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<SiFuh_> The U.S. national debt is rising by $1 trillion about every 100 days
<SiFuh_> Where is it going? To repair all the bridges in the US is around 300 billion.
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh_: How good are ZFS and EXT4 support under OpenBSD? Even if it's read-only?
<remiliascarlet> Because I have finally finished moving the entire contents of one of my PC's internal SSD's to my NAS, so I have freed up an entire 2 TiB SSD for OpenBSD, and so this PC will be a CRUX/OpenBSD/FreeBSD tripleboot setup (it has 3 SSD's + 1 NVMe).
<remiliascarlet> CRUX is ext4 (although I kind of regret not having made it Btrfs afterwards), FreeBSD is ZFS, OpenBSD will of course be FFS2, the NVMe is NTFS for cross compatibility reasons, and NAS is via NFS, which thus far has served me well on all OS's.
<remiliascarlet> I like the name of "FFS2", makes me accidentally read it as "for fuck's sake 2".
<SiFuh_> No ZFS
<remiliascarlet> So Linus Torvalds is part of the OpenBSD team too?
<remiliascarlet> Because he really seems to hate ZFS.
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<SiFuh_> The long thing fits in the hole!
<SiFuh_> Finally found a 1" drill bit so I can drill the holes for the clothes frame
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<SiFuh> Chinese fishing vessels are going scorched earth and pumping cyanide into contested waters, Philippine fishing authority says
<remiliascarlet> And I'd rather be neither of the 2.
<SiFuh> Do you know what a conservative means?
<SiFuh> Oh! Episode three of Shogun released. Be back later
<remiliascarlet> In basic terms, conservative means "don't fix what's working fine", and progressive means "fix what's broken". But followers of both ideologies have screwed up big time, and no longer means what it's supposed to mean anymore.
<remiliascarlet> And liberal basically means "whatever, just fix it regardless", but is more in line with progressivism nowadays anyway.
<remiliascarlet> "I'm a progressive" "I'm a conservative" "I'm a liberal" "I'm a republican" "I'm a democrat" "I'm a capitalist" "I'm a communist" "I'm a socialist" "I'm an anarchist"
<remiliascarlet> Fine, and I'M Remilia Scarlet.
<SiFuh> I just say "I'm SiFuh"
<SiFuh> "Hi, are you okay?" "No, I am SiFuh"
<SiFuh> "Where do you come from?" "My mother, what a stupid question"
<SiFuh> "How are you?" "Great according to the ladies"
<SiFuh> "Can you eat spicy?" "The question is, can YOU eat spicy"
<remiliascarlet> "How are you?" "How am I what?"
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet:
<remiliascarlet> "Well, everyone has eggs for breakfast" Guess it takes place in America?
<SiFuh> Not the meaning but okay
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I give you a Russian joke I heard in Central Asia.
<remiliascarlet> Oh, I expected him to mispronounce "mouse" as "moose".
<SiFuh> The joke is actually told in Russian language but was translated for me.
<SiFuh> They have some not so funny jokes there but that one kind of made me chuckle
<remiliascarlet> Oh, earlier today in #freebsd, I called "Wayland" "Gayland", they thought I meant something positive, which was weird to me, so I said that it's actually something negative, and got a whole mob getting mad at me and saying that my opinion is "stupid" and "shit".
<remiliascarlet> Calm the fuck down guys, it's just an opinion!
<SiFuh> Why do you hang out in such a Gay land?
<remiliascarlet> No idea.
<SiFuh> FaggotBSD ;-)
<remiliascarlet> Almost every English speaking community is gay these days.
<remiliascarlet> Only CRUX and OpenBSD (apart from #openbsd-social) aren't.
<SiFuh> Poofters everywhere now
<remiliascarlet> Poofters?
<SiFuh> Today is now Super Tuesday in the US
<SiFuh> Poofter is British/AU slang for faggots/homosexuals
<SiFuh> It comes from the sound their arse makes when they fart
<SiFuh> *Poof*
<remiliascarlet> In contrast, yesterday I was watching some anime on, and on each stream you can comment anonymously, and people were mocking LGBT people a couple of times, which I thought was hillarious.
<remiliascarlet> s/
<SiFuh> In Thailand they are not actually respected at all
<SiFuh> They are actually treated like 'clowns' a comedy of sorts. A Jester. Something funny
<remiliascarlet> By the way, is kinda a Japan-only equivelant to Netflix, but they offer a free tier along their premium tier, and they even let you watch and comment without an account.
<SiFuh> But the funniest part is they don't know it and when Westerners come they think Thais love the gay community
<remiliascarlet> I met Thai people at a Thai restaurant before, really fun people.
<SiFuh> I have never watched, paid for, used, a streaming service. I care nothing about it
<SiFuh> Thais are fine people
<SiFuh> Just what they consider polite is kind of impolite in other countries and visa versa
<remiliascarlet> They had a little sign with how to say basic Thai phrases along with Japanese translation and spelling in Katakana.
<remiliascarlet> One word that really made me laugh was "aroi chinchin", which apparently means "it's very delicious" in Thai.
<SiFuh> Close enough
<remiliascarlet> So they would constantly make jokes about it.
<SiFuh> It means Delicious really really Aroi Jing Jing
<remiliascarlet> They spelled it as "chin chin" (チンチン) in Katakana.
<SiFuh> Haha
<SiFuh> Okay I got you
<remiliascarlet> And in Japanese, "チンチン" means "penis".
<SiFuh> "Ai Hia!" means similar to 'fuck you' but sounds exactly like "I hear"
<SiFuh> That one caused a few tense moments between me and the other Thais
<SiFuh> I should look deeper into that. I bet it means "you cunt"
<SiFuh> Because "you cunt" would be "Ai Hee"
<SiFuh> And "you have a clit face" is "Ai na tat"
<remiliascarlet> So I guess "ai" means "you", considering the pattern?
<SiFuh> Yes
<SiFuh> Ai = you (Impolite version), na = face and tat = clit
<SiFuh> hee = cunt
<remiliascarlet> I wonder, why does only Japanese require a more than 1 syllable sound for "you"?
<SiFuh> It is one thing I mentioned before. They have impolite words for words that are not impolite.
<SiFuh> So in Western languages we will use words to do with toilets and genitals. But Thais can have words for 'you, me, I and they'
<SiFuh> Khun = you (polite), and Ai = you (impolite)
<SiFuh> Pom/chun/dichun = I (polite). and koo = I (impolite)
<remiliascarlet> Having polite and impolite versions for "you" is actually very common in Asia and Eastern Europe.
<SiFuh> Never understood that
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Try Malay/Indo counting then for sylables
<SiFuh> syllables*
<SiFuh> sato dua tiga empat lima enum tujoh lapan sembilan sepuluh
<SiFuh> Most languages tend to stick with single syllables for most of their below ten digits
<remiliascarlet> The other day I was watching the original Yu-Gi-Oh anime, I noticed how Pegasus (the main protagonist in that arc) was portraited as a stereotypical American by giving him a very heavy English accent, and saying "you" instead of "あなた" all the time.
<SiFuh> portraited = portayed
<remiliascarlet> Something like "YOUは参加する" "YOUは負けた"
<remiliascarlet> Oh, right.
<SiFuh> Haha I notice that in Thai movies
<SiFuh> They always give the Western man a deep strong voice and lots of Thai slang
<remiliascarlet> Happens in other anime as well with either western tourists or western exchange students.
<SiFuh> Solty Rei
<SiFuh> Anna Sawai
<SiFuh> I always liked her, shame she is in movies/series that treat her like shit.
<SiFuh> I preferred it when she was looking like this
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<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: I have a question about Japanese minimalism. What is the 'conservative' reason for this if you know?
<remiliascarlet> What do you mean?
<SiFuh> Why do Japanese prefer a minimalist way of life as opposed to the Chinese whom are very materialistic?
<remiliascarlet> We just do, I guess.
<farkuhar> SiFuh: a long history of isolation (esp. under the Tokugawa shogunate) helped Japan develop a unique culture, resistant to foreign influence. Plus the constant threat of earthquakes, tsunamis and natural disasters, which discourages attachment to physical possessions.
<SiFuh> farkuhar: That is kind of the way I saw it. Always battles and losing everything
<SiFuh> I like the minimilastic approach but being a foreigner in a foreign country, I need to have so much fucking paperwork and documents in triplicate, and my biggest issue is having to carry so many tools.
<SiFuh> Hopefully before the year ends, I can dispose of more than 90 % of the clutter here
<remiliascarlet> SiFuh: Are you in Japan now?
<SiFuh> Ig I was I'd be visiting you
<SiFuh> Ig/If
<SiFuh> I am in Malaysia
<SiFuh> remiliascarlet: Something I never can understand. Okay first I can but still it is wrong. Those who go jungle are friendly with the loggers. They are just doing their job. But what I don't understand is why they can leave their garbage behind. Throwing shit out the window and stuff. It is like you love it out here but you want to turn it into your garbage can?
<SiFuh> I wave to the loggers too but I don't leave anything behind!
<ppetrov^> wanna see an example of my previous rant?
<ppetrov^> there, good luck to OP
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