to reset it.
<SiFuh> Yes the ISPs ONU is also provided here. I don't use it
<SiFuh> I wrote a small paper on it for my friends so they can have 100% independent equipment from the ISP
<remiliascarlet> Only not sure where I can buy my own ONU.
<SiFuh> China
<SiFuh> But you need to know what you are dealing with
<SiFuh> They have different frequencies
<remiliascarlet> The closest to it I could find is this, but it's a fibre media converter, so not sure if that can be used as an ONU:
<SiFuh> I use Mikrotik because it is Linux. Router OS
<SiFuh> I bought with SFP so I can remove their stupid ONU box
<remiliascarlet> My experience with networking in general is that I prefer to set it up and forget about it.
<remiliascarlet> Any change I've made that I had no experience with has resulted in everything going down.
<SiFuh> This is what I did for the SFP GPON ONU dongle
<remiliascarlet> Do you have a setup with multiple static public IP addresses over 1 PPPoE connection? Somebody I know is trying to figure out how to get all these IP addresses distributed over the specific machines.
<remiliascarlet> And also how to get the public IP address assigned to each OpenBSD and FreeBSD server.
<remiliascarlet> In the way like how with VPS's if you do "ifconfig", you'll see the public IP instead of something like "192.168.x.x".
<SiFuh> I can do it but no, I don't have this since Malaysia will not give static IP to anyone who is not a company/business/corporation. Priviledged only which sucks shit
<remiliascarlet> Right now she just assigns whatever the IP address is if you connect over PPPoE, and assigns that to one of her OpenBSD servers, which then acts like an internal router that links specific hostnames to other servers within her network, which works, but has some limitations.
<remiliascarlet> Like setting up an XMPP server was quite a pain for example, and a turnserver was outright impossible.
<SiFuh> I just assign at router lever a DMZ to each machine and forward all data to that machine.
<SiFuh> I still prefer a limited firewall though on each router but not too strict. Each of my machines have their own firewall as well. So you can forward or DMZ anything and have the router to basic firewalling.
<SiFuh> Then the machines themselves do the real work
<remiliascarlet> DMZ sounds like some area in Korea.
<SiFuh> I do like Mikrotik because being a linux RouterOS it is highly modifiable and configurable
<SiFuh> A DMZ is when a router to a server/PC has zero protection with routing. Just all data goes straight through
<SiFuh> So the router can block stuff but everything that passes gets sent straight to the machine without any modifications at all
<SiFuh> They are more detailed but I simplified it above with what I said
<remiliascarlet> Speaking of DMZ (Demilitarized Zone), seems like Johnny Somali got out of prison after 5 months, and only had to pay a small fine, and then get deported and banned from the country, which is an absolute joke of a punishment if you consider all the things he has done for all these months.
<SiFuh> That black ass hole living in Japan and causing havoc in everyday life?
<remiliascarlet> Yes.
<SiFuh> He's a fucking child
<remiliascarlet> Better yet, he even bragged live on stream while already in the US about how he lied to the judge in Japan about how he totally doesn't do Kick for a living (yes he did!), and that he swore that as soon as he was back in the US he would never stream again. And the moment he landed in the US, he started to stream again.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: And people wonder why I hate people
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: You are not originalyl from Tokyo?
<remiliascarlet> No. If I were, I wouldn't be living in the wildernis defending myself against bears throughout my entire childhood.
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: So no village girl here?
<remiliascarlet> A very tiny community of just 3 or 4 families, probably fewer by now.
<SiFuh> I am not interested in Tokyo myself
<SiFuh> So if I was to go to Japan, and dump the wife off, I would prefer to go to a village
<SiFuh> I don't know her plans. If they match with mine, I'd probably follow for some of it. But in general, I'd prefer to go village
<remiliascarlet> The good thing about Tokyo is that everything is in reach without the need of a car. The bad thing is the extreme number of people you keep bumping into all the time, and tourists who keep filming everything carelessly.
<SiFuh> You mean like the Japanese holiday?
<remiliascarlet> I mean like 365 days of the year.
<SiFuh> Fly to Australia, land in Sydney take a few phots, race to beach take a few phots, drive to another place, take a few photos, and after one week of this they go back to Japan and show off a photo album and yet they did and saw nothing?
<remiliascarlet> The only time you could walk around in Tokyo without the worry of being filmed and put on social media was in 2020~2023 when the borders have been shut down.
<SiFuh> On the bright side! I care little about Tokyo
<SiFuh> I want to see the vilalges
<SiFuh> Why does my second L end up being after... Oh my fingures are taped up. Nevermind
<SiFuh> fingers*
<remiliascarlet> I don't mind them filming things like buildings, attractions, and that kind of things, I do mind if they film me and put me on SNS without my knowledge or consent, almost every single Japanese man and woman minds the same thing.
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: If your mother or father or family is from a village, I wouldn't mind to visit
<SiFuh> SNS?
<remiliascarlet> Common abbreviation we use for social media.
<remiliascarlet> "Social Network Services".
<SiFuh> I agree
<remiliascarlet> Actually, not only Japanese don't like being filmed and put online, Koreans and Taiwanese do too, and I think many other Asians too.
<remiliascarlet> But it seems like westerners don't really care.
<SiFuh> Anti Social Network Service "Assinine" :-P
<SiFuh> I hate it
<SiFuh> I don't want my face online unless I approve it
<remiliascarlet> NSA = "Network of Socialist Asshats".
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: So I have this idea, and I am not sure if you will like but I will say
<remiliascarlet> CIA = "Collective of Idiots and Assfuckers".
<SiFuh> You survive Japan summer, and then you come to Malaysia. That way you are halfway use to the heat :-P
<remiliascarlet> FBI = "Fuck, Bloody Imbiciles!".
<SiFuh> Too extreme
<SiFuh> FBI = Federal Bureau of Idiots/Imbiciles
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Heh The Clitoris Investigation Agency were established in 1946 and they still haven't found it. :-P
<remiliascarlet> They eventually will if you include chopped off penises as "clitoris", now that they're doing it to themselves en mass.
<SiFuh> You ruined my joke
<SiFuh> I want to buy something like this for jungle
<SiFuh> Park and camp on roof of the truck
<SiFuh> If you join, you and wife up there and I am inside the truck unless I setup a tent. haha
<SiFuh> Knowing me, too lazy to set up a tent. I will sleep outside or in the truck
<SiFuh> I bought a tent once. I used it once. I have never used it since. I tend to just sleep outside.
<SiFuh> I still have that tent. It is great. I bought it for 5 dollars AUD
<SiFuh> I wish I had it here though
<zorz> guys LG
<SiFuh> Faggot
<zorz> SiFuh: ΕΥΡΗΚΑ
<zorz> λοοκ - look
<SiFuh> Eureka?
<zorz> wget -qO- "" | grep -E -o 'https?://[a-zA-Z0-9.-/_]*m3u8' | xargs ffplay
<zorz> no need for the mpv addon.
<SiFuh> Good thing I can read Cyrillic
<zorz> this site has m3u8 plays... the rest did not check... basically 4 greek channels
<zorz> LG
<SiFuh> Faggot
<SiFuh> When is your major holiday?
<zorz> around 20 of April, I take a break from you :)
<zorz> hehe
<SiFuh> You need it because I am much worse that what you have seen
<SiFuh> I was looking at Japanese Holidays this year. See if remiliascarlet and Islam will coincide.
<SiFuh> But I think this year is it too close but not close enough.
<SiFuh> Our Jungle trips are based on Islam
<SiFuh> You don't go alone, and they go during their holidays.
<zorz> you know my connection with religions ? :-)
<SiFuh> Who fucking cares
<SiFuh> Do you even understand what I said?
<zorz> meet with remilia
<SiFuh> I go jungle with MUSLIMS. That means they go jungle during THEIR holidays. I cannot go alone because it is too dangerous. So I go with them. Now you and remiliascarlet will need to match a vacation that follows the MUSLIMS holidays.
<zorz> if jugle not take place
<SiFuh> Nothing to do with you or her religious beliefs
<zorz> i am in the equation aswell ?
<SiFuh> I invited you and her
<zorz> ok season that i am free is from November till April... need to plan in advance so i do not go to London and fuck burn all money
<SiFuh> You are both welcome when you match with the Islamic calendar and our Jungle trip.
<SiFuh> I can give you guys maybe 1 or possibly 2 months warning
<SiFuh> But you need to understand that we have Monsoon and floods and landslides so it is easy to cancel
<zorz> SiFuh: wait wait.... wait wait wait because you say one by one.... I am invited to go to jungle ?
<SiFuh> Yes
<SiFuh> I made that clear
<zorz> man... i need holidays.... not to get tired.
<SiFuh> Who cares, you match them with ours
<SiFuh> Jungle forever baby!
<zorz> need bed.
<SiFuh> Fuck off
<zorz> hehe
<SiFuh> There are no beds in the jungle
<zorz> ok we plan... only for you.
<SiFuh> You think I want to strap that shit on the roof of my truck?
<zorz> o fuck... playing news in ffplay and irssi is called civilization!
<SiFuh> I can imagine. In the roof tent remiliascarlet and my wife sleeping like queens. Me in the driver's seat sleeping like a jungle guy and zorz crying his ass off.
<zorz> SiFuh: you are well known masochist! yes you do want to strap!
<SiFuh> Masochist? Do you know what that means?
<zorz> in greek is mazochist - μαζόχος... with z
<SiFuh> I ain't a cuck dude but I am not a masochist either
<zorz> hahaha
<SiFuh> I met a masochist once. He use to cut his skin for enjoyment
<SiFuh> That's disgustingly stupid
<zorz> no no no
<zorz> we use it for light things in greek... not the actuall meaning.
<SiFuh> A masochist loves pain.
<SiFuh> I handle pain, it does not mean I enjoy it
<zorz> wait goverment fired 2 persons
<SiFuh> Try Argentina 70k
<SiFuh> Hahaha
<SiFuh> Like I said to remiliascarlet. Next Jungle trip, I will provide the dates. But this is not written in stone. Weather changes everything.
<SiFuh> I will provide each trips dates every time. So that if you two decide to go, I can prepare for it
ppetrov^ has joined #crux-social
<SiFuh> Pew Pew!
<ppetrov^> heh
<SiFuh> zorz: doesn't get it
<ppetrov^> i also had problems to see it, but now I do
<ppetrov^> you've opened my eyes
<SiFuh> You never shot a gun before ppetrov^?
<ppetrov^> never
<SiFuh> It's a skill but it is good. Every girlfriend I ever had I teach them to shoot.
<SiFuh> Hmmm, I never taught my wife
<ppetrov^> not a gf
<SiFuh> Safety first!
<zorz> ppetrov^: my friend, where are you?
<ppetrov^> been struggling with developing a GUI app in R Shiny
<SiFuh> zorz: ppetrov^ is in #crux-social
<zorz> SiFuh: he understood, and he answered promptly :)
<SiFuh> I have so many insults for this ;-)
<ppetrov^> zorz, talks about himself in third person
<ppetrov^> very nobel
<SiFuh> I am more curious about teaching my wife to shoot
<zorz> SiFuh: teach her... so she can shoot you.
<zorz> :-)
<ppetrov^> zorz, that's why he said 'safety first'
<ppetrov^> his safety
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: You made me laugh
<ppetrov^> i'm a funny guy
<ppetrov^> life made me an asshole
<SiFuh> Now I am not laughing
<ppetrov^> no, actually it's like this: when i was a child, my parents said one day I can be anything I wanted! So, I became an asshole
<SiFuh> zorz: She can't
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: You competing with me?
<ppetrov^> what do you mean? That this channel is too small for two assholes?
<zorz> ok... be back later
<ppetrov^> he got scared
<ppetrov^> k, later
<SiFuh> ppetrov^: My father said I was a burden, and he hated my voice. Everytime I spoke his stomach with churn and he wants to vomit. I was a useless person and all people on earth hated me. Then he, with my mother's permission decided to seperate me from the family and lock me in a room from 5am until 08:30 and then again from 15:30 until 16:00 and I had to go home, was dishes, clean floor, empty garbage
<SiFuh> and not allowed to speak. After all chores were done, I had to go to my room. Turn off light and listen to all my brothers and sisters layghing when watching TV.
<SiFuh> Yeah, cool shit.
<SiFuh> 16:00 = 18:00 sorry
<SiFuh> I was barred from TV since 1988
<SiFuh> I have binged watched all series and movies I can from 1988 until around 2018.
<SiFuh> My favorite were pre 1988 like James Cagney - The Wife Came C.O.D.
<SiFuh> Imagine watching the 30's though 'till the 90's in a few months and seeing the social changes
<SiFuh> I saw it and I realised what the fuck these cunts are doing in Hollywood.
<farkuhar> ppetrov^: just published a new version of prt-utils (#1.3.2), as you requested.
* SiFuh claps
<SiFuh> farkuhar: Venting? Worst timing? Hahaha
<farkuhar> I took the liberty of stashing some "notes to self" among the man-pages, where the info is less likely to go missing than if I left it on scratch paper.
<farkuhar> hopefully these "notes to self" will actually prove useful to somebody else. But maybe zorz exemplifies the typical behaviour, and most users don't bother reading the man-page beyond what it takes to jog their memory.
<zorz> farkuhar: put colors, add some porn... and we read :-)
<ppetrov^> farkuhar, you rock, dude
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