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<SiFuh> CDC releases a 148 page document about the long-term study of myocarditis after COVID-19 vaccination and they have redacted every single page
<SiFuh> Here is your FOIA request, and they give you a 100% redacted document
<SiFuh> It's fucking insulting
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<SiFuh> wee
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<remiliascarlet> And the injectees will still laugh it off as a "crazy conspiracy theory", very sure about that.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh_: Why is every single page blank?
<remiliascarlet> 148 pages of just light yellow background with tiny pink "Page ### (b)(5)" written in the top left of each page.
<remiliascarlet> Even PDF files are clearly made by Javascript developers.
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<remiliascarlet> Kidnappings in China are so common, if they would studdenly stop kidnapping, less people woud get missing.
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<zorz> fuckin hell, i am lost in csv files.
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<ppetrov^> zorz, you mean comma-separated values?
<ppetrov^> or... comma,separated,values
<zorz> wait petrov i paste
<zorz> ppetrov^: :-)
<ppetrov^> petrov is my family name
<zorz> 4000 thousand products, aprox.
<zorz> at least now i categorized them.
<zorz> this is a part of the olive oils.
<zorz> for 3 days now i will be loast in this
<zorz> lost
<zorz> ppetrov^: the bullshit is if you screw up with this file, python cannot read it... vis editor, works ok. i need to try vim aswell in this.
<ppetrov^> olive oil?
<ppetrov^> hmm
<ppetrov^> how can you screw up with it?
<zorz> haha
<zorz> ppetrov^: i scan scrap 4 major supermarkets in greece.. create sql database and compare prices.
<zorz> ppetrov^: the sql is running on a webpage without php.
<ppetrov^> that does not mean much to me man, i am a simple biologist
<zorz> and will pay to screw after.
<zorz> haha
<zorz> ppetrov^: how is going day off today?
<ppetrov^> having some beers, maybe i will buy a second hand workstation for work
<zorz> cool
<ppetrov^> how is you saturday
<ppetrov^> apart of the CSVs
<ppetrov^> btw, for data analyses... have you tried R? :P
<zorz> no petrov never tried R i was wanting to try it with crypto... but since i have basic knowledge of python i stayed with python. I think that R is superior to python for data analysis.
<zorz> petrov, look a small tiny part of on supermarket as i scrap it... man 3 hours to write 3 lines.
<ppetrov^> i know how it is with writing slow
<zorz> ppetrov^: you want to see fastapi ? it is really fast.
<ppetrov^> yes?
<zorz> all the page is build with fastapi.
<zorz> ppetrov^: in openbsd they do not use R?
<ppetrov^> no idea, man
<ppetrov^> never used any BSD
<zorz> no i saw they have R so if R is running the packages are like pip.
<zorz> SiFuh_: was right.... openbsd... is cool.
<zorz> is right :-)
<ppetrov^> CRUX also has R
<ppetrov^> as any Linux distro (Slackware excluded... there you get it from
<ppetrov^> and now, thanks to yours truly, CRUX has a repo of R modules :P
<zorz> you are amazing
<zorz> ppetrov^: actually running models in R or Python in crux with compiled kernel for your cpu... its fast.
<ppetrov^> zorz, it was an educational side project
<ppetrov^> as farkuhar, we have cpan2crux, now cran2crux, we just need a similar tool for python and we are done
<ppetrov^> :p
<zorz> i told him to look
<zorz> moment to find it
<zorz> i used to work with this.
<ppetrov^> whoadude
<ppetrov^> so, we can modify it, call it pip2crux and voila
<zorz> check it out.... its brilliant.
<zorz> 2 years ago i used to keep 20+ packages in archlinux with this thing.
<ppetrov^> did you use arch before crux?
<zorz> i was in arch moved to debian and then crux
<ppetrov^> why did you abandon arch
<zorz> is not secure at all... arch linux is a mess.
<ppetrov^> and crux is?
<ppetrov^> whi is arch not secure
<zorz> you do not understand... remember what happened with atom editor?
<ppetrov^> no idea
<zorz> some devs put backdoors
<zorz> in crux u see, you download the source and you compile
<ppetrov^> with the backdoors in
<zorz> in arch the compiled do not trust the devs
<zorz> its up to the package.
<zorz> so far, other than crux that you compile what you want,,, only debian i trust.
<ppetrov^> :)
<zorz> ppetrov^: look what i did yesterday for SiFuh youtube links
<farkuhar> zorz: you might want to protect $1 in your yt-d() function so that the shell doesn't try expanding any special characters in the url (or backgrounding the process when it sees &).
<farkuhar> oh, and if you often work with CSV in an environment where you cannot install python modules or R, there's a lot you can do with standard Unix utilities.
<zorz> farkuhar: thanx man... but it is for personal use
<zorz> farkuhar: any recomendation for this ?
<farkuhar> zorz: that's for OpenBSD, right? What happens if host(1) fails to resolve the given argument? In that case you should check [ -n "$ipawk" ] before running the curl command.
<farkuhar> zorz: why you scrape 4 major supermarkets in Greece to compare prices? Is your currency experiencing inflation on the same level as the Nigerian naira?
<farkuhar> I seem to recall remiliascarlet taking advantage of the depressed yen, in transactions with overseas customers. Are you looking for a similar way to profit from price disparities among Greek supermarkets?
<zorz> farkuhar: is of korn shell yes
<ppetrov^> zorz, for bash, satamash is your friend for processing such stuff
<ppetrov^> i have a port for it
<zorz> farkuhar: it started as a hobby to help people... but now a company wants to pay me to have the prices everyday
<zorz> what is satamash ?
<ppetrov^> datamash
<ppetrov^> sorry
<zorz> i thought a new kind of nvme
<zorz> lol
<ppetrov^> ye... too much beer
<zorz> ppetrov^: enjoy!
<ppetrov^> farkuhar, they use euro
<farkuhar> ppetrov^: the pipman tool needs more work before we can rely on it to generate a proper "Depends on" line.
<ppetrov^> farkuhar, no idea how it works with python stuff
<ppetrov^> >which does not include any of the numerous required dependencies for the package, such as...
<ppetrov^> yep, too bad
<farkuhar> why there was never an attempt to make a python counterpart for cpan2crux ... maybe the endless cycle of wheel-reinvention discouraged anybody from committing to a build system like setuptools, lest it soon be deprecated in favor of 'python -m build' or whatever the latest fashion is.
<ppetrov^> right
<ppetrov^> well, i hope that's not the case with R
<ppetrov^> btw, is cpan2crux still maintained?
<ppetrov^> this Alan guy, is he active? His tool was the final drop that made me switch to crux, believe it or not
<zorz> guys 612 times today
<zorz> zorz:/home/zorz/v3scrap:611$ py ladi_id.csv
<zorz> CSV file ladi_id.csv modified successfully.
<zorz> zorz:/home/zorz/v3scrap:612$
<farkuhar> zorz, you like using extended regular expressions? Then you can answer ppetrov^s question this way: lynx -dump | grep -E '20[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}-[0-9]{2}' | sort -k3 | tail
<lavaball> fuck me.
<lavaball> animal fight promoter, you there?
<lavaball> SiFuh_, !
<lavaball> i actually had to look up your name.
<lavaball> ...
<lavaball> where is he?
<zorz> lavaball: he is long weekend in KL
<zorz> lavaball: come back on Monday to fight with him :-)
<zorz> farkuhar: hahaha
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<remiliascarlet> zorz: To me Arch has been perfectly secure, but I can agree on it being a mess.
<remiliascarlet> Especially in more recent times, now that they are pandering more and more to new Linux users.
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<remiliascarlet> And because of the increase of people who have never used any Unix-like system (apart from maybe macOS) going to Arch and Artix, their communities have grown increasingly toxic, their staff have become more hostile towards the more experienced people, and questions there are getting more and more stupid.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: i do not trust the devs, and especially aur.
<zorz> and people use a lot of aur.
<zorz> its out of hand it is not controllable.
<remiliascarlet> Of course, that's what AUR even means.
<remiliascarlet> Arch User Repository.
<remiliascarlet> But honestly, it's no different from enabling all the unofficial ports collections on CRUX, although the difference is that CRUX users are generally more knowledgeable, but also less willing to actively contribute.
<zorz> remiliascarlet: i am simple man, i only use firefox, vis, emacs, python, mysql, redis, ffmpeg thats why i settled with openbsd. python pypy is full of shit.
<remiliascarlet> "i am simple man, i only use firefox...python, mysql, redis" such contradiction...
<remiliascarlet> Be a real simple man, and give NetSurf a try.
<remiliascarlet> pkg_add netsurf
<zorz> i have ot
<zorz> i have it
<zorz> still waiting for the update... i even had it in crux
<zorz> you do not remember that i told you about 3.11 ?
<remiliascarlet> Don't think you did to begin with.
<zorz> i do not keep logs... but i remember that i said new version... and you said its about time
<zorz> remiliascarlet: hahahahahahahahahaahahahaha
<zorz> remiliascarlet: hahahahahahahahahaahahahaha
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